Border deal is DOA

A bad plan is a bad plan, whether Senate Republicans agree to it or not.

Any plan the Dems will agree to will:

a) not really secure the border


b) will not be lived up to by the Democrats, after the Republicans live up to their end.
A bad plan is a bad plan, whether Senate Republicans agree to it or not.

Any plan the Dems will agree to will:

a) not really secure the border


b) will not be lived up to by the Democrats, after the Republicans live up to their end.
Seymour "False" Flops gets it wrong.
And Republicans and Trump...own it all.
Someone needs to get on Biden's campaign team and tell them start hammering Republicans over this.
They caused this mess.
What? Did that comment just come out of your mouth, Jack? It wasn't the GOP that rescinded Trump's border policies on day one on his administration...that was Joe Biden! It wasn't the GOP that let 8 million illegals pour across the border and go wherever they wanted to go in the US...that was Joe Biden! It wasn't the GOP that created "sanctuary cities...that was you Democrats!

So now we have millions of these illegals overwhelming the nation's schools, hospitals, homeless shelters and city budgets and SUDDENLY you on the left want to make a deal? Respectfully? You created this mess...YOU FIX IT!
Quit with the mindless ramblings. They have people who can address those who have been brainwashed such as yourself.


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That's quite a retreat from direct responses to your questions.
Direct answers?

I asked which part you thought was fraud.

You did not answer that question.

You brought up Ukraine again.
You brought Abbot.
You implied Biden wasn't a legitimate president.

Nothing that answers my question. What parts of the bill do you believe that be fraudulent?
Direct answers?

I asked which part you thought was fraud.

You did not answer that question.

You brought up Ukraine again.
You brought Abbot.
You implied Biden wasn't a legitimate president.

Nothing that answers my question. What parts of the bill do you believe that be fraudulent?

See post 145.

You can dance around answers to your questions but why pretend those questions weren’t addressed?
You would not know a Nazi if he kissed you on the back of your neck.

You might be surprised. I was 5th. Grade attended a school in Alexandria Virginia. There was a Man living in my apartment development. One day, as I am leaving for school, a whole bunch people started pounding on doors, telling residents to stay inside until further notice.

Turns the man in my development had been an SS NCO. He was cuffed and walked away.

I lived in the South for many years. I know racist assholes. In the Army I had the very unpleasant experience of meeting an American Nazi.

I know Nazi's when I see one. Fuck you .
Well... yeah. Your, ''because I say so", argument is totally convincing.

You can't use extortion as a means to get money for a foreign nation by falsely claiming you will enforce existing border law that you're currently refusing to enforce.

Speaker Johnson has addressed the fraudulent Dem / Socialist border funding fraud.

Actually, Speaker Johnson is fucking up legislation that is supported by most Congressmen and the American people
You would not know a Nazi if he kissed you on the back of your neck.

What exactly do you think a Nazi looks like. Himmler was fucking chicken farmer. Hitler a for painter. Do you have any idea how members both the Catholic and Lutheran church joined the Nazi's in the 1930's.

Charles Fucking Lindberg met both Hitler and Goering. The fucking Prince of Whales and his wife Wallace Simpson met personally with Hitler. Henry fucking Ford actually gave money to the Nazi Party. Father Charles Coughlin had a very loyal following, he was about as Pro-Nazi as it could get.

Have you seen archival film of the 1930's bund rallys? Nazi's are just people. Don't make them out some sort unknown entity. They are very real.
Actually, Speaker Johnson is fucking up legislation that is supported by most Congressmen and the American people

Actually, you provided nothing but specious opinion about legislation that you claim is supported by most Congressmen and the American people.

Your, “…because I say so”, claims tend to be tiresome and tedious.
You might be surprised. I was 5th. Grade attended a school in Alexandria Virginia. There was a Man living in my apartment development. One day, as I am leaving for school, a whole bunch people started pounding on doors, telling residents to stay inside until further notice.

Turns the man in my development had been an SS NCO. He was cuffed and walked away.

I lived in the South for many years. I know racist assholes. In the Army I had the very unpleasant experience of meeting an American Nazi.

I know Nazi's when I see one. Fuck you .
I know them, also, and you have no idea what you are talking about. Johnson will go along with the Rinos, who are fascists, many of them. Mind your mouth, sunshine.
Actually, you provided nothing but specious opinion about legislation that you claim is supported by most Congressmen and the American people.

Your, “…because I say so”, claims tend to be tiresome and tedious.
Your are doing what you are claiming someone else is doing. You are nothing but a gaslighter.
And Republicans and Trump...own it all.
Someone needs to get on Biden's campaign team and tell them start hammering Republicans over this.
They caused this mess.
Biden needs to clean house of the people who are running his campaign.
I am just surprised the RINOs didn't go along with the Democrat assholes wanting to give more money to the Illegals, provide amnesty for the ones already here and allow six million more to come in.

The traitorous RINOs usually give the Democrat filth what they want.
Republicans caused this mess. By refusing to come to the table on immigration for the last decade plus. And Trump?...well, now we see that doing worse than actually trying to solve the issue.

If someone in the Democratic party hierarchy had half a brain to run with this, they could beat the Republicans over the head with this for the next 8 months. :)
And they will. Hopefully republicans come to their senses
What exactly do you think a Nazi looks like. Himmler was fucking chicken farmer. Hitler a for painter. Do you have any idea how members both the Catholic and Lutheran church joined the Nazi's in the 1930's.

Charles Fucking Lindberg met both Hitler and Goering. The fucking Prince of Whales and his wife Wallace Simpson met personally with Hitler. Henry fucking Ford actually gave money to the Nazi Party. Father Charles Coughlin had a very loyal following, he was about as Pro-Nazi as it could get.

Have you seen archival film of the 1930's bund rallys? Nazi's are just people. Don't make them out some sort unknown entity. They are very real.
You are triggered!

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