Boris Nemstov Plaza


"Here I go" what?

I don't follow.

Nor do you lead, that's a good thing of course but if you would at least get out of the fucking way so the rest of us can repair the nation your meat puppet faggot messiah tried to destroy you might one day deserve the oxygen you waste.

Seriously... I'll bet the reason you have to live in a city is because trees hate you too. Did the squirrels chase you there or did the massive welfare spending attract you?


As I said to the other one, I haven't "insinuated" anything at all. You have apparently read quite a bit into my posts that simply isn't there.

Do you have anything to say on the topic of thread, or are you going to just waste everyone's time?

You certainly did insinuate there is a "legion of paid russian trolls" on this forum, and the common bed wetter narrative of late is that those who support the world's richest professional clown who beat the criminally insane sociopath hag you wanted to see elected are either russian trolls or dupes is well established.

No one gives a fruit fly's fuck what you say, because as I've pointed out if you are communicating you're either parroting a lie or posting one of your own. Your activity on this forum is that of a leftist partisan zealot. That's the fact of the matter and everyone knows it.

I'd say the time spent here was quite productive because my face hurts from smiling as you confirmed the fact you're not much more than a caricature of every other statist leftwing tool.


The post immeditely before this one - click the linkback - is an example of the "Russian trolls" that I'm referring to.

I'm not talking about you, or all conservatives. I'm referring very specifically to the relatively small number of posters here who are undeniably Russian nationals who post directly in support of Putin and his government.
Well you damn sure weren't referring to yourself (or your leftist buddies).


Have you really not noticed?

I'm referring to the (fairly) recent influx of pro-Putin posters who happen to sometimes occasionally post in Cyrillic.

The second poster in this thread is an example of who I'm talking about. Not everything is about you.

Edit to add: SBiker is too.

Hmmm, it's very interesting things... Before the about two week of president elections you have more pro-Putin propaganda than me. WHO really would vote at this elections? It seems, Putin's campaign headquarters knows a bit more about "US hackers" in Russian elections :)))))) or any other hackers :)

I couldn't care less who you guys re-elect. If you guys want a despot, have at it. No skin off my back.

Why not? Freedom is not a way to elect "right" and "democratic" president. Freedom is a way to elect president, you really want.
Particularly if that president a ruthless autocrat who likely murders his political opponents.
Well you damn sure weren't referring to yourself (or your leftist buddies).


Have you really not noticed?

I'm referring to the (fairly) recent influx of pro-Putin posters who happen to sometimes occasionally post in Cyrillic.

The second poster in this thread is an example of who I'm talking about. Not everything is about you.

Edit to add: SBiker is too.

Hmmm, it's very interesting things... Before the about two week of president elections you have more pro-Putin propaganda than me. WHO really would vote at this elections? It seems, Putin's campaign headquarters knows a bit more about "US hackers" in Russian elections :)))))) or any other hackers :)

I couldn't care less who you guys re-elect. If you guys want a despot, have at it. No skin off my back.

Why not? Freedom is not a way to elect "right" and "democratic" president. Freedom is a way to elect president, you really want.
Particularly if that president a ruthless autocrat who likely murders his political opponents.

My ears were call?

Sincerely, Bill "drop trou" Clinton
The post immeditely before this one - click the linkback - is an example of the "Russian trolls" that I'm referring to.

I'm not talking about you, or all conservatives. I'm referring very specifically to the relatively small number of posters here who are undeniably Russian nationals who post directly in support of Putin and his government.

Last I looked a "legion" was not a "small number".

Well you damn sure weren't referring to yourself (or your leftist buddies).


Have you really not noticed?

I'm referring to the (fairly) recent influx of pro-Putin posters who happen to sometimes occasionally post in Cyrillic.

The second poster in this thread is an example of who I'm talking about. Not everything is about you.

Edit to add: SBiker is too.

Hmmm, it's very interesting things... Before the about two week of president elections you have more pro-Putin propaganda than me. WHO really would vote at this elections? It seems, Putin's campaign headquarters knows a bit more about "US hackers" in Russian elections :)))))) or any other hackers :)

I couldn't care less who you guys re-elect. If you guys want a despot, have at it. No skin off my back.

Why not? Freedom is not a way to elect "right" and "democratic" president. Freedom is a way to elect president, you really want.
Particularly if that president a ruthless autocrat who likely murders his political opponents.

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"? :) Have you even read this wonderful book, or just living in Fahrenheit 451 reality?
Well you damn sure weren't referring to yourself (or your leftist buddies).


Have you really not noticed?

I'm referring to the (fairly) recent influx of pro-Putin posters who happen to sometimes occasionally post in Cyrillic.

The second poster in this thread is an example of who I'm talking about. Not everything is about you.

Edit to add: SBiker is too.

