Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
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Let me put this another way, the APA gets involved in public affairs, promoting its conclusions that aren't arrived at by data, but instead by "audit group think" (CQR) why shouldn't the public get involved in APA affairs, promoting its interests there?

The public can comment and try to influence any medical association it wishes to- you can even promote your whacky conspiracy theories.

Doesn't mean that the APA is obligated to listen to you.

The "public" (Congress) can also vote to de-fund the APA's little pet projects... Remember where we were before you spammed the last page off?

Oh, yes, here we are...

Let me put this another way, the APA gets involved in public affairs, promoting its conclusions that aren't arrived at by data, but instead by "audit group think" (CQR) why shouldn't the public get involved in APA affairs, promoting its interests there?
(speaking to professional psycholgists who are subject to CQR auditing....or else....) vv


In some instances legislators making policy decisions are not fully experienced in certain areas. Legislators, therefore, rely heavily on the expressed views of their constituents and information provided by experts – such as you. Through constituent letters, phone calls, and face-to-face meetings, legislators learn what's important to the “people back home.” As the legendary Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill often said, “all politics is local.”...

...It may surprise you to know that they not only rely heavily on what the voters think about an issue; in many cases they reach out to constituents who have expertise or knowledge in particular area and ask them for their help. Has that ever happened to you? If so, that's likely because you have been actively involved with grassroots. They know they can reach out to you when they need some assistance with a particular piece of legislation or even in the development of a proposed new policy initiative. In short: Members of Congress and their staff count on your letters and phone calls, your direct involvement, to help them know if they are "on the right track."...

However, no matter how involved you are as an individual, greater influence and impact is gained when large numbers of constituents speak with “one voice.” And how is this best accomplished? It is only possible through organized grassroots activities....

Inaugurated in December 2001, FEDAC is a campus-based nationwide, education advocacy grassroots network established to assist the APA Education Directorate and Public Policy-Education staff with efforts to gain federal support (funding) for psychology education and training. Although it is in its first years of development, when fully completed, the FEDAC network will include individuals representing the full spectrum of psychology
education/training (i.e., graduate, postgraduate, undergraduate, and pre-college). The FEDAC network also works collaboratively with other psychology grassroots networks whenever possible and appropriate.

The FEDAC grassroots network is vital to the success of Education Advocacy legislative initiatives (i.e., authorizing and appropriations). Thus, FEDAC Regional Coordinators have been actively seeking to recruit psychology representatives on campuses and training sites in across the nation. Currently, there are over 150 Campus-based Training Representatives (CTRs) at psychology programs and training sites nation wide. Most importantly, these CTRs are promoting and coordinating grassroots activities with their psychology faculty colleagues. P sychologists, students and faculty from hundreds of universities, colleges, professional schools, and secondary schools have the potential to unite and become a powerful voice on Capitol Hill for psychology education and training....

...Bottom line is grassroots activity is critical to sustaining support and gaining a "champion" – someone who will chose your issue as one of his/her top priorities. Thus, identifying psychologists who are willing to meet with their Member of Congress in their state or Washington, DC office is one of the most important aspects of our advocacy efforts....

...When you assist APA with its advocacy initiatives, we provide all the information you will need (e.g., sample letters, talking points, background briefing sheets) — whatever you would need to make an informed call or draft a letter. Further, should you agree to participate in a hill visit, we not only provide all the background materials you need, we also meet with you in advance and accompany you on your visit. So, you see, it's very easy… and rewarding... Grassroots...what s the big deal


Couched under a program of apparent advocacy for just one thing: more funding for APA psychology training, the cult advocates that other issues can be pushed for with "one voice" that you can help keep members of Congress "on the right track" with respect to "your issue"...which you will receive "talking points" on and have a chaperone accompany you on your visit to make sure you and Congress stay "on the right track".
It's chilling how cult spread just under the radar...

