Boy........Did we ever get Schlonged

I told you his message was designed for the Rust Belt.

And kudos to West Virginia for not falling for the "well, I when I said I would close the coal mines, I didn't mean CLOSE, the coal mines" bs.

Thats funny because they fell for the we're going to bring back those jobs bs. Wait until Trump tells you that cant happen. Its like getting on a roller coaster. They got on not knowing it was going to go in reverse but too late. You're already strapped in.

So when the jobs dont come back all they are going to be able to say is "thats ok" because coming to grips that you fell for an obvious lie is too hard for people

I take it you missed the recent WTO airbus ruling that proved that the Europeans are subsidizing their exports by the billions to make sure those jobs left here and went there.

Without that cheating, there would be thousands more Boeing jobs in this country today. Hell, there would still be Lockheed and McDonnel-Douglas jobs.

And if that cheating is stopped, or even reduced, many of those jobs will come back.

Is Boeing a coal company or did you just change the topic?
I told you his message was designed for the Rust Belt.

And kudos to West Virginia for not falling for the "well, I when I said I would close the coal mines, I didn't mean CLOSE, the coal mines" bs.

Thats funny because they fell for the we're going to bring back those jobs bs. Wait until Trump tells you that cant happen. Its like getting on a roller coaster. They got on not knowing it was going to go in reverse but too late. You're already strapped in.

So when the jobs dont come back all they are going to be able to say is "thats ok" because coming to grips that you fell for an obvious lie is too hard for people

I take it you missed the recent WTO airbus ruling that proved that the Europeans are subsidizing their exports by the billions to make sure those jobs left here and went there.

Without that cheating, there would be thousands more Boeing jobs in this country today. Hell, there would still be Lockheed and McDonnel-Douglas jobs.

And if that cheating is stopped, or even reduced, many of those jobs will come back.

Is Boeing a coal company or did you just change the topic?

The topic is jobs. Rust belt is mostly manufacturing jobs. West Virginia is mining jobs.

I thought you were referring to the Rust Belt portion of my post.

But the Coal Jobs will come back. THe demand has been artificially suppressed and once that pressure is removed, coal usage will increase.
Thanks for the kind wish!
Although if I were you, I'd change the lines at the bottom of my post(s)...

Do you really believe Trump is a Republican?
What Republican? Someone like Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell? Of course not! I am a Trump supporter, not a republican, but now I support the Republican Party led by Trump.

You may need to correct your spelling. Trump's words defy the traditional role of the Republican Party. If his words = deeds, the party name will soon be spelled REPUBLIKAN as fascism will have come to America.

Speaking for the half the nation that voted for Trump, we are sick and tired of your vile insults.

THey are false and by being so happy to smear good people and thus encouraging the violence we are seeing you have demonstrated that you and yours are the bad guys in this battle.

Next time you build a Straw Man do so without using wet straw and putting the wet man in an asbestos suit of clothing.

Did I mention loudly enough that Trump's rhetoric defines him as a demagogue, a charlatan and a neo fascist? You can continue in denial 'tell hell freezes over, but facts are facts.
I told you his message was designed for the Rust Belt.

And kudos to West Virginia for not falling for the "well, I when I said I would close the coal mines, I didn't mean CLOSE, the coal mines" bs.

Thats funny because they fell for the we're going to bring back those jobs bs. Wait until Trump tells you that cant happen. Its like getting on a roller coaster. They got on not knowing it was going to go in reverse but too late. You're already strapped in.

So when the jobs dont come back all they are going to be able to say is "thats ok" because coming to grips that you fell for an obvious lie is too hard for people

I take it you missed the recent WTO airbus ruling that proved that the Europeans are subsidizing their exports by the billions to make sure those jobs left here and went there.

Without that cheating, there would be thousands more Boeing jobs in this country today. Hell, there would still be Lockheed and McDonnel-Douglas jobs.

And if that cheating is stopped, or even reduced, many of those jobs will come back.

