Border deal is DOA

That's crashing the border with a few extra steps.....None of them will ever show for their court dates, and you shitlibs know it.
Way to prove you are a dumbass.

Trump never ordered anyone to not vote for it. Get your facts straight instead of constantly spouting nonsense on these threads.

“There is absolutely no reason to agree to policies that would further enable Joe Biden,” Hawley told Fox News.
Run on a border crisis
Sure! Okay!

and explain how you stopped legislation to stop it
That legislation stopped NOTHING. It actually codified a permanent invasion while doing nothing about the millions of illegals already here. It was a WIN-WIN for democrats and a LOSE-LOSE for everyone else. Worse, it continued spending we cannot afford to Ukraine in a war that is none of our business or concern so that Joe can keep his promise otherwise Zelenskyy might spill the beans on what he knows about him.

Run on how you shut down abortion
Liar Moron, neither republicans nor the SCOTUS shut anything down, the Supreme Court acted on the LAW and simply returned the decision of how to handle the matter to each state's local government. Damn. I've met four year olds with more brains than you.

Run on ending abortion
Anyone who wants an abortion can still get one. It just might not be as easy as before for a few. And why should abortion be easy? The only people whom abortion is that big a deal to are young college sluts too lazy to keep their knees together.
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1 illegal immigrant is too many.

To set a precendent that they can keep coming over forever, so long as it's no more 4,999 per day is just a scam being invoked to normalize it.
What you stupid shits don't seem to understand is that the 5,000 number is not "illegal immigrants", it is immigrants PERIOD, including those seeking asylum. I mean seriously, you think the border crossings, like at the point of entry work like this, "Oh, you have no legal right to come here, but let me check, yep, we still haven't got to the five thousand mark so you can come on in." You flippin idiots don't have two damn brain cells to rub together. I can tell you how many "illegal immigrants" come through a port of entry everyday, ZERO. Damn but the stupid in this thread.
What you stupid shits don't seem to understand is that the 5,000 number is not "illegal immigrants", it is immigrants PERIOD, including those seeking asylum. I mean seriously, you think the border crossings, like at the point of entry work like this, "Oh, you have no legal right to come here, but let me check, yep, we still haven't got to the five thousand mark so you can come on in." You flippin idiots don't have two damn brain cells to rub together. I can tell you how many "illegal immigrants" come through a port of entry everyday, ZERO. Damn but the stupid in this thread.
It doesn’t matter to Humpers. They want all non white immigrants kicked out. Even those who do jobs he’s unqualified or too lazy to do himself.
What you stupid shits don't seem to understand is that the 5,000 number is not "illegal immigrants", it is immigrants PERIOD, including those seeking asylum. I mean seriously, you think the border crossings, like at the point of entry work like this, "Oh, you have no legal right to come here, but let me check, yep, we still haven't got to the five thousand mark so you can come on in." You flippin idiots don't have two damn brain cells to rub together. I can tell you how many "illegal immigrants" come through a port of entry everyday, ZERO. Damn but the stupid in this thread.

Deport Winston, too...

After months and years of complaining about the border, now that a deal is on the table, the MAGA repubs don't want to see anything. They want the border to be a issue for their nominee named trump. This is going to blow up in their faces. Their bowing to trump on their knees is going too far. The blame for the mess on the border is now in their laps.
Great. He should refuse any new deals. The deal was already made in 1986 with the first amnesty. The left said they would secure the border then. No more deals with those lying anti American assholes. Senator Ted Kennedy on the 1986 amnesty bill: “We will secure the borders henceforth. We will never again bring forward another amnesty bill like this,”.

So the left needs to kick everyone out that came here since then and keep their word or fuck off.
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Way to prove you are a dumbass.

Moonbat SJW faggots are your "fact checkers"?

Here is the responsible response from a Speaker wanting to do the people's business.........."Send the bill over and we'll see if we can reach a compromise."

Here is the response from a guy sucking on Trump's ball sack.........."It's DOA."

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