Border deal is DOA

No I don’t because you are wrong

??? Wrong? It was in the proposal you sent me.
These migrants are not here illegally and have legal status as migrant refugees
They are complying with the law
Nope, they wade across the river they are in the country illegally. They are illegals Why do you support this illegal violation of our Sovereignty rather that have them walk up the road and enter one of the 328 legal ports of entry?
??? Wrong? It was in the proposal you sent me.

Nope, they wade across the river they are in the country illegally. They are illegals Why do you support this illegal violation of our Sovereignty rather that have them walk up the road and enter one of the 328 legal ports of entry?

Like most Conservatives, you are mixing up illegal aliens with legal migrants seeking asylum

Why we can’t seriously discuss this issue with Conservatives
No I don’t because you are wrong

These migrants are not here illegally and have legal status as migrant refugees
They are complying with the law

FYI, Yeshua (Jesus) illegally crossed many national borders and those people worshp him. But on the other hand as a dark skinned, dark bearded man speaking arabic tried to enter the U.S. today they would arrest him. Hell, Jesus would be called a Palestinian Terrorist (he was born in Bethelem which is part of Palestine).
Like most Conservatives, you are mixing up illegal aliens with legal migrants seeking asylum

Why we can’t seriously discuss this issue with Conservatives
They wade across the river to enter our country, they have broken our laws and are here illegally. Whether it is to later claim asylum or to sell fentanyl to your children, they are illegals.. If they enter at a port of entry, the enter the country legally.

Unless you are saying Biden et al are proposing, literally doing away with our border and it's legal to come into the country anyway you want to.
Biden doesn't need GOP help on this anymore than he needed the GOP "at the table" when he issued Executive Orders to open the border and let millions of illegals pour in! Claims from the left that it's Republicans that are the problem are LAUGHABLE! Joe Biden could fix this crisis tomorrow if he wanted to.
The above is knowingly liable.

Just shut your whining piehole and tell the GOP to negotiate in good faith.
??? Wrong? It was in the proposal you sent me.

Nope, they wade across the river they are in the country illegally. They are illegals Why do you support this illegal violation of our Sovereignty rather that have them walk up the road and enter one of the 328 legal ports of entry?
Rawley knows the law, so he is deliberately and knowingly defaming the opposition and can be held liable.
Ukraine is a Democracy. Russia in the Invader. You choose to believe Russian Pooty Propaganda.
How many opposition parties does Zelenskyy permit? Tell me about the religious freedoms that are enjoyed by the population. Expound on how elections take place on schedule. Then spout some more of that Putler bullshit.
Or you can just #gofuckyourself.
How many opposition parties does Zelenskyy permit? Tell me about the religious freedoms that are enjoyed by the population. Expound on how elections take place on schedule. Then spout some more of that Putler bullshit.
Or you can just #gofuckyourself.

The totally fucked up state of Tex-ASS can go fuck itself. You people have always been to full of your own shit. Arkansas should have armed border guards to keep riff raff like you out. I speak as a proud native son of Arkansas.
Proof positive that the Republicans have no honest desire to do anything about illegal immigration. Why would they? Keeping immigration as a crisis red meat for their base.

Republicans only use the border as an excuse to raise money and stage photo ops but as really wanting to act the best bipartisan bill dealing with the border in years they do not want to do a damn thing.

On the other hand, if the bill does in fact get passed in the House, look for the ReNaziKlan assholes who voted against, will then try to take credit for passing it.
The Republicans gave away the House and the Oval Office on the abortion issue.

If they compromise on immigration, they lose the Senate.
They need to regroup and find a better plan. Johnson wants the two sides to get serious about immigration.

The current bill which Biden says, if passed, he will shut down the border, only allowing thousands per day to cross over the border illegally. How is that shutting down the border?
The current bill which Biden says, if passed, he will shut down the border, only allowing thousands per day to cross over the border illegally. How is that shutting down the border?
No one, certainly not Biden, is going to allow illegals to flow over the border.

The Texas, NM, AZ, and CA national guard are going to be federalized to preven that.
The totally fucked up state of Tex-ASS can go fuck itself. You people have always been to full of your own shit. Arkansas should have armed border guards to keep riff raff like you out. I speak as a proud native son of Arkansas.
Arkansas shit-for-brains got noting but a lame deflection.

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