Both sides: What are you going to do?


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

Conservatives and Liberals: Have you folks considered many of our nation's problems could be solved if both sides employed a slightly different strategy? Cases in point:

* The National Debt: Both Presidents Obama and Trump have done nothing but make this situation worse. If Liberals would agree on some selected cuts to social programs, and Conservatives would agree to some selected tax increases on the 1% who can easily afford them, America could begin to pay down this staggering debt that threatens to plunge America into the next economic disaster.

* The Southern Border: If Liberals would agree to fund sections of Trump's wall that don't involve eminent domain lawsuits that would drag on for decades, and Trump and Conservatives would agree on more high tech surveillance and stop throwing children into animal cages, 95% of the southern border mess could be eliminated.

* Guns: If Liberals would agree to stop attacking the NRA, and painting the gun lobby as villians, and Conservatives would agree on closing the gun show loophole, and legislation that keeps guns out of the hands of criminals and minors, 95% of this gun standoff could be eliminated.

Do you see where I'm going with this? Political gridlock in America is not the fault of Donald Trump anymore than it's the fault of Nancy Pelosi. The blame lies squarely with the voters on both sides that have decided that communicating with the "other side" is unacceptable, and reaching a compromise with the other side is tantamount to treason. With Conservatives and Liberals in approximately equal numbers, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that, both sides will get more of what they want by working together, than they will by standing apart and hissing at each other. What message do you plan to send to your lawmakers this fall? Dig in your heels for more gridlock? Or work with the other side and get at least some of what you want as the framers of our Constitution intended.

Both Sides: The 2020 election is approaching - - What are you going to do?

Conservatives and Liberals: Have you folks considered many of our nation's problems could be solved if both sides employed a slightly different strategy? Cases in point:

* The National Debt: Both Presidents Obama and Trump have done nothing but make this situation worse. If Liberals would agree on some selected cuts to social programs, and Conservatives would agree to some selected tax increases on the 1% who can easily afford them, America could begin to pay down this staggering debt that threatens to plunge America into the next economic disaster.

* The Southern Border: If Liberals would agree to fund sections of Trump's wall that don't involve eminent domain lawsuits that would drag on for decades, and Trump and Conservatives would agree on more high tech surveillance and stop throwing children into animal cages, 95% of the southern border mess could be eliminated.

* Guns: If Liberals would agree to stop attacking the NRA, and painting the gun lobby as villians, and Conservatives would agree on closing the gun show loophole, and legislation that keeps guns out of the hands of criminals and minors, 95% of this gun standoff could be eliminated.

Do you see where I'm going with this? Political gridlock in America is not the fault of Donald Trump anymore than it's the fault of Nancy Pelosi. The blame lies squarely with the voters on both sides that have decided that communicating with the "other side" is unacceptable, and reaching a compromise with the other side is tantamount to treason. With Conservatives and Liberals in approximately equal numbers, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that, both sides will get more of what they want by working together, than they will by standing apart and hissing at each other. What message do you plan to send to your lawmakers this fall? Dig in your heels for more gridlock? Or work with the other side and get at least some of what you want as the framers of our Constitution intended.

Both Sides: The 2020 election is approaching - - What are you going to do?
They're going to keep doing what they've been doing: Hide in their ideological safe space, fling poo, and refuse to hold their tribe accountable for pretty much anything it says or does.

Conservatives and Liberals: Have you folks considered many of our nation's problems could be solved if both sides employed a slightly different strategy? Cases in point:

* The National Debt: Both Presidents Obama and Trump have done nothing but make this situation worse. If Liberals would agree on some selected cuts to social programs, and Conservatives would agree to some selected tax increases on the 1% who can easily afford them, America could begin to pay down this staggering debt that threatens to plunge America into the next economic disaster.

