Born a Homo? Part II.

wade said:
Ummm.. how can I tell who are moderators? I had no idea GOP_Jeff was a moderator on this board.

And if you'll also notice, all mods names are in bold. And the board owner's is in bold italics.

I had a very interesting conversation with one of my past instructors yesterday. I had made a comment about fags, and he had responded, "what if I was gay... I might take that as offensive". And to that I responded, "and what if I took offense to the fact that you were gay"? We both laughed, but I asked him then, "are you gay", and he said "maybe, I don't know". He say's "I like girls, but I think I could go both ways". So I asked him, "do you think you were BORN GAY"? And he, with added facial expression, "NOOOOOOOO... no way". "I'm made at women because my ex wife made me hate them". So the guy was turning to men because he had soured on women. OBVIOUSLY he was making a CHOICE!!!
Pale Rider said:
And if you'll also notice, all mods names are in bold. And the board owner's is in bold italics.

That is a useful method. Jimmys suggestion that I go out of the message section and check each poster is not.

Jimmy, it is funny that you don't apply the same standards to all, or to your moderators, that you do to the "libs". As for shooting down in flames - well, you may think so but that's just your own wishful thinking. Just because a bunch of like minded people pat each other on the back and say "good one" does not make it meaningful.

You're posts in this thread are a case in point. You have lost almost every point, but you act like you won. But you know you've lost which is why you get mad and try to admonish me by intentionally misinterpreting my post too GOP_Jeff.
wade said:
You're posts in this thread are a case in point. You have lost almost every point, but you act like you won. But you know you've lost which is why you get mad and try to admonish me by intentionally misinterpreting my post too GOP_Jeff.

And you dribble out jibberish as if it were fact. You haven't "won" JACK here boy. Get a clue.
wade said:
That is a useful method. Jimmys suggestion that I go out of the message section and check each poster is not.

Jimmy, it is funny that you don't apply the same standards to all, or to your moderators, that you do to the "libs". As for shooting down in flames - well, you may think so but that's just your own wishful thinking. Just because a bunch of like minded people pat each other on the back and say "good one" does not make it meaningful.

You're posts in this thread are a case in point. You have lost almost every point, but you act like you won. But you know you've lost which is why you get mad and try to admonish me by intentionally misinterpreting my post too GOP_Jeff.

Wade, if you're too stupid to spend 5 seconds clicking on a link at the bottom of the board, that is not my problem. Your skating on thin ice here and I suggest you just drop the issue and stick to losing your debates in a civil manner. I won't be sad to see you go and I'm quite confident many others are behind me.
jimnyc said:
Wade, if you're too stupid to spend 5 seconds clicking on a link at the bottom of the board, that is not my problem. Your skating on thin ice here and I suggest you just drop the issue and stick to losing your debates in a civil manner. I won't be sad to see you go and I'm quite confident many others are behind me.

LOL - ya I'm sure you would like to see anyone who does not pat you on the back and say "right on" leave your board. I'll likely leave anyway soon.

I didn't realize that moderators were in bold (barely noticable on my huge scree). Going to the bottom of the topic pages (not the thread pages) and checking to see if every new poster is possibly a moderator was not reasonable. Anyway, I know the moderators are in bold now, and they are to be treated with kit gloves no matter how stupid their arguments or how far off topic they choose to try to lead a thread.
wade said:
LOL - ya I'm sure you would like to see anyone who does not pat you on the back and say "right on" leave your board. I'll likely leave anyway soon.

I didn't realize that moderators were in bold (barely noticable on my huge scree). Going to the bottom of the topic pages (not the thread pages) and checking to see if every new poster is possibly a moderator was not reasonable. Anyway, I know the moderators are in bold now, and they are to be treated with kit gloves no matter how stupid their arguments or how far off topic they choose to try to lead a thread.

There is no need to go to the bottom of the topic pages. Like I've already stated clearly, go to the bottom of the main page and you will see a link that states "View forum leaders". This lists every moderator for every forum. Again, it's very simple and I think it's a reasonable request to visit that built in area to know who runs the individual forums.

Your comments about the moderators and their stupid arguments just got you a 48 hour rest. I believe I asked you to drop the issue. You seem to not want to back down and keep pushing buttons. I suggest you remember that you are a guest here in the future, and you will be treated in the manner in whidh you treat others.
wade said:
LOL - ya I'm sure you would like to see anyone who does not pat you on the back and say "right on" leave your board. I'll likely leave anyway soon.

Don't let the door hit you on the ass.

Man, you royally failed in your leftist agenda here, didn't cha? I burnt you like toast.
Holy hell Wade! Wrong about queers and banned too! Damn its a good day!
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It doesn't really matter what the issue is because if you take a conservative and liberal with equal brainpower, the conservative will always win. This phenomenon holds true because conservatives base their reasoning on their own understanding of the facts instead of on someone else's interpretation of facts.
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YoungChristian said:
It doesn't really matter what the issue is because if you take a conservative and liberal with equal brainpower, the conservative will always win. This phenomenon holds true because conservatives base their reasoning on their own understanding of the facts instead of on someone else's interpretation of facts.

Hell of a statement there Christian - of course it is patently untrue and has no basis in fact. Just where do you come up with this self serving circular logic? Your priest or pastor I bet! LOL

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