Bowe Bergdahl Still Won't Speak To His Parents

Yes or no, traintime. No more of your weaseling.

Yes or no: were you trained in country as I said you were.

If you won't answer, then you are a make believe wannabee like the sealies we have had to deal with from time to time.

:lol: Couldn't google the answer eh, chump?

The question is clear: were you trained in country? If so, then you have been acting like a fool where.

If not? Then you are nothing but a wannabee, which we have exposed so many times here.

You weren't a LRRP then.:eusa_clap:

Next question: were you military? if so, were you infantry? if so, were you airborne? if so, drop and give me ten, trainee! :lol:
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smart troop, Bergie. finally. let your lawyer do your talking. only Bergie himself can trap himself. he can only do that if he talks.

you know, if he did desert, he spent five years with the bad guys. stupid.
smart troop, Bergie. finally. let your lawyer do your talking. only Bergie himself can trap himself. he can only do that if he talks.

you know, if he did desert, he spent five years with the bad guys. stupid.

Glad to see Rep Frog Boy II shows his true colors of being an ANTI-AMERICAN that sticks up for a, at best, deserter, and at worst a collaborator. He refuses to take EYE WITNESS TESTIMONY from men that stood side by side with him in Afghanistan, denigrating the fine, brave and patriotic troops.

Jake the Flake, the ENEMIES best friend.... subversive to his very core. Don't EVER believe his bullshit that he's a MODERATE REPUBLICAN, he's a COMMIE and I just wonder how many more of these subversives will stand with this pieces of human fecal matter???:mad:
I want him executed as an example. But, we are a pussified society where only 1% defend the other 99% and understand the warrior code. That's why Obama bungled this so bad with Rose Garden ceremony. He does not get it because he is not a warrior.

OH, horseshit.

Do you know what the real scandal of Bergdahl is? That Bush-43 so lowered the standards for enlistment that this kind of mutant can get in.

This is someone who washed out of the COAST GUARD, and required a waiver to get into the army.

Now, how much of a fuck up do you have to be to get washed out of the Coast Guard on a psych discharge? And the Army took him anyway because they were desperate to fill headcount.

So the guy loses his shit in a war zone and we're surprised? I wasn't.
smart troop, Bergie. finally. let your lawyer do your talking. only Bergie himself can trap himself. he can only do that if he talks.

you know, if he did desert, he spent five years with the bad guys. stupid.

Glad to see Rep Frog Boy II shows his true colors of being an ANTI-AMERICAN that sticks up for a, at best, deserter, and at worst a collaborator. He refuses to take EYE WITNESS TESTIMONY from men that stood side by side with him in Afghanistan, denigrating the fine, brave and patriotic troops.

Jake the Flake, the ENEMIES best friend.... subversive to his very core. Don't EVER believe his bullshit that he's a MODERATE REPUBLICAN, he's a COMMIE and I just wonder how many more of these subversives will stand with this pieces of human fecal matter???:mad:

The investigating officer will take that testimony, troop, not you.

The investigating officer will make the decisions concerning the investigation, troop, not you.

I am stating the actual facts while V is whining. As usual. :lol:

We dealt with your anti-American values in the military and managed to terminate careers: courts-martial, Article 15s that stopped career promotion, bad fitness ratings, chapters 5, 13, and 14. Vigilante was handled accordingly.

Vigilante is a typical far righty reactionary, whose cultural philosophy is rapidly fading into history.
Vigilante is aptly named for the regulators in the South and the West that were finally put down.

They were criminals.
smart troop, Bergie. finally. let your lawyer do your talking. only Bergie himself can trap himself. he can only do that if he talks.

you know, if he did desert, he spent five years with the bad guys. stupid.

Glad to see Rep Frog Boy II shows his true colors of being an ANTI-AMERICAN that sticks up for a, at best, deserter, and at worst a collaborator. He refuses to take EYE WITNESS TESTIMONY from men that stood side by side with him in Afghanistan, denigrating the fine, brave and patriotic troops.

Jake the Flake, the ENEMIES best friend.... subversive to his very core. Don't EVER believe his bullshit that he's a MODERATE REPUBLICAN, he's a COMMIE and I just wonder how many more of these subversives will stand with this pieces of human fecal matter???:mad:

The investigating officer will take that testimony, troop, not you.

The investigating officer will make the decisions concerning the investigation, troop, not you.

I am stating the actual facts while V is whining. As usual. :lol:

We dealt with your anti-American values in the military and managed to terminate careers: courts-martial, Article 15s that stopped career promotion, bad fitness ratings, chapters 5, 13, and 14. Vigilante was handled accordingly.

Vigilante is a typical far righty reactionary, whose cultural philosophy is rapidly fading into history.

And you and your subversive friends are the reason we still have MUSLIM TERRORISTS planning to kill us, instead of WINNING FUCKING WARS, and dispatching ALL THE ENEMY and their supporters.... which could be interpreted as the POND SCUM here and in this country! Damn, if only we had more Goldwaters!!!


