Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
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A small but growing number of teens and even younger children who think they were born the wrong sex are getting support from parents and from doctors who give them sex-changing treatments, according to reports in the medical journal Pediatrics.
It's an issue that raises ethical questions, and some experts urge caution in treating children with puberty-blocking drugs and hormones...Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee....Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles.. Transgender children getting more drug hormone treatments - Health - CBC News

Or experts could just take a basic course in reading body language... (from the OP)

You dumb motherfucker, vile homophobe.
In order to get this treatment, they would need the consent of psychologists and doctors--experts treating the child.
Get this through your thick skull, pediatricians can now tell if a child is likely homosexual or heterosexual.
It's the way they were born
. What's your excuse for being so fucking stupid.

1. Read my points about how the APA is owned by the LGBT cult ..

That is as far as I got, and then I realized just more Sil bat guano craziness.
A small but growing number of teens and even younger children who think they were born the wrong sex are getting support from parents and from doctors who give them sex-changing treatments, according to reports in the medical journal Pediatrics.
It's an issue that raises ethical questions, and some experts urge caution in treating children with puberty-blocking drugs and hormones...Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee....Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles.. Transgender children getting more drug hormone treatments - Health - CBC News

Or experts could just take a basic course in reading body language... (from the OP)

Certainly because we want someone to tell the parents of this child to do based upon viewing that photo.

As opposed to the parents and their doctors making the decision.
Certainly because we want someone to tell the parents of this child to do based upon viewing that photo.

As opposed to the parents and their doctors making the decision.

Any doctor who participates in drugging a child to complete some delusion that will lead that child to later pay some other "doctor" to amputate healthy organs, leaving him incontinent, susceptible to UTIs and sexually numb, and no less male than he started out as, minus key body parts, should be put in jail.

Those doctors should be jailed. They know what they're doing is wrong. There is no proof that this mass delusion is anything but dissatisfaction with society's sometimes rigid gender roles. Or some other environmental pressure that has caused that child to hate his or her gender.

These doctors hear hoofbeats and think "Zebra!!"....when they should be thinking ..."horse"...
Certainly because we want someone to tell the parents of this child to do based upon viewing that photo.

As opposed to the parents and their doctors making the decision.

Any doctor who participates in drugging a child to complete some delusion that will lead that child to later pay some other "doctor" to amputate healthy organs, leaving him incontinent, susceptible to UTIs and sexually numb, and no less male than he started out as, minus key body parts, should be put in jail.

Those doctors should be jailed. They know what they're doing is wrong. There is no proof that this mass delusion is anything but dissatisfaction with society's sometimes rigid gender roles. Or some other environmental pressure that has caused that child to hate his or her gender.

These doctors hear hoofbeats and think "Zebra!!"....when they should be thinking ..."horse"...

Because again- based upon a news report-and your extensive training at remote medical diagnosis, you are better qualified than either the parents, or the child's own doctors to determine how this child should be treated.
Because again- based upon a news report-and your extensive training at remote medical diagnosis, you are better qualified than either the parents, or the child's own doctors to determine how this child should be treated.

That's the thing you fucking inducted moron. You don't need ANY degree in psychology to know that doctors assisting the amputation of healthy organs....and drugging children to head in that direction as early as their late teens... IS INSANE BEYOND DESCRIPTION.

Every one of those bastards should have their license to practice revoked. The ones involved in doing this to kids who cannot legally consent should go to prison for life. In Texas maybe a stiffer sentence yet.

As it happens, I took Psyche 101 in college and got over a 4.0 in that class. My professor who I argued with constantly in class surprised me. At the end of it all on the last day of class he asked me to stay behind. I thought "oh boy, here it comes" and I braced myself for a stern lecture. Instead he practically got on his knees and begged me to change my major to psychology. I sort of feel bad from time to time that I refused. His grade put me on the high honors roll that term.
Because again- based upon a news report-and your extensive training at remote medical diagnosis, you are better qualified than either the parents, or the child's own doctors to determine how this child should be treated.

That's the thing you fucking inducted moron.
As it happens, I took Psyche 101 in college and got over a 4.0 in that class..

Well you took Psych 101 in college- and got a 4.0.

Well certainly that makes you far more qualified than the parents and the child's doctors to diagnose and recommend treatment.
Well you took Psych 101 in college- and got a 4.0.

Well certainly that makes you far more qualified than the parents and the child's doctors to diagnose and recommend treatment.

