Boris Nemstov Plaza

Don't you love how liberals (like the OP) try to tie conservatives to Russia when it's the liberals who have been trying for decades to implement every aspect of communism in this country?
I think it's completely adorable that you're trying so hard to get into a "fight" with me. But I'm really not interested.

This thread is about the fact that the city of DC re-named the street outside the Russian embassy after an vocal and prominent opponent of Putin who entirely coincidentally happened to get shot in the back and killed while walking the streets of Moscow.

If you would like to discuss that, then do so.

If you want to continue your weird little tantrum, please do it somewhere else.


Good God you can't be....

No... I guess you have to be that stupid. A person can not be a leftist parasite like you without being weapons grade stupid...

I'm not "trying" to "fight" with you. I'm trolling the mother fuck out of you and you're playing into my hands as willfully as you bought into your meat puppet faggot's bullshit vacuous platitudes about "hope and change"

Your asinine troll thread is about insinuating that anyone who opposes regressive leftist dogma must be one of the "legions of russian trolls" and you can't name one member of this forum who is one with a shred of proof.

Meanwhile there are bed wetters like Deanturd, Lakoturd, and Fakey who do absolutely nothing but post thread after thread of regurgitated leftwing agitprop from sites like huff po and MSLSD.
Don't you love how liberals (like the OP) try to tie conservatives to Russia when it's the liberals who have been trying for decades to implement every aspect of communism in this country?


I've done nothing of the sort. Thou doth protest too much.
I think it's completely adorable that you're trying so hard to get into a "fight" with me. But I'm really not interested.

This thread is about the fact that the city of DC re-named the street outside the Russian embassy after an vocal and prominent opponent of Putin who entirely coincidentally happened to get shot in the back and killed while walking the streets of Moscow.

If you would like to discuss that, then do so.

If you want to continue your weird little tantrum, please do it somewhere else.


Good God you can't be....

No... I guess you have to be that stupid. A person can not be a leftist parasite like you without being weapons grade stupid...

I'm not "trying" to "fight" with you. I'm trolling the mother fuck out of you and you're playing into my hands as willfully as you bought into your meat puppet faggot's bullshit vacuous platitudes about "hope and change"

Your asinine troll thread is about insinuating that anyone who opposes regressive leftist dogma must be one of the "legions of russian trolls" and you can't name one member of this forum who is one with a shred of proof.

Meanwhile there are bed wetters like Deanturd, Lakoturd, and Fakey who do absolutely nothing but post thread after thread of regurgitated leftwing agitprop from sites like huff po and MSLSD.


As I said to the other one, I haven't "insinuated" anything at all. You have apparently read quite a bit into my posts that simply isn't there.

Do you have anything to say on the topic of thread, or are you going to just waste everyone's time?
I've been living in the Washington D.C. area for the last 9 months or so, since I started law school.

I'm a big walker - it's how I get to know a new place - and I decided today to explore a new part of D.C., and walked from where I live in Virginia across the Key Bridge, and then up Wisconsin for a while. After I'd been walking for a while, I passed by the Russian embassy - and noticed something.

The one-block stretch of Wisconsin Avenue that the embassy sat on has been re-named "Boris Nemstov Plaza".

I got a real kick out of that, and I was wondering what this forum's legion of paid Russian trolls think about it.

If seriously - Nemtsov wasn't "an idea oppositioner" - he just played politics as many others and was claimed as "Putin's enemy" only after his death. In reality it was closer to this photo:


So, in response of "Boris Nemtsov Plaza" we name as "Boris Nemtsov" new missile with nuclear engine and head... He really loved to fly in USA....:)
Don't you love how liberals (like the OP) try to tie conservatives to Russia when it's the liberals who have been trying for decades to implement every aspect of communism in this country?


I've done nothing of the sort. Thou doth protest too much.
Well you damn sure weren't referring to yourself (or your leftist buddies).


Have you really not noticed?

I'm referring to the (fairly) recent influx of pro-Putin posters who happen to sometimes occasionally post in Cyrillic.

The second poster in this thread is an example of who I'm talking about. Not everything is about you.

