Boris Nemstov Plaza

Nemstov was Deputy Prime Minister under Yeltsin. There he had power.
not that, its understood. Nemstov as a Putin opposition leader rose to power from the late 2000s to early 2010s, then he began to lose it, for some reason, the opposition has run out of steam, obviously.

I don't think you see the irony in what you are saying.

Melania is 24 years younger than Trump and also... well nothing more than a model.

And to just blow off Nemtsov's assassination? You sure are a good little Putin puppet aren't you?

I'm sure putin had a good reason.

As I said to the other one, I haven't "insinuated" anything at all. You have apparently read quite a bit into my posts that simply isn't there.

Do you have anything to say on the topic of thread, or are you going to just waste everyone's time?

You certainly did insinuate there is a "legion of paid russian trolls" on this forum, and the common bed wetter narrative of late is that those who support the world's richest professional clown who beat the criminally insane sociopath hag you wanted to see elected are either russian trolls or dupes is well established.

No one gives a fruit fly's fuck what you say, because as I've pointed out if you are communicating you're either parroting a lie or posting one of your own. Your activity on this forum is that of a leftist partisan zealot. That's the fact of the matter and everyone knows it.

I'd say the time spent here was quite productive because my face hurts from smiling as you confirmed the fact you're not much more than a caricature of every other statist leftwing tool.


And I'm sure there is, why do you keep thinking he is talking about you and all the other Trumpbots?

Are you guys now admitting that if you support Trump you have to support Putin too because they are butt buddies?

theDoctorisIn didn't say anything of the sort in his OP, a few of you Trump supporters just assumed it and jumped in the pool.

There was even a poster on here who was peddling fake news, that was actually a website trying to sell Pro-Trump t-shirts that was based out of Albania, the same country the Russians used to do some of their hacking. If not for that poster being reported some of you numbnuts would have gotten your bank accounts cleared out.

So give it a fucking rest.

I don't think you see the irony in what you are saying.

Melania is 24 years younger than Trump and also... well nothing more than a model.

And to just blow off Nemtsov's assassination? You sure are a good little Putin puppet aren't you?

:)) It seems, the words "Putin's puppet" - a magical cast, solving all problems...

Ok, I'm trying to be Putin's puppet and found some strange things. Follow me.

Imagine, I'm Putin, Nemtsov is my main enemy and I want to avoid him from political life... Why do I want to murder him AT CENTER OF MOSCOW? If I'm a dictator Putin, I have a largest country under rule and a billion places, where Nemtsov could disappear without any trail... Do you really think, Putin is masochist, wanted to multiply charges about "Putin's evilness"???

Ok, let you think so. I'm Putin and I want demostrate my dark power, murdering Nemtsov at the center of Moscow. Why my power demonstrate "an unknown man", not an army o police? Am I really fool?

Ok. "Unknown man". Why I must to kill Nemtsov at closest distance, face to face? Don't forget - I'm PUTIN, I DO control the center of Moscow, I can shoot Nemtsov from ANY place of 2km radius by sniper rifle. WITHOUT any trails!!!

Ok, I'm rule the Russia, but I'm dumb enough to forget about sniper rifle... What about Duritskaya? She's a MAIN prosecution witness? Why she didn't receive a pair a bullets, being there? Putin is so humanistic or dumb?

Ok, Putin dumb - but where's now Duritskaya? She lives FREE in Kiev, which fights with Russia! Why Ukrainian SBU don't arrest her only to reveal who killed Nemtsov? Are they dumbs? Ok. But what about US curators at Ukraine? Do you mean, they're dumbs too???

So, if all around you are dumbs, why don't you rule the world?
Don't you love how liberals (like the OP) try to tie conservatives to Russia when it's the liberals who have been trying for decades to implement every aspect of communism in this country?


I've done nothing of the sort. Thou doth protest too much.
Well you damn sure weren't referring to yourself (or your leftist buddies).


Have you really not noticed?

I'm referring to the (fairly) recent influx of pro-Putin posters who happen to sometimes occasionally post in Cyrillic.

