Border Security Is National Security


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
You know what I think about open borders, it's a left-wing pipe dream run by that ssob soros...

Yet GOP leaders will still withhold the funds for a wall along the U.S./Mexican border.
April 21, 2017

Michael Cutler

On April 9, 2017 The Hill reported that Democrats were winning the fight over the wall.

The Democrats have been adamant about preventing the construction of that wall. Therefore if they are winning then America and Americans are losing.

As this report noted:


It must be presumed that politicians who take issue with these points do so because they want to keep that human tsunami of illegal aliens and possibly narcotics, coming across our borders.

It has been said, “Elections have consequences.” We the People need to instruct our elected representatives that the way that they vote on legislation and funding have consequences for them.

Border Security Is National Security
You know what I think about open borders, it's a left-wing pipe dream run by that ssob soros...

Yet GOP leaders will still withhold the funds for a wall along the U.S./Mexican border.
April 21, 2017

Michael Cutler

On April 9, 2017 The Hill reported that Democrats were winning the fight over the wall.

The Democrats have been adamant about preventing the construction of that wall. Therefore if they are winning then America and Americans are losing.

As this report noted:


It must be presumed that politicians who take issue with these points do so because they want to keep that human tsunami of illegal aliens and possibly narcotics, coming across our borders.

It has been said, “Elections have consequences.” We the People need to instruct our elected representatives that the way that they vote on legislation and funding have consequences for them.

Border Security Is National Security
You mean, they understand that the great wall of mexico will not stop illegal immigration? Just waste a lot of money.
You know what I think about open borders, it's a left-wing pipe dream run by that ssob soros...

Yet GOP leaders will still withhold the funds for a wall along the U.S./Mexican border.
April 21, 2017

Michael Cutler

On April 9, 2017 The Hill reported that Democrats were winning the fight over the wall.

The Democrats have been adamant about preventing the construction of that wall. Therefore if they are winning then America and Americans are losing.

As this report noted:


It must be presumed that politicians who take issue with these points do so because they want to keep that human tsunami of illegal aliens and possibly narcotics, coming across our borders.

It has been said, “Elections have consequences.” We the People need to instruct our elected representatives that the way that they vote on legislation and funding have consequences for them.

Border Security Is National Security
You mean, they understand that the great wall of mexico will not stop illegal immigration? Just waste a lot of money.
That helped get Trump elected ... can't expect him to follow through.
You know what I think about open borders, it's a left-wing pipe dream run by that ssob soros...

Yet GOP leaders will still withhold the funds for a wall along the U.S./Mexican border.
April 21, 2017

Michael Cutler

On April 9, 2017 The Hill reported that Democrats were winning the fight over the wall.

The Democrats have been adamant about preventing the construction of that wall. Therefore if they are winning then America and Americans are losing.

As this report noted:


It must be presumed that politicians who take issue with these points do so because they want to keep that human tsunami of illegal aliens and possibly narcotics, coming across our borders.

It has been said, “Elections have consequences.” We the People need to instruct our elected representatives that the way that they vote on legislation and funding have consequences for them.

Border Security Is National Security
Human Tsunami? The numbers coming over are less than in the past, and crime is down, BTW.
The left isn't interested in National Security. And they aren't interested in anything "humanitarian" either. They are interested in one thing and one thing only - power. How can they steal elections so they can be in power.

Unfortunately for them - in their infinite stupidity - they failed to realize that the more they opened the borders to criminals and terrorists, the more the American people would turn to the party known for bringing the hammer down on criminals and enemies of the United States.

Now of course, everyone on the left is going to Google MS-13 after I post this and they are going to pretend that they know all about this (when of course they don't have a fuck'n clue). But I've been following these pigs closely for almost two decades now and I can tell you that they are a serious problem. Here they are tormenting NY City because Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats refused to secure the border.
“The reality is we’re all living in panic right now,” said Maria Estrada, 46, of Central Islip. “You see them [gang members]. It’s very common that you walk down the street, and you see kids that belong to the gang. And you have to drop your head. You live with fear, and I feel terrorized.”

