Boy........Did we ever get Schlonged

Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best

How you think I feel, Ive been saying for the last year now that hillary was going to win, she was promised, that the dems would cheat and lie, bring in illegals etc... Now, because hillary couldnt hang with the men, I have to eat my damn words. No way in hell fraud could be involved with those numbers.
but you know what? I honestly believe that Trump has the best shot at putting this country back together, both financially and that divide that has grown between people.
You may be right. I just hope he doesn't come unglued as he has done so many times in his campaign. He does have a chance at fixing a lot of real problems in America. And he could heal much of the divide in America that's been so harmful to meaningful progress but to do that he's going have to followup on his promise to bring into his administration the best and smartest. So far that does not look like the direction he is headed by surrounding himself with people like Newt Gingrich, Rudolph Giuliani, Chris Christie, and Steve Bannon. These people are political insiders who helped him get elected, far from the best and smartest.

If he really means to become the president for all America, then he just might be able to make changes that will not be reversed the next time the opposition controls government.

Did you actually expect him to bring in a bunch of liberal douche bags into his administration? He is bringing in the best and the brightest who supported him.

Hillary supporting douche bags need not apply.
Yep, Rudy & Newt are your best & brightest. What does that say?
Wait a minute. Insurance is not health care, it is insurance. Do you have any idea how much money is wasted on paying for something that does not do one thing for improving health care? It is massive.
Bingo! Insurance should be a choice, should never forced on anybody otherwise it's just legalized extortion.

Simple post by a simple mind ^^^.

Guess what, the uninsured get run over by cars, fall off cliffs and have heart a attacks, diabetes and AIDS. They go to, or are driven by ambulance, to the ER and receive treatments. They get a bill which they cannot pay and the cost of their treatment goes to the taxpayer.

Getting physical exams is preventative medicine, that you've been told to believe that is not so, and believe it, makes you a fool.
I've been smart enough to save money and stay 100% out of debt. So I don't have to worry about insurance or rather the lack of... :lmao:
see you guys just can't help it, progressive control freaks cannot tolerate anyone disagreeing with them… Fact

You're full of shit. A major surgery can cost you in a few weeks more than you will pay for insurance in ten years. While not buying insurance you've admitted to be a person who flouts the law, especially by failing to comply with a law that is difficult to enforce effectively.

And BTW, when Reagan signed Tax Reform he eliminated the entire deduction once allowed for health insurance.
Yes, I do not buy health insurance, in fact I've never even claimed anything off insurance in my entire life. So, I do pay the fine to IRS for not having insurance but I'm putting a stop payment on the last payment here in NOV because health insurance is no longer mandatory.
I will never buy insurance for me and my family, never believed in it never will.
How to Cancel an ObamaCare Plan? - Obamacare Facts
Do you believe in Darwinism? Do you believe that people should suffer the consequences of their decisions? Both good and bad?

Darwinism in leading to your death for a bad economic decision?
No, I do not believe that
No. Darwinism as in learning from your mistakes. Do you believe that people should suffer the consequences of their decisions? Both good and bad?

Of course you should learn. But the question is, what price should you pay?
Whatever the consequence of your actions. That's how being accountable works. People don't learn anything unless they suffer the consequences of their decisions, both good and bad. This is common sense.
OK...let's look at the example we are avoiding

Paying for healthcare

If you are 25 years old, starting a family. You have to pay rent, utilities, maybe a college loan, car costs, car insurance and food. Your health insurance bill would be an additional $500 a month. You feel healthy and think you can last the year without a serious medical problem. You have never been sick...why not take a chance?
You come down with cancer.......should you die as a "consequence"?
Getting cancer is not a choice. It is a disease. So that is a really poor example of suffering the consequences of one's actions. So if you want to discuss things that are in his control, getting a good education and working hard so that he can financially afford to deal with getting cancer is certainly worth discussing.
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best

How you think I feel, Ive been saying for the last year now that hillary was going to win, she was promised, that the dems would cheat and lie, bring in illegals etc... Now, because hillary couldnt hang with the men, I have to eat my damn words. No way in hell fraud could be involved with those numbers.
but you know what? I honestly believe that Trump has the best shot at putting this country back together, both financially and that divide that has grown between people.
You may be right. I just hope he doesn't come unglued as he has done so many times in his campaign. He does have a chance at fixing a lot of real problems in America. And he could heal much of the divide in America that's been so harmful to meaningful progress but to do that he's going have to followup on his promise to bring into his administration the best and smartest. So far that does not look like the direction he is headed by surrounding himself with people like Newt Gingrich, Rudolph Giuliani, Chris Christie, and Steve Bannon. These people are political insiders who helped him get elected, far from the best and smartest.

