Boss Predicts the Future...

I predict the Right, who blamed everything that happened the last 2 years of the Bush Regime on the Dems who had just taken control of Congress, will blame everything for the next 2 years on Obama now that the GOP have taken control of Congress.
ed the liar does not have a clue, still crying?

the REAL edthecynic...
I'll loan Ed a gun if he can't get one.
Let obama show what he's made of to the American people let him use his veto pin and let the democrats block good sound legislation.
2016 presidential hopeful hillary just went good bye.
Here in North Carolina Democrat Gov. Purdue last two years had a republican controlled house and senate. she vetoed just about everything they sent to her. The voters became pissed, she decided not to run.

Exactly which 'good sound legislation' have Republicans written in the last six years?
Hard to know seeing as it's still in Harry's inbox.
I'm not sure Republicans are aware that the people elected them to STOP OBAMA. Instead of tip toeing through the next 2 years trying to make blacks, Mexicans, and liberals like them they should do the will of the people and impeach the bastard. They might find that there's a lot more support for it than they thought. There are a lot of people who voted for Obama and regret it. I've talked to die hard liberals who want him out of office over this immigration bullshit he's getting ready to pull. Republicans have just been given a mandate and Boehner and McConnell need to grow some balls and seize the opportunity to do what needs to be done.
The asshole is six years into his job and he still has no idea what the opposition proposes? He is still studying the pipeline from Canada? He doesn't know if we are wining in Iraq against ISIS? He has no clue as to the meaning of this election...."can't read the tea leaves"?

Going back to sleep now.

Hey, I totally agree. I believe Obama is the most incompetent man to ever be elected president. He is SO underqualified he actually makes Biden and Hillary look competent! Now that's saying something. BUT... he is still president for two more years and he doesn't plan to capitulate to Republicans and undo a damn thing he has done so far. Now, the good news is, he can't do much more damage without a majority in Congress and Harry Reid's shenanigans, but hey... he's still got that Executive Order pen and he's not afraid to use it.
How many presidents have you lived through?

I've been around since Ike, but it doesn't matter, I've studied them all... BAR NONE... Obama is the least qualified man to ever hold the office. George W. Bush's DAUGHTERS were more qualified than Obama!

Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and Paul Ryan all have less qualifications than Obama had in 2008

But keep your Obama isn't qualified rant. It will come in handy in 2016
Ironically, it would be in the GOP's best interest to help Obama look like a successful President. This would take away the "bogeyman" attack on the GOP brand and help them establish a constructive image for 2016.
Okay... So republicans took control of the Senate and now have majority in both houses of Congress. Clearly a mandate against the policies of Obama and the Democrats. Certainly a sign that things are about to change. No more Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi but a distant horrible memory... So what's next? Well, the Boss is here to predict the future, so that you can have some insight into what is about to come down the proverbial pike.

Granted, the various and sundry chairmanships of committees will switch butts in seats. I'm personally excited to see my Senator, Jeff Sessions, in the role of Budget Chair. But there is much more to the operations of Congress than chairmanships. What we have to do is examine what has happened in the past as a way of comprehending what is likely to happen in the future. Here's my prediction:

Republicans, lacking a supermajority, will not be able to effectively govern. The Democrats now revert to Obstruction Mode and simply block any Republican proposal for the next 2 years. The GOP will not be able to undo much, if any, of Barry O's atrocities on humanity. Thus, the economy will remain in the crapper, nothing much will change, and the Democrats will constantly feed off the efforts of the few Republicans who attempt to change the course of the ship. To add to the problem, the GOP is in almost complete dysfunctional disarray. The establishment GOP didn't run on anything this election cycle. They spent their efforts (and big money) attacking and criticizing the Tea Party and the very conservatives who have now given them full control of Congress.

As the 2016 campaign season rolls around, Democrats will turn the gridlock they created into the fault of "do nothing" Republicans. They will argue Republicans have had full control for 2 years and did nothing. All the screwed up mess that has been created by the policies of Obama & Company, will be hung around the neck of Republicans. Calls for new Democrat leadership to "get things done" will be the order of the day.

Sorry I don't have a better prognostication, but I base my predictions on what has happened before. If the Republicans are able to parlay this huge win into any sort of meaningful change, the tactic of the Democrats will be to take full credit for it. Like they did with Welfare Reform under Clinton. It still remains his hallmark achievement, if you don't count the ability to get blow jobs from interns half his age.
Let obama show what he's made of to the American people let him use his veto pin and let the democrats block good sound legislation.
2016 presidential hopeful hillary just went good bye.
Here in North Carolina Democrat Gov. Purdue last two years had a republican controlled house and senate. she vetoed just about everything they sent to her. The voters became pissed, she decided not to run.

