Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

Should the APA's CQR "Audited-Group-Think" Methods Be Subject to Public Review?

  • Yes, hold a full public inquiry as to why the APA discards facts in deference to group-ideology.

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • Maybe, I'd have to study more on CQR vs data and facts to have a better opinion here.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way. The public has no business in oversight over what the APA approves or disapproves of.

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
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Gonna clarify something:

Personally, I see no problem with same sex marriages and them adopting children. I DO have a problem with mentally unstable couples....homosexual or heterosexual....adopting children. The vetting process needs to be longer, deeper, and thoroughly investigated on ANY part of the partners past and present and ANY disfunctional behavior exhibited BEFORE they get their mitts on any impressionable children.
Let's face facts. Fucktards of either sexual persuasion are not ALL fit to be good parents. Even straight ones. Single mothers raise their kids all by themselves as do single fathers. They also know how to parent a child or children in most cases. In some..they are unfit. SAME GOES FOR HOMOSEXUAL single parents. Some are fit, some are not.

ANY person willing, able, and refusing to see the damage they can do to a still growing mind of a child by HELPING them do something so permanent as in sex change or hormone not fit to be a parent any more than a straight parent allowing their children to have body tatts that cover every inch of their skin before they are even 17 years old..much less 10 or younger. One simply does not do that if they are sane and are truly looking out for the best interests of said child. The kid can do what he or she wants once they come of age. Until then....HELL NO. Period. And if it turns out to be a HELL YES, then that child or children should be removed PROMPTLY and EXPEDIENTLY from that household and custody of the nutbars that have control of them.

And those enforcing the laws that govern and protect children won't know unless it's bragged about and flaunted in faces and reported with information given them of such actions. That leaves the public to inform them and hope they act fast to save the kids from having harm to them not only mentally, but physically.
Any body language expert can see the body language that kid is showing and know what is going on. Hell, non experts can see it.
Gonna clarify something:

Personally, I see no problem with same sex marriages and them adopting children. I DO have a problem with mentally unstable couples....homosexual or heterosexual....adopting children. The vetting process needs to be longer, deeper, and thoroughly investigated on ANY part of the partners past and present and ANY disfunctional behavior exhibited BEFORE they get their mitts on any impressionable children.
Let's face facts. Fucktards of either sexual persuasion are not ALL fit to be good parents. Even straight ones. Single mothers raise their kids all by themselves as do single fathers. They also know how to parent a child or children in most cases. In some..they are unfit. SAME GOES FOR HOMOSEXUAL single parents. Some are fit, some are not.

ANY person willing, able, and refusing to see the damage they can do to a still growing mind of a child by HELPING them do something so permanent as in sex change or hormone not fit to be a parent any more than a straight parent allowing their children to have body tatts that cover every inch of their skin before they are even 17 years old..much less 10 or younger. One simply does not do that if they are sane and are truly looking out for the best interests of said child. The kid can do what he or she wants once they come of age. Until then....HELL NO. Period. And if it turns out to be a HELL YES, then that child or children should be removed PROMPTLY and EXPEDIENTLY from that household and custody of the nutbars that have control of them.

And those enforcing the laws that govern and protect children won't know unless it's bragged about and flaunted in faces and reported with information given them of such actions. That leaves the public to inform them and hope they act fast to save the kids from having harm to them not only mentally, but physically.
We disagree there.
So, OOM, if a gay couple adopts a child and the child says "I want to be like you" and the gay couple says "we love you too, but you are not old enough yet to make such a decision, honey. You must grow more. Learn more. Live more. Then when you are 18 years old, you are free to do as you wish and we will still love you anyway" would see that as a bad thing?
So, OOM, if a gay couple adopts a child and the child says "I want to be like you" and the gay couple says "we love you too, but you are not old enough yet to make such a decision, honey. You must grow more. Learn more. Live more. Then when you are 18 years old, you are free to do as you wish and we will still love you anyway" would see that as a bad thing?
I don't think that happens, and if it does it's probably a rarity. I mean, that would be better than forcing their lifestyle onto the child obviously....but I think it's best to avoid the situation altogether and only adopt children to married straight couples.
So, OOM, if a gay couple adopts a child and the child says "I want to be like you" and the gay couple says "we love you too, but you are not old enough yet to make such a decision, honey. You must grow more. Learn more. Live more. Then when you are 18 years old, you are free to do as you wish and we will still love you anyway" would see that as a bad thing?
I don't think that happens, and if it does it's probably a rarity. I mean, that would be better than forcing their lifestyle onto the child obviously....but I think it's best to avoid the situation altogether and only adopt children to married straight couples.
Too many unwanted children being shuffled hither and yon.

Black marries white Parents
Child=learns the histories of both grandparents. No harm, no foul, decides what to be considered once an adult.

Jew marries Catholic Parents
Child=is told to find own path. No harm, no foul, decides what religion (if any) to follow.

Republican marries Democrat Parents
Child=is told to choose which part best fits his or her own beliefs. No harm. No foul.