If he really means to become the president for all America, then he just might be able to make changes that will not be reversed the next time the opposition controls government.

Did you actually expect him to bring in a bunch of liberal douche bags into his administration? He is bringing in the best and the brightest who supported him.

Hillary supporting douche bags need not apply.
Yep, Rudy & Newt are your best & brightest. What does that say?

Who do you propose, douche bag?
Of course you should learn. But the question is, what price should you pay?
Whatever the consequence of your actions. That's how being accountable works. People don't learn anything unless they suffer the consequences of their decisions, both good and bad. This is common sense.
OK...let's look at the example we are avoiding

Paying for healthcare

If you are 25 years old, starting a family. You have to pay rent, utilities, maybe a college loan, car costs, car insurance and food. Your health insurance bill would be an additional $500 a month. You feel healthy and think you can last the year without a serious medical problem. You have never been sick...why not take a chance?
You come down with cancer.......should you die as a "consequence"?
Wait a minute. Insurance is not health care, it is insurance. Do you have any idea how much money is wasted on paying for something that does not do one thing for improving health care? It is massive.
Bingo! Insurance should be a choice, should never forced on anybody otherwise it's just legalized extortion.
Lets do that. When you get sick & can't fork out the $500k, we drag your fat ass to the dumpster.
There are other options beside that. Stop being so emotional. There's family and friend's. There's loans. There's your community and finally there is Medicaid.
Bingo! Insurance should be a choice, should never forced on anybody otherwise it's just legalized extortion.

Simple post by a simple mind ^^^.

Guess what, the uninsured get run over by cars, fall off cliffs and have heart a attacks, diabetes and AIDS. They go to, or are driven by ambulance, to the ER and receive treatments. They get a bill which they cannot pay and the cost of their treatment goes to the taxpayer.

Getting physical exams is preventative medicine, that you've been told to believe that is not so, and believe it, makes you a fool.
I've been smart enough to save money and stay 100% out of debt. So I don't have to worry about insurance or rather the lack of... :lmao:
see you guys just can't help it, progressive control freaks cannot tolerate anyone disagreeing with them… Fact

You're full of shit. A major surgery can cost you in a few weeks more than you will pay for insurance in ten years. While not buying insurance you've admitted to be a person who flouts the law, especially by failing to comply with a law that is difficult to enforce effectively.

And BTW, when Reagan signed Tax Reform he eliminated the entire deduction once allowed for health insurance.
Yes, I do not buy health insurance, in fact I've never even claimed anything off insurance in my entire life. So, I do pay the fine to IRS for not having insurance but I'm putting a stop payment on the last payment here in NOV because health insurance is no longer mandatory.
I will never buy insurance for me and my family, never believed in it never will.
How to Cancel an ObamaCare Plan? - Obamacare Facts
How would you know if he were lying or telling the truth? You have no way to prove it one way or the other. Lot's of people pay as they go.
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best

How you think I feel, Ive been saying for the last year now that hillary was going to win, she was promised, that the dems would cheat and lie, bring in illegals etc... Now, because hillary couldnt hang with the men, I have to eat my damn words. No way in hell fraud could be involved with those numbers.
but you know what? I honestly believe that Trump has the best shot at putting this country back together, both financially and that divide that has grown between people.
You may be right. I just hope he doesn't come unglued as he has done so many times in his campaign. He does have a chance at fixing a lot of real problems in America. And he could heal much of the divide in America that's been so harmful to meaningful progress but to do that he's going have to followup on his promise to bring into his administration the best and smartest. So far that does not look like the direction he is headed by surrounding himself with people like Newt Gingrich, Rudolph Giuliani, Chris Christie, and Steve Bannon. These people are political insiders who helped him get elected, far from the best and smartest.

If he really means to become the president for all America, then he just might be able to make changes that will not be reversed the next time the opposition controls government.

Did you actually expect him to bring in a bunch of liberal douche bags into his administration? He is bringing in the best and the brightest who supported him.

