Boston University researchers develop COVID strain with 80% kill rate in lab mice

All dates you're talking about is a scientist lie ( like the global warming ) to discredit God
According to radiocarbon analyse many tested living animals were dead ten millions ago
if you believe that then even God himself thinks you're stupid.
Why can't we arrest these people for manufacturing a weapon of mass destruction or conspiracy to commit terrorist acts or being dumb assed elitist academic snobs?
Sometimes I wonder if the goal of the Global Warming Religion is to kill off 80% of the humans on this planet. That should curtail human made global warming.

If they can’t manufacture a virus to do the trick they just will set up a full scale nuclear war.

I wonder it daily.

The gloalists said we are overpopulated.
If you believe the Bible then you are absolutely correct. God warned us of these plagues in the End Times. Famine is also on our horizon. We are seeing the beginning of both.
He also warned us of the One World Government, which we will be under in the not to distant future. We are turning our sovereignty over to them with this administration.
Christ will return to prevent the wiping out of all life on this earth...
Maranatha, Lord, Maranatha...
I tend to believe this is so. Really bizarre things are happening in the world and worse, in the Church. I speak mostly of the Catholic Church bc that's the one I know but also I refer to the Church in general which includes all believers in Christ.

You yourself don't know about the Real Presence of Christ (Transubstantiation) and how the Presence is supposed to be there in the Catholic Church 24/7 and it is.. sometimes. What is troubling is that it is not there in some Churches (or I myself do not feel it like I used to, anyway), which means Christ is withdrawing His Presence.. likely very tired of all the lawlessness.. the way the "Catholic Church" is helping people who have violated the law.. apparently while at the same time denying needed help to actual citizens/members of the Church... and I could go on and on.


Havent we determined a downside?

Watch this be the next pandemic.
Lol, the military industrial complex. Their job is to figure out ways to kill people. They have gotten pretty good at it. You have as much chance of stopping it as you do stopping all threat of war . Good luck.
they are a direct representation of the people they represent.
not really. A lot of good and qualified people don't even think to run.. so we get.. those who.. i dunno.. want attention or what have u.. narcissists, overly-ambitious people. I am not saying all the R candidates are that this time around.. God knows who they are. We usually find out when they are already voted in.. and esp when they have been there for decades

Yet we’ve got a new world order of fascism with half the people being submissive sheeples. The stage is set.
elections remind me of domestic violence. you get beat on day after day and you've had enough, then they come back telling you things will change and how much they care. then they beat the shit out of you all over again.
elections remind me of domestic violence. you get beat on day after day and you've had enough, then they come back telling you things will change and how much they care. then they beat the shit out of you all over again.
The cold civil war will likely go hot by 25.
Copied from Died Suddenly News FB Group.....I've been an RN 17 years. I've seen a lot of things. In 2021 I was told by my hospital to get the 🍭or be fired. I worked on a tele unit and we were the designated C unit. I caught the C sickness in early 2021, but overcame it fine at age 60. It wasn't pleasant.
Hundreds from my hospital system were let go, 26 just from my unit including 6 charge RNs. I had to relocate to find work, changed my life. I have found a hospital that accepts exemptions.
One of the first things I saw early 2021 after the sucker came out was a healthy 20 year old with platelets of 4 (can't clot) after J n J. Another healthy 35 year old with a rare pancreatitis only affecting the tip of her pancreas. She told me herself she thought it was the sucker..
But that summer our census exploded. It's usually slower in the summer as the weather is better. Observations: so many strokes and neurological symptoms on people without many risk factors. Hemorrhagic strokes, which aren't as common, were everywhere. Never seen so many in 17 years.
In addition, spinal abcesses and tumors, my own hair dresser, 35 y/o healthy lady woke up with half her body numb, two weeks after the second sucker they talked her into. She had spinal tumors. Still not back to work.
Blood clots, Pulmonary embolisms, gi bleeds. My brother who only had one sucker last year just told me he is on a blood thinner for a clot in his leg he developed recently. Huge influx of these at hospital.
Lots of weird skin rashes of unknown etiology. Migraines, new onset seizures. Heart problems, uncontrolled Afib, heart attacks. Many patients in remission for cancer, but it came back, and many new cancers. Now I work on every floor in the float pool so I see all the specialty floors.
Many many falls due to dizziness resulting in fractures, hip replacements, etc. Even "younger" people my age with all these things. Many infections I believe due to suppressed immune systems.
Altered mental status, such a thing right now! New onset dementia and confusion. Besides all the deaths, there aren't enough facilities and caregivers in the world to care for all the permanently debilitated people. I see it every single day and I know everyone's sucker status at the beginning of my shift. 2-4 most of them! Lining up for more!
I've also noticed a lot of kidney issues like stones, acute failure, etc. Have I missed anything? It's real and I am an eye witness.
Last year when I was going to be fired the Stew Peter's show asked me to come on and tell about being fired but I declined and had my friend an respiratory therapist named Angela go on (look up last September's shows). But I did go on Komo news in Seattle September 27th 2021 in an interview called "It should be a chioice" it's still on their website. I live in Washington state.
I'm at my wits end seeing all this. I want to help, but don't know how. I do advise patients not to get any more suckers and that's the least I can do. To date I've never given the sucker to anyone and never will. I will talk to anyone who will listen but sadly 5 of my seven kids have eaten a sucker and 5 of my six siblings have. I feel I need to mentally prepare for the worst. But being a Christian I continue to wrestle all this out in the context of my faith, and what I believe predicted to happen in this world. In the end we know who wins. My condolences to all on this site who have suffered loses. The stories are pulling at my heart strings. Thank you for reading to the end.
Satanists don't want to survive in bunkers their entirely life
They want the green planet run by AI and some remaining human slaves as service
People are living in Hiroshima and Nagasaki today. It might be a while before the survivors could leave their shelters but not their entire lives. Of course some areas might be highly radioactive.

One thing I have rarely heard discussed is nuclear power plants. If we have a full scale nuclear war those power plants would likely melt down because they would lose power to keep the coolant flowing. That might contaminate a region even more than the nuclear bombs.


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