Boy........Did we ever get Schlonged

There is a name for it when governments set prices, wages and profits. I wonder if anyone can tell me that name?

Right wing propaganda. Guess which party actually put into effect wage and price controls in the US. I'd bet you can't.
That wasn't it. Care to try again? What form of government, sets prices, wages and profits? Let me give you a hint... it has always been the form of government chosen by atheists.
I've been smart enough to save money and stay 100% out of debt. So I don't have to worry about insurance or rather the lack of... :lmao:
see you guys just can't help it, progressive control freaks cannot tolerate anyone disagreeing with them… Fact

You're full of shit. A major surgery can cost you in a few weeks more than you will pay for insurance in ten years. While not buying insurance you've admitted to be a person who flouts the law, especially by failing to comply with a law that is difficult to enforce effectively.

And BTW, when Reagan signed Tax Reform he eliminated the entire deduction once allowed for health insurance.
Yes, I do not buy health insurance, in fact I've never even claimed anything off insurance in my entire life. So, I do pay the fine to IRS for not having insurance but I'm putting a stop payment on the last payment here in NOV because health insurance is no longer mandatory.
I will never buy insurance for me and my family, never believed in it never will.
How to Cancel an ObamaCare Plan? - Obamacare Facts
Must be nice knowing neither you or your family will ever have a serious illness.
Having insurance will not stop illnesses or accidents. I don't go through life worrying what might happen, and I don't want to have to depend on other people paying for my shit

Cool. I don't give a shit what you believe, responsible people act differently, fools act like you.
So then you believe in having insurance to go to the doctor for a cold? Do you have insurance to replace your brakes on your car too?

You mean you have no military personal? Those B2's just fly themselves do they? The federal national parks? Those rangers don't exist??
Government jobs really are not real jobs at all, obviously military, police and fire and the like are absolutely necessary. But all federal government jobs are a liability because the taxpayer has to fit the bill. So you cannot call it creating jobs... fact

IRS is not a job?
Any civilian government job really isn't a real job, it's a liability people with real jobs have to pay taxes to pay for that so called job.
Anyway, the IRS unconstitutional... And should be abolished

LMFAO, you really are one stupid piece of shit.
What or who is the New Right exactly? Is it anything like New Atheism? BTW would one of these New Right fellows say something like, "you really are one stupid piece of shit" to someone who didn't believe as they did? Cause if they would, you are probably right that they are a danger to our society.
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Wait a minute. Insurance is not health care, it is insurance. Do you have any idea how much money is wasted on paying for something that does not do one thing for improving health care? It is massive.
Bingo! Insurance should be a choice, should never forced on anybody otherwise it's just legalized extortion.
Lets do that. When you get sick & can't fork out the $500k, we drag your fat ass to the dumpster.
There are other options beside that. Stop being so emotional. There's family and friend's. There's loans. There's your community and finally there is Medicaid.
Yes, there are always ways to get medical care even if you don't have insurance or money. However, it takes time and time is precious if you have an aggressive cancer. The one thing in life you never want to hear is, "If only you had got to us sooner...", particularly if it's your 6 year old daughter. Believe me, I know.
If you have an aggressive cancer, the deal is already sealed. But then again, if we socialize medicine there will be long wait times anyway. I have yet to see a government program that has worked as intended. We already have enough bad attitude medical professionals, we can hardly expect their attitudes to improve once they become government employees.
No, the deal is not sealed if you have an aggressive cancer. I can testify to that.

I lived in Europe for nearly a year used the French healthcare system which is government supported. I never had long wait for appointments, usually only a couple of days. In the US, I'm lucky if I can get an appointment in two weeks. Also in France you can go to a consulting pharmacy and get prescription drugs for common ailments without seeing a doctor. Not only is their healthcare system easily accessible but my cost were less than in the US even though I was not a resident of France. I got prescription drugs that cost over two hundred a month in the US for a fraction of the price.

I'm sure there are countries where there are long waits for certain medical services. However that is the case in US. I just made an appointment with a dermatologist for Jan 24th which was their first available appointment.

