Boy........Did we ever get Schlonged

Bottom line is Americans overwhelmingly demanded and supported the space program.

It happened after Sputnik and Yuri Gagarin
So you are making a comparison that since the federal government funded the space program that they should fund health care? The role of the government is to do for the people what they can't do for themselves. The role of the government is NOT to do for the people what they can and should do for themselves.

The people could not develop ICBM's to counter the Russian threat. The people can and should take care of their own medical costs.

The role of government is to do what needs doing as determined by We the People
No. That would be mob rule. That's why we have a represented government; to prevent mob rule. I am sorry but you cannot drain the treasury just because some citizens don't provide for themselves. Maybe you are confusing a Republic with a Commune. We don't do that here.
The treasury belongs to We the People
If we want to spend it on the health of the people instead of the military.....that is our right

In a Republic, We the People elect representatives to do our will. If they fail, we vote them out
Again, I think you are still referring to mob rule as your justification that the treasury can be used for anything.
We the People is not mob rule....even if we select Trump
So you are making a comparison that since the federal government funded the space program that they should fund health care? The role of the government is to do for the people what they can't do for themselves. The role of the government is NOT to do for the people what they can and should do for themselves.

The people could not develop ICBM's to counter the Russian threat. The people can and should take care of their own medical costs.

The role of government is to do what needs doing as determined by We the People
No. That would be mob rule. That's why we have a represented government; to prevent mob rule. I am sorry but you cannot drain the treasury just because some citizens don't provide for themselves. Maybe you are confusing a Republic with a Commune. We don't do that here.
The treasury belongs to We the People
If we want to spend it on the health of the people instead of the military.....that is our right

In a Republic, We the People elect representatives to do our will. If they fail, we vote them out
Again, I think you are still referring to mob rule as your justification that the treasury can be used for anything.
We the People is not mob rule....even if we select Trump
Mob rule would be the people emptying the treasury to pay for things they can and should be paying for.
Everyone has to die. What's the big deal? Should alcoholics be forced to quit drinking? They can die from that too, right? Same goes for heroin addicts, right? Are you going to force people to do what YOU believe they should do? Where exactly do you draw the line? If people don't want to buy insurance, what's it to you?
Conservative healthcare for the masses
Should alcoholics be forced to quit drinking? They can die from that too, right? Same goes for heroin addicts, right? Are you going to force people to do what YOU believe they should do? Where exactly do you draw the line? If people don't want to buy insurance, what's it to you?

What it is to me is they show up at Emergency rooms demanding care. We pay

I don't care if they buy it or the taxpayer provides it for all...People need healthcare
Oh... so you don't care about them, you only care about you having to pay. I don't think you have to worry too much about that. Just look at what you pay in taxes and then realize how little that would actually go.

Like I said before, insurance is not healthcare. The insurance industry is like a parasite. It doesn't add any value. A much better way is co-ops. Not to mention the whole insurance scam is intentionally designed to drive up prices to create an illusion that we need insurance companies. Please tell me that you are not such a dupe as to not realize the game that is being played.
I agree

Insurance is nothing but a well paid middleman
Your employer should not be making insurance choices for you

Government is the only realistic option....most modern countries have already figured that out
No, no, no, no, no. Are you a freaking communist or something? That would be the worst decision ever made.
So you are making a comparison that since the federal government funded the space program that they should fund health care? The role of the government is to do for the people what they can't do for themselves. The role of the government is NOT to do for the people what they can and should do for themselves.

The people could not develop ICBM's to counter the Russian threat. The people can and should take care of their own medical costs.

