Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
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If people fight legally to prevent FORCING Reparative Therapy on teens
(but keep the option of Conversion Therapy as a free choice for adults who want to stop unwanted sexual attractions)
why support pushing THIS irreversible procedure on kids at younger ages???

??? X ???
If people fight legally to prevent FORCING Reparative Therapy on teens
(but keep the option of Conversion Therapy as a free choice for adults who want to stop unwanted sexual attractions)
why support pushing THIS irreversible procedure on kids at younger ages???

??? X ???

Well good points, I think. You used a lot of double negatives and stuff so your position is a little fuzzy.

But the point is that yes, this boy is like a prisoner undergoing torture "all in the name of sexual freedom and gender identity" politics. He is caught in the web of the LGBT cult BIG TIME. Meanwhile authorities stand around yawning because the cult-APA gives outright or tacit approval to such child abuse.

Like I said, I DARE you to petition the APA to do a study on so-called "gender identity disorder" children to see if instead they aren't suffering from "my gender doesn't matter" disorder or "I hate my gender" disorder.

You won't get a reply. And you may even have your license revoked for suggesting it. You know all like how science works.
And what exactly is your mental health training and education that leads you to come to your conclusion that you say is superior to the parents and doctors?

Published peer-reviewed research of hundreds or even thousands of studies showing children do best with both a mother and a father in the home. The Thomas Lobel case is the perfect (but sad) example of the lack of a role model for a child of the opposite gender if that gender happens to be theirs..

And, I know how to read and add. I can add up the number of studies supporting father/mother as best for children vs children of two people of the same gender with one trying to role-play either "mom" or "dad"..
And what exactly is your mental health training and education that leads you to come to your conclusion that you say is superior to the parents and doctors?

Published peer-reviewed research of hundreds or even thousands of studies showing children do best with both a mother and a father in the home. .

And that is a non-answer to the question:

And what exactly is your mental health training and education that leads you to come to your conclusion that you say is superior to the parents(both straight and gay) and doctors of gender confused children?
And what exactly is your mental health training and education that leads you to come to your conclusion that you say is superior to the parents(both straight and gay) and doctors of gender confused children?
What is your training to say I don't have valid points about the APA switching from science to "audited group think" (CQR)? Whether or not I have a degree in anything is irrelevent to noticing when an erstwhile scientific entity decides to scrap science in favor of audited cult-dogma....

Let's play with your strawman for just a moment. Let's say I have no degree or training whatsoever in the field of human psychology, other than 50 years of layman's observations. That has no bearing whatsoever on the appropriateness or inappropriateness of an erstwhile scientific body scrapping science and data for "audited group think" (cult-dogma).

All you need is a brain, and even a rudimentary one at that to know that when doctors start claiming faith as their healing principle (pick the religion of your this case it happens to be the LGBT-run APA), there is danger in the forest, there is trouble with the trees..
And what exactly is your mental health training and education that leads you to come to your conclusion that you say is superior to the parents(both straight and gay) and doctors of gender confused children?
What is your training to say I don't have valid points about the APA .

Pulling out your strawmen again?

I am asking why you think your expertise in mental health regarding these children is superior to that of trained and credentialed doctors and the children's own parents.

Simple enough question.

No reason at all for me to expect you to explain it all since all you have is your uninformed opinion telling doctors and parents that they are all wrong.
I am asking why you think your expertise in mental health regarding these children is superior to that of trained and credentialed doctors and the children's own parents.

Simple enough question....No reason at all for me to expect you to explain it all since all you have is your uninformed opinion telling doctors and parents that they are all wrong.
And I'm telling you that you don't need a degree in ANYTHING to see that drugging an 11 year old boy and concluding (without exhaustive scientific studies on transexual satisfaction with amputation-surgery) by "audited group think" that this is healthy for him and ignoring data otherwise, is wrong and child abuse.

Other professionals agree:

From a Swedish Study: Long-term follow-up of transsexual persons undergoing sex reassignm... - PubMed - NCBI Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group. Sex Reassignment Surgery For Children Two Words 8230 CHILD ABUSE.


"Former psychiatrist in chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Paul McHugh, recently penned a poignant opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal titled “Transgender Surgery Isn’t the Solution.” John Hopkins was the first medical center to perform sex-reassignment surgery in the 1960s, but based on evidence that such surgeries did not help transgendered people, they ceased performing the surgeries. In light of the recent push to normalize transgenderism, Dr. McHugh has sounded the medical alarm to warn us that in our efforts to help these people we may be having the opposite effect...