The US healthcare system is no better or worst than it was before Obamacare. It's just more expensive and more people have access to it. Until the day comes we have a single payer system, US healthcare is going to be more expensive and less effective.
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Bingo! Insurance should be a choice, should never forced on anybody otherwise it's just legalized extortion.
Lets do that. When you get sick & can't fork out the $500k, we drag your fat ass to the dumpster.
There are other options beside that. Stop being so emotional. There's family and friend's. There's loans. There's your community and finally there is Medicaid.
Yes, there are always ways to get medical care even if you don't have insurance or money. However, it takes time and time is precious if you have an aggressive cancer. The one thing in life you never want to hear is, "If only you had got to us sooner...", particularly if it's your 6 year old daughter. Believe me, I know.
If you have an aggressive cancer, the deal is already sealed. But then again, if we socialize medicine there will be long wait times anyway. I have yet to see a government program that has worked as intended. We already have enough bad attitude medical professionals, we can hardly expect their attitudes to improve once they become government employees.
No, the deal is not sealed if you have an aggressive cancer. I can testify to that.

I lived in Europe for nearly a year used the French healthcare system which is government supported. I never had long wait for appointments, usually only a couple of days. In the US, I'm lucky if I can get an appointment in two weeks. Also in France you can go to a consulting pharmacy and get prescription drugs for common ailments without seeing a doctor. Not only is their healthcare system easily accessible but my cost were less than in the US even though I was not a resident of France. I got prescription drugs that cost over two hundred a month in the US for a fraction of the price.

I'm sure there are countries where there are long waits for certain medical services. However that is the case in US. I just made an appointment with a dermatologist for Jan 24th which was their first available appointment.

The US healthcare system is no better or worst than it was before Obamacare. It's just more expensive and more people have access to it. Until the day comes we have a single payer system, US healthcare is going to be more expensive and less effective.
That is not the experience my friend from the UK tells me about. Not even close.
Bingo! Insurance should be a choice, should never forced on anybody otherwise it's just legalized extortion.
Lets do that. When you get sick & can't fork out the $500k, we drag your fat ass to the dumpster.
There are other options beside that. Stop being so emotional. There's family and friend's. There's loans. There's your community and finally there is Medicaid.
Yes, there are always ways to get medical care even if you don't have insurance or money. However, it takes time and time is precious if you have an aggressive cancer. The one thing in life you never want to hear is, "If only you had got to us sooner...", particularly if it's your 6 year old daughter. Believe me, I know.
If you have an aggressive cancer, the deal is already sealed. But then again, if we socialize medicine there will be long wait times anyway. I have yet to see a government program that has worked as intended. We already have enough bad attitude medical professionals, we can hardly expect their attitudes to improve once they become government employees.
No, the deal is not sealed if you have an aggressive cancer. I can testify to that.

I lived in Europe for nearly a year used the French healthcare system which is government supported. I never had long wait for appointments, usually only a couple of days. In the US, I'm lucky if I can get an appointment in two weeks. Also in France you can go to a consulting pharmacy and get prescription drugs for common ailments without seeing a doctor. Not only is their healthcare system easily accessible but my cost were less than in the US even though I was not a resident of France. I got prescription drugs that cost over two hundred a month in the US for a fraction of the price.

I'm sure there are countries where there are long waits for certain medical services. However that is the case in US. I just made an appointment with a dermatologist for Jan 24th which was their first available appointment.

The US healthcare system is no better or worst than it was before Obamacare. It's just more expensive and more people have access to it. Until the day comes we have a single payer system, US healthcare is going to be more expensive and less effective.
Well, keep single payer to yourself, millions of Americans want nothing to do with the shit. Lol
If you have an aggressive cancer, the deal is already sealed. But then again, if we socialize medicine there will be long wait times anyway. I have yet to see a government program that has worked as intended. We already have enough bad attitude medical professionals, we can hardly expect their attitudes to improve once they become government employees.

