Both Parties Suck

Doctors and hospitals should have to compete for our business just as any other service provider should.
well i usually believe you get what you pay for.....a 1,000 dollar MRI or the place down the street giving 2 for 300 bucks......where would you go?....
if they're exactly the same, then the rightwingnut obama deranged loons should mellow out.

rightwingnut obama deranged loons

Yea I guess thats what you can call it when one party entirely shuts down on governing to start a round the clock smear campain that we are almost 3 years into.
at least at the political class level. It's what makes me move away from both parties-they do the same things in different ways to the people, for their own power/money gains:

Senate GOP Jobs Bill Contains a Landmine for Federalism - By Carrie Severino - Bench Memos - National Review Online

Senate GOP Jobs Bill Contains a Landmine for Federalism
By Carrie Severino
Posted on October 18, 2011 10:57 AM

Douglas Holtz-Eakin offers three cheers for the “Jobs Through Growth Act,” the Senate Republican alternative to President Obama’s jobs bill...

On the upside, the bill would repeal the Obama administration’s two most aggressive assaults on the Constitution — Obamacare and Dodd-Frank — and “require congressional approval by joint resolution of any federal rule that would cost the economy $100 million or more.” ...

Unfortunately, the bill would also enact S.197, “The Medical Care Access Protection Act.” Among other things, S.197 sets a statute of limitations for claims, caps damages and creates standards for expert witnesses. These may sound like great ideas, but they are not within the constitutional powers granted to the federal government for the very same reasons Obamacare is not.

The law’s own justification for its constitutional authority should be chilling to anyone committed to limited federal power. The bill’s findings state that health care and health insurance are industries that “affect interstate commerce,” and conclude that Congress therefore has Commerce Clause power to regulate them — even when it involves an in-state transaction between a doctor and patient, governed by in-state medical malpractice laws. Is there any industry that couldn’t be found to have an effect on interstate commerce? The agriculture and manufacturing industries, long considered the paradigmatic areas not covered by the Commerce Clause, certainly fall under federal power under this broad analysis.

As Georgetown law professor Randy Barnett explains here, in a piece criticizing Republicans for their “fair-weather federalism, “tort law — the body of rules by which persons seek damages for injuries to their person and property — has always been regulated by states, not the federal government. Tort law is at the heart of what is called the ‘police power’ of states.” Of course, there are contexts — product liability, for example — in which states can take actions that set standards for the entire country, turning federalism on its head. (See Michael Krauss’s brief summary here.)


That's a big 10/4.

The demopublicans have driven the country into the ground !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you see the look on the faces of Republicans last night during the debates when Ron Paul said we need to get Nat'l Guard troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and place all those troops on the border?

You could hear a pin drop. The GOP hates Ron Paul because in order to fit in these days, you have to be pro war, anti gay marriage, anti abortion, pro interventionalist, and christian.....someone should make them pay for thier lack of vision.
Doctors and hospitals should have to compete for our business just as any other service provider should.
well i usually believe you get what you pay for.....a 1,000 dollar MRI or the place down the street giving 2 for 300 bucks......where would you go?....

That is part of the Problem with Health Care costs. For so long Most people have either had MC or Insurance paying for them. Which allows you to afford things beyond your own means. If the Medical Industry Had to price things so that not only did they not lose money, but people could actually Afford them. Prices would be lower.

I mean Come on. Nobody will ever convince me that my Dads Chemo really cost the Providers so much that it had to cost 22,000 for one round of Chemo and 14,000 for a follow up shot the next day. That is what my fathers Insurance was billed each and every time he went in. Multiple times.

I mean yes I know, there is research and Development costs the have to be covered but please. 36,000 Dollars for each course of multi Course Chemo treatments? Really?
at least at the political class level. It's what makes me move away from both parties-they do the same things in different ways to the people, for their own power/money gains:

Senate GOP Jobs Bill Contains a Landmine for Federalism - By Carrie Severino - Bench Memos - National Review Online

That's a big 10/4.

The demopublicans have driven the country into the ground !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you see the look on the faces of Republicans last night during the debates when Ron Paul said we need to get Nat'l Guard troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and place all those troops on the border?

You could hear a pin drop. The GOP hates Ron Paul because in order to fit in these days, you have to be pro war, anti gay marriage, anti abortion, pro interventionalist, and christian.....someone should make them pay for thier lack of vision.

I don't hate Paul, and I am not "Pro War". Understanding that some times war is Necessary, and once in one you really should not just walk away. Is not the same as being pro War. War should always be the last Option, But it should always be an Option. The Day our Enemies start thinking we have lost our Guts and won't go to war short of someone invading us, is the day this world really goes to shit.
a 2 party system is problematic. I could take some succor I guess in not having had to choose between obama and McCain because they both were not for me,so it was easy, I went another route.