...Remember, the APA has made it possible for these two lesbians to drug their son with hormones at age 11 "so he can better make up his mind later if he wants to be a girl", without getting arrested, sent to jail and having that poor boy Thomas Lobel removed from the he should be..

They want advocates for their mean "funding efforts" (otherwise it might look inappropriate for a scientific organization to be organizing as a political body) in Congress to allow this type of sanctioned/approved child abuse without legal repurcussions for the abusers and most importantly no way of rescuing the child from the abuse. None. For you see, once the APA has spoken, law enforcement has its hands tied.

Another poster here asked "why haven't the lesbians been arrested?" in a defiant and brazen tone. S/he asked this question because s/he knows its a rhetorical one. S/he knows sexually-charged child abuse is now institutional (and funded...apparently..) from the government itself which is too busy or doen't care to look at the fact that a scientific outfit HAS NO BUSINESS PROMOTING POLITICAL AGENDAS.

So, if they can interfere with the general public in such an insidious way, the general public has every right to inquiry into their actions. At the very least I would think a GOP Congress could vote to defund the APA's little special interest gig until they come to heel as an impartial, objective scientific organization that doesn't practed auditing of research papers and researchers themselves...and that the APA remove pressures of any kind towards ALL voices within its ranks. No talking points, no chaperones to make sure people are "on the right track"...

Science and data doesn't need chaperones.
Completely normal for the children of Democrats whether same or opposite sex coupled Democrats.

They (the pickaninnies) are only doing what's expected of 'em.

I am still sometimes surprised how the racists here on the boards revel in their anonymity- so that they can express their racists thoughts that would have them shunned by polite society if they said them in public.

Well that's nice, but those people posing as racists to beef up the LGBT cause doesn't impress me.

For starters, LGBT are just some deviant sex lifestyles and have nothing whatsoever to do with race..

That is like saying that Jews are just some deviant circumcisers......

Homosexuals are persons who are attracted to people of the same gender.

You are bigoted towards them.

There is no difference between you and a racist.
Let me put this another way, the APA gets involved in public affairs, promoting its conclusions that aren't arrived at by data, but instead by "audit group think" (CQR) why shouldn't the public get involved in APA affairs, promoting its interests there?

The public can comment and try to influence any medical association it wishes to- you can even promote your whacky conspiracy theories.

Doesn't mean that the APA is obligated to listen to you.

The "public" (Congress) can also vote to de-fund the APA's little pet projects...

Let us know when that happens.
If Congress votes to defund the APA-cult's pet LGBT projects, you'll no doubt hear about it on Fox News. And possibly in outrage on MSNBC..

Until the APA employs actual scientific methods and not "audited group--think", it has no business receiving public funds wearing the cloak of a scientfic organization.
If Congress votes to defund the APA-cult's pet LGBT projects, you'll no doubt hear about it on Fox News. And possibly in outrage on MSNBC..

Until the APA employs actual scientific methods and not "audited group--think", it has no business receiving public funds wearing the cloak of a scientfic organization.

Just let me far only you are ranting your lunacy.
Well if precious little tax dollars are going to an institution that approves of child abuse and drugging a boy to become a girl, before he's really old enough to understand the nuances of what is being done to him, then I urge Congress to de-fund any APA programs until this crime stops.


November 24, 2014
Funding issues still not settled but lame ducks trying to step up
APA cheers for “Team Omnibus.”
We normally think of “lame ducks” as powerless, but the current lame duck Congress (out of town this week for the Thanksgiving recess) will have the power to set fiscal year 2015 spending levels, and set the stage for cooperation or confrontation between congressional chambers and parties for the next two years. Of course the 113th Congress had the power to do those things earlier in the year, but blog readers know that Congress usually takes the procrastination option when big issues are at stake....

...The science community would more likely benefit from an omnibus than from a continuing resolution (CR).