The role of government is to do what needs doing as determined by We the People
No. That would be mob rule. That's why we have a represented government; to prevent mob rule. I am sorry but you cannot drain the treasury just because some citizens don't provide for themselves. Maybe you are confusing a Republic with a Commune. We don't do that here.
The treasury belongs to We the People
If we want to spend it on the health of the people instead of the military.....that is our right

In a Republic, We the People elect representatives to do our will. If they fail, we vote them out
Again, I think you are still referring to mob rule as your justification that the treasury can be used for anything.
We the People is not mob rule....even if we select Trump
Should alcoholics be forced to quit drinking? They can die from that too, right? Same goes for heroin addicts, right? Are you going to force people to do what YOU believe they should do? Where exactly do you draw the line?
No. Darwinism as in learning from your mistakes. Do you believe that people should suffer the consequences of their decisions? Both good and bad?

Of course you should learn. But the question is, what price should you pay?
Whatever the consequence of your actions. That's how being accountable works. People don't learn anything unless they suffer the consequences of their decisions, both good and bad. This is common sense.
OK...let's look at the example we are avoiding

Paying for healthcare

If you are 25 years old, starting a family. You have to pay rent, utilities, maybe a college loan, car costs, car insurance and food. Your health insurance bill would be an additional $500 a month. You feel healthy and think you can last the year without a serious medical problem. You have never been sick...why not take a chance?
You come down with cancer.......should you die as a "consequence"?
You're forced to pay for something that might use/happen, that's called legalized extortion. If you choose to pay for that that's no problem, but forcing someone is bullshit. Communist Russia is where that shit is supposed to happen.
See that's the fact, you fuckers are a bunch of control freaks and can't tolerate people disagreeing with you… LOL

You totally ducked my question

Should the 25 year old pay the consequences of not having insurance
Yes, shit happens. But forcing people to pay into something they are not going to use is stupidity.
OK...let's look at the example we are avoiding

Paying for healthcare

If you are 25 years old, starting a family. You have to pay rent, utilities, maybe a college loan, car costs, car insurance and food. Your health insurance bill would be an additional $500 a month. You feel healthy and think you can last the year without a serious medical problem. You have never been sick...why not take a chance?
You come down with cancer.......should you die as a "consequence"?
Wait a minute. Insurance is not health care, it is insurance. Do you have any idea how much money is wasted on paying for something that does not do one thing for improving health care? It is massive.
Bingo! Insurance should be a choice, should never forced on anybody otherwise it's just legalized extortion.

Simple post by a simple mind ^^^.

Guess what, the uninsured get run over by cars, fall off cliffs and have heart a attacks, diabetes and AIDS. They go to, or are driven by ambulance, to the ER and receive treatments. They get a bill which they cannot pay and the cost of their treatment goes to the taxpayer.

Getting physical exams is preventative medicine, that you've been told to believe that is not so, and believe it, makes you a fool.
I've been smart enough to save money and stay 100% out of debt. So I don't have to worry about insurance or rather the lack of... :lmao:
see you guys just can't help it, progressive control freaks cannot tolerate anyone disagreeing with them… Fact
I'm impressed.

Can you afford $500,000 in cancer treatments or a million dollar heart transplant?
I don't want someone else to pay for my shit, that's the problem with you progressive wack jobs want everyone else to pay for your shit. You do know paying into a pool is a recipe for abuse every single time… Fuck the village, fuck socialism, fuck progressivism. Lol
Still the federal government cannot create jobs… Fact

Why do you keep repeating that nonsense?

The federal government decided to go to the moon....that did not create jobs?
Private sector created those jobs, just thinking up of a job is not creating a job. dip shit
If the private sector wanted to go to the moon, they would have done it on their own.
It was only when the government decided to foot the bill that they hired those employees
You do know it's the peoples money not the governments money, and printed paper is not wealth.
Still that equipment has to be designed/built/made and it's the private sector that does all of that - not the federal government. The federal government is a middleman in something like that. All Federal government jobs are liabilities, obviously many are an absolute necessity but still a liability.
We the People created the government...they represent us

The private sector does it because it is the law that government can't compete with private enterprise. Everyone employed in the private aerospace industry was paid with taxpayer dollars

Yes, the Government did create those jobs
No, Government cannot create jobs. That is not their job to create jobs.
Wait a minute. Insurance is not health care, it is insurance. Do you have any idea how much money is wasted on paying for something that does not do one thing for improving health care? It is massive.
Bingo! Insurance should be a choice, should never forced on anybody otherwise it's just legalized extortion.