The second poster in this thread is an example of who I'm talking about. Not everything is about you.

Edit to add: SBiker is too.

Hmmm, it's very interesting things... Before the about two week of president elections you have more pro-Putin propaganda than me. WHO really would vote at this elections? It seems, Putin's campaign headquarters knows a bit more about "US hackers" in Russian elections :)))))) or any other hackers :)

I couldn't care less who you guys re-elect. If you guys want a despot, have at it. No skin off my back.
That seems to be a minority opinion in Washington.

Renaming the street demonstrates that there is no level of agitation that is beneath those in Washington who oppose Putin. Renaming the street is nothing in the scheme of things.

Putin must really be preventing Washington from attaining something it wants. It certainly isn't about democracy. Washington doesn't give a scrap about other's democracy.

I don't think you see the irony in what you are saying.

Melania is 24 years younger than Trump and also... well nothing more than a model.

And to just blow off Nemtsov's assassination? You sure are a good little Putin puppet aren't you?

:)) It seems, the words "Putin's puppet" - a magical cast, solving all problems...

Ok, I'm trying to be Putin's puppet and found some strange things. Follow me.

Imagine, I'm Putin, Nemtsov is my main enemy and I want to avoid him from political life... Why do I want to murder him AT CENTER OF MOSCOW? If I'm a dictator Putin, I have a largest country under rule and a billion places, where Nemtsov could disappear without any trail... Do you really think, Putin is masochist, wanted to multiply charges about "Putin's evilness"???

Ok, let you think so. I'm Putin and I want demostrate my dark power, murdering Nemtsov at the center of Moscow. Why my power demonstrate "an unknown man", not an army o police? Am I really fool?

Ok. "Unknown man". Why I must to kill Nemtsov at closest distance, face to face? Don't forget - I'm PUTIN, I DO control the center of Moscow, I can shoot Nemtsov from ANY place of 2km radius by sniper rifle. WITHOUT any trails!!!

Ok, I'm rule the Russia, but I'm dumb enough to forget about sniper rifle... What about Duritskaya? She's a MAIN prosecution witness? Why she didn't receive a pair a bullets, being there? Putin is so humanistic or dumb?

Ok, Putin dumb - but where's now Duritskaya? She lives FREE in Kiev, which fights with Russia! Why Ukrainian SBU don't arrest her only to reveal who killed Nemtsov? Are they dumbs? Ok. But what about US curators at Ukraine? Do you mean, they're dumbs too???

So, if all around you are dumbs, why don't you rule the world?

Let me make my answer really clear. Putin did it because he knew his puppets like you wouldn't give a rats ass about what he does, and you would just believe him if he said he wasn't involved.

Do you ever question how a lifetime government worker became so rich while the country of Russia has crawled at a snail's pace to catch up to the rest of the world?

I don't think you see the irony in what you are saying.

Melania is 24 years younger than Trump and also... well nothing more than a model.

And to just blow off Nemtsov's assassination? You sure are a good little Putin puppet aren't you?

:)) It seems, the words "Putin's puppet" - a magical cast, solving all problems...

Ok, I'm trying to be Putin's puppet and found some strange things. Follow me.

Imagine, I'm Putin, Nemtsov is my main enemy and I want to avoid him from political life... Why do I want to murder him AT CENTER OF MOSCOW? If I'm a dictator Putin, I have a largest country under rule and a billion places, where Nemtsov could disappear without any trail... Do you really think, Putin is masochist, wanted to multiply charges about "Putin's evilness"???

Ok, let you think so. I'm Putin and I want demostrate my dark power, murdering Nemtsov at the center of Moscow. Why my power demonstrate "an unknown man", not an army o police? Am I really fool?

Ok. "Unknown man". Why I must to kill Nemtsov at closest distance, face to face? Don't forget - I'm PUTIN, I DO control the center of Moscow, I can shoot Nemtsov from ANY place of 2km radius by sniper rifle. WITHOUT any trails!!!

