Boston Marathon Bombing

Once bitten, twice shy.

Have you heard the latest about how they're going to be checking everyone's bags and backpacks in Boston? We've completely lost our freedom. The terrorists won after 9/11, we are the ones who lost our freedom with the TSA and the patriot act, this is just going to put us that much more over the line into a fascist state.

Bag terrible.

Another step toward tyranny and all you think it is wonderful because it makes you feel safe.

Your display of ignorance is blinding. Anyone who thinks the entire country was behind Bush didn't pay attention.

90% approval rating isn't quite the "entire country" but it's damn close:

Presidential Approval Ratings -- George W. Bush | Gallup Historical Trends

Which still left a 30 million people to attack him, which you would know if you had half the brain rdean has.

90% after 9/11...but now it has settled in around 30%...which makes sense.
You are correct.

When we were attacked on 9/11, nearly the entire country was behind Bush. When we are attacked now, many righties attack Obama instead of supporting him. Most of the righties are showing their true colors.

Your display of ignorance is blinding. Anyone who thinks the entire country was behind Bush didn't pay attention.

Which is why I used the word nearly, obviously you struggle with reading and reading comprehension. 90% approval rating is nearly the entire country.

Yet, despite your protest of brilliance, there was plenty of opposition to Bush after 9/11, which explains why the Democrats made inroads every single election. Bush did get some big things passed, but that was not because everyone supported him, it was because he actually understood how to reach out to people he disagreed with.
Which still left a 30 million people to attack him, which you would know if you had half the brain rdean has.

No. If there are 300 million PEOPLE in the USA, then how many of those 300 million are children? And an approval rating isn't based on "Those who are for someone and those who are going to ATTACK someone." One can disapprove of a person's job without attacking them. Bush was no victim here. He had a 90% approval rating and he squandered it.
Your display of ignorance is blinding. Anyone who thinks the entire country was behind Bush didn't pay attention.

Which is why I used the word nearly, obviously you struggle with reading and reading comprehension. 90% approval rating is nearly the entire country.

Yet, despite your protest of brilliance, there was plenty of opposition to Bush after 9/11, which explains why the Democrats made inroads every single election. Bush did get some big things passed, but that was not because everyone supported him, it was because he actually understood how to reach out to people he disagreed with.

Once again, you are incorrect. The Democrats did not make inroads in either the 2002 or 2004 elections, the GOP had net gains in both chambers both years. Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
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Which still left a 30 million people to attack him, which you would know if you had half the brain rdean has.

No. If there are 300 million PEOPLE in the USA, then how many of those 300 million are children? And an approval rating isn't based on "Those who are for someone and those who are going to ATTACK someone." One can disapprove of a person's job without attacking them. Bush was no victim here. He had a 90% approval rating and he squandered it.

Children don't have political opinions? When did that start?
Which still left a 30 million people to attack him, which you would know if you had half the brain rdean has.

No. If there are 300 million PEOPLE in the USA, then how many of those 300 million are children? And an approval rating isn't based on "Those who are for someone and those who are going to ATTACK someone." One can disapprove of a person's job without attacking them. Bush was no victim here. He had a 90% approval rating and he squandered it.

Children don't have political opinions? When did that start?
not really, how could they? most kids just parrot what their parents say until they start to mature.
Which is why I used the word nearly, obviously you struggle with reading and reading comprehension. 90% approval rating is nearly the entire country.

Yet, despite your protest of brilliance, there was plenty of opposition to Bush after 9/11, which explains why the Democrats made inroads every single election. Bush did get some big things passed, but that was not because everyone supported him, it was because he actually understood how to reach out to people he disagreed with.

Once again, you are incorrect. The Democrats did not make inroads in either the 2002 or 2004 elections, the GOP had net gains in both chambers both years. Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

They did? Did you tell the House that, because there official website tells me otherwise.

Party Divisions | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives
The Saudi student has been cleared.

Source: Bombs were likely in pressure cookers in backpacks -

No suspects have been identified, and the motive remains unclear, authorities said.
Authorities late Monday searched the apartment of a young Saudi man who was injured at the race. He was found to have no connection to the attack. "He was just at the wrong place at the wrong time," the U.S. official said.

A Saudi woman, a medical student who was also injured in the blast, has also been interviewed by investigators, according to a law enforcement source.
If you read others posts you'd know how the tea party got co-opted by a bunch of nutters and called the tea bag party by themselves. If you had any brains in your head you'd know that the original tea party from 2006 became filled with social cons and morons such as yourself to end up being, get ready kids, an EPIC fail.