Is Boeing a coal company or did you just change the topic?

The topic is jobs. Rust belt is mostly manufacturing jobs. West Virginia is mining jobs.

I thought you were referring to the Rust Belt portion of my post.

But the Coal Jobs will come back. THe demand has been artificially suppressed and once that pressure is removed, coal usage will increase.

Yeah, then we can enjoy a good acid rain, it's been years, I miss it so.
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best


BTW, I intend to keep their feet to the fire with the same intensity that I did before when the left was running things.......this is what I do.....

I agree 100% with you! Trump must perform as far as I'm concerned. He has the wind to his back and there are NO excuses!
He's already done what he needed to do...keep Hillary out of the WH. That was my only concern, we've just avoided another world war.
Really? I think we may have just got into one.
Still believing that shit from Hillary, I see. Putin has already sent a message that he looks forward to normalizing relations again. Hillary was threatening to launch cyber attacks on him. You're way off.

What fucking normal relations.... He is occupying a NATO country... A country America assured was good to give up its nuclear stockpile because the US would protect them....
How you getting any one else getting Nuclear Weapons?
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best


I had to endure two years of your bullshit saying how Hillary was gonna kill any GOP opponent. And not only you...but every other dimwit Dimocrap on this board.....(see my sig).

You disappeared on election night and slink back 3 days after the election with a mea culpa. How perfectly dick-less and Progressive of you. :lol:
If they don't, and the wall is not built, he has not defeated ISIS, and the 11 million he claims he will deport in the first 100 days, will you admit to being fooled?

Depends on why.

If the reason is that the Political Class stonewalls with the support of a vile media that has morals that would embarrass a crack whore, then no, I would blame his enemies for fighting against America.

If the reason is that he doesn't even try, or reverses himself, than yes.

Now, dare you to answer MY QUESTION?

If his immigration polices and trade policy work as planned, greatly benefiting working class Americans, will you admit it, or play deflection games?

Trump has flipped and flopped too many times for me to believe anything he has said. ....

Stop right there. I didn't ask you to believe him.

I answered your question without hesitation and without any quibbling.

I ask you to answer my, ie

"If his immigration polices and trade policy work as planned, greatly benefiting working class Americans, will you admit it, or play deflection games?"

And instead of an answer, you post three paragraphs of partisan opinion.

YOur inability to even TRY to answer my question, is actually a very clear answer.

And that answer is no. Even if Trump does implement his policies and they work as he and his supporters hope, to the benefit of tens of millions Americans and the nation as a whole, you will NOT admit it, no matter what.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

Look up the term "godspeed" you ignorant asshole.

If you have really wanted to slam me, you could have answered my question.

Now that we are past that, does it not raise a red flag in your mind to realize that you do NOT judge American policy by the good it may or may not do for Americans?

Isn't that strange?

At best you're strange. But I digress, godspeed is an expression of good wishes to a person starting a journey. That answered your question.

That you didn't acknowledge that is telling, and what it tells me is you are stupid, or dishonest - odds are you are not very bright and couldn't understand my post, that's sad.
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best


I had to endure two years of your bullshit saying how Hillary was gonna kill any GOP opponent. And not only you...but every other dimwit Dimocrap on this board.....(see my sig).

You disappeared on election night and slink back 3 days after the election with a mea culpa. How perfectly dick-less and Progressive of you. :lol:

The snake oil you purchased from the salesman was not a panacea, in fact it may very well be a nostrum.
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best


I had to endure two years of your bullshit saying how Hillary was gonna kill any GOP opponent. And not only you...but every other dimwit Dimocrap on this board.....(see my sig).

You disappeared on election night and slink back 3 days after the election with a mea culpa. How perfectly dick-less and Progressive of you. :lol:

The snake oil you purchased from the salesman was not a panacea, in fact it may very well be a nostrum.

He beats a lying utterly corrupt bitch any day of the week. :D
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall
You only think that because you guys are arrogant, cocky and stupid.