Hillary supporting douche bags need not apply.
Not really. He did exactly what I expected. He's bringing in the political cronies as payback for their support, yes men that have little to offer. A really great way to widen the division that exist today and ensure the next Democrat wipes out all Trace of Trump as Trump hopes to do with Obama, keeping the country in stagnation.
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best

How you think I feel, Ive been saying for the last year now that hillary was going to win, she was promised, that the dems would cheat and lie, bring in illegals etc... Now, because hillary couldnt hang with the men, I have to eat my damn words. No way in hell fraud could be involved with those numbers.
but you know what? I honestly believe that Trump has the best shot at putting this country back together, both financially and that divide that has grown between people.
You may be right. I just hope he doesn't come unglued as he has done so many times in his campaign. He does have a chance at fixing a lot of real problems in America. And he could heal much of the divide in America that's been so harmful to meaningful progress but to do that he's going have to followup on his promise to bring into his administration the best and smartest. So far that does not look like the direction he is headed by surrounding himself with people like Newt Gingrich, Rudolph Giuliani, Chris Christie, and Steve Bannon. These people are political insiders who helped him get elected, far from the best and smartest.

If he really means to become the president for all America, then he just might be able to make changes that will not be reversed the next time the opposition controls government.

Did you actually expect him to bring in a bunch of liberal douche bags into his administration? He is bringing in the best and the brightest who supported him.

Hillary supporting douche bags need not apply.
Not really. He did exactly what I expected. He's bringing in the political cronies as payback for their support, yes men that have little to offer. A really great way to widen the division that exist today and ensure the next Democrat wipes out all Trace of Trump as Trump hopes to do with Obama, keeping the country in stagnation.

He's bringing in people who supported him?


How shocking that he doesn't bring in people who opposed and attacked him. It's an outrage!

You have to be joking with this shit. Next you'll attack him for breathing.
Trump has flipped and flopped too many times for me to believe anything he has said. A classic demagogue, and a charlatan, we can expect the unexpected on a daily basis. My hope is we survive the next four years.

Words have consequences, and I sincerely believe Trump acts before seeking counsel, and does not put that twitter remark under his pillow and send it (or not) upon reflection after speaking with members of his staff.

We're stuck with him, I hope not to have to write, "I told you so" and I do wish Godspeed for our country under his leadership. My initial fear is the rumor that he will appoint Giuliani and Gingrich to positions of responsibility, in doing so he will expose himself to criticism for engaging in cronyism, something he criticized President Obama and the Democrats of doing and which he lampooned, and such a F&F is hypocrisy on steroids.
I guess you're not watching the Financial Networks.
Wall Street is folding like a bad Poker hand.

View attachment 98068

Corporations, especially banking, see the door opening to go back to fewer pollution controls, fewer regulations protecting consumers, back to poor banking practices. You learned nothing from TARP.

More jobs.

So, you think a man who has made his living out of buying imported goods & using imported labor, really gives a shit about US jobs?

I think a man that ran on American jobs and who wants to be re-elected, will "care" about American jobs.
He was a ranking member of the house financial services committee. He blocked any tightened oversight on these government funded institutions. They played a HUGE role in the financial collapse by giving out mortgages to unqualified people.

He was a Minority member. You can't block stuff in the House.

Frank didn't sell any one a mortgage.

You really are quite uninformed.

He was one in charge of the oversight on Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. I think it is you who is uninformed.

"On December 9, The Atlantic published online an interview with Congressman Barney Frank. In it, he called me a "real extremist." This name-calling was not only false but also inappropriate to the seriousness of the issue -- which is whether government housing policy, and not the banks or the private sector, caused the 2008 financial crisis. I decided to respond to both Congressman Frank's statements and the questions he was asked about government housing policy and the financial crisis.

Congressman Frank, of course, blamed the financial crisis on the failure adequately to regulate the banks. In this, he is following the traditional Washington practice of blaming others for his own mistakes. For most of his career, Barney Frank was the principal advocate in Congress for using the government's authority to force lower underwriting standards in the business of housing finance. Although he claims to have tried to reverse course as early as 2003, that was the year he made the oft-quoted remark, "I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation toward subsidized housing." Rather than reversing course, he was pressing on when others were beginning to have doubts."
If it was not a failure to regulate the banks...what was it?

The failure to regulate came from Barney Frank and other libs who supported giving unqualified people mortgages.

Which means we had a lack of regulation that allowed banks to bury these loans in with solid loans and sell them as prime investments

Actually the government, instead of doing it's jobs, was pressuring the banks to make bad loans in order to artificially inflate home ownership numbers.