...The Senate’s recommendation of $30.4 billion for NIH would fully restore the funding that was cut in 2013 due to sequestration. NSF’s budget would grow by 7 percent under the House proposal. (The House did not report a bill to fund NIH.) These increases will not happen if Congress is unable to agree on a final FY 2015 budget package in the next few weeks. In that case a CR would likely keep spending levels at FY 14 levels, and leave it to the new 114th Congress to settle the larger questions. APA Federal Budget Blog


Yes, I'm sure the APA would like to get a nice big wad before the GOP steps in to consider whether or not their "science" is really science and whether or not their approval of drugging Thomas Lobel to be a girl at age 11 is going to be found. My guess is that the GOP's traditional stance on child abuse will take over and the funding they allot to the APA will reflect how they feel about that. Wouldn't want the GOP Congress meeting and deliberating over each new proposal the APA makes and doing reviews of how well Our money is being spent there. Thomas Lobel's name might come up...
"Omnibus" is package-funding.

Says the APA: "Just give us a big wad of cash lame-duck we can not have to declare science and reasoning to you in order to get Public money to keep funding "outreach" like the kind we're doing to Thomas Lobel..without a bunch of pesky inquiry"...
In extreme cases where a child is threatening self-harm otherwise, granting them GRS, if short of surgery, isn't unheard of. Better that then denying them the appearence of transitioning and they then hurt themselves.
Encouraging a child to amputation of healthy organs or playing pretend on such a delusional scale is child abuse. If a child is so inclined to hurt himself he needs to be sedated and taken to deep regressive therapy and support groups for "transitioning" from insanity/delusions back to reality.

I guarantee you the genesis for this nonsense is some sort of psychological trauma. The answer to that is therapy, not drugging or preparing a child to amputate healthy body parts. That I even have to say this shows how far this insane-mania in the LGBT cult has spread into collective social mind... :cuckoo: Anything...ANYTHING but deep regressive therapy for their boy because, you know, that would mean something might be wrong with how they're raising him and a therapist would surely and quickly discover this if the APA would allow him to...

...But with the CQR auditings...a therapist wouldn't DARE to suggest this boy's "My gender doesn't matter" disorder had anything to do with his home environment...
In extreme cases where a child is threatening self-harm otherwise, granting them GRS, if short of surgery, isn't unheard of. Better that then denying them the appearence of transitioning and they then hurt themselves.
Encouraging a child to amputation of healthy organs or playing pretend on such a delusional scale is child abuse. If a child is so inclined to hurt himself he needs to be sedated and taken to deep regressive therapy and support groups for "transitioning" from insanity/delusions back to reality.

I guarantee you the genesis for this nonsense is some sort of psychological trauma. The answer to that is therapy, not drugging or preparing a child to amputate healthy body parts. That I even have to say this shows how far this insane-mania in the LGBT cult has spread into collective social mind... :cuckoo: Anything...ANYTHING but deep regressive therapy for their boy because, you know, that would mean something might be wrong with how they're raising him and a therapist would surely and quickly discover this if the APA would allow him to...

...But with the CQR auditings...a therapist wouldn't DARE to suggest this boy's "My gender doesn't matter" disorder had anything to do with his home environment...

Could be he's over-identifying with feminine influences. Since the lesbian parents here have a marked butch-femme role, where he'd normally identify with a male father figure, int his case he's identifying with a female masculine figure. So to be more like the masculine influence he's adopted more to being female with masculine characteristics instead of male with masculine characteristics.

Ultimately, this is much like my feelings on gay marriage: what some kid I've never met, am never gonna meet does doesn't matter one bit to me. If he's happy playing dress up and pretend til older, go ahead. Doesn't affect my life in the slightest.
Could be he's over-identifying with feminine influences. Since the lesbian parents here have a marked butch-femme role, where he'd normally identify with a male father figure, int his case he's identifying with a female masculine figure. So to be more like the masculine influence he's adopted more to being female with masculine characteristics instead of male with masculine characteristics.
Ultimately, this is much like my feelings on gay marriage: what some kid I've never met, am never gonna meet does doesn't matter one bit to me. If he's happy playing dress up and pretend til older, go ahead. Doesn't affect my life in the slightest.
So out of sight, out of mind eh? Does it bother you in the slightest to hear of children starved, beaten or drug raped?
Glad you noticed all the confustion in the house though. Thanks for your honesty there.

