Boston Bombers, "be some other kind of right-wing extremists." according to CNN

Since early 2009 DHS and obama have had their eyes set on the right wing. Do try and keep up.

And rightly so...

Since Obama had the FBI declare Occupy Wall Street terrorists (who might have issues with Tax Day), isn't it possible that it may be left-wing extremists?

[ame=]Dave Chappelle - Gotcha, bitch! (Original Scene) - YouTube[/ame]

Have you seen the video of him talking about the Illumnati. He gets scared as shit.
Jihad in Boston?

April 16, 2013 By Robert Spencer


The implication was that if there was no Saudi national in custody, then the bombings were not jihad. The egg was on their faces, however, when it turned out that the New York Post had been right, and that authorities really did have a Saudi national in custody. According to CBS News, “Law enforcement sources told Miller a witness saw a person acting suspiciously when the explosions happened along the marathon route.” Miller explained:

They see him running away from the device. Now, a reasonable person would be running away. But this person had noticed him before. This is a civilian — chases him down, tackles him, turns him over to the Boston police. The individual is being looked at [and] was suffering from burn injury. That means this person was pretty close to wherever this blast went off, but not so close as to suffer the serious injuries that other people did.

There are other indications that this was a jihad attack: the timed and coordinated bombings were of a kind we have seen previously in the Mumbai jihad attacks, as well as in numerous jihad bombings in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Jihad in Boston? | FrontPage Magazine

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How is what CNN did any different from all the posters here who speculated that it was Muslim terrorists?
Don't be so disingenuous. This isn't a worldwide television network.

How does hosting a TV show make a pundit's opinion any more relevant than the average USMB poster?

(aside from they get paid for it)
They're seen by hundreds of millions of people and because they're on tv, people tend to believe what they say is accurate. Don't tell me you didn't already know that.
Don't be so disingenuous. This isn't a worldwide television network.

How does hosting a TV show make a pundit's opinion any more relevant than the average USMB poster?

(aside from they get paid for it)
They're seen by hundreds of millions of people and because they're on tv, people tend to believe what they say is accurate. Don't tell me you didn't already know that.

I can guarantee you that there were not "hundreds of millions" of people watching CNN this afternoon. But that's beside the point.

The point is that pundits on TV are paid to speculate about things like this. That's what their job is.

I find nothing outrageous at all about TV pundits doing their jobs, just like I find nothing "outrageous" about people posting their bullshit speculation on message boards.
How does hosting a TV show make a pundit's opinion any more relevant than the average USMB poster?

(aside from they get paid for it)
They're seen by hundreds of millions of people and because they're on tv, people tend to believe what they say is accurate. Don't tell me you didn't already know that.

I can guarantee you that there were not "hundreds of millions" of people watching CNN this afternoon. But that's beside the point.

The point is that pundits on TV are paid to speculate about things like this. That's what their job is.

I find nothing outrageous at all about TV pundits doing their jobs, just like I find nothing "outrageous" about people posting their bullshit speculation on message boards.
You know damn good and well a national news network carries a lot more weight than an internet discussion forum. Don't insult my intelligence.
Since early 2009 DHS and obama have had their eyes set on the right wing. Do try and keep up.

And rightly so...

Since Obama had the FBI declare Occupy Wall Street terrorists (who might have issues with Tax Day), isn't it possible that it may be left-wing extremists?

[ame=]Dave Chappelle - Gotcha, bitch! (Original Scene) - YouTube[/ame]
Is Lakhota going to respond to this?

Probably not, doubt he is off searching Huffpo, Alternet, and various other leftwing propoganda sites, desperately looking for something, ANYTHING stupid they will tell him to say up here.
Seems like the work of homegrown white Christian conservative terrorists to me. Eric Rudolph types.
Seems like the work of homegrown white Christian conservative terrorists to me. Eric Rudolph types.

Since Obama had the FBI declare Occupy Wall Street terrorists (who might have issues with Tax Day), isn't it possible that it may be left-wing extremists?

[ame=]Dave Chappelle - Gotcha, bitch! (Original Scene) - YouTube[/ame]
Patriots' Day (officially Patriots' Day in Massachusetts[1] and Patriot's Day in Maine[2]) is a civic holiday commemorating the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775. These were the first battles of the American Revolutionary War. It is observed on the third Monday in April in Massachusetts[3] and Maine[4] (once part of Massachusetts), and is a public school observance day in Wisconsin[5]. Observances and re-enactments of these first battles of the American Revolution occur annually at Lexington Green in Lexington, Massachusetts, (around 6:00 am) and The Old North Bridge in Concord, Massachusetts, (around 9:00 am). In the morning, mounted re-enactors (National Lancers - Massachusetts) with state police escorts retrace the rides of Paul Revere and William Dawes, calling out warnings the whole way.

More: Patriots' Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Howard Fineman: Running Toward The Screams On Patriots' Day
Seems like the work of homegrown white Christian conservative terrorists to me. Eric Rudolph types.
I wonder if they are investigating where the Obama's good buddies, William Ayers and Bernardine Dorn were at when this shit was going down.
What if it is a Left Wing Extremist? They too exist. If this turns out to be a Left Wing extremist that is tried and sent to prison, we could in fact see him/her 30 years from now as a tenured professor at an Ivy League School still expressing anti US views and having no remorse.
What if it is a Left Wing Extremist? They too exist. If this turns out to be a Left Wing extremist that is tried and sent to prison, we could in fact see him/her 30 years from now as a tenured professor at an Ivy League School still expressing anti US views and having no remorse.

Since Obama had the FBI declare Occupy Wall Street terrorists (who might have issues with Tax Day), isn't it possible that it may be left-wing extremists?

[ame=]Dave Chappelle - Gotcha, bitch! (Original Scene) - YouTube[/ame]
How is what CNN did any different from all the posters here who speculated that it was Muslim terrorists?
Don't be so disingenuous. This isn't a worldwide television network.

How does hosting a TV show make a pundit's opinion any more relevant than the average USMB poster?

(aside from they get paid for it)

and that they're on air and get to spread their bullshit to millions, here at USMB we just bullshit each other.
Seems like the work of homegrown white Christian conservative terrorists to me. Eric Rudolph types.
I wonder if they are investigating where the Obama's good buddies, William Ayers and Bernardine Dorn were at when this shit was going down.

it was just last week Robert Redford and some of the lefties were having a love affair with the old extremist leftie terrorists wasn't it?

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