Simple post by a simple mind ^^^.

Guess what, the uninsured get run over by cars, fall off cliffs and have heart a attacks, diabetes and AIDS. They go to, or are driven by ambulance, to the ER and receive treatments. They get a bill which they cannot pay and the cost of their treatment goes to the taxpayer.

Getting physical exams is preventative medicine, that you've been told to believe that is not so, and believe it, makes you a fool.
I've been smart enough to save money and stay 100% out of debt. So I don't have to worry about insurance or rather the lack of... :lmao:
see you guys just can't help it, progressive control freaks cannot tolerate anyone disagreeing with them… Fact

You're full of shit. A major surgery can cost you in a few weeks more than you will pay for insurance in ten years. While not buying insurance you've admitted to be a person who flouts the law, especially by failing to comply with a law that is difficult to enforce effectively.

And BTW, when Reagan signed Tax Reform he eliminated the entire deduction once allowed for health insurance.
Yes, I do not buy health insurance, in fact I've never even claimed anything off insurance in my entire life. So, I do pay the fine to IRS for not having insurance but I'm putting a stop payment on the last payment here in NOV because health insurance is no longer mandatory.
I will never buy insurance for me and my family, never believed in it never will.
How to Cancel an ObamaCare Plan? - Obamacare Facts
Must be nice knowing neither you or your family will ever have a serious illness.
Bingo! Insurance should be a choice, should never forced on anybody otherwise it's just legalized extortion.

Simple post by a simple mind ^^^.

Guess what, the uninsured get run over by cars, fall off cliffs and have heart a attacks, diabetes and AIDS. They go to, or are driven by ambulance, to the ER and receive treatments. They get a bill which they cannot pay and the cost of their treatment goes to the taxpayer.

Getting physical exams is preventative medicine, that you've been told to believe that is not so, and believe it, makes you a fool.
I've been smart enough to save money and stay 100% out of debt. So I don't have to worry about insurance or rather the lack of... :lmao:
see you guys just can't help it, progressive control freaks cannot tolerate anyone disagreeing with them… Fact

You're full of shit. A major surgery can cost you in a few weeks more than you will pay for insurance in ten years. While not buying insurance you've admitted to be a person who flouts the law, especially by failing to comply with a law that is difficult to enforce effectively.

And BTW, when Reagan signed Tax Reform he eliminated the entire deduction once allowed for health insurance.
Yes, I do not buy health insurance, in fact I've never even claimed anything off insurance in my entire life. So, I do pay the fine to IRS for not having insurance but I'm putting a stop payment on the last payment here in NOV because health insurance is no longer mandatory.
I will never buy insurance for me and my family, never believed in it never will.
How to Cancel an ObamaCare Plan? - Obamacare Facts
Must be nice knowing neither you or your family will ever have a serious illness.
Why do you care if others have insurance or not?
Bingo! Insurance should be a choice, should never forced on anybody otherwise it's just legalized extortion.

Simple post by a simple mind ^^^.

Guess what, the uninsured get run over by cars, fall off cliffs and have heart a attacks, diabetes and AIDS. They go to, or are driven by ambulance, to the ER and receive treatments. They get a bill which they cannot pay and the cost of their treatment goes to the taxpayer.

Getting physical exams is preventative medicine, that you've been told to believe that is not so, and believe it, makes you a fool.
I've been smart enough to save money and stay 100% out of debt. So I don't have to worry about insurance or rather the lack of... :lmao:
see you guys just can't help it, progressive control freaks cannot tolerate anyone disagreeing with them… Fact

You're full of shit. A major surgery can cost you in a few weeks more than you will pay for insurance in ten years. While not buying insurance you've admitted to be a person who flouts the law, especially by failing to comply with a law that is difficult to enforce effectively.