It was BAD regulation that caused the crash.
Darwinism in leading to your death for a bad economic decision?
No, I do not believe that
No. Darwinism as in learning from your mistakes. Do you believe that people should suffer the consequences of their decisions? Both good and bad?

Of course you should learn. But the question is, what price should you pay?
Whatever the consequence of your actions. That's how being accountable works. People don't learn anything unless they suffer the consequences of their decisions, both good and bad. This is common sense.
OK...let's look at the example we are avoiding

Paying for healthcare

If you are 25 years old, starting a family. You have to pay rent, utilities, maybe a college loan, car costs, car insurance and food. Your health insurance bill would be an additional $500 a month. You feel healthy and think you can last the year without a serious medical problem. You have never been sick...why not take a chance?
You come down with cancer.......should you die as a "consequence"?
You're forced to pay for something that might use/happen, that's called legalized extortion. If you choose to pay for that that's no problem, but forcing someone is bullshit. Communist Russia is where that shit is supposed to happen.
See that's the fact, you fuckers are a bunch of control freaks and can't tolerate people disagreeing with you… LOL

You totally ducked my question

Should the 25 year old pay the consequences of not having insurance
Federal Government is an agent of the taxpayers......NEXT
Still the federal government cannot create jobs… Fact

Why do you keep repeating that nonsense?

The federal government decided to go to the moon....that did not create jobs?
Private sector created those jobs, just thinking up of a job is not creating a job. dip shit
If the private sector wanted to go to the moon, they would have done it on their own.
It was only when the government decided to foot the bill that they hired those employees

The answer to your quandary was in your post. You said "IF the private sector wanted to go to the moon." That's the whole point. The citizens of America didn't want to go to the moon. They certainly didn't want to pay for it.
I saw them cheering in the streets
Most still say it was the proudest moment in their lives
Still the federal government cannot create jobs… Fact

Why do you keep repeating that nonsense?

The federal government decided to go to the moon....that did not create jobs?
Private sector created those jobs, just thinking up of a job is not creating a job. dip shit
If the private sector wanted to go to the moon, they would have done it on their own.
It was only when the government decided to foot the bill that they hired those employees

The answer to your quandary was in your post. You said "IF the private sector wanted to go to the moon." That's the whole point. The citizens of America didn't want to go to the moon. They certainly didn't want to pay for it.
I saw them cheering in the streets
Most still say it was the proudest moment in their lives
They wouldn't pay for it without government compelling them to pay for it. That's the bottom line.
Federal Government is an agent of the taxpayers......NEXT
Still the federal government cannot create jobs… Fact

Why do you keep repeating that nonsense?

The federal government decided to go to the moon....that did not create jobs?
Private sector created those jobs, just thinking up of a job is not creating a job. dip shit
If the private sector wanted to go to the moon, they would have done it on their own.
It was only when the government decided to foot the bill that they hired those employees
You do know it's the peoples money not the governments money, and printed paper is not wealth.
Still that equipment has to be designed/built/made and it's the private sector that does all of that - not the federal government. The federal government is a middleman in something like that. All Federal government jobs are liabilities, obviously many are an absolute necessity but still a liability.
We the People created the government...they represent us

The private sector does it because it is the law that government can't compete with private enterprise. Everyone employed in the private aerospace industry was paid with taxpayer dollars

Yes, the Government did create those jobs
Why do you keep repeating that nonsense?

The federal government decided to go to the moon....that did not create jobs?
Private sector created those jobs, just thinking up of a job is not creating a job. dip shit
If the private sector wanted to go to the moon, they would have done it on their own.
It was only when the government decided to foot the bill that they hired those employees

The answer to your quandary was in your post. You said "IF the private sector wanted to go to the moon." That's the whole point. The citizens of America didn't want to go to the moon. They certainly didn't want to pay for it.
I saw them cheering in the streets
Most still say it was the proudest moment in their lives
They wouldn't pay for it without government compelling them to pay for it. That's the bottom line.
Bottom line is Americans overwhelmingly demanded and supported the space program.