Ok, I'm rule the Russia, but I'm dumb enough to forget about sniper rifle... What about Duritskaya? She's a MAIN prosecution witness? Why she didn't receive a pair a bullets, being there? Putin is so humanistic or dumb?

Ok, Putin dumb - but where's now Duritskaya? She lives FREE in Kiev, which fights with Russia! Why Ukrainian SBU don't arrest her only to reveal who killed Nemtsov? Are they dumbs? Ok. But what about US curators at Ukraine? Do you mean, they're dumbs too???

So, if all around you are dumbs, why don't you rule the world?

Let me make my answer really clear. Putin did it because he knew his puppets like you wouldn't give a rats ass about what he does, and you would just believe him if he said he wasn't involved.

Do you ever question how a lifetime government worker became so rich while the country of Russia has crawled at a snail's pace to catch up to the rest of the world?

Ok, I'm puppet and believe to any Putin's word.
But again - what reason make him to do so sophisticated act with Nemtsov? Why don't he call Nemtsov to Kremlin and shoot from gun, Putin everytime has under jacket at right side?

I don't think you see the irony in what you are saying.

Melania is 24 years younger than Trump and also... well nothing more than a model.

And to just blow off Nemtsov's assassination? You sure are a good little Putin puppet aren't you?

:)) It seems, the words "Putin's puppet" - a magical cast, solving all problems...

Ok, I'm trying to be Putin's puppet and found some strange things. Follow me.

Imagine, I'm Putin, Nemtsov is my main enemy and I want to avoid him from political life... Why do I want to murder him AT CENTER OF MOSCOW? If I'm a dictator Putin, I have a largest country under rule and a billion places, where Nemtsov could disappear without any trail... Do you really think, Putin is masochist, wanted to multiply charges about "Putin's evilness"???

Ok, let you think so. I'm Putin and I want demostrate my dark power, murdering Nemtsov at the center of Moscow. Why my power demonstrate "an unknown man", not an army o police? Am I really fool?

Ok. "Unknown man". Why I must to kill Nemtsov at closest distance, face to face? Don't forget - I'm PUTIN, I DO control the center of Moscow, I can shoot Nemtsov from ANY place of 2km radius by sniper rifle. WITHOUT any trails!!!

Ok, I'm rule the Russia, but I'm dumb enough to forget about sniper rifle... What about Duritskaya? She's a MAIN prosecution witness? Why she didn't receive a pair a bullets, being there? Putin is so humanistic or dumb?

Ok, Putin dumb - but where's now Duritskaya? She lives FREE in Kiev, which fights with Russia! Why Ukrainian SBU don't arrest her only to reveal who killed Nemtsov? Are they dumbs? Ok. But what about US curators at Ukraine? Do you mean, they're dumbs too???

So, if all around you are dumbs, why don't you rule the world?

Let me make my answer really clear. Putin did it because he knew his puppets like you wouldn't give a rats ass about what he does, and you would just believe him if he said he wasn't involved.

Do you ever question how a lifetime government worker became so rich while the country of Russia has crawled at a snail's pace to catch up to the rest of the world?

Ok, I'm puppet and believe to any Putin's word.
But again - what reason make him to do so sophisticated act with Nemtsov? Why don't he call Nemtsov to Kremlin and shoot from gun, Putin everytime has under jacket at right side?

Where did all of Nemtsov's money go after he was murdered? Do you realize how many people that opposed Putin are now dead or in prison?
Putin did it because he knew his puppets like you wouldn't give a rats ass about what he does, and you would just believe him if he said he wasn't involved.
as compared to western rulers, he hasn't yet done anything reprehensible, so far.
Do you ever question how a lifetime government worker became so rich while the country of Russia has crawled at a snail's pace to catch up to the rest of the world?
not as rich as the Rothschields, Kochs & Rockefellers, and the world today isn't progressing too fast for not catching up with it, even at slow pace.
Putin did it because he knew his puppets like you wouldn't give a rats ass about what he does, and you would just believe him if he said he wasn't involved.
as compared to western rulers, he hasn't yet done anything reprehensible, so far.
Do you ever question how a lifetime government worker became so rich while the country of Russia has crawled at a snail's pace to catch up to the rest of the world?
not as rich as the Rothschields, Kochs & Rockefellers, and the world today isn't progressing too fast for not catching up with it, even at slow pace.