And BTW, when Reagan signed Tax Reform he eliminated the entire deduction once allowed for health insurance.
Yes, I do not buy health insurance, in fact I've never even claimed anything off insurance in my entire life. So, I do pay the fine to IRS for not having insurance but I'm putting a stop payment on the last payment here in NOV because health insurance is no longer mandatory.
I will never buy insurance for me and my family, never believed in it never will.
How to Cancel an ObamaCare Plan? - Obamacare Facts
Must be nice knowing neither you or your family will ever have a serious illness.
Having insurance will not stop illnesses or accidents. I don't go through life worrying what might happen, and I don't want to have to depend on other people paying for my shit
The role of government is to do what needs doing as determined by We the People
No. That would be mob rule. That's why we have a represented government; to prevent mob rule. I am sorry but you cannot drain the treasury just because some citizens don't provide for themselves. Maybe you are confusing a Republic with a Commune. We don't do that here.
The treasury belongs to We the People
If we want to spend it on the health of the people instead of the military.....that is our right

In a Republic, We the People elect representatives to do our will. If they fail, we vote them out
Again, I think you are still referring to mob rule as your justification that the treasury can be used for anything.
We the People is not mob rule....even if we select Trump
Mob rule would be the people emptying the treasury to pay for things they can and should be paying for.
We the People decide how our money shall be spent
Simple post by a simple mind ^^^.

Guess what, the uninsured get run over by cars, fall off cliffs and have heart a attacks, diabetes and AIDS. They go to, or are driven by ambulance, to the ER and receive treatments. They get a bill which they cannot pay and the cost of their treatment goes to the taxpayer.

Getting physical exams is preventative medicine, that you've been told to believe that is not so, and believe it, makes you a fool.
I've been smart enough to save money and stay 100% out of debt. So I don't have to worry about insurance or rather the lack of... :lmao:
see you guys just can't help it, progressive control freaks cannot tolerate anyone disagreeing with them… Fact

You're full of shit. A major surgery can cost you in a few weeks more than you will pay for insurance in ten years. While not buying insurance you've admitted to be a person who flouts the law, especially by failing to comply with a law that is difficult to enforce effectively.

And BTW, when Reagan signed Tax Reform he eliminated the entire deduction once allowed for health insurance.
Yes, I do not buy health insurance, in fact I've never even claimed anything off insurance in my entire life. So, I do pay the fine to IRS for not having insurance but I'm putting a stop payment on the last payment here in NOV because health insurance is no longer mandatory.
I will never buy insurance for me and my family, never believed in it never will.
How to Cancel an ObamaCare Plan? - Obamacare Facts
Must be nice knowing neither you or your family will ever have a serious illness.
Having insurance will not stop illnesses or accidents. I don't go through life worrying what might happen, and I don't want to have to depend on other people paying for my shit
Do you have a million dollars to pay for a heart transplant?
No. That would be mob rule. That's why we have a represented government; to prevent mob rule. I am sorry but you cannot drain the treasury just because some citizens don't provide for themselves. Maybe you are confusing a Republic with a Commune. We don't do that here.
The treasury belongs to We the People
If we want to spend it on the health of the people instead of the military.....that is our right

In a Republic, We the People elect representatives to do our will. If they fail, we vote them out
Again, I think you are still referring to mob rule as your justification that the treasury can be used for anything.
We the People is not mob rule....even if we select Trump
Mob rule would be the people emptying the treasury to pay for things they can and should be paying for.
We the People decide how our money shall be spent
No, they don't. Congress does that. If the people did decide, the treasury would be even worse off than it is. We've pretty much established that you are a flaming socialist, right?
I've been smart enough to save money and stay 100% out of debt. So I don't have to worry about insurance or rather the lack of... :lmao:
see you guys just can't help it, progressive control freaks cannot tolerate anyone disagreeing with them… Fact

You're full of shit. A major surgery can cost you in a few weeks more than you will pay for insurance in ten years. While not buying insurance you've admitted to be a person who flouts the law, especially by failing to comply with a law that is difficult to enforce effectively.

