Boston Marathon Bombing

*facepalm* - Dude - George Bush experienced an 85% approval rating following the events of 9/11. Since 85% of the population are not Republican conservatives, then MATH would dictate that Obama's base approved of George Bush and his response. It was the invasion of a nation that wasn't a threat to us that did him in. Jeezus Hussein Christ Sucking A Jolly Rancher While Trying to Whistle Liza Minelli Show Tunes - How fucking hard is that to understand?

Bush's approval rating was actually 90% after 9/11. Bush maintained a high approval rating until the invasion of Iraq. Righties will try to change history and tell you otherwise.
Do you fanatical liberal totalitarians constantly bang on about how bush started 2 illegal wars, in accordance with UN propaganda.

I've never done so. Do you try to rewrite history all of the time? Or just on this subject? You were wrong, you were called out on it and now you are doubling down on your foolishness.
What kind of sick fuck blows up a marathon race?

If this is the work of Islamic terrorists, we are going to need a President with more balls than the one we have.

You couldn't even wait 10 minutes after it happened before making it political, dickhead? Go fuck yourself.

Have you read some of your Liberal friends' comments on Lady Thatcher's death, How Gabby Gifford's shooter was a right wing gun nut? You don't like politics being injected into tragedies, don't do it yourself.

^ Way to try and justify your fucktardedness. What total scum you are.
No need to play dumb. Odds are it was muslims, period.

I think it was spacemen from mars.
Post your evidence.

The evidence is all over the internet, lazy, so read it, instead of playing dumb... well... maybe you're not playing.

The attack was the product of stupidity and hate but I have no clue who did it.

Adding more of the same does nothing to help. I condenm whoever it was, regardless of who is finally found to be the evil sods who did it.
If this turns out to be right wing nuts, you're going to look very silly.
If this attack did nothing else it absolutely shined a very bright light on the extent of division in the country and answer the question of whether or not it will survive intact.
Since 9/11, in NYC on New Years Eve, every trashcan is taken off the street, every manhole cover is welded shut and every piece of litter on the ground is scrutinized.

So now i ask the questions: Where was the Boston PD? Why didn't they secure this event? Aren't they given millions of dollars annually to prevent this sort of thing?

I was in Boston about five years ago. We were on our way to Quincy Market when I noticed a suitcase by itself. Now here in the CT/NYC area we are told if you see something (suspicious)say something,so I found a cop and told him. He looked at me like I was nuts and just said OK and went back to what he was doing. In NYC the cop would have said show me now. I don't think they are as vigilant in Boston as they are in NYC. After today they will be I'm sure.

In our slumber of arrogance and false sense of security, we will always need something to open our eyes.
If this attack did nothing else it absolutely shined a very bright light on the extent of division in the country and answer the question of whether or not it will survive intact.

You are correct.

When we were attacked on 9/11, nearly the entire country was behind Bush. When we are attacked now, many righties attack Obama instead of supporting him. Most of the righties are showing their true colors.
If this attack did nothing else it absolutely shined a very bright light on the extent of division in the country and answer the question of whether or not it will survive intact.

You are correct.

When we were attacked on 9/11, nearly the entire country was behind Bush. When we are attacked now, many righties attack Obama instead of supporting him. Most of the righties are showing their true colors.

Once bitten, twice shy.

Have you heard the latest about how they're going to be checking everyone's bags and backpacks in Boston? We've completely lost our freedom. The terrorists won after 9/11, we are the ones who lost our freedom with the TSA and the patriot act, this is just going to put us that much more over the line into a fascist state.
If this attack did nothing else it absolutely shined a very bright light on the extent of division in the country and answer the question of whether or not it will survive intact.

You are correct.

When we were attacked on 9/11, nearly the entire country was behind Bush. When we are attacked now, many righties attack Obama instead of supporting him. Most of the righties are showing their true colors.

Once bitten, twice shy.

Have you heard the latest about how they're going to be checking everyone's bags and backpacks in Boston? We've completely lost our freedom. The terrorists won after 9/11, we are the ones who lost our freedom with the TSA and the patriot act, this is just going to put us that much more over the line into a fascist state.

Bag terrible.
Since 9/11, in NYC on New Years Eve, every trashcan is taken off the street, every manhole cover is welded shut and every piece of litter on the ground is scrutinized.

So now i ask the questions: Where was the Boston PD? Why didn't they secure this event? Aren't they given millions of dollars annually to prevent this sort of thing?

I was in Boston about five years ago. We were on our way to Quincy Market when I noticed a suitcase by itself. Now here in the CT/NYC area we are told if you see something (suspicious)say something,so I found a cop and told him. He looked at me like I was nuts and just said OK and went back to what he was doing. In NYC the cop would have said show me now. I don't think they are as vigilant in Boston as they are in NYC. After today they will be I'm sure.

In our slumber of arrogance and false sense of security, we will always need something to open our eyes.