* The Southern Border: If Liberals would agree to fund sections of Trump's wall that don't involve eminent domain lawsuits that would drag on for decades, and Trump and Conservatives would agree on more high tech surveillance and stop throwing children into animal cages, 95% of the southern border mess could be eliminated.

* Guns: If Liberals would agree to stop attacking the NRA, and painting the gun lobby as villians, and Conservatives would agree on closing the gun show loophole, and legislation that keeps guns out of the hands of criminals and minors, 95% of this gun standoff could be eliminated.

Do you see where I'm going with this? Political gridlock in America is not the fault of Donald Trump anymore than it's the fault of Nancy Pelosi. The blame lies squarely with the voters on both sides that have decided that communicating with the "other side" is unacceptable, and reaching a compromise with the other side is tantamount to treason. With Conservatives and Liberals in approximately equal numbers, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that, both sides will get more of what they want by working together, than they will by standing apart and hissing at each other. What message do you plan to send to your lawmakers this fall? Dig in your heels for more gridlock? Or work with the other side and get at least some of what you want as the framers of our Constitution intended.

Both Sides: The 2020 election is approaching - - What are you going to do?
They're going to keep doing what they've been doing: Hide in their ideological safe space, fling poo, and refuse to hold their tribe accountable for pretty much anything it says or does.

Here is my question to you Mac and what would you like seen done by both sides to combat the National Debt, Infrastructure, Education and Social and Corporate Welfare?
Our beloved Pres.Trump knows what is best for the nation and his people.

He sees no reason to compromise with the liberal/socialist enemy when he is Winning, Winning, Winning, the ideological war. ... :thup:
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Conservatives and Liberals: Have you folks considered many of our nation's problems could be solved if both sides employed a slightly different strategy? Cases in point:

* The National Debt: Both Presidents Obama and Trump have done nothing but make this situation worse. If Liberals would agree on some selected cuts to social programs, and Conservatives would agree to some selected tax increases on the 1% who can easily afford them, America could begin to pay down this staggering debt that threatens to plunge America into the next economic disaster.

* The Southern Border: If Liberals would agree to fund sections of Trump's wall that don't involve eminent domain lawsuits that would drag on for decades, and Trump and Conservatives would agree on more high tech surveillance and stop throwing children into animal cages, 95% of the southern border mess could be eliminated.

* Guns: If Liberals would agree to stop attacking the NRA, and painting the gun lobby as villians, and Conservatives would agree on closing the gun show loophole, and legislation that keeps guns out of the hands of criminals and minors, 95% of this gun standoff could be eliminated.

Do you see where I'm going with this? Political gridlock in America is not the fault of Donald Trump anymore than it's the fault of Nancy Pelosi. The blame lies squarely with the voters on both sides that have decided that communicating with the "other side" is unacceptable, and reaching a compromise with the other side is tantamount to treason. With Conservatives and Liberals in approximately equal numbers, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that, both sides will get more of what they want by working together, than they will by standing apart and hissing at each other. What message do you plan to send to your lawmakers this fall? Dig in your heels for more gridlock? Or work with the other side and get at least some of what you want as the framers of our Constitution intended.

Both Sides: The 2020 election is approaching - - What are you going to do?
They're going to keep doing what they've been doing: Hide in their ideological safe space, fling poo, and refuse to hold their tribe accountable for pretty much anything it says or does.

Here is my question to you Mac and what would you like seen done by both sides to combat the National Debt, Infrastructure, Education and Social and Corporate Welfare?
Drop the egos, communicate, collaborate and innovate. Instead of one tribe "winning", we create something new, where we all have skin in the game. Like the Constitution.

Unfortunately, we clearly no longer have that skill. Evidently it's "use it or lose it". And the decay continues.

Conservatives and Liberals: Have you folks considered many of our nation's problems could be solved if both sides employed a slightly different strategy? Cases in point:

* The National Debt: Both Presidents Obama and Trump have done nothing but make this situation worse. If Liberals would agree on some selected cuts to social programs, and Conservatives would agree to some selected tax increases on the 1% who can easily afford them, America could begin to pay down this staggering debt that threatens to plunge America into the next economic disaster.