The GOP has very few ideas on their agenda that are popular with the American people.
The GOP should just let obola look like the cruel, selfish, vindictive baby that he is. The democrats don't have anyone to run in 2016. They have to find someone.
Okay... So republicans took control of the Senate and now have majority in both houses of Congress. Clearly a mandate against the policies of Obama and the Democrats. Certainly a sign that things are about to change. No more Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi but a distant horrible memory... So what's next? Well, the Boss is here to predict the future, so that you can have some insight into what is about to come down the proverbial pike.

Granted, the various and sundry chairmanships of committees will switch butts in seats. I'm personally excited to see my Senator, Jeff Sessions, in the role of Budget Chair. But there is much more to the operations of Congress than chairmanships. What we have to do is examine what has happened in the past as a way of comprehending what is likely to happen in the future. Here's my prediction:

Republicans, lacking a supermajority, will not be able to effectively govern. The Democrats now revert to Obstruction Mode and simply block any Republican proposal for the next 2 years. The GOP will not be able to undo much, if any, of Barry O's atrocities on humanity. Thus, the economy will remain in the crapper, nothing much will change, and the Democrats will constantly feed off the efforts of the few Republicans who attempt to change the course of the ship. To add to the problem, the GOP is in almost complete dysfunctional disarray. The establishment GOP didn't run on anything this election cycle. They spent their efforts (and big money) attacking and criticizing the Tea Party and the very conservatives who have now given them full control of Congress.

As the 2016 campaign season rolls around, Democrats will turn the gridlock they created into the fault of "do nothing" Republicans. They will argue Republicans have had full control for 2 years and did nothing. All the screwed up mess that has been created by the policies of Obama & Company, will be hung around the neck of Republicans. Calls for new Democrat leadership to "get things done" will be the order of the day.

Sorry I don't have a better prognostication, but I base my predictions on what has happened before. If the Republicans are able to parlay this huge win into any sort of meaningful change, the tactic of the Democrats will be to take full credit for it. Like they did with Welfare Reform under Clinton. It still remains his hallmark achievement, if you don't count the ability to get blow jobs from interns half his age.

Here's the future:


The states in red are the ones in 2016 that the Republicans have to defend a Senate seat.
The asshole is six years into his job and he still has no idea what the opposition proposes? He is still studying the pipeline from Canada? He doesn't know if we are wining in Iraq against ISIS? He has no clue as to the meaning of this election...."can't read the tea leaves"?

Going back to sleep now.

Hey, I totally agree. I believe Obama is the most incompetent man to ever be elected president. He is SO underqualified he actually makes Biden and Hillary look competent! Now that's saying something. BUT... he is still president for two more years and he doesn't plan to capitulate to Republicans and undo a damn thing he has done so far. Now, the good news is, he can't do much more damage without a majority in Congress and Harry Reid's shenanigans, but hey... he's still got that Executive Order pen and he's not afraid to use it.
How many presidents have you lived through?

I've been around since Ike, but it doesn't matter, I've studied them all... BAR NONE... Obama is the least qualified man to ever hold the office. George W. Bush's DAUGHTERS were more qualified than Obama!

Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and Paul Ryan all have less qualifications than Obama had in 2008

But keep your Obama isn't qualified rant. It will come in handy in 2016
Those clowns will never make it past primary...
Wrong. Stategy is to show competent congress by passing bills lors of bills to presidents desk. Make him veto tons of them. Make sure your clear in how you differ from obama and liberalism take your case to the people. However cave and give in on min wage, energy policy, trade, and agree to lower corporate tax and close loop holes.
Okay... So republicans took control of the Senate and now have majority in both houses of Congress. Clearly a mandate against the policies of Obama and the Democrats. Certainly a sign that things are about to change. No more Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi but a distant horrible memory... So what's next? Well, the Boss is here to predict the future, so that you can have some insight into what is about to come down the proverbial pike.

Granted, the various and sundry chairmanships of committees will switch butts in seats. I'm personally excited to see my Senator, Jeff Sessions, in the role of Budget Chair. But there is much more to the operations of Congress than chairmanships. What we have to do is examine what has happened in the past as a way of comprehending what is likely to happen in the future. Here's my prediction:

Republicans, lacking a supermajority, will not be able to effectively govern. The Democrats now revert to Obstruction Mode and simply block any Republican proposal for the next 2 years. The GOP will not be able to undo much, if any, of Barry O's atrocities on humanity. Thus, the economy will remain in the crapper, nothing much will change, and the Democrats will constantly feed off the efforts of the few Republicans who attempt to change the course of the ship. To add to the problem, the GOP is in almost complete dysfunctional disarray. The establishment GOP didn't run on anything this election cycle. They spent their efforts (and big money) attacking and criticizing the Tea Party and the very conservatives who have now given them full control of Congress.

As the 2016 campaign season rolls around, Democrats will turn the gridlock they created into the fault of "do nothing" Republicans. They will argue Republicans have had full control for 2 years and did nothing. All the screwed up mess that has been created by the policies of Obama & Company, will be hung around the neck of Republicans. Calls for new Democrat leadership to "get things done" will be the order of the day.