You believed your own lies.
Thanks for the kind wish!
Although if I were you, I'd change the lines at the bottom of my post(s)...

Do you really believe Trump is a Republican?
What Republican? Someone like Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell? Of course not! I am a Trump supporter, not a republican, but now I support the Republican Party led by Trump.

You may need to correct your spelling. Trump's words defy the traditional role of the Republican Party. If his words = deeds, the party name will soon be spelled REPUBLIKAN as fascism will have come to America.

Speaking for the half the nation that voted for Trump, we are sick and tired of your vile insults.

THey are false and by being so happy to smear good people and thus encouraging the violence we are seeing you have demonstrated that you and yours are the bad guys in this battle.

Next time you build a Straw Man do so without using wet straw and putting the wet man in an asbestos suit of clothing.

Did I mention loudly enough that Trump's rhetoric defines him as a demagogue, a charlatan and a neo fascist? You can continue in denial 'tell hell freezes over, but facts are facts.

Loudness is not generally considered a sound argument. no pun intended.

Trump a demagogue who appeals to negative emotions? What is more negative and emotional than your sides accusations that Trump is fucking HITLER who will get US all killed in a nuclear war?

THat's panic and hate mongering right there.

A charlatan? And yet, you refused to even answer when asked if you would admit it if TRump's policies were effective. If you really were convinced he was a charlatan who would not, could not produce results, why so angry and afraid of a hypothetical question?

That, btw, was a rhetorical question. The answer is that you HOPE he is a charlatan.

Neo fascist? LOL!!

Your "facts" are not facts. They are articles of blind FAITH with you.

And you should know better than to smear good people based on what you want to believe to be true.
Obama ran on Hope & Change & you just voted for a man who claims to be about change.

Since you claimed were against Hope & change, you must have voted for Hopelessness & change?
The other thing this election has done is expose the D Party. It is now the party of the establishment and wealthy elites on the east and west coasts. The D Party is no longer the party of the working class or middle class...if it ever was.

Not at all. How can that be when the establishment is under Republican control in Congress, Most governors are Republican & most State legislatures are run by Republicans. The working class will soon learn that Donald Trump could give a shit about them. He has imported labor to work in his hotels, He imported labor & steel to build them. He imported nearly all of his products.

If his immigration polices and trade policy work as planned, greatly benefiting working class Americans, will you admit it, or play deflection games?

If they don't, and the wall is not built, he has not defeated ISIS, and the 11 million he claims he will deport in the first 100 days, will you admit to being fooled?

Depends on why.

If the reason is that the Political Class stonewalls with the support of a vile media that has morals that would embarrass a crack whore, then no, I would blame his enemies for fighting against America.

If the reason is that he doesn't even try, or reverses himself, than yes.

Now, dare you to answer MY QUESTION?

If his immigration polices and trade policy work as planned, greatly benefiting working class Americans, will you admit it, or play deflection games?
Sure. And if he doesn't, you'll be here claiming what a duped fool you are, right?
I told you his message was designed for the Rust Belt.

And kudos to West Virginia for not falling for the "well, I when I said I would close the coal mines, I didn't mean CLOSE, the coal mines" bs.

Thats funny because they fell for the we're going to bring back those jobs bs. Wait until Trump tells you that cant happen. Its like getting on a roller coaster. They got on not knowing it was going to go in reverse but too late. You're already strapped in.

So when the jobs dont come back all they are going to be able to say is "thats ok" because coming to grips that you fell for an obvious lie is too hard for people

I take it you missed the recent WTO airbus ruling that proved that the Europeans are subsidizing their exports by the billions to make sure those jobs left here and went there.

Without that cheating, there would be thousands more Boeing jobs in this country today. Hell, there would still be Lockheed and McDonnel-Douglas jobs.

And if that cheating is stopped, or even reduced, many of those jobs will come back.

Is Boeing a coal company or did you just change the topic?