* The Southern Border: If Liberals would agree to fund sections of Trump's wall that don't involve eminent domain lawsuits that would drag on for decades, and Trump and Conservatives would agree on more high tech surveillance and stop throwing children into animal cages, 95% of the southern border mess could be eliminated.

* Guns: If Liberals would agree to stop attacking the NRA, and painting the gun lobby as villians, and Conservatives would agree on closing the gun show loophole, and legislation that keeps guns out of the hands of criminals and minors, 95% of this gun standoff could be eliminated.

Do you see where I'm going with this? Political gridlock in America is not the fault of Donald Trump anymore than it's the fault of Nancy Pelosi. The blame lies squarely with the voters on both sides that have decided that communicating with the "other side" is unacceptable, and reaching a compromise with the other side is tantamount to treason. With Conservatives and Liberals in approximately equal numbers, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that, both sides will get more of what they want by working together, than they will by standing apart and hissing at each other. What message do you plan to send to your lawmakers this fall? Dig in your heels for more gridlock? Or work with the other side and get at least some of what you want as the framers of our Constitution intended.

Both Sides: The 2020 election is approaching - - What are you going to do?
The National Debt: Both Presidents Obama and Trump have done nothing but make this situation worse.
President Trump has more people off welfare than the brown turd was the one who put the most on welfare since the war on poverty started. That means less money going out as free stuff, and more people working means more people put tax revenues in. Now who is in charge of the purse strings of the government, Congress and Nan from San Fransicko....Once she is removed and the Republicans take back over, then they can start cutting the government, by eliminating the bullshit worthless agencies....
Guns: If Liberals would agree to stop attacking the NRA, and painting the gun lobby as villians, and Conservatives would agree on closing the gun show loophole.
That is a liberal talking point, and not what really happens in the back of a gun show. Every gun show I have attended and purchased a fire arm, I have had to have a background check. Dont doubt me..

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The flight to lower tax states from higher tax state combined with the flight towards high benefit states means that the Ds are in huge trouble. Yesterday's D debate in NV showed much more divisions within the Ds than with the Rs.

Conservatives and Liberals: Have you folks considered many of our nation's problems could be solved if both sides employed a slightly different strategy? Cases in point:

* The National Debt: Both Presidents Obama and Trump have done nothing but make this situation worse. If Liberals would agree on some selected cuts to social programs, and Conservatives would agree to some selected tax increases on the 1% who can easily afford them, America could begin to pay down this staggering debt that threatens to plunge America into the next economic disaster.

* The Southern Border: If Liberals would agree to fund sections of Trump's wall that don't involve eminent domain lawsuits that would drag on for decades, and Trump and Conservatives would agree on more high tech surveillance and stop throwing children into animal cages, 95% of the southern border mess could be eliminated.

* Guns: If Liberals would agree to stop attacking the NRA, and painting the gun lobby as villians, and Conservatives would agree on closing the gun show loophole, and legislation that keeps guns out of the hands of criminals and minors, 95% of this gun standoff could be eliminated.

Do you see where I'm going with this? Political gridlock in America is not the fault of Donald Trump anymore than it's the fault of Nancy Pelosi. The blame lies squarely with the voters on both sides that have decided that communicating with the "other side" is unacceptable, and reaching a compromise with the other side is tantamount to treason. With Conservatives and Liberals in approximately equal numbers, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that, both sides will get more of what they want by working together, than they will by standing apart and hissing at each other. What message do you plan to send to your lawmakers this fall? Dig in your heels for more gridlock? Or work with the other side and get at least some of what you want as the framers of our Constitution intended.

Both Sides: The 2020 election is approaching - - What are you going to do?
I'm definitely voting for Donald Trump. We HAVE to get him re-elected. NONE of the Dem candidates would be good for our country.