Feride Castillo, 33, who lives in Brentwood, says violence defines her community now. “You kind of wake up every day not knowing if there’s going to be another incident. Another life taken,” she said. “I kind of wake up every day terrified because I don’t want to hear about another situation.”

MS-13 on Long Island: A new and more deadly profile
The left isn't interested in National Security. And they aren't interested in anything "humanitarian" either. They are interested in one thing and one thing only - power. How can they steal elections so they can be in power.

Unfortunately for them - in their infinite stupidity - they failed to realize that the more they opened the borders to criminals and terrorists, the more the American people would turn to the party known for bringing the hammer down on criminals and enemies of the United States.

Now of course, everyone on the left is going to Google MS-13 after I post this and they are going to pretend that they know all about this (when of course they don't have a fuck'n clue). But I've been following these pigs closely for almost two decades now and I can tell you that they are a serious problem. Here they are tormenting NY City because Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats refused to secure the border.
“The reality is we’re all living in panic right now,” said Maria Estrada, 46, of Central Islip. “You see them [gang members]. It’s very common that you walk down the street, and you see kids that belong to the gang. And you have to drop your head. You live with fear, and I feel terrorized.”

Feride Castillo, 33, who lives in Brentwood, says violence defines her community now. “You kind of wake up every day not knowing if there’s going to be another incident. Another life taken,” she said. “I kind of wake up every day terrified because I don’t want to hear about another situation.”

MS-13 on Long Island: A new and more deadly profile
The one thing I will say is that there is a certain justice in all of this. I mean, you mother fuckers voted for pigs like Mayor Bloomberg and Governor Cuomo to disarm the American people. So if MS-13 hacks you to death with a machete and/or you're living in paralyzing fear - good. You deserve the the society you voted for. You voted for Dumbocrats to open the borders to illegals and you voted for the government to disarm you.
The left isn't interested in National Security. And they aren't interested in anything "humanitarian" either. They are interested in one thing and one thing only - power. How can they steal elections so they can be in power.

Unfortunately for them - in their infinite stupidity - they failed to realize that the more they opened the borders to criminals and terrorists, the more the American people would turn to the party known for bringing the hammer down on criminals and enemies of the United States.

Now of course, everyone on the left is going to Google MS-13 after I post this and they are going to pretend that they know all about this (when of course they don't have a fuck'n clue). But I've been following these pigs closely for almost two decades now and I can tell you that they are a serious problem. Here they are tormenting NY City because Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats refused to secure the border.
“The reality is we’re all living in panic right now,” said Maria Estrada, 46, of Central Islip. “You see them [gang members]. It’s very common that you walk down the street, and you see kids that belong to the gang. And you have to drop your head. You live with fear, and I feel terrorized.”

Feride Castillo, 33, who lives in Brentwood, says violence defines her community now. “You kind of wake up every day not knowing if there’s going to be another incident. Another life taken,” she said. “I kind of wake up every day terrified because I don’t want to hear about another situation.”

MS-13 on Long Island: A new and more deadly profile

Have you ever heard a liberal say anything good about MS-13? Do you think every Hispanic person is a member of MS-13? You're an idiot.
Have you ever heard a liberal say anything good about MS-13?
No. That would require a progressive to actually be informed. Something they never are.
Do you think every Hispanic person is a member of MS-13?
No. But every Hispanic person who enters our country illegally is a criminal.
You're an idiot.
Why - because I post indisputable facts which are inconvenient to your propaganda?
Thank you Mr. President for restoring law and order in the U.S. Now maybe those citizens in New York won't have to live in perpetual terror (then again - if they are so stupid as to vote for the failed left-wing policies which disarms citizens and empowers animals from other nations to invade the U.S. and prey on the weak, then they don't deserve President Trump's efforts to save them).

Nationwide ICE sweep arrests DREAMers, MS-13 gang members

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