The topic is jobs. Rust belt is mostly manufacturing jobs. West Virginia is mining jobs.

I thought you were referring to the Rust Belt portion of my post.

But the Coal Jobs will come back. THe demand has been artificially suppressed and once that pressure is removed, coal usage will increase.

Yeah, then we can enjoy a good acid rain, it's been years, I miss it so.

DO you care that we are talking about thousands of good paying jobs for rural Americans?
Not at all. How can that be when the establishment is under Republican control in Congress, Most governors are Republican & most State legislatures are run by Republicans. The working class will soon learn that Donald Trump could give a shit about them. He has imported labor to work in his hotels, He imported labor & steel to build them. He imported nearly all of his products.

If his immigration polices and trade policy work as planned, greatly benefiting working class Americans, will you admit it, or play deflection games?

If they don't, and the wall is not built, he has not defeated ISIS, and the 11 million he claims he will deport in the first 100 days, will you admit to being fooled?
I guess the worst recession in 80n years, a near financial meltdown, a housing collapse, two quagmire wars,etc had northing to do with it.

Depends on why.

If the reason is that the Political Class stonewalls with the support of a vile media that has morals that would embarrass a crack whore, then no, I would blame his enemies for fighting against America.

If the reason is that he doesn't even try, or reverses himself, than yes.

Now, dare you to answer MY QUESTION?

If his immigration polices and trade policy work as planned, greatly benefiting working class Americans, will you admit it, or play deflection games?

Trump has flipped and flopped too many times for me to believe anything he has said. A classic demagogue, and a charlatan, we can expect the unexpected on a daily basis. My hope is we survive the next four years.

Words have consequences, and I sincerely believe Trump acts before seeking counsel, and does not put that twitter remark under his pillow and send it (or not) upon reflection after speaking with members of his staff.

We're stuck with him, I hope not to have to write, "I told you so" and I do wish Godspeed for our country under his leadership. My initial fear is the rumor that he will appoint Giuliani and Gingrich to positions of responsibility, in doing so he will expose himself to criticism for engaging in cronyism, something he criticized President Obama and the Democrats of doing and which he lampooned, and such a F&F is hypocrisy on steroids.
Nothing could be worse than the last eight years for the country… But barry was one hell of a gun salesman… LOL
BTW, I intend to keep their feet to the fire with the same intensity that I did before when the left was running things.......this is what I do.....

I agree 100% with you! Trump must perform as far as I'm concerned. He has the wind to his back and there are NO excuses!
He's already done what he needed to do...keep Hillary out of the WH. That was my only concern, we've just avoided another world war.
Really? I think we may have just got into one.
Still believing that shit from Hillary, I see. Putin has already sent a message that he looks forward to normalizing relations again. Hillary was threatening to launch cyber attacks on him. You're way off.

What fucking normal relations.... He is occupying a NATO country... A country America assured was good to give up its nuclear stockpile because the US would protect them....
How you getting any one else getting Nuclear Weapons?

Err, what nato country is he occupying?
Depends on why.

If the reason is that the Political Class stonewalls with the support of a vile media that has morals that would embarrass a crack whore, then no, I would blame his enemies for fighting against America.

If the reason is that he doesn't even try, or reverses himself, than yes.

Now, dare you to answer MY QUESTION?

If his immigration polices and trade policy work as planned, greatly benefiting working class Americans, will you admit it, or play deflection games?

Trump has flipped and flopped too many times for me to believe anything he has said. ....

Stop right there. I didn't ask you to believe him.

I answered your question without hesitation and without any quibbling.

I ask you to answer my, ie

"If his immigration polices and trade policy work as planned, greatly benefiting working class Americans, will you admit it, or play deflection games?"

And instead of an answer, you post three paragraphs of partisan opinion.

YOur inability to even TRY to answer my question, is actually a very clear answer.