Totally untrue. I was born in NZ and lived there for most of my life. I have lived in Australia for the past 8 years. Although the health care systems are similar, I would argue the NZ system is more socialised. I've had reasonable health issues in both systems. Generally I have found health care professionals in both countries pretty good. However if I had to choose which one is best, NZ wins hands down on so many levels. Sure, we bitch and moan about waiting lists, but we have a mixture of two - social and private. The thing I love most about the private insurer (Southern Cross - and this might have changed) is that it is a not for profit private health insurer. The become a shareholder the moment you join. Works a treat.
Wait a minute. Insurance is not health care, it is insurance. Do you have any idea how much money is wasted on paying for something that does not do one thing for improving health care? It is massive.
Bingo! Insurance should be a choice, should never forced on anybody otherwise it's just legalized extortion.
Lets do that. When you get sick & can't fork out the $500k, we drag your fat ass to the dumpster.
There are other options beside that. Stop being so emotional. There's family and friend's. There's loans. There's your community and finally there is Medicaid.
Yes, there are always ways to get medical care even if you don't have insurance or money. However, it takes time and time is precious if you have an aggressive cancer. The one thing in life you never want to hear is, "If only you had got to us sooner...", particularly if it's your 6 year old daughter. Believe me, I know.
If you have an aggressive cancer, the deal is already sealed. But then again, if we socialize medicine there will be long wait times anyway. I have yet to see a government program that has worked as intended. We already have enough bad attitude medical professionals, we can hardly expect their attitudes to improve once they become government employees.
There are not long wait times for cancer, only elective procedures.
Main difference is when you check out of the hospital, there is no bill
Lets do that. When you get sick & can't fork out the $500k, we drag your fat ass to the dumpster.
There are other options beside that. Stop being so emotional. There's family and friend's. There's loans. There's your community and finally there is Medicaid.
Yes, there are always ways to get medical care even if you don't have insurance or money. However, it takes time and time is precious if you have an aggressive cancer. The one thing in life you never want to hear is, "If only you had got to us sooner...", particularly if it's your 6 year old daughter. Believe me, I know.
If you have an aggressive cancer, the deal is already sealed. But then again, if we socialize medicine there will be long wait times anyway. I have yet to see a government program that has worked as intended. We already have enough bad attitude medical professionals, we can hardly expect their attitudes to improve once they become government employees.
No, the deal is not sealed if you have an aggressive cancer. I can testify to that.

I lived in Europe for nearly a year used the French healthcare system which is government supported. I never had long wait for appointments, usually only a couple of days. In the US, I'm lucky if I can get an appointment in two weeks. Also in France you can go to a consulting pharmacy and get prescription drugs for common ailments without seeing a doctor. Not only is their healthcare system easily accessible but my cost were less than in the US even though I was not a resident of France. I got prescription drugs that cost over two hundred a month in the US for a fraction of the price.

I'm sure there are countries where there are long waits for certain medical services. However that is the case in US. I just made an appointment with a dermatologist for Jan 24th which was their first available appointment.

The US healthcare system is no better or worst than it was before Obamacare. It's just more expensive and more people have access to it. Until the day comes we have a single payer system, US healthcare is going to be more expensive and less effective.
Well, keep single payer to yourself, millions of Americans want nothing to do with the shit. Lol

There are few people in other countries who would sign up for our healthcare system
Military, police and fire and the like are absolutely necessary, but they are a liability. Private sector create all jobs that matter the government cannot create jobs... fact
The Government creates tens of millions of jobs.
About a quarter of the private sector owes its existence to government money
The federal government cannot create jobs because those jobs have to be paid for by taxpayers, get it through your thick skull it's economics 101…
The federal government has no money, it's the People's Money. By the way printing paper is not wealth… LOL
Federal Government is an agent of the taxpayers......NEXT
The Federal Government is a necessary evil. One that when it becomes more than a public servant, should be put back into its proper place.
There s a delicate balance between how much and how little government we need

agree, but you and the lib/dems want too much
Bingo! Insurance should be a choice, should never forced on anybody otherwise it's just legalized extortion.
Lets do that. When you get sick & can't fork out the $500k, we drag your fat ass to the dumpster.
There are other options beside that. Stop being so emotional. There's family and friend's. There's loans. There's your community and finally there is Medicaid.
Yes, there are always ways to get medical care even if you don't have insurance or money. However, it takes time and time is precious if you have an aggressive cancer. The one thing in life you never want to hear is, "If only you had got to us sooner...", particularly if it's your 6 year old daughter. Believe me, I know.
If you have an aggressive cancer, the deal is already sealed. But then again, if we socialize medicine there will be long wait times anyway. I have yet to see a government program that has worked as intended. We already have enough bad attitude medical professionals, we can hardly expect their attitudes to improve once they become government employees.
There are not long wait times for cancer, only elective procedures.
Main difference is when you check out of the hospital, there is no bill

So the hospitals and doctors and nurses work for free? Of course there is a bill, and its a much higher bill because the govt is handling it. Sorry, dude, there is no free lunch or free medicine.
If you have an aggressive cancer, the deal is already sealed. But then again, if we socialize medicine there will be long wait times anyway. I have yet to see a government program that has worked as intended. We already have enough bad attitude medical professionals, we can hardly expect their attitudes to improve once they become government employees.