What a ridiculous answer.

Putin is one of the richest people in the world and gained his wealth from working for the Russian government. He's as corrupt as it gets.
Nemstov was Deputy Prime Minister under Yeltsin. There he had power.
not that, its understood. Nemstov as a Putin opposition leader rose to power from the late 2000s to early 2010s, then he began to lose it, for some reason, the opposition has run out of steam, obviously.

Hardly surprising. Look at China. It's taken Xi a few years of his "anti-corruption drive" to get rid of his opponents. He's not got rid of them all, but enough of them to make himself super powerful now.

Putin didn't just get into the Kremlin and have all the power all the time. He had to step down and put someone else in his position, and then step back up again.

The more time goes on, the more power he has, the more secure he is in his position, and that has a lot to do with how he has managed to get rid of his political opponents through threats, fear, locking them up, assassination and other such methods.

It doesn't say anything about Nemstov. It says everything you need to know about Putin, as I said before.
he has managed to get rid of his political opponents through threats, fear, locking them up, assassination and other such methods.
he did not threaten, imprison or assassinate anyone of them, get your facts right.

Nice joke dude, funny. You Russians do have a sense of humor.

It's funny how so many of Putin's opponents have just happened to have been murdered. And it benefits Putin.

Mikhail Lesin

They said he died of a heart attack, but forgot to look at the head where he'd been beaten with a blunt object.

He was pro-Putin until he ended up on the wrong side of Putin and was going to get done for corruption. He was apparently in DC to speak to the FBI and then suddenly managed to walk into a wall in his hotel and die. Oh yeah, how convenient for Putin.

Alexander Litvinenko

The guy just happened to take a nice cup of tea with Polonium 210 in it. Happens all the time. Oh, and he happened to be very critical of Putin. Oh, and the British found that it was two FSB guys who did it. Yeah, Putin doesn't run the FSB, does he?

Anna Politkovskaya

Journalist who was critical of Putin, murdered by contract killers. I wonder who could have wanted her dead.

Natalia Estemirova

Another journalist critical of Putin. Abducted and then shot dead. I wonder who could have wanted her dead.

Stanislav Markelov

Boris Nemtsov

Boris Berezovsky

Paul Klebnikov

Sergei Yushenkov

Once is maybe unlucky, twice is a coincidence, dozens of times and more is not. It's pretty clear that Putin has a tactic which is to do things and not care if people see the patterns. He'll put out some statement to make people doubt a little, and then not give a fuck beyond that.

If you're going to be as blind as the Trumpsters, you'll get treated like a Trumpster.

I can't tell you what paid Russian trolls think about it.

I'm an ethnic Russian from Ukraine and have been watching Russian politics for quite a while. Nemtsov was big in 90-s, a lot less important in 2000-s and after 2010 was basically losing his popularity. He was more interested in dating young girls (like Anna Duritskaya who was with him when he was killed) than in politics. His value as an oppositioner was close to zero. However after his murder Western press started portraying him as "last Putin's critic was killed". So being alive he was a lot less harmful to Putin than being dead. Who benefited from his death? Certainly, not Putin.

(BTW, his case reminds me Litwinenko's murder in UK and Voronenkov's murder in Ukraine: a useless person becomes very useful after his death for those who want to harm Putin).

So being alive he was a lot less harmful to Putin than being dead.

Putin couldn't have killed him because that would have been a stupid mistake, and Putin never makes stupid mistakes?
Speaking about big mistakes. Big mistake is to believe your lying Media and to allow crooked Deep State to run your country.

Get the things squared away in your own country and only then judge the others.

P.S. There was NO reason for Putin to kill Nemtsov especially the way it was done: downtown next to Saint Basil Cathedral just a day before a schedulered opposition march. Somebody else needed a big dirty show to hurt Putin.
Last edited:

I don't think you see the irony in what you are saying.