And that answer is no. Even if Trump does implement his policies and they work as he and his supporters hope, to the benefit of tens of millions Americans and the nation as a whole, you will NOT admit it, no matter what.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

Look up the term "godspeed" you ignorant asshole.

If you have really wanted to slam me, you could have answered my question.

Now that we are past that, does it not raise a red flag in your mind to realize that you do NOT judge American policy by the good it may or may not do for Americans?

Isn't that strange?

At best you're strange. But I digress, godspeed is an expression of good wishes to a person starting a journey. That answered your question.

That you didn't acknowledge that is telling, and what it tells me is you are stupid, or dishonest - odds are you are not very bright and couldn't understand my post, that's sad.

THe fact that you also called me an "ignorant asshole" led me to doubt the sincerity of your good wishes.

It is not credible that after our long discussions that you are unable to tell that I am, at the very least quite bright.

YOu are being dishonest to avoid addressing any of my powerful points, or questions.

You are being rude in an attempt to distract from the fact that you are avoiding them.

And of course, the fact that you lefties are just reflexively rude.
The other thing this election has done is expose the D Party. It is now the party of the establishment and wealthy elites on the east and west coasts. The D Party is no longer the party of the working class or middle class...if it ever was.

Not at all. How can that be when the establishment is under Republican control in Congress, Most governors are Republican & most State legislatures are run by Republicans. The working class will soon learn that Donald Trump could give a shit about them. He has imported labor to work in his hotels, He imported labor & steel to build them. He imported nearly all of his products.

If his immigration polices and trade policy work as planned, greatly benefiting working class Americans, will you admit it, or play deflection games?

If they don't, and the wall is not built, he has not defeated ISIS, and the 11 million he claims he will deport in the first 100 days, will you admit to being fooled?

Depends on why.

If the reason is that the Political Class stonewalls with the support of a vile media that has morals that would embarrass a crack whore, then no, I would blame his enemies for fighting against America.

If the reason is that he doesn't even try, or reverses himself, than yes.

Now, dare you to answer MY QUESTION?

If his immigration polices and trade policy work as planned, greatly benefiting working class Americans, will you admit it, or play deflection games?
Sure. And if he doesn't, you'll be here claiming what a duped fool you are, right?

I thought I was clear above. I have bolden, and greatly enlarged my answer to help you find it, among all the big words.
I told you his message was designed for the Rust Belt.

And kudos to West Virginia for not falling for the "well, I when I said I would close the coal mines, I didn't mean CLOSE, the coal mines" bs.

Thats funny because they fell for the we're going to bring back those jobs bs. Wait until Trump tells you that cant happen. Its like getting on a roller coaster. They got on not knowing it was going to go in reverse but too late. You're already strapped in.

So when the jobs dont come back all they are going to be able to say is "thats ok" because coming to grips that you fell for an obvious lie is too hard for people

I take it you missed the recent WTO airbus ruling that proved that the Europeans are subsidizing their exports by the billions to make sure those jobs left here and went there.

Without that cheating, there would be thousands more Boeing jobs in this country today. Hell, there would still be Lockheed and McDonnel-Douglas jobs.

And if that cheating is stopped, or even reduced, many of those jobs will come back.

Is Boeing a coal company or did you just change the topic?

The topic is jobs. Rust belt is mostly manufacturing jobs. West Virginia is mining jobs.

I thought you were referring to the Rust Belt portion of my post.

But the Coal Jobs will come back. THe demand has been artificially suppressed and once that pressure is removed, coal usage will increase.

I specifically commented on the Coal jobs you referred to in the first post. Once I made the point that they're jobs wont come back either way you flipped to jobs in general, which was not the discussion until you tried to change it
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best

You guys were on the right track by voting against the establishment. The only problem is that you voted for a conservative. He'll just end up fucking you over like all the others did. What Trump supporters need to do switch from being conservative to being progressive.

Together we are a lot stronger. In four years I want to see all Trump supporters become progressives and vote for an anti-establishment progressive candidate.

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