"[P]olicy makers and the media are doing no favors either to the public or the transgendered by treating their confusions as a right in need of defending rather than as a mental disorder that deserves understanding, treatment and prevention. This intensely felt sense of being transgendered constitutes a mental disorder in two respects. The first is that the idea of sex misalignment is simply mistaken—it does not correspond with physical reality. The second is that it can lead to grim psychological outcomes.

For the transgendered, this argument holds that one’s feeling of “gender” is a conscious, subjective sense that, being in one’s mind, cannot be questioned by others. … Psychiatrists obviously must challenge the solipsistic concept that what is in the mind cannot be questioned.

You won’t hear it from those championing transgender equality, but controlled and follow-up studies reveal fundamental problems with this movement. When children who reported transgender feelings were tracked without medical or surgical treatment at both Vanderbilt University and London’s Portman Clinic, 70%-80% of them spontaneously lost those feelings. Some 25% did have persisting feelings; what differentiates those individuals remains to be discerned.

We at Johns Hopkins University—which in the 1960s was the first American medical center to venture into “sex-reassignment surgery”—launched a study in the 1970s comparing the outcomes of transgendered people who had the surgery with the outcomes of those who did not. Most of the surgically treated patients described themselves as “satisfied” by the results, but their subsequent psycho-social adjustments were no better than those who didn’t have the surgery. And so at Hopkins we stopped doing sex-reassignment surgery, since producing a “satisfied” but still troubled patient seemed an inadequate reason for surgically amputating normal organs."
Psychiatrist warns against transgender surgery Theo-sophical Ruminations
I am asking why you think your expertise in mental health regarding these children is superior to that of trained and credentialed doctors and the children's own parents.

Simple enough question....No reason at all for me to expect you to explain it all since all you have is your uninformed opinion telling doctors and parents that they are all wrong.
And I'm telling you that you don't need a degree in ANYTHING s

And of course you don't have a degree in anything nor any mental health experience or any expertise at all- yet you feel qualified to tell the actual medical doctors who treat these children- and these children's parents that you know better than they do.

Even though you have never met their children.

Because progressives think a four year old (when this all started) knows that his balls that will not drop for another 10 years are evil.
Yeah, and tell me why I should care? This won't be tolerated. Matter of time before child pertective services gets involved and the courts will side with cps.
And what exactly is your mental health training and education that leads you to come to your conclusion that you say is superior to the parents(both straight and gay) and doctors of gender confused children?
What is your training to say I don't have valid points about the APA .

Pulling out your strawmen again?

I am asking why you think your expertise in mental health regarding these children is superior to that of trained and credentialed doctors and the children's own parents.

Simple enough question.

No reason at all for me to expect you to explain it all since all you have is your uninformed opinion telling doctors and parents that they are all wrong.

And I am agreeing with you Syriusly.

Anyone who has the forbearance and patience to suffer your mindless drivel and questions for days on end really must be suffering from some condition themselves.

As to the top post and photo: I am seriously moved to pity for that child and this nation.
I feel sorry for this guy, scary to imagine what will be with him, when he understand that he's not a girl/transgender(don't know how to call that sh**t which his "parents"do) and will try to meet a girl he like.
And I am agreeing with you Syriusly.

Anyone who has the forbearance and patience to suffer your mindless drivel and questions for days on end really must be suffering from some condition themselves.

As to the top post and photo: I am seriously moved to pity for that child and this nation.

For those of you born like I was, years before this type of child abuse became normalized by the cult that runs the APA, the sight and description of what is happening to this boy is beyond the pale. That we are even discussing it as a phenomenon is so macabre, so repugnant, so viscerally objectionable that it boggles the mind. This is our country's reality check. This is what institutionalized insanity looks like. Thomas Lobel is the poster-child for proof that insanity can be passed on socially if done incrementally and craftily, using the herd-think phenomenon and badgering or guilt-tripping/sympathy-milking members into balling up blindly in a certain direction without thinking about it first.

"You shouldn't protest the drugging of little Thomas Lobel by his LESBIAN parents! You will be forever labelled a BIGOT if you do!"

This is what the allegory of the child's tale The Emperor's New Clothes was all about..
Yeah, and tell me why I should care? This won't be tolerated. Matter of time before child pertective services gets involved and the courts will side with cps.
Actually and unfortunately Judicial review, this situation sits balanced on the knife blade to fall permanently in one direction or the other.