Children are the paramount concern of any state as to marriage. All the adult stuff a state doesn't care about except for how it can anticipate how it might help or harm a child. I think we know which one this arrangement has done for the boy being abused.
An APA amicus brief was cited in the 9th Circuit Court decision (PDF, 480KB) to strike down same-sex marriage bans in Idaho and Nevada. That decision was stayed temporarily by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. If the stay is lifted, the 9th Circuit Court decision would effectively strike down same-sex marriage bans in Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, Alaska and Montana. Oct. 7, 2014.


So we have a hack "science" outfit writing "as professionals" relying on CQR audited 'group think" in preference to data (see OP) that is motivating the federal court system to restrict the civil rights of voters in Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Alaska and Montana.

And....approving of drugging a boy with hormones to entice him to amputate his healthy genitals in preference to deep regressive therapy and support therapy to return to reality.

Any questions? When a cult takes over the ranks of THE leading authority on human have a problem..
If anyone has a link to that Amicus Brief let me know. The APA's link showed "page not found". I'll try to hunt it down..
Letting perverts adopt children is as low as the pendulum can swing....we can only hope the boy takes an ax to the two of them and gets away with it. :doubt:
Letting perverts adopt children is as low as the pendulum can swing....we can only hope the boy takes an ax to the two of them and gets away with it. :doubt:
Well literally they are trying to take the axe to the boy. Now that you mention it..
Just another comment about your post Bullkurtzusmc. With all the concerns about how society is brewing mass shooters at schools in these disturbed younger men who are the main demographic doing these crimes (and on rare occasions females too), it would behoove us to look just a LITTLE closer at the conclusions the APA is "auditing" into existence about what is making this boy want to hack of his genitals at age 7.

The macabre practice of coercing and then drugging a young boy to think he is female is beyond bizarre. It is criminal. And as his unchallenged example (Emperor's New Clothes anyone?) spurs a larger trend, we'd better get used to all manner of bizarre repressed backlashes as we raise a new generation of APA-approved seething repressed mental patients to turn out into the general population.

This isn't rocket science folks. Sometimes when you hear hoofbeats, its just a horse and not a zebra.. Occam's Razor?...Anyone??....

Well if precious little tax dollars are going to an institution that approves of child abuse..

Since there are more straight families struggling with children who have sexual identity issues- apparently you are in favor of doing away with marriage altogether.
In extreme cases where a child is threatening self-harm otherwise, granting them GRS, if short of surgery, isn't unheard of. Better that then denying them the appearence of transitioning and they then hurt themselves.
Encouraging a child to amputation of healthy organs or playing pretend on such a delusional scale is child abuse. If a child is so inclined to hurt himself he needs to be sedated and taken to deep regressive therapy and support groups for "transitioning" from insanity/delusions back to reality.

I guarantee you the genesis for this nonsense is some sort of psychological trauma. The answer to that is therapy, not drugging or preparing a child to amputate healthy body parts. That I even have to say this shows how far this insane-mania in the LGBT cult has spread into collective social mind... :cuckoo: Anything...ANYTHING but deep regressive therapy for their boy because, you know, that would mean something might be wrong with how they're raising him and a therapist would surely and quickly discover this if the APA would allow him to...

...But with the CQR auditings...a therapist wouldn't DARE to suggest this boy's "My gender doesn't matter" disorder had anything to do with his home environment...

And what exactly is your mental health training and education that leads you to come to your conclusion that you say is superior to the parents and doctors?
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