Border deal is DOA

I enjoy watching Republicans move those Goalposts

Biden asked for Ukraine funding and Republicans said……Not without border funding
Biden asked for Israel funding and Republicans demanded border funding

So Biden gives them all three and Republicans still balk.

Republicans just want Chaos

They're rejecting Biden's attempt to make HIS problem go away. You realize he could send agents there any day to close the border right? But he wants to play politics.

So do we.

Deal with it.
They're rejecting Biden's attempt to make HIS problem go away. You realize he could send agents there any day to close the border right? But he wants to play politics.

So do we.

Deal with it.
His problem?

Republicans had been claiming it is a crisis
Why don’t they attempt to fix it?
What? Did that comment just come out of your mouth, Jack? It wasn't the GOP that rescinded Trump's border policies on day one on his administration...that was Joe Biden! It wasn't the GOP that let 8 million illegals pour across the border and go wherever they wanted to go in the US...that was Joe Biden! It wasn't the GOP that created "sanctuary cities...that was you Democrats!

So now we have millions of these illegals overwhelming the nation's schools, hospitals, homeless shelters and city budgets and SUDDENLY you on the left want to make a deal? Respectfully? You created this mess...YOU FIX IT!
They own it ALL. Republicans created this. Come to the table and fix the immigration issues...but Republicans refuse. Gotta keep those workers coming for those corps that give big dollars to just and righteous Christian Conservative Republican campaigns and causes. :)
I know….

Biden can point to the border legislation REPUBLICANS shot down
Trump wants to run on the border?
Well he better stop sabotaging the deal

Exactly. Republicans have bitched, whined, moaned and complained about the Southern Border for fucking ever. Now this joint bipartisan bill with huge support from both sides of isle and P01135809 wants to kill it.

Republicans travel to the border for sound bites and photo ops about the border, but when comes to actually passing one the most meaningful pieces of border legislation in years, they would rather follow their Orange Shit Gibbon of liar.

P01135809 wants shut the border deal and then turn around and try to blame Mr. Biden for it. It won't work. Mr. Biden will run ads on this issue citing P011135809's own words encouraging House ReNaziKlans to kill the bill.
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They own it ALL. Republicans created this. Come to the table and fix the immigration issues...but Republicans refuse. Gotta keep those workers coming for those corps that give big dollars to just and righteous Christian Conservative Republican campaigns and causes. :)
Biden doesn't need GOP help on this anymore than he needed the GOP "at the table" when he issued Executive Orders to open the border and let millions of illegals pour in! Claims from the left that it's Republicans that are the problem are LAUGHABLE! Joe Biden could fix this crisis tomorrow if he wanted to.
What Biden is proposing is more money to fast track more illegals coming into the country. He isn't securing the border. You on the left have created this crisis. Now it's about to bankrupt all of your liberal cities and the Democrat Mayors of those cities are wailing for HELP! You broke find the way to PAY for all of these people you've invited into the country!
What Biden is proposing is more money to fast track more illegals coming into the country. He isn't securing the border. You on the left have created this crisis. Now it's about to bankrupt all of your liberal cities and the Democrat Mayors of those cities are wailing for HELP! You broke find the way to PAY for all of these people you've invited into the country!
Actually, the legislation will reduce the number of refugees admitted and speed up their hearings from years to months.
He is also providing money to cities to house migrants
Actually, the legislation will reduce the number of refugees admitted and speed up their hearings from years to months.
He is also providing money to cities to house migrants

As well as adding more U.S. Border Patrol Officers at the border as well and pay for technology upgrades. This bill all kinds of shit that ReNaziKlans have been demanding for years and P01135809 wants to kill it. Remember MAGA MAGGOTS there is audio of P0133809 wanting legislation killed. AND Mr. Biden will sure as shit use it.
As well as adding more U.S. Border Patrol Officers at the border as well and pay for technology upgrades. This bill all kinds of shit that ReNaziKlans have been demanding for years and P01135809 wants to kill it. Remember MAGA MAGGOTS there is audio of P0133809 wanting legislation killed. AND Mr. Biden will sure as shit use it.

The Republicans scream about Fentanyl but block funding for enhanced screening at the border
His problem?

Republicans had been claiming it is a crisis
Why don’t they attempt to fix it?
Republicans obviously had a fix before the Dems / Marxists chose to open the border.

Biden can fix it today, but obviously chooses not to.

Why doesn’t Biden follow the law?
Republicans obviously had a fix before the Dems / Marxists chose to open the border.

Biden can fix it today, but obviously chooses not to.

Why doesn’t Biden follow the law?

You mean that wall that Mexico paid for?
The Republicans scream about Fentanyl but block funding for enhanced screening at the border

Dems / Marxists demand more money to speed up importing illegals.

Biden doesn’t need more money to follow existing immigration law.
"If migrant crossings increase above 5,000 on average per day on a given week, DHS would be required to close the border to migrants crossing illegally not entering at ports of entry."

The number of migrants crossing illegally not entering at ports of entry should be zero. Not 5,000 a day - that would 1.8 million illegals/year they are allowing into the country
rightwinger Do you support this? If so, why?

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