Hmmm, it's very interesting things... Before the about two week of president elections you have more pro-Putin propaganda than me. WHO really would vote at this elections? It seems, Putin's campaign headquarters knows a bit more about "US hackers" in Russian elections :)))))) or any other hackers :)

I couldn't care less who you guys re-elect. If you guys want a despot, have at it. No skin off my back.

Why not? Freedom is not a way to elect "right" and "democratic" president. Freedom is a way to elect president, you really want.


You elect president, you really want, the freedom way.

I don't care if its "right" or "democratic". You, as a country, as far as I'm concerned, are welcome to do whatever you like.

"Elect" Putin to "Generalissimo-for-Life" and give him some medals to wear. I don't care. I don't live in Russia, I don't have to be subject to his rule.

If that's what you really want, who am I to try to stop you?

Putin is not enough Putin, he too liberal with a crimes like Navalny and Poroshenko. But country without president is nonsense :)

p.s. btw, about Nemtsov... Why Putin don't catch Duritskaya to investigate this deal? Only because this crime has Ukrainian trail, but me "must to follow Minsk process" and "try to make peace" with country, we never have war?
It appears that there is some confusion about what the purpose of this thread is.

Let me try to clear it up. I'll make it nice and big, so everyone can see it.

This thread is not about American conservatives, or Trump supporters.

There is no need to be defensive - I am not attacking you.

This thread is directed towards the actual Russian posters on this board - several of which have posted in this thread.

Anyone who has an opinion about the city of D.C. changing the street name is welcome to participate as well.
The post immeditely before this one - click the linkback - is an example of the "Russian trolls" that I'm referring to.

I'm not talking about you, or all conservatives. I'm referring very specifically to the relatively small number of posters here who are undeniably Russian nationals who post directly in support of Putin and his government.

Last I looked a "legion" was not a "small number".



Are you really going to go with arguing semantics?

As a rhetorical device, there is no numerical amount attached to the term "legion".

I was referring to their apparent coordination and structure, not their number.
It appears that there is some confusion about what the purpose of this thread is.

Let me try to clear it up. I'll make it nice and big, so everyone can see it.

This thread is not about American conservatives, or Trump supporters.

There is no need to be defensive - I am not attacking you.

This thread is directed towards the actual Russian posters on this board - several of which have posted in this thread.

Anyone who has an opinion about the city of D.C. changing the street name is welcome to participate as well.

Ok ok, but, plz, give me some links :) I'm really interesting, who advertise Putin in US without any needs...

I don't want to defend Putin, only to exchange opinions with a hope to catch some new thoughts :)
It appears that there is some confusion about what the purpose of this thread is.

Let me try to clear it up. I'll make it nice and big, so everyone can see it.

This thread is not about American conservatives, or Trump supporters.

There is no need to be defensive - I am not attacking you.

This thread is directed towards the actual Russian posters on this board - several of which have posted in this thread.

Anyone who has an opinion about the city of D.C. changing the street name is welcome to participate as well.


You can pretend your troll thread had anything to do with the problems faced by Rand McNally, but you can not possibly believe anyone else has been "defensive". Perhaps you were not "attacking" people you're programmed to hate, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but you don't seriously believe any of the responses have been "defensive" do you?

As I said to the other one, I haven't "insinuated" anything at all. You have apparently read quite a bit into my posts that simply isn't there.

Do you have anything to say on the topic of thread, or are you going to just waste everyone's time?

You certainly did insinuate there is a "legion of paid russian trolls" on this forum, and the common bed wetter narrative of late is that those who support the world's richest professional clown who beat the criminally insane sociopath hag you wanted to see elected are either russian trolls or dupes is well established.

No one gives a fruit fly's fuck what you say, because as I've pointed out if you are communicating you're either parroting a lie or posting one of your own. Your activity on this forum is that of a leftist partisan zealot. That's the fact of the matter and everyone knows it.

I'd say the time spent here was quite productive because my face hurts from smiling as you confirmed the fact you're not much more than a caricature of every other statist leftwing tool.


The post immeditely before this one - click the linkback - is an example of the "Russian trolls" that I'm referring to.

I'm not talking about you, or all conservatives. I'm referring very specifically to the relatively small number of posters here who are undeniably Russian nationals who post directly in support of Putin and his government.

Hey, called them "bots" own your shit, fuck-wad. BTW, I am a Texan and I have 1,000 times more respect for Putin than I ever had for the Barrypuppet. At least he cares about HIS people. He freed them from the Rothschild central bank and their national debt equates to around 500 Billion federal reserve notes......very manageable and once they are free of having to deal in any kind of trade that requires the accumulation of federal reserve notes? They and all countries that can bypass the fiat "dollar" are going to prosper. What I do not "get" about you is how you can act so pompous when you have nothing to be pompous about. You know so very little and your debating skills are...hmmm? How can I say this without crushing your fragile ego? Let's just say that your ability to cause others to "weigh and consider" are lacking and I am being more than kind. What is apparent to me is that you don't have to know much to be a "Mod" if you are the standard because you don't know diddly squat. I will go even as far to say that if any lurkers are thinking about joining and increasing the ranks of this site AND they peruse your lame musings? They will move advice to you (and for the good of the forum) you should resign from being a are more of a hindrance than you are an asset.