Sie saugen Sie idiot
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Yes or no, traintime. No more of your weaseling.

Yes or no: were you trained in country as I said you were.

If you won't answer, then you are a make believe wannabee like the sealies we have had to deal with from time to time.

:lol: Couldn't google the answer eh, chump?

The question is clear: were you trained in country? If so, then you have been acting like a fool where.

If not? Then you are nothing but a wannabee, which we have exposed so many times here.

You weren't a LRRP then.:eusa_clap:

Next question: were you military? if so, were you infantry? if so, were you airborne? if so, drop and give me ten, trainee! :lol:

Where is Nha Trang...."in country" enough for you Loretta? And who's the "we" you're talking and your imaginary friend in the toy box? I see you can't find the thread you're claiming vindicates you. I see you can't answer the simplest question about canteen use on a recon patrol. And yet you claimed YOU were a trainer at Nha Trang but didn't know we were trained by 5th SFG. I later asked you in that thread if you knew what the final "you bet your life" class was about and you ran like a scalded chipmunk. :badgrin:
:lol: Couldn't google the answer eh, chump?

The question is clear: were you trained in country? If so, then you have been acting like a fool where.

If not? Then you are nothing but a wannabee, which we have exposed so many times here.

You weren't a LRRP then.:eusa_clap:

Next question: were you military? if so, were you infantry? if so, were you airborne? if so, drop and give me ten, trainee! :lol:

Where is Nha Trang...."in country" enough for you Loretta? And who's the "we" you're talking and your imaginary friend in the toy box? I see you can't find the thread you're claiming vindicates you. I see you can't answer the simplest question about canteen use on a recon patrol. And yet you claimed YOU were a trainer at Nha Trang but didn't know we were trained by 5th SFG. I later asked you in that thread if you knew what the final "you bet your life" class was about and you ran like a scalded chipmunk. :badgrin:

You finally agreed you were trained in country, which is a lie we proved in the other thread some time ago, because you did not know about the program.

So you weren't LRRP, weren't SF, and probably were a clerk or jerk down in Saigon.

Your questions don't count because you don't count in this thread.
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The question is clear: were you trained in country? If so, then you have been acting like a fool where.

If not? Then you are nothing but a wannabee, which we have exposed so many times here.

You weren't a LRRP then.:eusa_clap:

Next question: were you military? if so, were you infantry? if so, were you airborne? if so, drop and give me ten, trainee! :lol:

Where is Nha Trang...."in country" enough for you Loretta? And who's the "we" you're talking and your imaginary friend in the toy box? I see you can't find the thread you're claiming vindicates you. I see you can't answer the simplest question about canteen use on a recon patrol. And yet you claimed YOU were a trainer at Nha Trang but didn't know we were trained by 5th SFG. I later asked you in that thread if you knew what the final "you bet your life" class was about and you ran like a scalded chipmunk. :badgrin:

You finally agreed you were trained in country, which is a lie we proved in the other thread some time ago, because you did not know about the program.

So you weren't LRRP, weren't SF, and probably were a clerk or jerk down in Saigon.

Your questions don't count because you don't count in this thread.

You're a gutless turd, Starkey. You don't have the dignity to admit you tried to pull off a stolen valor, got caught, and slinked off. If you'd stayed away from me it would never have come out. But you couldn''re drawn to real Vets like a bug to a zapper, to see if you can be accepted as one of us. You never will be. And in person I'd call you a fraud within a minute of hearing your claims. You know it, I know it, and now anybody reading this thread knows it. You should consider leaving USMB at this point.
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Where is Nha Trang...."in country" enough for you Loretta? And who's the "we" you're talking and your imaginary friend in the toy box? I see you can't find the thread you're claiming vindicates you. I see you can't answer the simplest question about canteen use on a recon patrol. And yet you claimed YOU were a trainer at Nha Trang but didn't know we were trained by 5th SFG. I later asked you in that thread if you knew what the final "you bet your life" class was about and you ran like a scalded chipmunk. :badgrin:

You finally agreed you were trained in country, which is a lie we proved in the other thread some time ago, because you did not know about the program.

So you weren't LRRP, weren't SF, and probably were a clerk or jerk down in Saigon.

Your questions don't count because you don't count in this thread.

You're a gutless turd, Starkey. You don't have the dignity to admit you tried to pull off a stolen valor, got caught, and slinked off. If you'd stayed away from me it would never have come out. But you couldn''re drawn to real Vets like a bug to a zapper, to see if you can be accepted as one of us. You never will be. And in person I'd call you a fraud within a minute of hearing your claims. You know it, I know it, and now anybody reading this thread knows it. You should consider leaving USMB at this point.

You are not one of us, tt, never have been, never will be. Never took trouble from wannabees like you, troop. The accusation you make is against you, son, not me. It tis what it is. And I will always call out wannabees like you. You did not even know that LRRP were trained in country. So so easy with folks like you. :lol:

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