In this case as I said, one doesn't need a degree in anything to see the obvious child abuse going on. If you see someone starving a child, beating a child or neglecting a child you don't need a degree. In fact, legally, if you even suspect child abuse, you are required by law to report that to the degree necessary.
Well you took Psych 101 in college- and got a 4.0.

Well certainly that makes you far more qualified than the parents and the child's doctors to diagnose and recommend treatment.

In this case as I said, one doesn't need a degree in anything to see the obvious child abuse going on. If you see someone starving a child, beating a child or neglecting a child you don't need a degree. In fact, legally, if you even suspect child abuse, you are required by law to report that to the degree necessary.

Have you reported them to the police?
Yes but the poll at the top suggests that a survey means something more than just talk. Police won't intervene where they believe a law hasn't been broken. Such underscores the amount of insidious damage the APA has done to children. Their last bastion of protection, the police, won't even save them from the self-audited group-think cult that runs the APA. "Yes, drug the little boy with female hormones so he feels better about fitting into a world where adult men are perceived and discussed and displayed as worthless...then later we'll help you chop his genitals off to help complete the ruse...heh heh eh......"

This is beyond even the most bizarre sci-fi fantasy futuristic novels of the 1960s & 70s. Orwell, Asimov, Le Guin, Vonnegut and the rest would all be stunned beyond even their own broad imaginations at the macabre "normal" of today. Their collective jaw would be on the ground. If I only had a time machine..

What's going on with Thomas Lobel is a testimony to incremental spread of social madness that all those old authors took a lot of heat for projecting into the future from where they stood and the little whispers of indecency of that day and time that their imaginations ran with. Wonder where we'll be 30 years from now?
Yes but the poll at the top suggests that a survey means something more than just talk. Police won't intervene where they believe a law hasn't been broken. Such underscores the amount of insidious damage the APA has done to children. Their last bastion of protection, the polic?

So tell us about your report to the police. Exactly what you claimed, and what their response was.
The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl last night defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young....":

A three year old article is a 'current event'?

First of all- this is a decision made by the child's parents with the consent and advice of his doctors.

Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.
Since the quote function was wonky- here it is again

A three year old article is a 'current event'?

First of all- this is a decision made by the child's parents with the consent and advice of his doctors.

Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.

Once again- you use the welfare of homosexuals to attack children.
The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl last night defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young....":

A three year old article is a 'current event'?

First of all- this is a decision made by the child's parents with the consent and advice of his doctors.

Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.
Since the quote function was wonky- here it is again

A three year old article is a 'current event'?

First of all- this is a decision made by the child's parents with the consent and advice of his doctors.

Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.

Once again- you use the welfare of homosexuals to attack children.

Once again, you bring nothing but homophobia to the thread.
The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl last night defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young....":

A three year old article is a 'current event'?

First of all- this is a decision made by the child's parents with the consent and advice of his doctors.

Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.
Since the quote function was wonky- here it is again

A three year old article is a 'current event'?

First of all- this is a decision made by the child's parents with the consent and advice of his doctors.

Beyond that- this is a situation other families have dealt with- as I have pointed out- you just have your panties in a wad because this child's parents are gay.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

Spack said by some estimates, 1 in 10,000 children have the condition.

Offering sex-changing treatment to kids younger than 18 raises ethical concerns, and their parents' motives need to be closely examined, said Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics' bioethics committee. She was not involved in any of the reports.

Some kids may get a psychiatric diagnosis when they are just hugely uncomfortable with narrowly defined gender roles; or some may be gay and are coerced into treatment by parents more comfortable with a sex change than having a homosexual child, said Moon, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

It's harmful "to have an irreversible treatment too early," Moon said.

Doctors who provide the treatment say withholding it would be more harmful.

These children sometimes resort to self-mutilation to try to change their anatomy; the other two journal reports note that some face verbal and physical abuse and are prone to stress, depression and suicide attempts. Spack said those problems typically disappear in kids who've had treatment and are allowed to live as the opposite sex.

Guidelines from the Endocrine Society endorse transgender hormone treatment but say it should not be given before puberty begins. At that point, the guidelines recommend puberty-blocking drugs until age 16, then lifelong sex-changing hormones with monitoring for potential health risks. Mental health professionals should be involved in the process, the guidelines say. The group's members are doctors who treat hormonal conditions.

The report details 97 girls and boys treated between 1998 and 2010; the youngest was 4 years old. Kids that young and their families get psychological counseling and are monitored until the first signs of puberty emerge, usually around age 11 or 12. Then children are given puberty-blocking drugs, in monthly $1,000 injections or implants imbedded in the arm.