When an erstwhile scientific body like the APA allows itself to be overtaken by a cult (LGBT) and substitutes "audited group-think" (CQR) as dominant to data and facts, you have a situation where even if authorites want to act on behalf of Thomas Lobel to remove him from his patently abusive environment, they are forbidden from doing so.

The APA has the final word. Let me rephrase that in terms that are more potent and illustrate the picture better. A deviant sex cult posing as "knowledgable authorities" have the final word on whether or not a young boy is drugged and coerced by adults thereby to later seek to amputate his healthy genitals and become just another mutilated mentally-ill robot amongst their fold.
When I tell you all the other organizations take their walking orders from the neo-cult called the "APA", I'm not kidding. Lookie who else is on board with this type of child abuse and assisted amputation of healthy organs to "cure a mental illness". I recently saw an article comparing gender reassignment surgery (it's a misnomer because you can never change a man into a child bearing woman or a woman into an inseminating man or change the chromosomes or skeletal structure of the pelvis etc. etc. ) to the old practice of frontal lobotomies to "cure" what was ailing a mental patient.

Here we go. For shame ...


Position Statement on Access to Care for

Transgender and Gender Variant Individuals

APA Position:

Therefore, the American Psychiatric Association:

1. Recognizes that appropriately evaluated transgender

and gender variant individuals can benefit greatly

from medical and surgical gender transition treatments.

2. Advocates for removal of barriers to care and

supports both public and private health insurance

coverage for gender transition treatment.

3. Opposes categorical exclusions of coverage for such

medically necessary treatment when prescribed by a


Authors: Jack Drescher, M.D., Ellen Haller, M.D., APA Caucus of

Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Psychiatrists. Home (reference document ps2012_TransgenderCare.pdf)

Recommended by the LGBT caucus. Shocker.

BTW, in case anyone was wondering, there is quite a dissent within the ranks on assited amputation of healthy organs that leaves the patient numb sexually, typically incontinent, more vulnerable to UTI infections and still often just as depressed or more than before the frankensteinian procedure. Funny that only the LGBT caucus from the "audited group-think" format now in place in these mental health organizations instead of entertaining dissenting opinions. Those facts after all are just based on hard numbers; which the new APA policy of CQR tells us are inferior to "audited group think". Or more simply "cult approval"/mandates.

If I was an insurer, I would absolutely get a second opinion before I provided coverage that virtually insured that I would have to pay even more in treating new spates of UTIs, depression and incontinence in the patient I assited in the butchery thereof...
The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl last night defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young....Thomas Lobel, who now calls himself Tammy, is undergoing controversial hormone blocking treatment in Berkeley, California to stop him going through puberty as a boy...At age seven, after threatening genital mutilation on himself, psychiatrists diagnosed Thomas with gender identity disorder. By the age of eight, he began transitioning. ...The hormone-suppressant, implanted in his upper left arm, will postpone the 11-year-old developing broad shoulders, deep voice and facial hair. The California boy 11 who is undergoing hormone blocking treatment Daily Mail Online
Just after his first 6 formative years, this boy raised by two lesbians suddenly wants to femalize himself by genital mutilation. "Gender identity disorder" could also be called "my gender doesn't matter disorder"


The "father" lesbian on the right looks on sternly while the "mother" lesbian opines for the camera. The boy in the middle had a female hormone implant stuck in his arm on order from his lesbian "parents".. His body language perhaps the most telling of all. Notice his hands tightly clamped over his groin. At his age, he knows where this is all leading...(see pictures in my next post)..

No LGBTQ member has spoken out publicly or even privately to my knowledge to denounce this disgusting and abusive process.

It's helpful to understand how this could be happening on American soil to an American citizen/child if one understands what has happened to the final authoritative body that has given its stamp of approval to this: the APA or "American Psychological Association". Their quest for science and hard data has been tossed away in preference of "audited-group-think". It's called "CQR" and you can read more about how a cult works here: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren t to Blame They Rely on Science .. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The issue named by the APA's accredited therapists is "gender identity disorder". I offer that because of CQR at the American Psychological Association, not enough research has been done, or it has been done and its results are "not acceptable" to the audit-group-think mandate that has replaced data and numbers there, the child may have been misdiagnosed.