Totally untrue. I was born in NZ and lived there for most of my life. I have lived in Australia for the past 8 years. Although the health care systems are similar, I would argue the NZ system is more socialised. I've had reasonable health issues in both systems. Generally I have found health care professionals in both countries pretty good. However if I had to choose which one is best, NZ wins hands down on so many levels. Sure, we bitch and moan about waiting lists, but we have a mixture of two - social and private. The thing I love most about the private insurer (Southern Cross - and this might have changed) is that it is a not for profit private health insurer. The become a shareholder the moment you join. Works a treat.
This is a country of over 300 million people. That won't work here. It will be a massive failure across the board.
There is a name for it when governments set prices, wages and profits. I wonder if anyone can tell me that name?

Right wing propaganda. Guess which party actually put into effect wage and price controls in the US. I'd bet you can't.
That wasn't it. Care to try again? What form of government, sets prices, wages and profits? Let me give you a hint... it has always been the form of government chosen by atheists.

Price controls have been established in this country by both parties. Quit being so naive.
Bingo! Insurance should be a choice, should never forced on anybody otherwise it's just legalized extortion.
Lets do that. When you get sick & can't fork out the $500k, we drag your fat ass to the dumpster.
There are other options beside that. Stop being so emotional. There's family and friend's. There's loans. There's your community and finally there is Medicaid.
Yes, there are always ways to get medical care even if you don't have insurance or money. However, it takes time and time is precious if you have an aggressive cancer. The one thing in life you never want to hear is, "If only you had got to us sooner...", particularly if it's your 6 year old daughter. Believe me, I know.
If you have an aggressive cancer, the deal is already sealed. But then again, if we socialize medicine there will be long wait times anyway. I have yet to see a government program that has worked as intended. We already have enough bad attitude medical professionals, we can hardly expect their attitudes to improve once they become government employees.
There are not long wait times for cancer, only elective procedures.
Main difference is when you check out of the hospital, there is no bill
There is always a bill. In this case, you get a bill every month whether you use it or not.
Lets do that. When you get sick & can't fork out the $500k, we drag your fat ass to the dumpster.
There are other options beside that. Stop being so emotional. There's family and friend's. There's loans. There's your community and finally there is Medicaid.
Yes, there are always ways to get medical care even if you don't have insurance or money. However, it takes time and time is precious if you have an aggressive cancer. The one thing in life you never want to hear is, "If only you had got to us sooner...", particularly if it's your 6 year old daughter. Believe me, I know.
If you have an aggressive cancer, the deal is already sealed. But then again, if we socialize medicine there will be long wait times anyway. I have yet to see a government program that has worked as intended. We already have enough bad attitude medical professionals, we can hardly expect their attitudes to improve once they become government employees.
No, the deal is not sealed if you have an aggressive cancer. I can testify to that.

I lived in Europe for nearly a year used the French healthcare system which is government supported. I never had long wait for appointments, usually only a couple of days. In the US, I'm lucky if I can get an appointment in two weeks. Also in France you can go to a consulting pharmacy and get prescription drugs for common ailments without seeing a doctor. Not only is their healthcare system easily accessible but my cost were less than in the US even though I was not a resident of France. I got prescription drugs that cost over two hundred a month in the US for a fraction of the price.

I'm sure there are countries where there are long waits for certain medical services. However that is the case in US. I just made an appointment with a dermatologist for Jan 24th which was their first available appointment.

The US healthcare system is no better or worst than it was before Obamacare. It's just more expensive and more people have access to it. Until the day comes we have a single payer system, US healthcare is going to be more expensive and less effective.
Well, keep single payer to yourself, millions of Americans want nothing to do with the shit. Lol
So, you will opt not to accept Medicare.
There is a name for it when governments set prices, wages and profits. I wonder if anyone can tell me that name?