And BTW, when Reagan signed Tax Reform he eliminated the entire deduction once allowed for health insurance.
Yes, I do not buy health insurance, in fact I've never even claimed anything off insurance in my entire life. So, I do pay the fine to IRS for not having insurance but I'm putting a stop payment on the last payment here in NOV because health insurance is no longer mandatory.
I will never buy insurance for me and my family, never believed in it never will.
How to Cancel an ObamaCare Plan? - Obamacare Facts
Must be nice knowing neither you or your family will ever have a serious illness.
Having insurance will not stop illnesses or accidents. I don't go through life worrying what might happen, and I don't want to have to depend on other people paying for my shit
Do you have a million dollars to pay for a heart transplant?
I'm not gonna sit around worrying that I need to buy a new heart, I don't live life that way. Never have
Why do you keep repeating that nonsense?

The federal government decided to go to the moon....that did not create jobs?
Private sector created those jobs, just thinking up of a job is not creating a job. dip shit
If the private sector wanted to go to the moon, they would have done it on their own.
It was only when the government decided to foot the bill that they hired those employees
You do know it's the peoples money not the governments money, and printed paper is not wealth.
Still that equipment has to be designed/built/made and it's the private sector that does all of that - not the federal government. The federal government is a middleman in something like that. All Federal government jobs are liabilities, obviously many are an absolute necessity but still a liability.
We the People created the government...they represent us

The private sector does it because it is the law that government can't compete with private enterprise. Everyone employed in the private aerospace industry was paid with taxpayer dollars

Yes, the Government did create those jobs
No, Government cannot create jobs. That is not their job to create jobs.
Government creates tens of millions of jobs
I've been smart enough to save money and stay 100% out of debt. So I don't have to worry about insurance or rather the lack of... :lmao:
see you guys just can't help it, progressive control freaks cannot tolerate anyone disagreeing with them… Fact

You're full of shit. A major surgery can cost you in a few weeks more than you will pay for insurance in ten years. While not buying insurance you've admitted to be a person who flouts the law, especially by failing to comply with a law that is difficult to enforce effectively.

And BTW, when Reagan signed Tax Reform he eliminated the entire deduction once allowed for health insurance.
Yes, I do not buy health insurance, in fact I've never even claimed anything off insurance in my entire life. So, I do pay the fine to IRS for not having insurance but I'm putting a stop payment on the last payment here in NOV because health insurance is no longer mandatory.
I will never buy insurance for me and my family, never believed in it never will.
How to Cancel an ObamaCare Plan? - Obamacare Facts
Must be nice knowing neither you or your family will ever have a serious illness.
Having insurance will not stop illnesses or accidents. I don't go through life worrying what might happen, and I don't want to have to depend on other people paying for my shit
Do you have a million dollars to pay for a heart transplant?
I do. Do you need to borrow some money?
Private sector created those jobs, just thinking up of a job is not creating a job. dip shit
If the private sector wanted to go to the moon, they would have done it on their own.
It was only when the government decided to foot the bill that they hired those employees
You do know it's the peoples money not the governments money, and printed paper is not wealth.
Still that equipment has to be designed/built/made and it's the private sector that does all of that - not the federal government. The federal government is a middleman in something like that. All Federal government jobs are liabilities, obviously many are an absolute necessity but still a liability.
We the People created the government...they represent us

The private sector does it because it is the law that government can't compete with private enterprise. Everyone employed in the private aerospace industry was paid with taxpayer dollars

Yes, the Government did create those jobs
No, Government cannot create jobs. That is not their job to create jobs.
Government creates tens of millions of jobs
Government does not create anything. Maybe you are thinking of communism.
Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history.
Hardly "the most impressive". He got a nice margin in electoral votes, but other candidates have gotten more. And the popular vote was almost even... not that that matters.