Melania is 24 years younger than Trump and also... well nothing more than a model.

And to just blow off Nemtsov's assassination? You sure are a good little Putin puppet aren't you?

:)) It seems, the words "Putin's puppet" - a magical cast, solving all problems...

Ok, I'm trying to be Putin's puppet and found some strange things. Follow me.

Imagine, I'm Putin, Nemtsov is my main enemy and I want to avoid him from political life... Why do I want to murder him AT CENTER OF MOSCOW? If I'm a dictator Putin, I have a largest country under rule and a billion places, where Nemtsov could disappear without any trail... Do you really think, Putin is masochist, wanted to multiply charges about "Putin's evilness"???

Ok, let you think so. I'm Putin and I want demostrate my dark power, murdering Nemtsov at the center of Moscow. Why my power demonstrate "an unknown man", not an army o police? Am I really fool?

Ok. "Unknown man". Why I must to kill Nemtsov at closest distance, face to face? Don't forget - I'm PUTIN, I DO control the center of Moscow, I can shoot Nemtsov from ANY place of 2km radius by sniper rifle. WITHOUT any trails!!!

Ok, I'm rule the Russia, but I'm dumb enough to forget about sniper rifle... What about Duritskaya? She's a MAIN prosecution witness? Why she didn't receive a pair a bullets, being there? Putin is so humanistic or dumb?

Ok, Putin dumb - but where's now Duritskaya? She lives FREE in Kiev, which fights with Russia! Why Ukrainian SBU don't arrest her only to reveal who killed Nemtsov? Are they dumbs? Ok. But what about US curators at Ukraine? Do you mean, they're dumbs too???

So, if all around you are dumbs, why don't you rule the world?

Let me make my answer really clear. Putin did it because he knew his puppets like you wouldn't give a rats ass about what he does, and you would just believe him if he said he wasn't involved.

Do you ever question how a lifetime government worker became so rich while the country of Russia has crawled at a snail's pace to catch up to the rest of the world?

Ok, I'm puppet and believe to any Putin's word.
But again - what reason make him to do so sophisticated act with Nemtsov? Why don't he call Nemtsov to Kremlin and shoot from gun, Putin everytime has under jacket at right side?

Where did all of Nemtsov's money go after he was murdered? Do you realize how many people that opposed Putin are now dead or in prison?

We have a lot of unpolitcorrect jokes about answering on question by another answering... :) So, why Putin use so sophisticated ways to murder his opponent, if he has a billions of faithful puppets?
Putin did it because he knew his puppets like you wouldn't give a rats ass about what he does, and you would just believe him if he said he wasn't involved.
as compared to western rulers, he hasn't yet done anything reprehensible, so far.
Do you ever question how a lifetime government worker became so rich while the country of Russia has crawled at a snail's pace to catch up to the rest of the world?
not as rich as the Rothschields, Kochs & Rockefellers, and the world today isn't progressing too fast for not catching up with it, even at slow pace.

What a ridiculous answer.

Putin is one of the richest people in the world and gained his wealth from working for the Russian government. He's as corrupt as it gets.

If you ask me show the Trump's money - I'll remember about Trump-tower...

But show me the Putin's money. Where I could see them?
The post immeditely before this one - click the linkback - is an example of the "Russian trolls" that I'm referring to.

I'm not talking about you, or all conservatives. I'm referring very specifically to the relatively small number of posters here who are undeniably Russian nationals who post directly in support of Putin and his government.

Last I looked a "legion" was not a "small number".



Are you really going to go with arguing semantics?

As a rhetorical device, there is no numerical amount attached to the term "legion".

I was referring to their apparent coordination and structure, not their number.

See definition 1.

Definition of legion
1: the principal unit of the Roman army comprising 3000 to 6000 foot soldiers with cavalry
  • Caesar and his legions defeated the Gauls.
2: a large military force; especially : army 1a
  • the French Foreign Legion
3: a very large number : multitude
  • won him … a legion of devoted followers
  • —Irving Kolodin
4: a national association of ex-servicemen
  • the American Legion
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