Both sides need to dial it down


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

Hello folks - I'll wager very few of you have government security clearances
(top secret or otherwise) just as I'll wager very few of you have law degrees.
There is a massive amount of government and legal information relevant to
President Trump's administration, as well as the Democratic candidates we
don't know about. They may be completely innocent or very guilty. You folks
(on both sides) don't have all the facts, so maybe we should all dial down the
ugly accusations, and name calling, because no matter whose side you're on---

--- you may be wrong. :bye1:

Hello folks - I'll wager very few of you have government security clearances
(top secret or otherwise) just as I'll wager very few of you have law degrees.
There is a massive amount of government and legal information relevant to
President Trump's administration, as well as the Democratic candidates we
don't know about. They may be completely innocent or very guilty. You folks
(on both sides) don't have all the facts, so maybe we should all dial down the
ugly accusations, and name calling, because no matter whose side you're on---

--- you may be wrong. :bye1:
Wise words. I think I'll just log out for five or ten years until someone writes an authoritative book on what is happening. See ya then!
I can’t agree more, all I want to know is the TRUTH, and those, regardless of current or former position held accountable, prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and punished accordingly. I am saddened to witness how corrupt our political system has become. Power corrupts, no one is above the law.
Screw that. The libtardos pushed the Russian collusion conspiracy for 3 years and dragged this country into the situation we're in. They claimed Trump was a Russian spy. They dreamed up a fake dossier to get warrants to spy on Trump.

We are just getting started. They are going to get the same treatment they gave us.

Barr is just getting started. The IG is just getting started. Durham is just getting started.

And now a fake impeachment.

This is political war and they started it. We are not going to let Socialists take over our country.
And, with Obama/Clinton/Biden Crime Cartel disciples still in control of much of the Deep State---we never will know all the facts.

So, we have to form opinions on what we can get.

But, in this latest case of attempting to Impeach the Orange Man Bad---libero-socialist cocksuckers think they have all they need with Trump's press conference before flying off to Florida.

He said what he thinks---that the Biden's are crooks and both Ukraine and China ought to look into why thye larded up Hunter Biden with huge amounts of money, after Uncle Joe Biden was put in charge of handling Ukraine and China.

I was proud of my President for trying to get to the bottom of the Machiavellian machinations of the Socialist Obama/Clinton/Biden Crime Cartel...and the Democrats want to impeach him for it. For what he said to the whole world.

Fuck Adam Schiff. Fuck Nancy Pelosi. Fuck CNN. Fuck you Socialists bastards beset by Trump Derangement Syndrome. See a shrink..
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I can understand your sense of disappointment. The entire government is corrupt and has been for decades. One can only hope someone has the fortitude to disclose the truth and clean house. What is apparent is that the roots of corruption run deep.

Hello folks - I'll wager very few of you have government security clearances
(top secret or otherwise) just as I'll wager very few of you have law degrees.
There is a massive amount of government and legal information relevant to
President Trump's administration, as well as the Democratic candidates we
don't know about. They may be completely innocent or very guilty. You folks
(on both sides) don't have all the facts, so maybe we should all dial down the
ugly accusations, and name calling, because no matter whose side you're on---

--- you may be wrong. :bye1:

You must understand this one very important fact:

Most of the posters are batshit crazy lol

So you're reasoned arguments will never work

Hello folks - I'll wager very few of you have government security clearances
(top secret or otherwise) just as I'll wager very few of you have law degrees.
There is a massive amount of government and legal information relevant to
President Trump's administration, as well as the Democratic candidates we
don't know about. They may be completely innocent or very guilty. You folks
(on both sides) don't have all the facts, so maybe we should all dial down the
ugly accusations, and name calling, because no matter whose side you're on---

--- you may be wrong. :bye1:
I agree that it would be a good thing to lower the temperature a bit. The reason it's hot and divisive is because that is what the Left wanted. It began under Obama dividing us Racially and socio-economically. Then it went into hyperdrive when Donald Trump rocked their world and sent Hillary off to the woods. So if you want things dialed down, then talk to the people with control of social and TV Media. That would be the Democrats.

Hello folks - I'll wager very few of you have government security clearances
(top secret or otherwise) just as I'll wager very few of you have law degrees.
There is a massive amount of government and legal information relevant to
President Trump's administration, as well as the Democratic candidates we
don't know about. They may be completely innocent or very guilty. You folks
(on both sides) don't have all the facts, so maybe we should all dial down the
ugly accusations, and name calling, because no matter whose side you're on---

--- you may be wrong. :bye1:

You must understand this one very important fact:

Most of the posters are batshit crazy lol

So you're reasoned arguments will never work

Well, you're a batshit crazy Socialist who needs to back to Canaduh.

The facts are coming out and if the timing is what I suspect the IG report will be right before the Kangaroo Court the lunatic left calls an impeachment.
You folks(on both sides) don't have all the facts, so maybe we should all dial down theugly accusations, and name calling, because no matter whose side you're on------ you may be wrong. :bye1:
The problem is that they're trained to make imaginative excuses when they're wrong. This gives them full license to make the most absurd statements and predictions, because all they have to do is come up with some goofy reason to blame the other guy.

I wonder if they let their children act like they do.

Hello folks - I'll wager very few of you have government security clearances
(top secret or otherwise) just as I'll wager very few of you have law degrees.
There is a massive amount of government and legal information relevant to
President Trump's administration, as well as the Democratic candidates we
don't know about. They may be completely innocent or very guilty. You folks
(on both sides) don't have all the facts, so maybe we should all dial down the
ugly accusations, and name calling, because no matter whose side you're on---

--- you may be wrong. :bye1:

Something you need to realize... Neither side is (or should be) interested in the facts or what has actually happened. Nothing that comes out of any of these investigations will change anyone’s beliefs, ideology or viewpoint. So really these investigations are utterly irrelevant.

