Boston Bombers, "be some other kind of right-wing extremists." according to CNN


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
I am not surprised to see that CNN, though I admit I really figured MSNBC might beat them to the punch, would blame the "Right Wing" for the bombings in Boston.

CNN Analyst Suggests 'Right-Wing Extremists' Could Be Behind Boston Bombing | NewsBusters

JAKE TAPPER: Peter, does this – obviously we don't want to speculate. We don't know what this was. But is there reason for people who deal in counter-terrorism to think that this is an act of terrorism? Or suspect it strongly, at least?

PETER BERGEN: Sure. Although I'm reminded of Oklahoma City which was a bombing, which was initially treated as a gas explosion. So first reports are often erroneous. But the fact that there were two explosions – two bombings – one of the things I'd be looking at is once the device, if it is a device, is found, what kind of explosives were used? For instance, if it was hydrogen peroxide, this is a signature of al-Qaeda. If it was more conventional explosives, which are much harder to get a hold of now, that might be some other kind of right-wing extremists. We've seen a number of failed bombing attempts by al-Qaeda using bombs, (Unintelligible) and for instance, the Manhattan subway in 2009, Faisal Shahzad in 2010, the attempt to bring down Northwest Flight 253 over Detroit in 2009. But we've also seen other extremist groups, right-wing groups, for instance, trying to attack the Martin Luther King parade in Oregon in 2010.



TAPPER: And Peter, what are you waiting to hear for – hear about in these coming hours?

BERGEN: I think the actual – the constituency inside the bomb will make a big difference about how we identify the person who did this. Or the persons who did this. Because if it's hydrogen peroxide, that puts (Unintelligible). If it's something else –

TAPPER: Could be a different –

BERGEN: – could be a right-wing extremist group. Or some other group.

Read more: CNN Analyst Suggests 'Right-Wing Extremists' Could Be Behind Boston Bombing | NewsBusters
It's funny that every Liberal on the board was hammering me because I said "How long before the Liberals turn the Boston Bomb Massacre into an excuse to track all Americans," which assumes that it was a domestic terrorist.

Then within 30 minutes of my thread, the media focuses all its SPECULATION on Patriot groups. llolololol
No shit, I would be disappointed and shocked if the media did not try and pin this on the right wing
Or a militia group.
It may just be that MSNBC did beat CNN to the "Blame it on Conservatives" punch..

NewsBusters | Exposing Liberal Media Bias

Just hours after explosions rocked the Boston Marathon on Monday, Chris Matthews speculated, "Normally domestic terrorists, people, tend to be on the far right." He then reconsidered and suggested, "...That’s not a good category, just extremists, let’s call them that."
I'm not the least bit surprised, except that MSNBC didn't do it first. And if Obama decides to pin it on the Republicans, the MSM will happily go along with anything he tells them to do.
How is what CNN did any different from all the posters here who speculated that it was Muslim terrorists?
So in the same breath this guys speculates that it could be Muslims terrorists or a right wing extremist group and you decide to run here and cry about it?
This reminds me of Eric Rudolph and the Centennial Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta in 1996. For those of you who may not remember, here's a couple links:

Eric Rudolph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Centennial Olympic Park bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since early 2009 DHS and obama have had their eyes set on the right wing. Do try and keep up.

And rightly so...
As usual wrong.

Mark Say's Dee Dee Dee it could be
Tea Party
White Gangs
Radical Right-Wing

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