Open our eyes and do what? Asking for more TSA organizations to further curb our freedoms? That's what happened after 9/11. Everybody wanted to be safe, so they cried for an iron wall. Problem is, they started having issues themselves getting through it as well over time.
They can check my bag anytime they want to. I have nothing to hide. If it helps keep everyone in the USA safer...then by all means, be my guest to check.

But that's me.
If this attack did nothing else it absolutely shined a very bright light on the extent of division in the country and answer the question of whether or not it will survive intact.

You are correct.

When we were attacked on 9/11, nearly the entire country was behind Bush. When we are attacked now, many righties attack Obama instead of supporting him. Most of the righties are showing their true colors.

Absolutely and obama earned every bit of it too. He is pond scum but not as intelligent.
If this attack did nothing else it absolutely shined a very bright light on the extent of division in the country and answer the question of whether or not it will survive intact.

You are correct.

When we were attacked on 9/11, nearly the entire country was behind Bush. When we are attacked now, many righties attack Obama instead of supporting him. Most of the righties are showing their true colors.

I enlisted in reaction to 9/11.

Look at how the Katzndogz and Big Gay Ern's of the country react to this.

Patriotic American's my ass.
I was in Boston about five years ago. We were on our way to Quincy Market when I noticed a suitcase by itself. Now here in the CT/NYC area we are told if you see something (suspicious)say something,so I found a cop and told him. He looked at me like I was nuts and just said OK and went back to what he was doing. In NYC the cop would have said show me now. I don't think they are as vigilant in Boston as they are in NYC. After today they will be I'm sure.

In our slumber of arrogance and false sense of security, we will always need something to open our eyes.

Open our eyes and do what? Asking for more TSA organizations to further curb our freedoms? That's what happened after 9/11. Everybody wanted to be safe, so they cried for an iron wall. Problem is, they started having issues themselves getting through it as well over time.

No. Those who are willing to give up a essential liberty for safety deserve neither liberty nor safety (Benjamin Franklin?) But then again, when was the last time we had a group of terrorists run a plane into a building after that? Hey here's an idea, restrict the TSA to the powers it had right after 9/11! It's seems to have worked up until now.

So how do we keep our country safe? There can be no such thing as "absolute liberty" or "absolute safety". But we have to strike a balance between the two. I am not advocating that anyone be stripped of their rights. But if you take a flight somewhere, you'll sure as heck be happy that such security measures got you home also.
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All these war vets and not one of them has noticed.

Two bombs 130 people hurt and only three killed. The bombs were not designed to kill but blow legs off. Low level flying schrapnel. Just like the IEDs in Afganistan. The bombs exploded down and out. That's bomb design.
They can check my bag anytime they want to. I have nothing to hide. If it helps keep everyone in the USA safer...then by all means, be my guest to check.

But that's me.

how far will you go

how much freedom will you give up

to help keep us safe

will you allow the cops to search your home

would you allow the government to control

what books you can read

how about listening in on your phone calls

or searching your bank accounts
Once bitten, twice shy.

Have you heard the latest about how they're going to be checking everyone's bags and backpacks in Boston? We've completely lost our freedom. The terrorists won after 9/11, we are the ones who lost our freedom with the TSA and the patriot act, this is just going to put us that much more over the line into a fascist state.

Bag terrible.

If they are going to start checking bags on the street, I am going to start saving up my money to leave the country. I won't live in a country where a low IQ ape has the authority to violate my personal space and possessions the minute I walk out the door.

Gotta do what you've gotta do I guess. I think you'd feel right at home with low IQ apes however.
They can check my bag anytime they want to. I have nothing to hide. If it helps keep everyone in the USA safer...then by all means, be my guest to check.

But that's me.

how far will you go

how much freedom will you give up

to help keep us safe

will you allow the cops to search your home

would you allow the government to control

what books you can read

how about listening in on your phone calls

or searching your bank accounts


But, if I chose to use a service, i.e. airline, then I have to go by their rules. Flying in a plane is not a right. You want to use their service? Go by their rules. If I go to a ballpark and they want to check my bags? Fine. If I go in a mall and have packages with me from another mall or even a huge purse and they want to check it? Fine. I am entering their mall. I go by their rules. Or...I don't go to their mall at all. My choice.
They can check my bag anytime they want to. I have nothing to hide. If it helps keep everyone in the USA safer...then by all means, be my guest to check.

But that's me.

how far will you go

how much freedom will you give up

to help keep us safe

will you allow the cops to search your home

would you allow the government to control

what books you can read

how about listening in on your phone calls

or searching your bank accounts


But, if I chose to use a service, i.e. airline, then I have to go by their rules. Flying in a plane is not a right. You want to use their service? Go by their rules. If I go to a ballpark and they want to check my bags? Fine. If I go in a mall and have packages with me from another mall or even a huge purse and they want to check it? Fine. I am entering their mall. I go by their rules. Or...I don't go to their mall at all. My choice.

i dont use their services

personally i drive

i do however have a pilots license and medical

so i do fly but only for fun

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