Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
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I'd think it would be pretty obvious that the very, very earliest a person should be allowed to do this to themselves would be 18.

After a great deal of psychotherapy to ascertain that this is proper.

But no, this is America 2015.


If Bruce Jenner is doing it, well then, everything is awesome!

If Bruce Jenner is doing it, well then, everything is awesome!


I think it's ironic that he is all over the papers for little kids to see as some sort of "transgender hero"...then he plows someone with a very masculine looking SUV/sand rail combo on a flatbed and kills them.

There goes our him as he goes.... :puke:

We need to open the mental hospitals back up and put these fuckers in it!

The two women in the OP need to be in a mental hospital. Most especially any MD's or head shrinkers recommending this atrocity belong behind bars or also in a mental hospital. The boy in the OP belongs in protective custody and counseling..
Allowed to force your child into "changing their sex" but not allowed to help them correct their mental illness that makes them think they are homosexual....the usual cultural marxist hypocrisy
Allowed to force your child into "changing their sex" but not allowed to help them correct their mental illness that makes them think they are homosexual....the usual cultural marxist hypocrisy
Yes, that sadly is actually the state of law in California where the child abuse of this boy has been institutionalized.

Even if a child has been molested and knows this is the source of their unwanted homosexual compulsions, that child is barred legally from getting help to throw off these wounds with a therapist. Instead, they are told "embrace what was done to you". It doesn't stop there. The child abuse victim is then urged to "identify yourself by your new sexual compulsions you never wanted"..

..Oh, but if you're a kid under age and are "bi-curious" all manner of non-parentally involved outreach groups are at your feet "helping you come out gay" from the straight ranks. Indeed there is no little coercion there in the adolescents who are by their nature, curious about everything and prey to falling into all manner of unnatural habits, drug use etc.

Gotta love California!
We need to open the mental hospitals back up and put these fuckers in it!
That's extreme. But putting homosexuality, especially the cultural -homosexualists such as the two in the OP, back on the DSM and starting up a new psychological oversight entity to replace the APA would be a good start..
As of today 77.8% of responders to the poll want a full public inquiry into the operating structure of the APA. Good. Or at least pull their funding until a panel of them explain this CQR cult science to the public. Maybe Fox News? CNN would do too. New York Times?
You know, this blip from your link sounds like someone was reading my childhood account of when I thought I was a bird:

Walk into a room of toddlers and take a poll. You’ll soon discover that you are actually — according to the self-reported data from two and three-year-olds — surrounded by lions, dinosaurs, aliens, princesses, superheroes, and all manner of other mythical concoctions.
And, yes, you’ll find that many of the boys are girls and girls are boys
. It’s extraordinarily common for kids that age to ‘self-identify’ as the opposite sex.
In most cases, you let them use their imagination and have their fun, but you make sure to offer them the proper guidance so that these games aren’t taken too far. If your kid thinks he’s a bird, let him pretend. But the moment he tries to jump out of a window or poop on your car windshield, it might be time to intervene. Ryland the 5 year old girl who transitioned into a boy isn t transgender she s confused -

My "bigoted" parents took my cardboard wings off of me just as I was preparing to jump off the roof because I knew for a fact that I was a bird when I was young. After all, I could fly in my dreams!

Encouraging insanity in children should be a crime punishable by life in prison.
As long as we give "rights" to those who do not know the difference between the back door and the front, children will be the victims.

:lmao: well put...
95% of the population finds the basics of homosexuality so revolting we simply ignore what is happening, those that do engage in the conversation never actually discuss what the discussion is about.
95% of the population finds the basics of homosexuality so revolting we simply ignore what is happening, those that do engage in the conversation never actually discuss what the discussion is about.
Well that's been the hope all along by the LGBT machine right? Scare the straights into silence and if they dare to peep up about the insanity, call them bigots, homophobes, racist (really?) etc. And if that fails, the old tried and true is "you must be a closted homosexual if you talk about these issues"...

Post a few perverted pictures to scare away all but the most hardy/jaded opposition, spam pages into oblivion that have damning points made against the machine. If all else fails a pro- and invented "con" LGBT buddy can start a fake flame war in hopes the threads will be locked. The management here is somewhat wise to all this. But other websites it works like a charm.

Shut the conversation down, get your buddies in high places to practice shadow justice, forcing attrition of state laws by deceit and simply sit back and wait for June to come.. Like they'll tell's already in the bag..

..and all this because civil unions won't allow them ready access "as married people" to adopt orphaned kids.. I don't think the boy in the OP is an orphan, but you get the idea..
The child looks miserable in the picture. This is how depravity works, like water, always seeking lower ground. This is why we must stop them now. Think they will hold the line at getting gay marriage? Think again! As has been the case throughout human history, sodomites will not stop until they've effected the destruction of society.
Well if you look at the boy he is looking miserable and is clasping his hands in a protective gesture over his groin area. He's certainly old enough to understand where his lesbian "parents" are leading him..

..the chop shop...
Well if you look at the boy he is looking miserable and is clasping his hands in a protective gesture over his groin area. He's certainly old enough to understand where his lesbian "parents" are leading him..

..the chop shop...
When he's 14 and kills them both in their sleep, I hope he doesn't serve a day in prison for it.
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