Boston Marathon Bombing

You want to stop this kind of thing... you want to REALLY stop this kind of thing? Then you need to say FUCK POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, FUCK WORRYING ABOUT OFFENDING SOMEONE, and PROFILE the FUCK otta these mother fucking MUSLIMS, PERIOD.

Time to quit worrying and all the touchy, feely, can't offend anyone BULL SHIT.
You want to stop this kind of thing... you want to REALLY stop this kind of thing? Then you need to say FUCK POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, FUCK WORRYING ABOUT OFFENDING SOMEONE, and PROFILE the FUCK otta these mother fucking MUSLIMS, PERIOD.

Time to quit worrying and all the touchy, feely, can't offend anyone BULL SHIT.

So. Muslims did this? We've confirmed that?
Obama.....didn't use the word "attack", "bomb", or "terrorism" at all.....

Will this dirtbag ever call suck attacks for what they are?

I think Obama is the kind of person who likes to have all the information first instead of shooting his mouth off like a stupid cowboy would.

But we know how much a lot of you miss Dubya, mister shoot-the-wrong-country-first and ask questions later.

obama didn't learn anything from the beer summit he's doesn't care about any information he'll use it if it's politically expedient for him.
Ahhhh crap!

Will you even listen to yourselves?

During and after the London bombings, I didn't see Brits bickering left/right politics.

Left and right, you absolutely should be ashamed of yourselves.

I'm done with this.

You simply cannot believe that this message board is a typical cross section of America.

It's not. Most all Americans stand with the President in this time of tragedy.
Hmmm. Interesting, tinydancer. Let's see where this goes.

I hope I don't come off as being accusatory in regards to this young man. Just proving a point to Black Label that they do have this young man in custody.

Think about it; if he's completely innocent could you imagine the sheer horror of being a Saudi National student, just having a good time cheering on the runners like every one else at the finish lines and terrorist bombs go off? YIKES!

Holy toledo! That would be a nightmares of nightmares if you were innocent.
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At 5:05pm They were talking about a apprehended individual on the police scanners and something about JTT.
Police Have Video of Suspect Dropping Bombs in Trash Cans (UPDATED)

This comes from a trusted source on today’s Boston bombings:

From a cop friend in Boston–
A former partner says there was a reporter at the hospital in Boston. She overheard police saying they have video of the suspect dropping bombs into the garbage cans.

Cops will never admit that have a suspect in custody until they are ready. If they call him a suspect you must read him his Miranda rights.

An eight year-old child was killed in one of the blasts.



garbage cans in the immediate area are one of the first places bomb sniffing dogs or security would look at during such an event

The bomb sniffing dogs are out there the day before or morning of the race, they are not out there all during race day and certainly not after the winners have finished the race, which was about 2 hours before the bombs went off.
We're also only four days away from the anniversary of Waco and OKC.
That isn't on people's minds any more, Mr. Brunswick, although it is not unheard of for grief against the government by home-grown. We're being challenged to make mistakes defending ourselves by very clever manipulators of information, and mischief season for terrorist attacks is nigh, which means planners want their terror distributors cheerful, and bad things to America makes them most cheerful for the purpose of making more mischief than usual. I hope we act in a courageous way that heals rifts and not deepens them so that we are not forced to teach lessons to people who wouldn't listen anyway if their lives dependedupon it.
Hmmm. Interesting, tinydancer. Let's see where this goes.

I hope I don't come off as being accusatory in regards to this young man. Just proving a point to Black Label that they do have this young man in custody.

Think about it; if he's completely innocent could you imagine the sheer horror of being a Saudi National student, just having a good time cheering on the runners like every one else at the finish lines and terrorist bombs go off? YIKES!

Holy toledo! That would be a nightmares of nightmares if you were innocent.

Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time! :eek:

Time will tell if this guy is innocent. Nobody really knows what happened or by whom. Yet. I'm sure they will figure it out. LOTS of people with cell phones snapping pics..lots of cameras on poles, etc.
Ahhhh crap!

Will you even listen to yourselves?