Just keeping it real, "Doc"'s what I do.

Hope this helps!!!

As I said to the other one, I haven't "insinuated" anything at all. You have apparently read quite a bit into my posts that simply isn't there.

Do you have anything to say on the topic of thread, or are you going to just waste everyone's time?

You certainly did insinuate there is a "legion of paid russian trolls" on this forum, and the common bed wetter narrative of late is that those who support the world's richest professional clown who beat the criminally insane sociopath hag you wanted to see elected are either russian trolls or dupes is well established.

No one gives a fruit fly's fuck what you say, because as I've pointed out if you are communicating you're either parroting a lie or posting one of your own. Your activity on this forum is that of a leftist partisan zealot. That's the fact of the matter and everyone knows it.

I'd say the time spent here was quite productive because my face hurts from smiling as you confirmed the fact you're not much more than a caricature of every other statist leftwing tool.


The post immeditely before this one - click the linkback - is an example of the "Russian trolls" that I'm referring to.

I'm not talking about you, or all conservatives. I'm referring very specifically to the relatively small number of posters here who are undeniably Russian nationals who post directly in support of Putin and his government.

Hey, called them "bots"....


No, I sure didn't.

Feel free to re-read the thread.

As I said to the other one, I haven't "insinuated" anything at all. You have apparently read quite a bit into my posts that simply isn't there.

Do you have anything to say on the topic of thread, or are you going to just waste everyone's time?

You certainly did insinuate there is a "legion of paid russian trolls" on this forum, and the common bed wetter narrative of late is that those who support the world's richest professional clown who beat the criminally insane sociopath hag you wanted to see elected are either russian trolls or dupes is well established.

No one gives a fruit fly's fuck what you say, because as I've pointed out if you are communicating you're either parroting a lie or posting one of your own. Your activity on this forum is that of a leftist partisan zealot. That's the fact of the matter and everyone knows it.

I'd say the time spent here was quite productive because my face hurts from smiling as you confirmed the fact you're not much more than a caricature of every other statist leftwing tool.


The post immeditely before this one - click the linkback - is an example of the "Russian trolls" that I'm referring to.

I'm not talking about you, or all conservatives. I'm referring very specifically to the relatively small number of posters here who are undeniably Russian nationals who post directly in support of Putin and his government.

Hey, called them "bots"....


No, I sure didn't.

Feel free to re-read the thread.

"got a real kick out of that, and I was wondering what this forum's legion of paid Russian trolls think about it"

Trolls, bots......what is the difference, "Doc"? Am I a "bot" or a "troll"? You can't win....which is why you only lamely attack those that you believe you might be able to "scoreboard".
Well, the way Putin destroys his opponents, it's not so easy to have power as an opposer.

what makes you think Nemtsov had any power? have you ever been to Russia or lived here at the moment? Nemtsov had long been past his prime by the time he was murdered; same about the rest of 'Putin opponents' - they were of more use for the CIA as dead than alive by then. West media keeps quiet about this, guess why?
Well, the way Putin destroys his opponents, it's not so easy to have power as an opposer.

what makes you think Nemtsov had any power? have you ever been to Russia or lived here at the moment? Nemtsov had long been past his prime by the time he was murdered; same about the rest of 'Putin opponents' - they were of more use for the CIA as dead than alive by then. West media keeps quiet about this, guess why?

Isn't that the point I just made?

All of Putin's opponents don't have much power.

Why? Well, Putin makes sure they don't get any.
Isn't that the point I just made?
no, because Nemtsov had indeed had considerable power at one point, long before his murder. Nemtsov was already a non-entity when assassinated. Westerners always contradict themselves in most absurd way: first they say a person had no power, then they say he was murdered for being a threat to the authorities; same as when they say Stalin was paranoid and then immediately accuse him of trusting Hitler too much.
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Isn't that the point I just made?
no, because Nemtsov had indeed had considerable power at one point, long before his murder. Nemtsov was already a non-entity when assassinated. Westerners always contradict themselves in most absurd way: first they say a person had no power, then they say he was murdered for being a threat to the authorities; same as when they say Stalin was paranoid and then immediately accuse him of trusting Hitler too much.

Yes, I'm contradicting myself.... er.. wait, no I'm not.

Putin has kept his political opponents down.

Nemstov was Deputy Prime Minister under Yeltsin. There he had power.

You're trying to claim that I'm contradicting myself because of this, but it's simply not the case.

Putin came into power in basically at the end of 1999.

As Putin rose, Putin's political opponents found it harder to get power, because Putin was literally taking over the country.

No contradictions there.
In order to believe all the hype about Putin being literally Hitler, one must put faith in western news media. Which only an idiot would do.

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