Both Hillary and Bernie Pandering to Freeloaders

Both Hillary and Bernie are in the tank for illegal immigrants. Both of the Democrat Presidential candidates want Obamacare available to illegal immigrants. Neither candidate are for closing our borders to stem the flow of illegals but instead want to advertise more freebies to be available to those entering our country illegally. This will result in even more of a burden upon American taxpayers in the form of Obamacare subsidies at a time when there is also a shortage of qualified doctors available to treat the folks here legally. It is estimated there are already some 11 million undocumented illegals in the country and only 975,000 doctors available to treat everyone. Indeed, the Liberals see no problem with saddling the American taxpayer with the added burden of paying for the Obamacare subsidies for all these illegals. How can anyone who touts his/her intelligence be in favor of anything so absolutely stupid?

Bernie Sanders tells Latino lawmakers: Undocumented immigrants should benefit from Obamacare

This alone should disqualify both Hillary and Bernie. They are supposed to help Americans, not illegals. By helping Americans, they also help LEGAL IMMIGRANTS who chose to abide by our laws. The liberal way brings the entire system down for everyone. The Republican way keeps the system strong so immigrants who come here legally have a great chance to excel.

The problem is that the Bernie and Hillary voters are even more depraved and corrupt than are Bernie and Hillary themselves.

Liberals can't see past today for tomorrow. By allowing so many illegals the system will eventually fail. By building a wall and forcing people to enter legally the system remains strong for everyone. Liberals are so blinded they use talking point words like "xenophobe", "racist", "bigot" to describe anyone who disagrees with them. Their failure to understand will eventually be everyone's failure.
Both Hillary and Bernie Pandering to Freeloaders​

Not true, Only Hillary sucks up to Wall Street.
Both Hillary and Bernie are in the tank for illegal immigrants. Both of the Democrat Presidential candidates want Obamacare available to illegal immigrants. Neither candidate are for closing our borders to stem the flow of illegals but instead want to advertise more freebies to be available to those entering our country illegally. This will result in even more of a burden upon American taxpayers in the form of Obamacare subsidies at a time when there is also a shortage of qualified doctors available to treat the folks here legally. It is estimated there are already some 11 million undocumented illegals in the country and only 975,000 doctors available to treat everyone. Indeed, the Liberals see no problem with saddling the American taxpayer with the added burden of paying for the Obamacare subsidies for all these illegals. How can anyone who touts his/her intelligence be in favor of anything so absolutely stupid?

Bernie Sanders tells Latino lawmakers: Undocumented immigrants should benefit from Obamacare

if Hillary promised all illegal males that she will pay for all of thier call girl bills, she could win

They sneak here to work. How are they freeloaders?

And it would be none of your precious pennies paying for this. Do you have reading difficulties? It is clear in the article YOU linked:
Aides later said that Sanders believes that in certain cases, undocumented immigrants should be able to purchase health insurance through the exchanges set up under Obamacare, using their own money. The senator has not advocated allowing the undocumented immigrants to receive federal subsidies, his aides said.

Hillary's stance is the same.

"Both Hillary and Bernie Pandering to Freeloaders"

This of course is a ridiculous lie.

And it’s further evidence that republicans have nothing of value or merit to offer the American people, just lies, personal attacks, and the politics of fear.

You see, this is what is all wrong with the federal government, and politics in general. As long as the fed can print money and devalue it, nothing will ever change, and that is how Washington likes it! To many people don't get it, and many just don't care.

If we get a balanced budget amendment, then watch how fast everything changes! Washington wants to do anything from a war, to giving away something to a group of people, they will only have 2 choices, cut funding to something else, or raise taxes to pay for it. You would quickly see how fast ALL Americans would get involved, especially if a flat tax was imposed, or a sales tax to fund government.

As of this moment, when a politician in the federal government proposes a spending bill, there are no consequences for them. They only have to explain the GOOD side, and the treasury prints more money to cover the cost, or borrows more money. But make them have to back their spending with equal cuts elsewhere, or raising taxes on EVERYONE to do it, and you would see Americans much more involved! Of course, Washington and neither party wants this, they like the fact that they can hide the damage they are doing to buy votes.
The whole liberal regressive ideology can be condensed to one purpose... to freeload.

Are you surprised?

I am a licensed plumber in Texas. I have been plumbing for roughly 10 years. I work, earn a check and pay for all the things I do and have.

I am in no way a freeloader.

I support Bernie Sanders for president 2016

The company I work for had a group insurance policy through Blue Cross Blue shield. Before passage of the ACA my weekly premium was $162 and I had a $4000 deductible.

Once the ACA went into effect in 2014 I hopped on the exchange to see if I could get a cheaper plan. $156 a week premium and $5000 deductible.

Bernie has proposed a 9% tax increase for single payer medicare for all health insurance. 9% tax increase with no deductible would be SIGNIFICANTLY less expensive than what the private insurance companies currently offer.

