Boston Marathon Bombing

I found this blog by George Takai very uplifting:

My thoughts on Boston, the marathon and our cherished liberties in the wake of these horrific attacks
April 15, 2013
When I first saw the terrible images from the bombings at the Boston Marathon. I couldn’t help but be struck by a profound sadness. But it was nearly immediately followed by an even more profound sense of resolve.

The marathon commemorates, as the legend goes, an epic run by a Greek messenger to inform leaders of the world’s first democracy that its enemies had been defeated. To strike at such an event, targeting bystanders whose only thought was joy at seeing their loved ones cross the finish line, was to aim at ideals we as a modern society stand for: community, healthy competition, and the triumph of the human mind and body.

I am a marathoner myself, having run with an LGBT group called Frontrunners. In fact, I credit it with how I met my husband Brad, who was himself once quite the accomplished runner. Anyone who has attempted to complete a marathon knows what dedication and training, along with tenacity of spirit, is required. But I also understand why so many feel drawn by the challenge of those 26.2 miles: One never feels quite as free as when crossing beyond one’s presumed physical limit.

Further, too, was I struck by the thought of Boston under attack. Boston! The birthplace of American liberty and independence, the town that gave us John, Abigail and Samuel Adams, as well as John, Robert and Ted Kennedy. It’s home to some of America’s oldest and most prestigious universities, and boasts some of its mightiest athletic franchises. And on this day, on what is known as Patriot’s Day, the third Monday in April, Boston opened its doors to athletes from all corners of the world to compete in the world’s oldest annual running tradition. Someone chose Monday to try and slam that door shut, to terrorize and divide us right where and when we had chosen to celebrate and come together.

Americans have been blessed to live in a society where we can assemble peaceably and without fear. It is a cherished way of life that we hold dear and, too often, take for granted. Attacks such as these put our liberties to the test. But whether this newest threat came from without or within, whether the perpetrators are an organized network or a handful on the lunatic fringe, what I do know is this: Like marathoners, Bostonians are a tough and resilient people accustomed to overcoming obstacles. They don’t take anything lying down. You don’t mess with Boston.


Burned, running but hospitalised. If I was at the scene of a bomb and badly injured, I'd probably either not be running anywhere or running to medical help.

As for, "The authorities are now calling the bombing a terrorist incident with the earmarks of Al Qaeda", that and similar search strings produces no results at all in relation to this event.

In fact, it doesn't really match a Muslim terrorist attack because no bugger claimed it was an act of Allah against the great Satan and they generally do so pretty quickly.

Of course, that's not an attempt to say it wasn't a mad Muslim, just it doesn't really follow the trends.

It is beginning to sound like a cell of radicals. It could have very little to do with foreign Islamics, but some locals that supported their cause. Time will tell, I suppose.

You wish~

You are reaching, huh? NICE!
How many billions does DHS receive? With all those tools that have to do the job they are supposed to do why didn't they before the race search the are around the finish line?
After all this is one of the biggest races in America.
Two block sweep around the finish line could have prevented this. Is it too much to expect DHS to do their job?

What if they were? What's to say that it would have still happened anyway?

Exactly, so why are we now searching EVERYONE with a bag??? You think they can't hide pipe bombs in their clothes and still drop them into garbage cans?

Pipe-bombs blow out in all directions. Not out like a donut. At waist level.
Did Obama ever catch anyone who attacked our diplomats in Benghazi?
Best I expect from Obama is a few threats. Maybe if caught he'll provide the perps proper legal representation.
I doubt much glass was in the garbage cans unless the bomber also put that in there. Most of the drink containers would have been plastic. According to doctors at the hospitals, people were cut by nails put in bombs.

Did you see a doctor say that. I have seen 2 doctors who said they did not see any ball bearings. I had not heard nails before.

Many [victims] have severe wounds, mostly in the lower part of their body,” says a doctor from Massachusetts General Hospital. Victims have metallic fragments in their bodies including shrapnel and nails, which appear to have been part of the bombs’ construction.

LIVE UPDATES: Boston Marathon Bombing, Day 2 - ABC News

Ok - Just saw a doctor on Fox news who said he found glass & nails in victims.
Did Obama ever catch anyone who attacked our diplomats in Benghazi?
Best I expect from Obama is a few threats. Maybe if caught he'll provide the perps proper legal representation.

When he addressed the nation it is telling that he said he would find out who committed the act...and WHY.

WHY??? That's a lead in for whatever hell he has planned for us next. I think Obama is our last president.
And brazillian, Guatemalan, el salvadorian etc etc.....
My point was that when the name Revere is mentioned in and around Boston.

The first thing people think of is Italians not muslims. .:cool:

Traditionally yes, revere beach used to be called Guido beach 20 or more years ago.
Today it has a huge immigrant community.
Some great places to find ethnic food too.
Needs an Indian restaurant though, as does Lynn, swampy, Marblehead and Chelsea!!

There are loads of Indian restaurants in Malden, which is right there. This South Indian/Sri Lankan place is especially good.

It was also stated these have been used in Afghanistan as well.
Has anyone ever heard of such a thing?
There's already a Boston Marathon Truther movement. Aye carumba! The bloods still on the freaking pavement.

Haha, honestly think most inter truthers are just epic trolls.

truther is just some meaningless made up word.. history would tell us it is incumbent upon us to question the official narrative in such events
yeah, made up by you twoofers.
it's the same as the tea baggers changing their name to tea party.

the rest of your post is you trying and failing to sound intellectual.
Did you see a doctor say that. I have seen 2 doctors who said they did not see any ball bearings. I had not heard nails before.

Many [victims] have severe wounds, mostly in the lower part of their body,” says a doctor from Massachusetts General Hospital. Victims have metallic fragments in their bodies including shrapnel and nails, which appear to have been part of the bombs’ construction.

LIVE UPDATES: Boston Marathon Bombing, Day 2 - ABC News

Ok - Just saw a doctor on Fox news who said he found glass & nails in victims.

I can certainly understand got blown out.

While I send my condolences to the families of the deceased and all affected by the tragedy at the Boston Marathon, I find it odd and very suspicious that government officials immediately declared as terrorist attack what appeared as fireworks gone bad in a race that began with fireworks: Those explosions towards finish line of the Boston Marathon were fireworks gone haywire or planned US government activities. It would not be the first time the US government cold-bloodedly sacrificed the lives of its citizens just to start something.

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