Boy Am I Glad We're Giving All That Taxpayer Cash To Egypt...

I'd like to know which treaty forces the US Taxpayer to give money to EGypt?
I'd like to know when they're going to let the Americans they've taken hostage go? If there is such a treaty maybe it's time to re negotiate it. don'tyathink?

Nah, the Democrats,CNN,NBC,and BBC told us they're all American-loving,Democracy-loving,peace-loving angels. Who are you to question them? :cuckoo:

quote them.
What an insane scene. But that type of violence in not unheard of is it? 70+ people, sad. I can think of better reasons to cut our military aid to them.

"...the State Department made clear yesterday, has picked an unwise fight with the US over the activities of congressionally funded pro-democracy groups, the National Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute. That led President Obama to publicly threaten – for the first time – to make the $1.3 billion in military aid the US hands to Egypt each year contingent on the country’s progress toward democracy."

"This $1.3 billion in military aid has been handed over to Cairo yearly since 1979 as a kind of ransom payment to secure the Camp David peace with Israel. ...."

For Egypt, Aid Not Ransom

Maybe if we cut off Egypts aid we could cut Israels by a third too?
Fuck Egypt.

And one way to do that is to make sure they don't get any of our tourism dollars either! There are some who will go anyway to see the pyramids. IMO, the pyramids are overrated.

Most Egyptians don't give 2 shits about the Pyramids, the only reason those things are still standing is because they bring in all that tourist cash. I do agree we need to advise Americans to stop going there, its not safe.
Fuck Egypt.

And one way to do that is to make sure they don't get any of our tourism dollars either! There are some who will go anyway to see the pyramids. IMO, the pyramids are overrated.

Most Egyptians don't give 2 shits about the Pyramids, the only reason those things are still standing is because they bring in all that tourist cash. I do agree we need to advise Americans to stop going there, its not safe.

You are right. It wasn't always that way, though. According to our Egyptian guide, they were going to dismantle the Great Pyramid and use the stones for a dam in the 1800s, but they found a supply of rock that was closer. So the Great Pyramid got to stay.
And one way to do that is to make sure they don't get any of our tourism dollars either! There are some who will go anyway to see the pyramids. IMO, the pyramids are overrated.

Most Egyptians don't give 2 shits about the Pyramids, the only reason those things are still standing is because they bring in all that tourist cash. I do agree we need to advise Americans to stop going there, its not safe.

You are right. It wasn't always that way, though. According to our Egyptian guide, they were going to dismantle the Great Pyramid and use the stones for a dam in the 1800s, but they found a supply of rock that was closer. So the Great Pyramid got to stay.

Most Egyptians I met care more about smoking hashish and trying to score with women than the Pyramids, most of them would not piss on those things if they were on fire.
Most Egyptians don't give 2 shits about the Pyramids, the only reason those things are still standing is because they bring in all that tourist cash. I do agree we need to advise Americans to stop going there, its not safe.

You are right. It wasn't always that way, though. According to our Egyptian guide, they were going to dismantle the Great Pyramid and use the stones for a dam in the 1800s, but they found a supply of rock that was closer. So the Great Pyramid got to stay.

Most Egyptians I met care more about smoking hashish and trying to score with women than the Pyramids, most of them would not piss on those things if they were on fire.

Well, if you look at some of the other pyramids of the world, you see that the Egyptian pyramids are the most plain looking ones. Many have carvings, staircases, altars, all kinds of things the ones in Egypt don't have. And the one I was in stunk. If you can imagine the dankest, mustiest smell you can think of, then multiply it by 1000, that's what the pyramids smell like on the inside. I only went in the door. It stunk so bad I couldn't go in.
You are right. It wasn't always that way, though. According to our Egyptian guide, they were going to dismantle the Great Pyramid and use the stones for a dam in the 1800s, but they found a supply of rock that was closer. So the Great Pyramid got to stay.

Most Egyptians I met care more about smoking hashish and trying to score with women than the Pyramids, most of them would not piss on those things if they were on fire.

Well, if you look at some of the other pyramids of the world, you see that the Egyptian pyramids are the most plain looking ones. Many have carvings, staircases, altars, all kinds of things the ones in Egypt don't have. And the one I was in stunk. If you can imagine the dankest, mustiest smell you can think of, then multiply it by 1000, that's what the pyramids smell like on the inside. I only went in the door. It stunk so bad I couldn't go in.