During and after the London bombings, I didn't see Brits bickering left/right politics.

Left and right, you absolutely should be ashamed of yourselves.

I'm done with this.

You simply cannot believe that this message board is a typical cross section of America.

It's not. Most all Americans stand with the President in this time of tragedy.

hello ..,.its one trust the government anymore..least of all the presedent
Very true. I'm sure they don't want to name someone and then have to retract if they were wrong.

No one can rush to judgement. All the ducks have to be in a row. And home grown is a real possibility.

Only one profile can be nailed down at this point in time.

That whoever did this is one evil son of a bitch and go from there.
Ahhhh crap!

Will you even listen to yourselves?

During and after the London bombings, I didn't see Brits bickering left/right politics.

Left and right, you absolutely should be ashamed of yourselves.

I'm done with this.

You simply cannot believe that this message board is a typical cross section of America.

It's not. Most all Americans stand with the President in this time of tragedy.

hello ..,.its one trust the government anymore..least of all the presedent

At the very press conference when this initial attack happened a reporter asked if this attack a false flag. Times are a changing.
Hmmm. Interesting, tinydancer. Let's see where this goes.

I hope I don't come off as being accusatory in regards to this young man. Just proving a point to Black Label that they do have this young man in custody.

Think about it; if he's completely innocent could you imagine the sheer horror of being a Saudi National student, just having a good time cheering on the runners like every one else at the finish lines and terrorist bombs go off? YIKES!

Holy toledo! That would be a nightmares of nightmares if you were innocent.

Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time! :eek:

Time will tell if this guy is innocent. Nobody really knows what happened or by whom. Yet. I'm sure they will figure it out. LOTS of people with cell phones snapping pics..lots of cameras on poles, etc.

I'm sure everyone will proceed cautiously. I don't even know how you'd deal with a crime scene like what I've seen in pictures.
You know...I thought Obama sounded...clipped, as well. Not really clipped, but I can't think of the right word that fits. Not bored. Not ho hum. Just kind of....."I must do this because I have other things to do" sorta mentality.

And I used to like Obama, so that is saying a lot. I don't like him much any more but I also don't hate him. He just seemed "off" tonight.
Reports that it may have been an accident.

I hope it was an accident, we're tired of terrorism.

get used to it, this is only the beginning, don't forget, the liberals, low lifes, freeloaders, low IQ's voted for this, we have a president who just gave a speech and it sounded to me more like.........., "Ho Hummmm ! big deal"

Yes, we need some low IQ, welfare leeching, inbred right wingers and their elected GOP master beating their hands on the podium like a dictator declairing war on someone. It doesn't matter who, beause war is awwweeeeeeeeesome and the answer for everything! Yeeeeeeeeeee haw!
Hmmmm, did they have some sort of threat before hand?

Bomb Sniffing Dogs, Spotters on Roofs Before Explosions

Here comes the "Grassy Knoll" Brigade, a charter member of the Boston Marathon Truthers

Boston runners were warned: Squamish man
Mike Heiliger, 59, said a woman holding several bags was telling runners who were picking up their pre-race packages in downtown Boston on Saturday (April 13) that they were going to die if they participated in the event.
“I was downtown on Saturday and you know, you see these people on the street and think it's just some nutbar,” he told The Chief from his Boston hotel on Monday. “It was a little creepy because you can identify who the runners are and I heard her say to this runner two feet away from me that, 'If you run tomorrow you're going to die.'”
At the time, Heiliger said he thought about telling the woman that the race was Monday, but decided not to correct her.
Heiliger was in the process of calling the police after his conversation with The Chief.
“I thought it was just a nut and maybe she was a nut but she was holding a couple of bags like she just got off a plane and was accosting runners on Saturday,” he said.

"said a woman holding several bags"

The Great Bag Lady Prophet.......brought to you by Jack Daniels and Johnny Walker
The Suspect is a Saudi National? Quick, we'd better invade Iraq!

No wait, Afghanistan!

Uh no, Libya!

Well, how about Syria?

Any place but Saudi Arabia.

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