You mean I could have recited the leftist mantra?


But alas, my preference is facts. And the fact is that the Tea Parties started in 2006. Jon Stewart trained you mindless fucks to use the term in 2010 - 4 years later.

Oh and yes, the older Tea Partiers took right to the term, with no clue what it meant. Of course, most of you Obamunists use the term to this day. That fuckwad Stewart does. He's real proud that he attached that to the freedom movement - like most of the left, he bitterly detests freedom.
Yet, despite your protest of brilliance, there was plenty of opposition to Bush after 9/11, which explains why the Democrats made inroads every single election. Bush did get some big things passed, but that was not because everyone supported him, it was because he actually understood how to reach out to people he disagreed with.

Once again, you are incorrect. The Democrats did not make inroads in either the 2002 or 2004 elections, the GOP had net gains in both chambers both years. Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

They did? Did you tell the House that, because there official website tells me otherwise.

Party Divisions | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives

You retard!!
Boston is hundreds of miles from newtown.

You will make this about guns because you want it to be about guns because it suits your dogma.

There is no evidence to suggest it was any group as of yet.

There is plenty to suggest that you are a retard who would use a child's death to push an agenda.
FYI yesterday's run was dedicated to the Newtown victims. Their were runners there from Newtown raising money for the victims. This area of the country is small,its only about a three hour drive with traffic to Boston.

As far as gun control we now need to address the elephant in the room. What the right was saying about the recent push to ban assualt weapons has been proven in the last week with the Texas stabbing and the Boston bombing. Banning assault weapons and large capacity magazines isn't going to do squat. . Criminals,nutjobs,and terrorists don't follow the law and will use whatever they can get their hands on to carry out their agenda. The real problem is our society that seems to be breeding these fruit loops faster than ever before. We need to ask ourselves what about our society is causing this change.

Well, for a about we actually get back to proper rule of law.

Let's get rid of the tons of inane laws that micromanage private behavior, and simply for proper issues that involve national security and domestic tranquility (enhance not limit civil society).

And then let's stop brainwashing children in schools into thinking The Constitution is a Living Document founded on moral relativism and begin holding individuals accountable for their actions, including our elected representatives.
I was thinking more of getting to the root cause. The Constitution has worked for over 200years just fine and should be upheld. What I was getting at was when I was a kid this terrorist BS was a rare thing. Now it's happening all the time. The question is what has changed since I was a kid in society in general. IMHO it's got more to do with a variety of things. Lack of morals,broken homes and poor parenting,acceptance of violence in our everyday lives,not accepting responsibility for ourselves when we do wrong,laziness,no community unity,and the overall glorification of greedy,stupid and empty culture.
Two bombs, the second detonated as first responders arrived on the scene.
A tactic used in the past by the IRA and their al Quaida allies.
I doubt it was Al Qaeda. The huge cloud of white smoke strongly suggests the explosive was (sulfurous) gunpowder. Al Qaeda bombers are far too advanced to use something that primitive. They know how to make ANFO, which is basically what Timothy McVeigh used in Oklahoma City. That would have caused ten times the damage of yesterday's bombs.

pressure cooker bombs such as this have been used in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, etc. And the Ft. Hood bomber did as well.
The pressure cooker is basic and common. It serves only as the containment for the explosive material, which is the critical component.

If gunpowder was used, which all that white smoke would suggest, the people in the area of the blast were very lucky. Because gunpowder is comparatively slow-burning. But everything I've read or heard about Al Qaeda bombers is they use ANFO or C-4, either of which would have produced infinitely more damage.

So far my guess is some homegrown, unaffiliated, sympathetic fanatic(s) did this. But time will tell.
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Yet, despite your protest of brilliance, there was plenty of opposition to Bush after 9/11, which explains why the Democrats made inroads every single election. Bush did get some big things passed, but that was not because everyone supported him, it was because he actually understood how to reach out to people he disagreed with.

Once again, you are incorrect. The Democrats did not make inroads in either the 2002 or 2004 elections, the GOP had net gains in both chambers both years. Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

They did? Did you tell the House that, because there official website tells me otherwise.

Party Divisions | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives

Your mathematics skills are as poor as your reading comprehension skills. See the decrease in Democrats from your own link for the 108th & 109th? Those were the results of the 2002 & 2004 elections.


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