Sorry I don't have a better prognostication, but I base my predictions on what has happened before. If the Republicans are able to parlay this huge win into any sort of meaningful change, the tactic of the Democrats will be to take full credit for it. Like they did with Welfare Reform under Clinton. It still remains his hallmark achievement, if you don't count the ability to get blow jobs from interns half his age.
Let obama show what he's made of to the American people let him use his veto pin and let the democrats block good sound legislation.
2016 presidential hopeful hillary just went good bye.
Here in North Carolina Democrat Gov. Purdue last two years had a republican controlled house and senate. she vetoed just about everything they sent to her. The voters became pissed, she decided not to run.

The GOP has very few ideas on their agenda that are popular with the American people.
If that were true the Republican's would not have beaten the democrats so badly, and the voters would have voted for the democrats to keep Republicans out of power
Wrong. Stategy is to show competent congress by passing bills lors of bills to presidents desk. Make him veto tons of them. Make sure your clear in how you differ from obama and liberalism take your case to the people. However cave and give in on min wage, energy policy, trade, and agree to lower corporate tax and close loop holes.

How do you propose to get bills up to Obama's desk?

Democrats couldn't get bills through the Senate, what makes you think Republicans can?
Wrong. Stategy is to show competent congress by passing bills lors of bills to presidents desk. Make him veto tons of them. Make sure your clear in how you differ from obama and liberalism take your case to the people. However cave and give in on min wage, energy policy, trade, and agree to lower corporate tax and close loop holes.

How do you propose to get bills up to Obama's desk?

Democrats couldn't get bills through the Senate, what makes you think Republicans can?
Where you been Amos....democrats didn't try ....everyone admits that.
Wrong. Stategy is to show competent congress by passing bills lors of bills to presidents desk. Make him veto tons of them. Make sure your clear in how you differ from obama and liberalism take your case to the people. However cave and give in on min wage, energy policy, trade, and agree to lower corporate tax and close loop holes.

How do you propose to get bills up to Obama's desk?

Democrats couldn't get bills through the Senate, what makes you think Republicans can?
Where you been Amos....democrats didn't try ....everyone admits that.
Totally useless response as expected

How do Republicans get bills through the Senate without 60 votes?

Think about it Skippy
Wrong. Stategy is to show competent congress by passing bills lors of bills to presidents desk. Make him veto tons of them. Make sure your clear in how you differ from obama and liberalism take your case to the people. However cave and give in on min wage, energy policy, trade, and agree to lower corporate tax and close loop holes.

How do you propose to get bills up to Obama's desk?

Democrats couldn't get bills through the Senate, what makes you think Republicans can?
Where you been Amos....democrats didn't try ....everyone admits that.
Totally useless response as expected

How do Republicans get bills through the Senate without 60 votes?

Think about it Skippy
they will just need a few moderate dems. You know they exist now, right? Lol
Wrong. Stategy is to show competent congress by passing bills lors of bills to presidents desk. Make him veto tons of them. Make sure your clear in how you differ from obama and liberalism take your case to the people. However cave and give in on min wage, energy policy, trade, and agree to lower corporate tax and close loop holes.

How do you propose to get bills up to Obama's desk?

Democrats couldn't get bills through the Senate, what makes you think Republicans can?
Where you been Amos....democrats didn't try ....everyone admits that.
Totally useless response as expected

How do Republicans get bills through the Senate without 60 votes?

Think about it Skippy
they will just need a few moderate dems. You know they exist now, right? Lol

You mean like moderate Republicans existed?
Wrong. Stategy is to show competent congress by passing bills lors of bills to presidents desk. Make him veto tons of them. Make sure your clear in how you differ from obama and liberalism take your case to the people. However cave and give in on min wage, energy policy, trade, and agree to lower corporate tax and close loop holes.

How do you propose to get bills up to Obama's desk?

Democrats couldn't get bills through the Senate, what makes you think Republicans can?
Where you been Amos....democrats didn't try ....everyone admits that.
Totally useless response as expected

How do Republicans get bills through the Senate without 60 votes?

Think about it Skippy
they will just need a few moderate dems. You know they exist now, right? Lol

You mean like moderate Republicans existed?
Dont play dum with me. You never answer a question with a question. Yes or no?
How do you propose to get bills up to Obama's desk?

Democrats couldn't get bills through the Senate, what makes you think Republicans can?
Where you been Amos....democrats didn't try ....everyone admits that.
Totally useless response as expected

How do Republicans get bills through the Senate without 60 votes?

Think about it Skippy
they will just need a few moderate dems. You know they exist now, right? Lol

You mean like moderate Republicans existed?
Dont play dum with me. You never answer a question with a question. Yes or no? is your answer

You are a fucking idiot if you think that after six years of non-stop filibuster, Republicans will find seven Democrats who are willing to support them

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