The only relevant question is: Who’s going to fire the first shot of the Third American Revolution.
Well you do have a point but its no fun

So with that said

Trump regurgitated all the lies the Repubs have spread and when it happens to him it like NO SPEAKY INGLIS

Hello folks - I'll wager very few of you have government security clearances
(top secret or otherwise) just as I'll wager very few of you have law degrees.
There is a massive amount of government and legal information relevant to
President Trump's administration, as well as the Democratic candidates we
don't know about. They may be completely innocent or very guilty. You folks
(on both sides) don't have all the facts, so maybe we should all dial down the
ugly accusations, and name calling, because no matter whose side you're on---

--- you may be wrong. :bye1:
I know a freaking witch hunt when I see it. I know clinton should be in jail but she isn't I know many should be in jails from the FBI but they aren't
So you can take your "you may be wrong" and shove it up your ass.
"Both Sides"? Democrats torched cars and smashed windows on inauguration day. With the cooperation of the mainstream media, at least one left wing assassin tried to kill every republican congressman practicing for a baseball game. The jury is still out about the motivation of the Vegas shooter even though it's obvious that he was motivated by the same hatred. Democrats used fake documents from a foreign agent to try to derail the Trump election. A freaking two year investigation about "collusion" produced nothing and the do nothing democrats doubled down and tried another end run on the Presidency. Tell me again about "both sides"?

Hello folks - I'll wager very few of you have government security clearances
(top secret or otherwise) just as I'll wager very few of you have law degrees.
There is a massive amount of government and legal information relevant to
President Trump's administration, as well as the Democratic candidates we
don't know about. They may be completely innocent or very guilty. You folks
(on both sides) don't have all the facts, so maybe we should all dial down the
ugly accusations, and name calling, because no matter whose side you're on---

--- you may be wrong. :bye1:
Yeah! Only democrats should be able to destroy the opposition!

Some of us (63 million) are pretty happy your president doesnt stand there and take it it.

Hello folks - I'll wager very few of you have government security clearances
(top secret or otherwise) just as I'll wager very few of you have law degrees.
There is a massive amount of government and legal information relevant to
President Trump's administration, as well as the Democratic candidates we
don't know about. They may be completely innocent or very guilty. You folks
(on both sides) don't have all the facts, so maybe we should all dial down the
ugly accusations, and name calling, because no matter whose side you're on---

--- you may be wrong. :bye1:

Speak for yourself. I know precisely what's going on. This is a political fight from top to bottom. It's time for Republicans to stand up and shove this show up Democrats' asses. We're taking Biden's ass down. He's done. Put a fork in his ass. Trump has doubled down! I say triple down. Trump is doing precisely what the Dems can't stand. They can't intimidate him or shut him up. He's the president of the United States. He's the chief executive officer of the land. His job is to expose the political left for what it is.
Well you do have a point but its no fun

So with that said

Trump regurgitated all the lies the Repubs have spread and when it happens to him it like NO SPEAKY INGLIS
"All the lies the Repubs have spread". Hmmm that's kind of vague. But oh yeah you're a Leftist so you thrive off of being vague. Here is the bottom line: You are ignoring the OBVIOUS CORRUPTION of VP Biden and his drug addict son while doing handsprings over a private f*kN phone call that amounted to NOTHING. That seems like a basic cognition problem.

Get ready for the China corruption investigation into VP Biden and druggy boy. Hey this is fun! We get to have lots of investigations now wheeeeee!
I wonder if they let their children act like they do.

One thing I won't let them do is shove their heads up their asses. What's wrong with you? This nonsense of yours about what we do and do not know is the projection of your ignorance. I've read three books and at least two hundred articles on the matter. The corruption of the deep state is obvious. The Democrats attempted a political coup and now they're attempting a political impeachment to stop the Trump administration from exposing the extent of the corruption.

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I wonder if they let their children act like they do.

One thing I won't let them do is shove their heads up their asses. What's wrong with you? This nonsense of yours about what we do and do not know is the projection of your ignorance. I've read three books and at least two hundred articles on the matter from the jump. The corruption of the deep state is obvious. The Democrats attempted a political coup and now they're attempting a political impeachment to stop the Trump administration from exposing the extent of the corruption.

The DEMs are masters of legal maneuvering, but Trump is a fast learner, and I think he has totally had it with their bullshit. It's going to get good!

Hello folks - I'll wager very few of you have government security clearances
(top secret or otherwise) just as I'll wager very few of you have law degrees.
There is a massive amount of government and legal information relevant to
President Trump's administration, as well as the Democratic candidates we
don't know about. They may be completely innocent or very guilty. You folks
(on both sides) don't have all the facts, so maybe we should all dial down the
ugly accusations, and name calling, because no matter whose side you're on---

--- you may be wrong. :bye1:

It's too late

Being independent means you view both sides as equal in causing harm

Both sides are not equal in causing harm

Abortion is against science and is murdering of the most innocent human beings with the fetus having its own unique name its DNA code name
Both sides are not equal in causing harm

Trump now Is Andrew Jackson
And will save America's future by stopping the unwise from voting in crooks and may lock up the crooked congress

He has the power with the same support as Andrew Jackson who told the court congress to
Stand down while he took
The military to solve a problem

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