Edit to add: SBiker is too.
Don't you love how liberals (like the OP) try to tie conservatives to Russia when it's the liberals who have been trying for decades to implement every aspect of communism in this country?


I've done nothing of the sort. Thou doth protest too much.
Well you damn sure weren't referring to yourself (or your leftist buddies).


Have you really not noticed?

I'm referring to the (fairly) recent influx of pro-Putin posters who happen to sometimes occasionally post in Cyrillic.

The second poster in this thread is an example of who I'm talking about. Not everything is about you.

Edit to add: SBiker is too.

Hmmm, it's very interesting things... Before the about two week of president elections you have more pro-Putin propaganda than me. WHO really would vote at this elections? It seems, Putin's campaign headquarters knows a bit more about "US hackers" in Russian elections :)))))) or any other hackers :)
Don't you love how liberals (like the OP) try to tie conservatives to Russia when it's the liberals who have been trying for decades to implement every aspect of communism in this country?


I've done nothing of the sort. Thou doth protest too much.
Well you damn sure weren't referring to yourself (or your leftist buddies).


Have you really not noticed?

I'm referring to the (fairly) recent influx of pro-Putin posters who happen to sometimes occasionally post in Cyrillic.

The second poster in this thread is an example of who I'm talking about. Not everything is about you.

Edit to add: SBiker is too.

Hmmm, it's very interesting things... Before the about two week of president elections you have more pro-Putin propaganda than me. WHO really would vote at this elections? It seems, Putin's campaign headquarters knows a bit more about "US hackers" in Russian elections :)))))) or any other hackers :)

I couldn't care less who you guys re-elect. If you guys want a despot, have at it. No skin off my back.
Don't you love how liberals (like the OP) try to tie conservatives to Russia when it's the liberals who have been trying for decades to implement every aspect of communism in this country?


I've done nothing of the sort. Thou doth protest too much.
Well you damn sure weren't referring to yourself (or your leftist buddies).


Have you really not noticed?

I'm referring to the (fairly) recent influx of pro-Putin posters who happen to sometimes occasionally post in Cyrillic.

The second poster in this thread is an example of who I'm talking about. Not everything is about you.

Edit to add: SBiker is too.

Hmmm, it's very interesting things... Before the about two week of president elections you have more pro-Putin propaganda than me. WHO really would vote at this elections? It seems, Putin's campaign headquarters knows a bit more about "US hackers" in Russian elections :)))))) or any other hackers :)

I couldn't care less who you guys re-elect. If you guys want a despot, have at it. No skin off my back.

Why not? Freedom is not a way to elect "right" and "democratic" president. Freedom is a way to elect president, you really want.

As I said to the other one, I haven't "insinuated" anything at all. You have apparently read quite a bit into my posts that simply isn't there.

Do you have anything to say on the topic of thread, or are you going to just waste everyone's time?

You certainly did insinuate there is a "legion of paid russian trolls" on this forum, and the common bed wetter narrative of late is that those who support the world's richest professional clown who beat the criminally insane sociopath hag you wanted to see elected are either russian trolls or dupes is well established.

No one gives a fruit fly's fuck what you say, because as I've pointed out if you are communicating you're either parroting a lie or posting one of your own. Your activity on this forum is that of a leftist partisan zealot. That's the fact of the matter and everyone knows it.

I'd say the time spent here was quite productive because my face hurts from smiling as you confirmed the fact you're not much more than a caricature of every other statist leftwing tool.


I've been living in the Washington D.C. area for the last 9 months or so, since I started law school.

I'm a big walker - it's how I get to know a new place - and I decided today to explore a new part of D.C., and walked from where I live in Virginia across the Key Bridge, and then up Wisconsin for a while. After I'd been walking for a while, I passed by the Russian embassy - and noticed something.

The one-block stretch of Wisconsin Avenue that the embassy sat on has been re-named "Boris Nemstov Plaza".

I got a real kick out of that, and I was wondering what this forum's legion of paid Russian trolls think about it.

DC is the perfect place for statist zealots, I'm not surprised you're comfortable there.

I hope you aren't murdered for your wallet.

