“border more secure than ever.”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Thousands of tons of drugs are getting past the border into the hands of illegal aliens working hard to distribute them on to our streets and into the hand of Americans destroying lives. “More secure than ever” is not secure, not stopping illegal aliens and not stopping drugs. Comp. Immg. Reform will only put more illegal aliens and more drugs onto our streets into the hands of more Americans destroying more lives. Adding more cost to illegal immigration and drug smuggling. We cannot afford Comp. Immg. Reform in this economy or in the near future. Amnesty will cost more than enforcement. Enforcement has never worked because it has never been tried. Amnesty will add to trillions to the deficit and Obama will own it.

Cartels use students to smuggle drugs through busy border crossingAs many as 400 students a day use the pedestrian lanes at the Columbus port of entry on school days. The majority are U.S. citizens, but they have family ties in Mexico and live on both sides of the border

The innocent little kids here by no fault of their own who Obama give green cards to.
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Granny says, "Dat's right - dey still don't know if the border's safe or not...
DHS tells Congress it still can’t measure border security
Wednesday, March 20, 2013 - Top Homeland Security officials told Congress on Wednesday that they still don’t have a way to effectively measure border security — a revelation that lawmakers said could doom the chances for passing an immigration legalization bill this year.
Three years after the Obama administration scrapped the previous yardstick, which measured miles of the border under “operational control,” top Customs and Border Protection officials told Congress that the new measure they’re working on won’t be ready for public use any time in the near future. The announcement stunned lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, who said that without a way to measure border security, they may not be able to convince voters to accept a new legalization. “You do not want the Department of Homeland Security to be the stumbling block to comprehensive immigration reform for this country, and it could happen. So get in the game,” said Rep. Candice S. Miller, Michigan Republican and chairwoman of the House’s border security subcommittee.

Customs and Border Protection is working on what it calls the Border Control Index, which members of Congress had thought would be the new measure. But Mark Borkowski, who heads the agency’s technology innovation office, said that’s not what they’re planning. “I don’t believe we intend, at least at this point, the BCI would be a tool for the measure you’re intending,” he said. Border security is a major sticking point in negotiations over immigration. In 2007, the last time the Senate debated immigration, the bill failed in part because voters didn’t believe the government was serious enough about gaining control of the border. Since then, Congress and the Bush and Obama administrations have poured manpower and technology into the southwest border, and President Obama has said the border is now more secure than it’s ever been. But without an official yardstick, it’s tough to measure that.


Law enforcement officers gather Oct. 2, 2012, at a command post in the desert near Naco, Ariz., after a Border Patrol agent was shot to death near the U.S.-Mexico line. The agent, Nicholas Ivie, 30, and a colleague were on patrol about 100 miles from Tucson, when shooting broke out shortly before 2 a.m., the Border Patrol said.

The U.S. Border Patrol used two measures in the past. One was to track the number of people agents apprehended — a figure that has been dropping in recent years, which the Border Patrol said likely means fewer people trying to cross. But apprehensions actually ticked up in 2012, suggesting an increase in the illegal flow. The other measure was operational control, which measured how many miles of border the agency thought it could reasonably detect and apprehend most illegal crossings. In 2010, the last time the figure was reported, a government audit found just 44 percent of the border was under operational control.

When they scrapped the operational control yardstick, Homeland Security officials said they would have a new one ready in 2012. A year later, members of Congress said they’re still waiting. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, the ranking Democrat on the subcommittee, said she doesn’t think legalization should be held up over the issue, but she said Homeland Security needs to do better. “You’ve got to get in the game,” the Texas congresswoman said. “What I’m hearing here is not really a definitive game strategy.”

Read more: DHS tells Congress it still can't measure border security - Washington Times
Thanks to the renegade ATF and the criminal leadership (or lack of it) by the Hussein administration and the Attorney General, the Mexican drug cartels are well armed with about 3,000 illegal weapons shipped from the US.

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