The only reason it "looks impressive", is not because of any particular greatness of Trump. It's merely because the media predicted it wrong. Sounds like they impressed themselves... but they do that a lot. And the only other people who though it "impressive", were the people who believed the mainstream media. Hopefully they now know better than to do that again.

One thing that was impressive, though, is that despite being outspent more than three to one, and without the backing of his own party, and without very many celebrities swarming around him... Trump won anyway. And that's because the American people wanted what he offered, a lot more than they wanted what Hillary has been offering (and failing to deliver) for thirty-plus years.
Now, that's impressive. :beer:
Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history.
Hardly "the most impressive". He got a nice margin in electoral votes, but other candidates have gotten more. And the popular vote was almost even... not that that matters.

The only reason it "looks impressive", is not because of any particular greatness of Trump. It's merely because the media predicted it wrong. Sounds like they impressed themselves... but they do that a lot. And the only other people who though it "impressive", were the people who believed the mainstream media. Hopefully they now know better than to do that again.

One thing that was impressive, though, is that despite being outspent more than three to one, and without the backing of his own party, and without very many celebrities swarming around him... Trump won anyway. And that's because the American people wanted what he offered, a lot more than they wanted what Hillary has been offering (and failing to deliver) for thirty-plus years.
Now, that's impressive. :beer:
Yes, it would be hard to turn down some of what Trump is offering. Take healthcare for example. Putting together all the promises and claims Donald has made about the replacement for Obamacare who wouldn't want it with premiums so low you won't believe, more people covered, better coverage, better medical care, no pre-existing condition limitation, insurance for children up to age 26, no mandate, etc... Of course, he can offer the moon since it's congress that will have to deliver.
Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history.
Hardly "the most impressive". He got a nice margin in electoral votes, but other candidates have gotten more. And the popular vote was almost even... not that that matters.

The only reason it "looks impressive", is not because of any particular greatness of Trump. It's merely because the media predicted it wrong. Sounds like they impressed themselves... but they do that a lot. And the only other people who though it "impressive", were the people who believed the mainstream media. Hopefully they now know better than to do that again.

One thing that was impressive, though, is that despite being outspent more than three to one, and without the backing of his own party, and without very many celebrities swarming around him... Trump won anyway. And that's because the American people wanted what he offered, a lot more than they wanted what Hillary has been offering (and failing to deliver) for thirty-plus years.
Now, that's impressive. :beer:
Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history.
Hardly "the most impressive". He got a nice margin in electoral votes, but other candidates have gotten more. And the popular vote was almost even... not that that matters.

The only reason it "looks impressive", is not because of any particular greatness of Trump. It's merely because the media predicted it wrong. Sounds like they impressed themselves... but they do that a lot. And the only other people who though it "impressive", were the people who believed the mainstream media. Hopefully they now know better than to do that again.

One thing that was impressive, though, is that despite being outspent more than three to one, and without the backing of his own party, and without very many celebrities swarming around him... Trump won anyway. And that's because the American people wanted what he offered, a lot more than they wanted what Hillary has been offering (and failing to deliver) for thirty-plus years.
Now, that's impressive. :beer:
Yes, it would be hard to turn down some of what Trump is offering. Take healthcare for example. Putting together all the promises and claims Donald has made about the replacement for Obamacare who wouldn't want it with premiums so low you won't believe, more people covered, better coverage, better medical care, no pre-existing condition limitation, insurance for children up to age 26, no mandate, etc... Of course, he can offer the moon since it's congress that will have to deliver.
Trump will find how difficult it is to replace Obamacare

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