In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.

The drugs used by the clinics are approved for delaying puberty in kids who start maturing too soon. The drugs' effects are reversible, and Spack said they've caused no complications in his patients. The idea is to give these children time to mature emotionally and make sure they want to proceed with a permanent sex change. Only 1 of the 97 opted out of permanent treatment, Spack said.

There are two issues going on here.

There is a real issue- what is the proper course of action for children with gender disorder?

And then there is your attempt to attack homosexuals by only bringing up this issue for one specific couple who are lesbians.

Once again- you use the welfare of children as tools to attack homosexuals.

Once again- you use the welfare of homosexuals to attack children.

Once again, you bring nothing but homophobia to the thread.

And then there is your attempt to attack those with whom you disagree by accusing them of homophobia.
So tell us about your report to the police. Exactly what you claimed, and what their response was.

The police will not refute the APA because they are supposed to be the last word on all things "healthy" for child welfare. That's because everyone is under the delusion that the APA is still a scientific body that uses rational thinking to arrive at conclusions it takes public positions on. CQR which is audited group-think was adopted after that ruling Leona Tyler principle was "disappeared" without a Board up or down vote by the APA. Nobody knows this. The police surely do not. Not your average intake clerk at the substation for sure.

Just after the gays began filling the ranks of the Board at the APA, they discarded adherence to data and facts, preferring instead a "comfy group consensus" that is audited by Peers subject to the Ruling Powers of the APA (see the first sentence of this paragraph). In other words, the APA has become a cult, ruled over by the LGBT crowd/sympathizers/sychophants. Go back to the OP and read about what CQR preaches and be amazed.

The fact that the APA sits by silently and does nothing to save or help Thomas Lobel is grounds for the APA to be impeached as a scientific organization. The AMA and other important medical groups and law enforcement all take their walking orders...essentially now...from a cult. Let that sink in for a minute.

This is why the topic of Thomas Lobel is so important. It underscores just where this cult movement is progressing and how dangerous it really is. If you think you will escape its reaches with the passage of time, think again. It's unchecked audacity will reach you or somebody near and dear to you. Of that you can be sure.
Once again- you use the welfare of homosexuals to attack children.

There is no defense at all of what is being done to this boy. He will grow up to be depressed and suicidal. You can hang your hat on that.
Of course not. This is USMB. The posters here don't do anything but talk.
Hi Politico and Silhouette
I believe the freedom to petition to redress grievances and conflicts
STARTS with an open forum like USMB.

But once people get informed about solutions, the natural drive
is to implement broader public education and reforms.

Consensus on how changes should be focused starts
with individual people first, willing to discuss the pro's and con's,
and then that leads to appropriate actions.

In the case of stopping child abuse, I believe all citizens have a duty
to report and to take responsibility for stopping it.
So tell us about your report to the police. Exactly what you claimed, and what their response was.

The police will not refute the APA because they are supposed to be the last word on all things "healthy" for child welfare. That's because everyone is under the delusion that the APA is still a scientific body that uses rational thinking to arrive at conclusions it takes public positions on. CQR which is audited group-think was adopted after that ruling Leona Tyler principle was "disappeared" without a Board up or down vote by the APA. Nobody knows this. The police surely do not. Not your average intake clerk at the substation for sure.

Just after the gays began filling the ranks of the Board at the APA, they discarded adherence to data and facts, preferring instead a "comfy group consensus" that is audited by Peers subject to the Ruling Powers of the APA (see the first sentence of this paragraph). In other words, the APA has become a cult, ruled over by the LGBT crowd/sympathizers/sychophants. Go back to the OP and read about what CQR preaches and be amazed.

The fact that the APA sits by silently and does nothing to save or help Thomas Lobel is grounds for the APA to be impeached as a scientific organization. The AMA and other important medical groups and law enforcement all take their walking orders...essentially now...from a cult. Let that sink in for a minute.

This is why the topic of Thomas Lobel is so important. It underscores just where this cult movement is progressing and how dangerous it really is. If you think you will escape its reaches with the passage of time, think again. It's unchecked audacity will reach you or somebody near and dear to you. Of that you can be sure.

Here look at this bias
Petition Enact Leelah x27 s Law to Ban Transgender Conversion Therapy

I looked up on to see if there is a petition to protect children from forced gender change before
they are a certain age.

I only found a petition to ban conversion therapy.

Why isn't there a free choice in EITHER case?
Why aren't BOTH types of coercion opposed equally?

How can you ban one but not the other????
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