It happened after Sputnik and Yuri Gagarin
Whatever the consequence of your actions. That's how being accountable works. People don't learn anything unless they suffer the consequences of their decisions, both good and bad. This is common sense.
OK...let's look at the example we are avoiding

Paying for healthcare

If you are 25 years old, starting a family. You have to pay rent, utilities, maybe a college loan, car costs, car insurance and food. Your health insurance bill would be an additional $500 a month. You feel healthy and think you can last the year without a serious medical problem. You have never been sick...why not take a chance?
You come down with cancer.......should you die as a "consequence"?
Wait a minute. Insurance is not health care, it is insurance. Do you have any idea how much money is wasted on paying for something that does not do one thing for improving health care? It is massive.
Bingo! Insurance should be a choice, should never forced on anybody otherwise it's just legalized extortion.

Simple post by a simple mind ^^^.

Guess what, the uninsured get run over by cars, fall off cliffs and have heart a attacks, diabetes and AIDS. They go to, or are driven by ambulance, to the ER and receive treatments. They get a bill which they cannot pay and the cost of their treatment goes to the taxpayer.

Getting physical exams is preventative medicine, that you've been told to believe that is not so, and believe it, makes you a fool.
I've been smart enough to save money and stay 100% out of debt. So I don't have to worry about insurance or rather the lack of... :lmao:
see you guys just can't help it, progressive control freaks cannot tolerate anyone disagreeing with them… Fact
I'm impressed.

Can you afford $500,000 in cancer treatments or a million dollar heart transplant?
Private sector created those jobs, just thinking up of a job is not creating a job. dip shit
If the private sector wanted to go to the moon, they would have done it on their own.
It was only when the government decided to foot the bill that they hired those employees

The answer to your quandary was in your post. You said "IF the private sector wanted to go to the moon." That's the whole point. The citizens of America didn't want to go to the moon. They certainly didn't want to pay for it.
I saw them cheering in the streets
Most still say it was the proudest moment in their lives
They wouldn't pay for it without government compelling them to pay for it. That's the bottom line.
Bottom line is Americans overwhelmingly demanded and supported the space program.

It happened after Sputnik and Yuri Gagarin
Really? When was the space program ever on the ballot?
No. Darwinism as in learning from your mistakes. Do you believe that people should suffer the consequences of their decisions? Both good and bad?

Of course you should learn. But the question is, what price should you pay?
Whatever the consequence of your actions. That's how being accountable works. People don't learn anything unless they suffer the consequences of their decisions, both good and bad. This is common sense.
OK...let's look at the example we are avoiding

Paying for healthcare

If you are 25 years old, starting a family. You have to pay rent, utilities, maybe a college loan, car costs, car insurance and food. Your health insurance bill would be an additional $500 a month. You feel healthy and think you can last the year without a serious medical problem. You have never been sick...why not take a chance?
You come down with cancer.......should you die as a "consequence"?
You're forced to pay for something that might use/happen, that's called legalized extortion. If you choose to pay for that that's no problem, but forcing someone is bullshit. Communist Russia is where that shit is supposed to happen.
See that's the fact, you fuckers are a bunch of control freaks and can't tolerate people disagreeing with you… LOL

You totally ducked my question

Should the 25 year old pay the consequences of not having insurance
I didn't duck your question. I explained to you that getting cancer isn't a choice. Therefore, it was beyond his control as a consequence of his actions. The real question is should he have to deal with the consequences of not doing enough in his lifetime of choices to be able to care for himself. That answer is a resounding, yes. With that said, he does have options, he could get you to pay for it because you seem to care so much for others, right? He could negotiate a reduced cost from the hospital, he could make payments, he could ask his family and friends to help, he could ask his church or community for help and finally he could apply for Medicaid, right?

But under no circumstances should we bail him out because he made poor choices in his life and cannot afford everything he wants or needs.
Still the federal government cannot create jobs… Fact

Why do you keep repeating that nonsense?

The federal government decided to go to the moon....that did not create jobs?
Private sector created those jobs, just thinking up of a job is not creating a job. dip shit
If the private sector wanted to go to the moon, they would have done it on their own.
It was only when the government decided to foot the bill that they hired those employees
You do know it's the peoples money not the governments money, and printed paper is not wealth.
Still that equipment has to be designed/built/made and it's the private sector that does all of that - not the federal government. The federal government is a middleman in something like that. All Federal government jobs are liabilities, obviously many are an absolute necessity but still a liability.
We the People created the government...they represent us

The private sector does it because it is the law that government can't compete with private enterprise. Everyone employed in the private aerospace industry was paid with taxpayer dollars

Yes, the Government did create those jobs

Interesting, does the USPS compete with UPS?

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