That's about the nicest thing I can say.

Whatever bullshit you're trying to imply that those of us who oppose the politics of hate and envy that you promote are somehow agents of russia are just as asinine as the concept of people who ignore murder laws being compelled to obey gun laws.

I'd suggest you stop huffing paint, but it's better for society if you just run with the habit to it's bitter end.



I wasn't actually trying to imply anything about you, fuckwit - but thanks for outing yourself. I was referring to the actual, real Russian trolls that post here.

Give it a rest, "DocFuckwad", this forum is so insignificant with so little traffic that not even deep state "gubermint" trolls would bother wasting their time here. When my posts start getting deleted like they do on Yahoo news boards and Facebook? Then you will know that USMB has hit the "big time". You are tiny, small and even sadder? You don't know shit from shinola.

Let me know if I can be of further of assistance, dipshit......I'm here to help.

One could infer that the city is sending a not too subtle message that Putin is a ruthless autocrat who likely murders his political opponents and that Russia is anything but a democracy.

I've done nothing of the sort. Thou doth protest too much.
Well you damn sure weren't referring to yourself (or your leftist buddies).


Have you really not noticed?

I'm referring to the (fairly) recent influx of pro-Putin posters who happen to sometimes occasionally post in Cyrillic.

The second poster in this thread is an example of who I'm talking about. Not everything is about you.

Edit to add: SBiker is too.

Hmmm, it's very interesting things... Before the about two week of president elections you have more pro-Putin propaganda than me. WHO really would vote at this elections? It seems, Putin's campaign headquarters knows a bit more about "US hackers" in Russian elections :)))))) or any other hackers :)

I couldn't care less who you guys re-elect. If you guys want a despot, have at it. No skin off my back.

Why not? Freedom is not a way to elect "right" and "democratic" president. Freedom is a way to elect president, you really want.


You elect president, you really want, the freedom way.

I don't care if its "right" or "democratic". You, as a country, as far as I'm concerned, are welcome to do whatever you like.

"Elect" Putin to "Generalissimo-for-Life" and give him some medals to wear. I don't care. I don't live in Russia, I don't have to be subject to his rule.

If that's what you really want, who am I to try to stop you?

I've done nothing of the sort. Thou doth protest too much.
Well you damn sure weren't referring to yourself (or your leftist buddies).


Have you really not noticed?

I'm referring to the (fairly) recent influx of pro-Putin posters who happen to sometimes occasionally post in Cyrillic.

The second poster in this thread is an example of who I'm talking about. Not everything is about you.

Edit to add: SBiker is too.

Hmmm, it's very interesting things... Before the about two week of president elections you have more pro-Putin propaganda than me. WHO really would vote at this elections? It seems, Putin's campaign headquarters knows a bit more about "US hackers" in Russian elections :)))))) or any other hackers :)

I couldn't care less who you guys re-elect. If you guys want a despot, have at it. No skin off my back.

Why not? Freedom is not a way to elect "right" and "democratic" president. Freedom is a way to elect president, you really want.
Particularly if that president a ruthless autocrat who likely murders his political opponents.
I can't tell you what paid Russian trolls think about it.

I'm an ethnic Russian from Ukraine and have been watching Russian politics for quite a while. Nemtsov was big in 90-s, a lot less important in 2000-s and after 2010 was basically losing his popularity. He was more interested in dating young girls (like Anna Duritskaya who was with him when he was killed) than in politics. His value as an oppositioner was close to zero. However after his murder Western press started portraying him as "last Putin's critic was killed". So being alive he was a lot less harmful to Putin than being dead. Who benefited from his death? Certainly, not Putin.

(BTW, his case reminds me Litwinenko's murder in UK and Voronenkov's murder in Ukraine: a useless person becomes very useful after his death for those who want to harm Putin).

Well, the way Putin destroys his opponents, it's not so easy to have power as an opposer.

It says more about Putin than about Nemstov.

Putin has nothing on me! Me and my husband Bill "drop trou" have left so many dead bodies in our wake that if Al Capone was still alive? He would ask for tips!

Sincerely, Hillary Clinton.

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