I am not supporting Bernie sanders because I want free stuff. I am supporting Bernie sanders because I want my tax dollars to benefit me. Not corporate America, or war profiteers, or lazy bums. I want it to benefit me. the blue collar middle class worker who spent 4 years in a tradeschool while being an apprentice to get a useful and well paying certification.
"Both Hillary and Bernie Pandering to Freeloaders"

This of course is a ridiculous lie.

And it’s further evidence that republicans have nothing of value or merit to offer the American people, just lies, personal attacks, and the politics of fear.

Another Kool-Aid drinker. I thought you Liberals touted yourselves as being super-intelligent. My third-grade grandson has more intelligence than you.
Put down the stones – Trump and Cruz have put you and others on the right in a very large glass house.
"It is true that the Clinton/Sanders socialist axis..."


It is true that most on the right attempt to propagate these ridiculous, ignorant lies.
"It is true that the Clinton/Sanders socialist axis..."


It is true that most on the right attempt to propagate these ridiculous, ignorant lies.

It is true that some card carrying socialists believe it's to soon to come out of the closet - they want to continue using the word "progressive" as an euphemism.

Both Hillary and Bernie are in the tank for illegal immigrants. Both of the Democrat Presidential candidates want Obamacare available to illegal immigrants. Neither candidate are for closing our borders to stem the flow of illegals but instead want to advertise more freebies to be available to those entering our country illegally. This will result in even more of a burden upon American taxpayers in the form of Obamacare subsidies at a time when there is also a shortage of qualified doctors available to treat the folks here legally. It is estimated there are already some 11 million undocumented illegals in the country and only 975,000 doctors available to treat everyone. Indeed, the Liberals see no problem with saddling the American taxpayer with the added burden of paying for the Obamacare subsidies for all these illegals. How can anyone who touts his/her intelligence be in favor of anything so absolutely stupid?

Bernie Sanders tells Latino lawmakers: Undocumented immigrants should benefit from Obamacare

This alone should disqualify both Hillary and Bernie. They are supposed to help Americans, not illegals. By helping Americans, they also help LEGAL IMMIGRANTS who chose to abide by our laws. The liberal way brings the entire system down for everyone. The Republican way keeps the system strong so immigrants who come here legally have a great chance to excel.

The problem is that the Bernie and Hillary voters are even more depraved and corrupt than are Bernie and Hillary themselves.

The problem is that the Trump and Cruz voters are even more depraved and corrupt than are Trump and Cruz themselves.
"It is true that the Clinton/Sanders socialist axis..."


It is true that most on the right attempt to propagate these ridiculous, ignorant lies.

It is true that some card carrying socialists believe it's to soon to come out of the closet - they want to continue using the word "progressive" as an euphemism.

Card carrying socialists?
What year do you think it is 1955?
"Both Hillary and Bernie Pandering to Freeloaders"

In addition to being a lie this is unmitigated stupidity.
"It is true that the Clinton/Sanders socialist axis..."


It is true that most on the right attempt to propagate these ridiculous, ignorant lies.

It is true that some card carrying socialists believe it's to soon to come out of the closet - they want to continue using the word "progressive" as an euphemism.

Card carrying socialists?
What year do you think it is 1955?

Is that when your card was signed?

Or are you implying that they don't need cards anymore - they carry the "I Love Comrade Sanders " campaign buttons.

"It is true that the Clinton/Sanders socialist axis..."


It is true that most on the right attempt to propagate these ridiculous, ignorant lies.

It is true that some card carrying socialists believe it's to soon to come out of the closet - they want to continue using the word "progressive" as an euphemism.

Card carrying socialists?
What year do you think it is 1955?

Is that when your card was signed?

Or are you implying that they don't need cards anymore - they carry the "I Love Comrade Sanders " campaign buttons.

Falsely assume much ?
1955 was 4 years before I was born.
I'm implying jackshit.
The socialist / progressive false equivalents is all you.
Both Hillary and Bernie are in the tank for illegal immigrants. Both of the Democrat Presidential candidates want Obamacare available to illegal immigrants. Neither candidate are for closing our borders to stem the flow of illegals but instead want to advertise more freebies to be available to those entering our country illegally. This will result in even more of a burden upon American taxpayers in the form of Obamacare subsidies at a time when there is also a shortage of qualified doctors available to treat the folks here legally. It is estimated there are already some 11 million undocumented illegals in the country and only 975,000 doctors available to treat everyone. Indeed, the Liberals see no problem with saddling the American taxpayer with the added burden of paying for the Obamacare subsidies for all these illegals. How can anyone who touts his/her intelligence be in favor of anything so absolutely stupid?

Bernie Sanders tells Latino lawmakers: Undocumented immigrants should benefit from Obamacare

yes that worked so well for you slope skulls last election

Yes. We won the Senate and kept the majority in the House. We also captured most of the governorships in the states. It worked fine.

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