box cutters caused the death of 3000 people in one day !!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
well..thats what they used to hijack the planes on 911. i know you lefties will say the planes crashing into the buildings caused it,but the fact is box cutters were used to hijack the planes ......NO GUNS WERE USED !!
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Really very amazing to those who thought airplanes had to be hijacked by Sly Stallone and a couple dozen uzi's. And, up until that day, that was pretty much all of us.

The facts of that terrorist attack also makes a very good case against everyone carrying guns.

Just like the unarmed people who took down Loughner at the scene of the Tucson mass shooting, guns would not have helped that day. (With the exception of an armed Air Marshall. IOW, a trained professional rather than the idiocy that the gun cartel is recommending.)

Guns would not have stopped McVeigh either. And, I'll bet others can think of horrible mass murders where guns would not have made a difference.

As for the more than thirty murders we have in the US every day, its obvious that guns are no help there either.
Well I've been a proponent of banning dull to sharp objects for years. Thanks for bringing to light the dangers of box cutting. Can't people just rip the tape off anyways?
Something that always pissed me off about that attack -

No one could have known the buildings would come down the way they did. The terrorists were watching CNN right along with the US and I can just see them doing the happy dance when they saw the buildings come down. It was incredible coup for them and one which I hoped we would learn from.

But, we learned next to nothing. Instead of going after terrorists immediately, the idiot R prez and the rw's went after people who had nothing to do with the attack. And, stupidly, the haters continue to go after people who did not attack us.
Really very amazing to those who thought airplanes had to be hijacked by Sly Stallone and a couple dozen uzi's. And, up until that day, that was pretty much all of us.

The facts of that terrorist attack also makes a very good case against everyone carrying guns.

Just like the unarmed people who took down Loughner at the scene of the Tucson mass shooting, guns would not have helped that day. (With the exception of an armed Air Marshall. IOW, a trained professional rather than the idiocy that the gun cartel is recommending.)

Guns would not have stopped McVeigh either. And, I'll bet others can think of horrible mass murders where guns would not have made a difference.

As for the more than thirty murders we have in the US every day, its obvious that guns are no help there either.

Neither are Cops then, according to your Illogic. ;) Good try though. Some day you will probably figure out that square peg round hole dilemma that has you so baffled. :) Sometimes ya just need to step back and recheck your premise.
Well I've been a proponent of banning dull to sharp objects for years. Thanks for bringing to light the dangers of box cutting. Can't people just rip the tape off anyways?

If you've ever worked with one, you'd know that as a tool, one can do so much more with them. You start banning everything, we are all going to end up eating with flexible plastic sporks. There comes a time where reason needs to intervene. In all things, there is balance.
I'll support banning guns when Obama et all stop having armed Security Service as body guards, put their children in unsecured public schools, Diane Feinstein gives up her Conceal Carry Permit, and drugs are legalized.
I'll support banning guns when Obama et all stop having armed Security Service as body guards, put their children in unsecured public schools, Diane Feinstein gives up her Conceal Carry Permit, and drugs are legalized.

I feel exactly the same way about Mayor Bloomberg. Funny, in NYC, if you are attacked, and use anything to defend yourself from harm, you are at the mercy of first the DA, and second a Judge or Jury, if they, in hind site, do not approve of the necessity and the level of the response, regardless of number of assailants or circumstance. Sad when one's best option is leaving the scene before the Police show. Figure from a few to to 30 minutes head start. ;) Seriously, it is a problem here, especially with roving gangs of Teenagers.
I'll support banning guns when Obama et all stop having armed Security Service as body guards, put their children in unsecured public schools, Diane Feinstein gives up her Conceal Carry Permit, and drugs are legalized.

I feel exactly the same way about Mayor Bloomberg. Funny, in NYC, if you are attacked, and use anything to defend yourself from harm, you are at the mercy of first the DA, and second a Judge or Jury, if they, in hind site, do not approve of the necessity and the level of the response, regardless of number of assailants or circumstance. Sad when one's best option is leaving the scene before the Police show. Figure from a few to to 30 minutes head start. ;) Seriously, it is a problem here, especially with roving gangs of Teenagers.