Conservatives and Liberals: Have you folks considered many of our nation's problems could be solved if both sides employed a slightly different strategy? Cases in point:

* The National Debt: Both Presidents Obama and Trump have done nothing but make this situation worse. If Liberals would agree on some selected cuts to social programs, and Conservatives would agree to some selected tax increases on the 1% who can easily afford them, America could begin to pay down this staggering debt that threatens to plunge America into the next economic disaster.

* The Southern Border: If Liberals would agree to fund sections of Trump's wall that don't involve eminent domain lawsuits that would drag on for decades, and Trump and Conservatives would agree on more high tech surveillance and stop throwing children into animal cages, 95% of the southern border mess could be eliminated.

* Guns: If Liberals would agree to stop attacking the NRA, and painting the gun lobby as villians, and Conservatives would agree on closing the gun show loophole, and legislation that keeps guns out of the hands of criminals and minors, 95% of this gun standoff could be eliminated.

Do you see where I'm going with this? Political gridlock in America is not the fault of Donald Trump anymore than it's the fault of Nancy Pelosi. The blame lies squarely with the voters on both sides that have decided that communicating with the "other side" is unacceptable, and reaching a compromise with the other side is tantamount to treason. With Conservatives and Liberals in approximately equal numbers, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that, both sides will get more of what they want by working together, than they will by standing apart and hissing at each other. What message do you plan to send to your lawmakers this fall? Dig in your heels for more gridlock? Or work with the other side and get at least some of what you want as the framers of our Constitution intended.

Both Sides: The 2020 election is approaching - - What are you going to do?

There truly are no independents in our current political and ideological climate. One either stands with and for the preservation of our American Civilization, or sides with the sinking ship of "woke" revolutionaries and their neo-religion of postmodern communism. So-called "independents" seem to be one and all extremely shallow thinkers who focus on issues such as economic fluidity, markets, healthcare, jobs and industry—all issues that when combined equal much of the basic infrastructure of our nation.

The key problem with his kind of narrow focus is that if the ideological/psychological/philosophical and cultural war for America is lost, then infrastructure will not matter; the nation will forever be radically changed and likely collapse into the scrap heap of history. All you "independents" want is to be able to stand on the sidelines and tout your superior morality and/or wisdom and maturity for not deigning to take a political side, to not dirty your boots in the most important conflict of our lives and history. Too bad you are all just as neck-deep as the rest of us in this struggle for ideological superiority. Time for you all to learn that refusing to make a choice is still a decision. One that leaves you with the fewest of options.
Leftist motto: If it doesn't work...lets try it again!

- Trump and Conservatives would agree on more high tech surveillance and stop throwing children into animal cages, 95% of the southern border mess could be eliminated.

High tech surveillance does not stop people...A wall stops people! I don't want some high tech drone showing me all the people entering illegally...WTF good is that?

The pic of a child in a cage was published in a news paper 5 years ago...who was president 5 years ago? Trump already put a stop to it.

- Conservatives would agree on closing the gun show loophole, and legislation that keeps guns out of the hands of criminals and minors, 95% of this gun standoff could be eliminated.

The guns show "loophole" has not been connected to any illegal
shootings. It's elimination would mean registration of all fire arms...fuck that noise! NEVER gonna happen!

I challenge you to take out a pen and piece of paper and write down legislation that keeps guns out of the hands of's impossible...but if you can do it I am certainly willing to listen!
Moral Equivalency ain't just a river in Egypt. The Democrats have demonstrated their hatred of traditional American values to such an extent that compromise with them is like negotiating with a robber to steal only half of your money. (He will be back tomorrow for the rest,)

Their conspiracy to invalidate a legitimate U.S. Presidential election through corrupting our federal law enforcement and intelligent agencies is the greatest scandal in our history. All of the perpetrators and their enablers should be in jail, not at a negotiating table.

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