BUT, in the end, there is always time to cut cards with the devil, I fear I will be forced to vote AGAINST a candidate next time round, not FOR my 'my' nominee, but becasue the other is so inefficient , which in and of itself is a confession that neither please me. And it sux, big time.
at least at the political class level. It's what makes me move away from both parties-they do the same things in different ways to the people, for their own power/money gains:

Senate GOP Jobs Bill Contains a Landmine for Federalism - By Carrie Severino - Bench Memos - National Review Online

That's a big 10/4.

The demopublicans have driven the country into the ground !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you see the look on the faces of Republicans last night during the debates when Ron Paul said we need to get Nat'l Guard troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and place all those troops on the border?

You could hear a pin drop. The GOP hates Ron Paul because in order to fit in these days, you have to be pro war, anti gay marriage, anti abortion, pro interventionalist, and christian.....someone should make them pay for thier lack of vision.

sad but true, in order for a candidate to be considered "electable" he/she must support the welfare/warfare/regulatory state.

Senate GOP Jobs Bill Contains a Landmine for Federalism - By Carrie Severino - Bench Memos - National Review Online

Senate GOP Jobs Bill Contains a Landmine for Federalism

Unfortunately, the bill would also enact S.197, “The Medical Care Access Protection Act.” Among other things, S.197 sets a statute of limitations for claims, caps damages and creates standards for expert witnesses. These may sound like great ideas, but they are not within the constitutional powers granted to the federal government for the very same reasons Obamacare is not.

This shouldn't really be news. The GOP's two most common ideas for health care are the federalization of tort law and the use of federal power to strip states of the ability to regulate their own insurance markets (in the name of deregulation). Hardly testaments to federalism.
That's a big 10/4.

The demopublicans have driven the country into the ground !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you see the look on the faces of Republicans last night during the debates when Ron Paul said we need to get Nat'l Guard troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and place all those troops on the border?

You could hear a pin drop. The GOP hates Ron Paul because in order to fit in these days, you have to be pro war, anti gay marriage, anti abortion, pro interventionalist, and christian.....someone should make them pay for thier lack of vision.

I don't hate Paul, and I am not "Pro War". Understanding that some times war is Necessary, and once in one you really should not just walk away. Is not the same as being pro War. War should always be the last Option, But it should always be an Option. The Day our Enemies start thinking we have lost our Guts and won't go to war short of someone invading us, is the day this world really goes to shit.
There is a difference between "pro-interventionalist" and "pro-war".
That's a big 10/4.

The demopublicans have driven the country into the ground !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you see the look on the faces of Republicans last night during the debates when Ron Paul said we need to get Nat'l Guard troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and place all those troops on the border?

You could hear a pin drop. The GOP hates Ron Paul because in order to fit in these days, you have to be pro war, anti gay marriage, anti abortion, pro interventionalist, and christian.....someone should make them pay for thier lack of vision.

sad but true, in order for a candidate to be considered "electable" he/she must support the welfare/warfare/regulatory state.

I didn't hear any of the GOP candidates last night defending the welfare/warfare/regulatory state? I not understand what you mean?
Doctors and hospitals should have to compete for our business just as any other service provider should.
well i usually believe you get what you pay for.....a 1,000 dollar MRI or the place down the street giving 2 for 300 bucks......where would you go?....

That is part of the Problem with Health Care costs. For so long Most people have either had MC or Insurance paying for them. Which allows you to afford things beyond your own means. If the Medical Industry Had to price things so that not only did they not lose money, but people could actually Afford them. Prices would be lower.

I mean Come on. Nobody will ever convince me that my Dads Chemo really cost the Providers so much that it had to cost 22,000 for one round of Chemo and 14,000 for a follow up shot the next day. That is what my fathers Insurance was billed each and every time he went in. Multiple times.

I mean yes I know, there is research and Development costs the have to be covered but please. 36,000 Dollars for each course of multi Course Chemo treatments? Really?
i hear ya much did the material in that shot actually cost?......
That's a big 10/4.

The demopublicans have driven the country into the ground !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you see the look on the faces of Republicans last night during the debates when Ron Paul said we need to get Nat'l Guard troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and place all those troops on the border?

You could hear a pin drop. The GOP hates Ron Paul because in order to fit in these days, you have to be pro war, anti gay marriage, anti abortion, pro interventionalist, and christian.....someone should make them pay for thier lack of vision.

sad but true, in order for a candidate to be considered "electable" he/she must support the welfare/warfare/regulatory state.


well that is the fault of the people who just refuse to throw votes to someone other than the 2 parties......just like 95% of the people here in the USMB,bitching and moaning about the Parties or Candidates,but believe that voting any other way is a "wasted vote".....i feel THEIR votes are wasted.....look at the incompetent assholes they keep voting in,making things worse.....if you want REAL have to have the balls to actually CHANGE......the Candidate from the Freedonia Party might actually have some better ideas AND may actually put the Country first.....but he is a wasted vote......not to me.....

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