Border deal is DOA

Why didn't Potatohead bomb the Texans that resisted his illegal immigration with F-15s and use atom bombs? Isn't that what he was bragging about doing? Did he chickenshit out?
They need to regroup and find a better plan. Johnson wants the two sides to get serious about immigration.

Fine. Another year goes by with no solution. The Dems take back the House in November, Biden is reelected. The bill gets passed. Republicans have no say in anything for at least the next two years.

Thanks for playing.
Why didn't Potatohead bomb the Texans that resisted his illegal immigration with F-15s and use atom bombs? Isn't that what he was bragging about doing? Did he chickenshit out?

Because shit head this is the United States NOT Russia.
Fine. Another year goes by with no solution. The Dems take back the House in November, Biden is reelected. The bill gets passed. Republicans have no say in anything for at least the next two years.

Thanks for playing.
Cool story.

Except: Trump is gonna win. The Dims will control of the Senate and the GOP will retain the Hiuse and then some.

It’s not about the plan, it’s about who gets credit for the plan. And since at this time it’s Biden, well that’s why the plan is DOA.

Maybe Republicans aren't your grandparents' Republicans.

Maybe they want Biden to twist in the wind on his own policies for once.

Your game.

Your rules.

You will HATE it.
What exactly CAN Republicans run on this year?

Unwillingness to do anything about the border
Banning Abortion
Taking away Obamacare
Allowing Russia to take Ukraine
Opposing Infrastructure

Have you been binge watching Joy Reid again?
What exactly CAN Republicans run on this year?

Unwillingness to do anything about the border
Banning Abortion
Taking away Obamacare
Allowing Russia to take Ukraine
Opposing Infrastructure

Biden has an 18% approval rating on the border. Since that's a top issue for Americans, Trump could run and win on that ALONE. You know it, and that's why Biden's furious backpedaling is hilarious.
Biden has an 18% approval rating on the border. Since that's a top issue for Americans, Trump could run and win on that ALONE. You know it, and that's why Biden's furious backpedaling is hilarious.

I know….

Biden can point to the border legislation REPUBLICANS shot down
Trump wants to run on the border?
Well he better stop sabotaging the deal
I know….

Biden can point to the border legislation REPUBLICANS shot down
Trump wants to run on the border?
Well he better stop sabotaging the deal

Oh you mean the legislation for funding for Ukraine involved?

That's so easy a child could do it: these Democrats are forever concerned about UKRAINE'S border, but not ours.

Easy. Done.
Oh you mean the legislation for funding for Ukraine involved?

That's so easy a child could do it: these Democrats are forever concerned about UKRAINE'S border, but not ours.

Easy. Done.

I enjoy watching Republicans move those Goalposts

Biden asked for Ukraine funding and Republicans said……Not without border funding
Biden asked for Israel funding and Republicans demanded border funding

So Biden gives them all three and Republicans still balk.

Republicans just want Chaos

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