Right wing propaganda. Guess which party actually put into effect wage and price controls in the US. I'd bet you can't.
That wasn't it. Care to try again? What form of government, sets prices, wages and profits? Let me give you a hint... it has always been the form of government chosen by atheists.

Price controls have been established in this country by both parties. Quit being so naive.
Really? Are you using the exception to define the rule? Yes, you are. Price controls are not the rule. So stop making ridiculous fringe arguments where you try to define the rule by exception.
And yet it does. Fact
It can't

You mean you have no military personal? Those B2's just fly themselves do they? The federal national parks? Those rangers don't exist??
Government jobs really are not real jobs at all, obviously military, police and fire and the like are absolutely necessary. But all federal government jobs are a liability because the taxpayer has to fit the bill. So you cannot call it creating jobs... fact

IRS is not a job?
Any civilian government job really isn't a real job, it's a liability people with real jobs have to pay taxes to pay for that so called job.
Anyway, the IRS unconstitutional... And should be abolished
So a job is not a job if the wrong people p[at for it?
When the Federal Government hires a contractor to build a building, these aren't jobs? You keep blabbing this crap & it is ridiculous.
The treasury belongs to We the People
If we want to spend it on the health of the people instead of the military.....that is our right

In a Republic, We the People elect representatives to do our will. If they fail, we vote them out
Again, I think you are still referring to mob rule as your justification that the treasury can be used for anything.
We the People is not mob rule....even if we select Trump
Mob rule would be the people emptying the treasury to pay for things they can and should be paying for.
We the People decide how our money shall be spent
No, they don't. Congress does that. If the people did decide, the treasury would be even worse off than it is. We've pretty much established that you are a flaming socialist, right?
You mean like when you vote for the candidate promising huge tax cuts and when you support political parties that pass unfunded bills?
There are other options beside that. Stop being so emotional. There's family and friend's. There's loans. There's your community and finally there is Medicaid.
Yes, there are always ways to get medical care even if you don't have insurance or money. However, it takes time and time is precious if you have an aggressive cancer. The one thing in life you never want to hear is, "If only you had got to us sooner...", particularly if it's your 6 year old daughter. Believe me, I know.
If you have an aggressive cancer, the deal is already sealed. But then again, if we socialize medicine there will be long wait times anyway. I have yet to see a government program that has worked as intended. We already have enough bad attitude medical professionals, we can hardly expect their attitudes to improve once they become government employees.
No, the deal is not sealed if you have an aggressive cancer. I can testify to that.

I lived in Europe for nearly a year used the French healthcare system which is government supported. I never had long wait for appointments, usually only a couple of days. In the US, I'm lucky if I can get an appointment in two weeks. Also in France you can go to a consulting pharmacy and get prescription drugs for common ailments without seeing a doctor. Not only is their healthcare system easily accessible but my cost were less than in the US even though I was not a resident of France. I got prescription drugs that cost over two hundred a month in the US for a fraction of the price.

I'm sure there are countries where there are long waits for certain medical services. However that is the case in US. I just made an appointment with a dermatologist for Jan 24th which was their first available appointment.

The US healthcare system is no better or worst than it was before Obamacare. It's just more expensive and more people have access to it. Until the day comes we have a single payer system, US healthcare is going to be more expensive and less effective.
Well, keep single payer to yourself, millions of Americans want nothing to do with the shit. Lol
So, you will opt not to accept Medicare.
Why should I do that? Am I not paying in to it? Just because I won't opt out of something I have already pre-paid for does not mean I have to agree to expand it. That is flawed logic.
I'm impressed.

Can you afford $500,000 in cancer treatments or a million dollar heart transplant?
Everyone has to die. What's the big deal? Should alcoholics be forced to quit drinking? They can die from that too, right? Same goes for heroin addicts, right? Are you going to force people to do what YOU believe they should do? Where exactly do you draw the line? If people don't want to buy insurance, what's it to you?
Conservative healthcare for the masses
Should alcoholics be forced to quit drinking? They can die from that too, right? Same goes for heroin addicts, right? Are you going to force people to do what YOU believe they should do? Where exactly do you draw the line? If people don't want to buy insurance, what's it to you?

What it is to me is they show up at Emergency rooms demanding care. We pay

I don't care if they buy it or the taxpayer provides it for all...People need healthcare
They'll get Health Care when jobs come back; I already pay enough in taxes.
Bsack from what?

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