It is conceivable that in a home where two women have rejected men (except one that dresses like, talks like and acts like a man...visit the link above for more pictures) so utterly as to marry each other, (well, not legally according to Judge Sutton), that any boy raised in that manifest-rejection environment might deduce with his simple, formative, childlike mind that "boy/male=rejected"..

Aside: For more on the 6th circuit court of federal appeal/Judge Sutton's support for states to reject gay marriage, see this link: 6th Circuit Federal Appeals Court Gives Thumb s Up to States Choice on Gay Marriage Page 12 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Now, I've not seen a survey done by the APA where so-called transgendered children were asked in a neutral/non-suggestive format where they came up with the idea that they didn't want to be their gender anymore. And I doubt any of us with the current "audit-group-think" (CQR) structure at the APA (de facto, cult) will see such a survey for as long as the Agenda runs that outfit and yanks its chain (audited...). So I'm suggesting to people's common sense, and more particularly, those who have known lesbians and have heard their near nonstop innuendo or outright beratement and rejection of males in their lives, that it is remotely possible that "Tammy" may have been a creation of their manifest rejection of males in general. The child is presenting with sypmtoms of the "parents" mental issues..

I heartily encourage anyone reading this to visit the link and others on this story, read the articles in depth, look at the photos and meditate within themselves as to ALL possibilities of what could be going on with this boy.....and not just the APA-audit-approved hasty "conclusion":

For Syriusly, who has trouble keeping the root issues in focus:

Well of course child abuse occurs in more than just gay homes. It's just that with the gay community, they get behind this and support it. In the hetero community the parents would have to leave town and hide out in the woods to avoid a crowd at their door with torches at night.

The issue here is institutionalized-child-abuse vs discouraged child abuse... It's a difference of CULTural values... the hetero community does not identify itself as "LGBT". The "T" is for "Transgender"....

You dumb motherfucker, vile homophobe.

In order to get this treatment, they would need the consent of psychologists and doctors--experts treating the child.

Get this through your thick skull, pediatricians can now tell if a child is likely homosexual or heterosexual.

It's the way they were born.

What's your excuse for being so fucking stupid.

It must be the Tea Bag Cult -- THE AMERICAN TALIBAN.
You dumb motherfucker, vile homophobe.
In order to get this treatment, they would need the consent of psychologists and doctors--experts treating the child.
Get this through your thick skull, pediatricians can now tell if a child is likely homosexual or heterosexual.
It's the way they were born
. What's your excuse for being so fucking stupid.

1. Read my points about how the APA is owned by the LGBT cult and have openly denounced data and hard facts in preference to "audited group think" Jim Jones and Applewhite also had "audited group think". And how the AMA takes without questioning (lest they too be labelled "vile homophobes" ...pretty effective shut-down technique the fold has going there..) its "walking orders" from the cult APA...

2. "It's the way they were born" eh? I'll have to explain that to Anne Heche...she seems confused about that.

And while we are on the topic of #2. Do you want to talk about the large numbers of gay couples where one of them takes on all the trappings of the opposite gender in order to attract their sex partner? Little bit of closeted heterosexuality going on there. Today's APA won't allow a discussion about that though. It conflicts with the dogma dontcha know...
You have to read these things like a freaking lawyer analyzes a case. The words "genital mutilation" are the key but there is no evidence that the boy actually attempted such a thing. According to a, no doubt, pro-homosexual psychologist the seven year old boy ...threatened.. genital mutilation. Did the psychiatrist put those words in a seven year old disturbed boy's head and then prescribe life altering drugs to please his lesbian parents? What seven year old boy is even aware of the definition of "genital mutilation" and what boy raised by militant lesbians isn't disturbed in some way? There should be a team of child welfare people to judge these cases but in California they care more about endangered snails than endangered young men.
You have to read these things like a freaking lawyer analyzes a case. The words "genital mutilation" are the key but there is no evidence that the boy actually attempted such a thing. According to a, no doubt, pro-homosexual psychologist the seven year old boy ...threatened.. genital mutilation. Did the psychiatrist put those words in a seven year old disturbed boy's head and then prescribe life altering drugs to please his lesbian parents? What seven year old boy is even aware of the definition of "genital mutilation" and what boy raised by militant lesbians isn't disturbed in some way? There should be a team of child welfare people to judge these cases but in California they care more about endangered snails than endangered young men.

Well the best you can hope for Thomas Lobel is that Congress will threaten California with revoking their CAPTA funding until this crap stops. The fed is mandated to make sure children are not being abused in any state. Thomas Lobel is the poster child for that abuse.
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