I'll still opt to be judged by 12 instead of being carried by 6.
Stupidity similar to Yidnar's is why Obama is president today.

well..thats what they used to hijack the planes on 911. i know you lefties will say the planes crashing into the buildings caused it,but the fact is box cutters were used to hijack the planes ......NO GUNS WERE USED !!
well..thats what they used to hijack the planes on 911. i know you lefties will say the planes crashing into the buildings caused it,but the fact is box cutters were used to hijack the planes ......NO GUNS WERE USED !!

That's a poor argument for handing out guns like candy.
Mankind is one of the few creatures that gets his rocks off by killing fellow members of his species. Boxcutters wielded by Mad Muslims killed 3000 people in a single day.

The Berserkers were a tribe of Norsemen. The word 'Berserk' crept into the English language based on the way members of this tribe used to behave after consuming their special mushrooms in preparation for going off to war.
We've got a closet Muslim as president.
Remember the unnamed Intel official giving his testimony about the events in Benghazi a coupla days after the attack "The Taliban was already in the building" The Taliban may have been in the buildings already in Benghazi, but they're also present in the buildings in DC, DOD, CIA, NSA.

John Boehner "I've put 800 billion in new revenues on the table. What do I get?"
Baracky Obammunist "You get nothing! I get that for free!"

Yamashita treated Percival more cordially when Percival was negotiating the surrender of his 130,000 Brits to Yamashita's 30,000 Japanese soldiers, February, 1942.

On the cheap,From flickr, forgive me

"The begin of Japanese occupation
On 15 February 1942, the fierce "battle for Singapore" reached its peak when Yamashita led his Japanese Imperial Army and captured Bukit Timah. He made the Ford Factory his headquarters. He had demanded specifically to see Percival.

The British delegation arrived at the Ford Factory building after 4:00 pm, led by Percival, together with Brigadier K. S. Torrance, Brigadier T. K. Newbigging carrying the Union Jack flag, and Captain Cyril Wild carrying the white surrender flag, and Lieutenant-Colonel Sugita. The meeting took place in the boardroom where Yamashita demanded from the British,an unconditional surrender of Singapore, to take effect from 8:30 pm that day. The British, with Cyril Wild as interpreter, was under heavy-pressure from Yamashita. The British broke down during negotiation. Percival on behalf of the British capitulated and signed the Singapore Surrender Document.

Winston Churchill who was convinced that Singapore was "an invincible fortress", called the fall of Singapore, "the worst disaster and largest capitulation in British history"."
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Actually it was Airline tickets that did it.
The tickets were the means that allowed the terrorists to get on the plane so
Airline tickets were the culprit.....

Wait a second.......
The boarding passes actually allowed the terrorists to get on the plane....
Maybe I will rethink this.....
The Airline personnel let these folks with the boarding pass which they got when they bought the airline tickets.....

We need to just ban everything.
Blame all Republicans and just call it a day.
As I recall, after 9/11 there was suddenly all sorts of enthusiasm for profiling Muslim looking people at airports, warrantless wiretapping, okaying torture,

not to mention invading a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

Were any of you gun 'rights' extremists on board those rights abuses?
As I recall, after 9/11 there was suddenly all sorts of enthusiasm for profiling Muslim looking people at airports, warrantless wiretapping, okaying torture,

not to mention invading a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

Were any of you gun 'rights' extremists on board those rights abuses?

Not sure... But there certainly were a lot of Democrat politicians on board with it.
well..thats what they used to hijack the planes on 911. i know you lefties will say the planes crashing into the buildings caused it,but the fact is box cutters were used to hijack the planes ......NO GUNS WERE USED !!

That's a poor argument for handing out guns like candy.

Let's face it: The "ban everything because everything can kill you" argument is an incredibly stupid argument to begin with.
As I recall, after 9/11 there was suddenly all sorts of enthusiasm for profiling Muslim looking people at airports, warrantless wiretapping, okaying torture,

not to mention invading a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.

Were any of you gun 'rights' extremists on board those rights abuses?


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