Border deal is DOA

Deport Winston, too...
Wow, deport Winston. My family has been in this country since the early 17th century. My maternal side stems from a King's grant in the 1720's, Great, great, I don't know how many grandfathers was the first person to travel west of the Catawba River. And oh yeah, he supplied the rifle that shot Fergunson off his horse at King's Mountain.

The paternal side, that is where you have a problem. Been here since around 1620, even ties to the Lost Colony. And here is what I have often said, we let you other yahoos live here because, for the most part, you have the good sense to leave us the fawk alone. But you stray from that, then hell hath no fury.
Moonbat SJW faggots are your "fact checkers"?

No problem, you have got your head so far up your ass everything you eat has to taste like shit.
Wow, deport Winston. My family has been in this country since the early 17th century. My maternal side stems from a King's grant in the 1720's, Great, great, I don't know how many grandfathers was the first person to travel west of the Catawba River. And oh yeah, he supplied the rifle that shot Fergunson off his horse at King's Mountain.

The paternal side, that is where you have a problem. Been here since around 1620, even ties to the Lost Colony. And here is what I have often said, we let you other yahoos live here because, for the most part, you have the good sense to leave us the fawk alone. But you stray from that, then hell hath no fury.

Yeah, me, too. 1626 to be precise. Landed in Virginia.

But that's only on my European side.

The rest of me is a savage through and through.

Difference between you and I?

I'm not a sympathizer in overthrowing American sovereignty.

So, yes...deport Winston.

Matter of fact, strip him down, too. Toss him out nekid with a sack lunch...
You are a HACK! Trump closed the border with a stroke of his pen. Now you OPEN BORDERS CLOWNS want to negotiate on how many we let in, so you can get your funds.

You can fool some of the people, some of the time; and in fact, fool all the people all of the time.

Let me tell you something HACK, you aren't fooling ANYONE right now. You can spin like Beanie and Cecil all you want, but Americans..........including Blacks and Hispanics, have your number!
The MAGA cult is killing the border deal. So it is now THEIR Waterloo. They are the ones to blame. Voters will hear it over and over.

After months and years of complaining about the border, now that a deal is on the table, the MAGA repubs don't want to see anything. They want the border to be a issue for their nominee named trump. This is going to blow up in their faces. Their bowing to trump on their knees is going too far. The blame for the mess on the border is now in their laps.
Let me tell you how this is really gonna work out.

The border/illegal immigration issue is hot and growing. By November, that alone will be enough to defeat Biden.

So, about July, the Biden administration will magically produce and implement a solution to the problem It will be delivered with the sound of trumpets, celebration, speeches and promises of great results.

They have to do something to divest this issue.

However: All the promised results will never happen... but it might be enough to convince depressed Democrats to return to the fold for the November voting.

No lie, no promise, no farce too great if it keeps a Democrat in office.
Occupies them. It bankrupts many our side that it is done to.

Happened to many Lerner IRS BS

And just gives the commiecrat media more propaganda opportunities. We already know how they will spin it. The scripts have already been written. And you can bet the low information voters will eat it up.

Dimocrats? I agree!

There's plenty of Republicans in on the operation to destroy American sovereignty, too. They're the ones pimping the 100 billion plus American taxpayer dollars to these foreign countries in the border extortion ''deal.''

Largely the Ukrainian flag wavers.

Strip em all down. Deport em. Send em out carrying and waving their Ukranian flag. Or whatever foreign flag they're representing through this attempt at extortion. it ain't America's flag, that's for sure.
Mayorkas needs to go. He has lost the support of most Americans.
I only have one reservation. Was Mayorkas following Biden's insistence, or did he advise Biden to open the border? I thought Biden on his first day not only ended the wall started by his predecessor, he then proceeded to open the border fully. Presidential orders are usually the reason his minions do his bidding. Of course, Mayorkas is in a position where he also has to put what's good for the American people first.
Is failing to get through to the Chief Executive grounds for impeachment? Impeachment is a pretty important thing, and it must be 100% certainly sure the person being impeached caused the problem. Maybe I'm naive, but it seems to me this one is on President Biden, who should be called on the carpet for his failure to provide for the common defense, which is in his Oath of Office that he swore to uphold. In the past 3 years, Biden's insistence upon undoing his predecessor's close watch on closing the border to undesirable people such as terrorists, was a mistake that has caused fentanyl from the Mexican/Chinese dingbat drug cartel to kill 300,000 Americans in 3 years. We lost fewer than that on 9/11. I'm thoroughly horrified by Biden's egomaniacal orders.
And we're short 8 to 10 million workers in this country , leaving jobs going unfilled. Perhaps it's not a crisis at all but a blessing. Depends on how you look at it and wether your needs match up with theirs.

Then bring them in on our own terms. Also if we actually took care of our homeless drug losers they could do that work.
Let me tell you how this is really gonna work out.

The border/illegal immigration issue is hot and growing. By November, that alone will be enough to defeat Biden.

So, about July, the Biden administration will magically produce and implement a solution to the problem It will be delivered with the sound of trumpets, celebration, speeches and promises of great results.

They have to do something to divest this issue.

However: All the promised results will never happen... but it might be enough to convince depressed Democrats to return to the fold for the November voting.

No lie, no promise, no farce too great if it keeps a Democrat in office.
The DNC will make sure the voters know that trump and his MAGA cult killed the border deal.
They need to regroup and find a better plan. Johnson wants the two sides to get serious about immigration.

Bullshit. He is following orders from The Leader.

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