Egypt in general is a pretty shoddy country, people just throw shit and garbage everywhere, most Middle Eastern countries are like that for the most part.
Most Egyptians don't give 2 shits about the Pyramids, the only reason those things are still standing is because they bring in all that tourist cash. I do agree we need to advise Americans to stop going there, its not safe.

You are right. It wasn't always that way, though. According to our Egyptian guide, they were going to dismantle the Great Pyramid and use the stones for a dam in the 1800s, but they found a supply of rock that was closer. So the Great Pyramid got to stay.

Most Egyptians I met care more about smoking hashish and trying to score with women than the Pyramids, most of them would not piss on those things if they were on fire.

BAM! You're on fire. :lol:
Most Egyptians I met care more about smoking hashish and trying to score with women than the Pyramids, most of them would not piss on those things if they were on fire.

Well, if you look at some of the other pyramids of the world, you see that the Egyptian pyramids are the most plain looking ones. Many have carvings, staircases, altars, all kinds of things the ones in Egypt don't have. And the one I was in stunk. If you can imagine the dankest, mustiest smell you can think of, then multiply it by 1000, that's what the pyramids smell like on the inside. I only went in the door. It stunk so bad I couldn't go in.

Egypt in general is a pretty shoddy country, people just throw shit and garbage everywhere, most Middle Eastern countries are like that for the most part.

In Afghanistan they throw their feces onto the sidewalks from where it is swept up and burned. The smoke from it is always in the air. Our servicemen have to take antibiotics the entire time they are in country and for 3 months after they return home.
Well, if you look at some of the other pyramids of the world, you see that the Egyptian pyramids are the most plain looking ones. Many have carvings, staircases, altars, all kinds of things the ones in Egypt don't have. And the one I was in stunk. If you can imagine the dankest, mustiest smell you can think of, then multiply it by 1000, that's what the pyramids smell like on the inside. I only went in the door. It stunk so bad I couldn't go in.

Egypt in general is a pretty shoddy country, people just throw shit and garbage everywhere, most Middle Eastern countries are like that for the most part.

In Afghanistan they throw their feces onto the sidewalks from where it is swept up and burned. The smoke from it is always in the air. Our servicemen have to take antibiotics the entire time they are in country and for 3 months after they return home.

:9: Our good buddies. Aren't they awesome? So worth our Tax Dollars.
Egypt in general is a pretty shoddy country, people just throw shit and garbage everywhere, most Middle Eastern countries are like that for the most part.

In Afghanistan they throw their feces onto the sidewalks from where it is swept up and burned. The smoke from it is always in the air. Our servicemen have to take antibiotics the entire time they are in country and for 3 months after they return home.

:9: Our good buddies. Aren't they awesome? So worth our Tax Dollars.

And of course another generation of fucked up men.
In Afghanistan they throw their feces onto the sidewalks from where it is swept up and burned. The smoke from it is always in the air. Our servicemen have to take antibiotics the entire time they are in country and for 3 months after they return home.

:9: Our good buddies. Aren't they awesome? So worth our Tax Dollars.

And of course another generation of fucked up men.

Yeah it's very sad. :(
Well, if you look at some of the other pyramids of the world, you see that the Egyptian pyramids are the most plain looking ones. Many have carvings, staircases, altars, all kinds of things the ones in Egypt don't have. And the one I was in stunk. If you can imagine the dankest, mustiest smell you can think of, then multiply it by 1000, that's what the pyramids smell like on the inside. I only went in the door. It stunk so bad I couldn't go in.

Egypt in general is a pretty shoddy country, people just throw shit and garbage everywhere, most Middle Eastern countries are like that for the most part.

In Afghanistan they throw their feces onto the sidewalks from where it is swept up and burned. The smoke from it is always in the air. Our servicemen have to take antibiotics the entire time they are in country and for 3 months after they return home.

Most places in Afghanistan don't have running water or toilets, they have been disposing of feces and waste like this for decades now. For the most part most people in Afghanistan are illiterate and live in mud huts, and they seem content to stay in those huts reciting their Qurans, fucking goats, and living in squalor. I say we let them have at it.

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