Homosexual Couple Parents
Child=is told this is how it is with THEM, the parents. Once of age, follow his or her own sexual preference.

This is how it SHOULD be. But in some not. The OP is one example. The nutbar here at USMB is the same example. BOTH are detriment to the child/children in question. The child/children are not guided. They are LED.
So, OOM, if a gay couple adopts a child and the child says "I want to be like you" and the gay couple says "we love you too, but you are not old enough yet to make such a decision, honey. You must grow more. Learn more. Live more. Then when you are 18 years old, you are free to do as you wish and we will still love you anyway" would see that as a bad thing?
I don't think that happens, and if it does it's probably a rarity. I mean, that would be better than forcing their lifestyle onto the child obviously....but I think it's best to avoid the situation altogether and only adopt children to married straight couples.
Too many unwanted children being shuffled hither and yon.

Black marries white Parents
Child=learns the histories of both grandparents. No harm, no foul, decides what to be considered once an adult.

Jew marries Catholic Parents
Child=is told to find own path. No harm, no foul, decides what religion (if any) to follow.

Republican marries Democrat Parents
Child=is told to choose which part best fits his or her own beliefs. No harm. No foul.

Homosexual Couple Parents
Child=is told this is how it is with THEM, the parents. Once of age, follow his or her own sexual preference.

This is how it SHOULD be. But in some not. The OP is one example. The nutbar here at USMB is the same example. BOTH are detriment to the child/children in question. The child/children are not guided. They are LED.
There is not too many orphaned children to enact that policy from my research. Infact there are more couples turned down than there are children up for adoption.
A lot gets missed by those in CPS. We hear of cases every day where a kid gets killed or is horribly abused. Reason? Nobody cared enough to report suspicions or the overloaded case worker ignored the reports or just didn't have time to check into it further.

If any couple is vetted properly, and checked up on regularly to make sure all is well...then sure. Let homosexuals adopt. Let differing races adopt. But CHECK THEM OUT THOROUGHLY first and KEEP checking on them. Until the child/children are of age. Then they can stop the checking up on. Why that lesbo couple still has the kid that looks so miserable is an affront to us as Americans..or any country for that matter. Same goes for the schmuck here in USMB. HOW they got children to begin with is mind boggling. Mental cases should NOT have custody of children. Period.
So, OOM, if a gay couple adopts a child and the child says "I want to be like you" and the gay couple says "we love you too, but you are not old enough yet to make such a decision, honey. You must grow more. Learn more. Live more. Then when you are 18 years old, you are free to do as you wish and we will still love you anyway" would see that as a bad thing?
I don't think that happens, and if it does it's probably a rarity. I mean, that would be better than forcing their lifestyle onto the child obviously....but I think it's best to avoid the situation altogether and only adopt children to married straight couples.
That's what catholic orphanages believe. That court challenge will be soon as well. Did you think about the impact of a gay marriage on a child from a legal perspective? Gay marriage strips any children involved, for life, as a matter of a binding contractual term, of either a mother or father. They'll never know one. At least with single parents, the hope is they'll marry so the child will know one. Gay marriage? Never. Ever.

That's the "forced lifestyle" that never gets discussed but it's the woolly mammoth in the living room.
So, OOM, if a gay couple adopts a child and the child says "I want to be like you" and the gay couple says "we love you too, but you are not old enough yet to make such a decision, honey. You must grow more. Learn more. Live more. Then when you are 18 years old, you are free to do as you wish and we will still love you anyway" would see that as a bad thing?
I don't think that happens, and if it does it's probably a rarity. I mean, that would be better than forcing their lifestyle onto the child obviously....but I think it's best to avoid the situation altogether and only adopt children to married straight couples.
That's what catholic orphanages believe. That court challenge will be soon as well. Did you think about the impact of a gay marriage on a child from a legal perspective? Gay marriage strips any children involved, for life, as a matter of a binding contractual term, of either a mother or father. They'll never know one. At least with single parents, the hope is they'll marry so the child will know one. Gay marriage? Never. Ever.

That's the "forced lifestyle" that never gets discussed but it's the woolly mammoth in the living room.
Agreed. And hey...I don't care what these haters say, your threads on this subject are dynamite, ma'am! Keep up the good work.
So, OOM, if a gay couple adopts a child and the child says "I want to be like you" and the gay couple says "we love you too, but you are not old enough yet to make such a decision, honey. You must grow more. Learn more. Live more. Then when you are 18 years old, you are free to do as you wish and we will still love you anyway" would see that as a bad thing?
I don't think that happens, and if it does it's probably a rarity. I mean, that would be better than forcing their lifestyle onto the child obviously....but I think it's best to avoid the situation altogether and only adopt children to married straight couples.
That's what catholic orphanages believe. That court challenge will be soon as well. Did you think about the impact of a gay marriage on a child from a legal perspective? Gay marriage strips any children involved, for life, as a matter of a binding contractual term, of either a mother or father. They'll never know one. At least with single parents, the hope is they'll marry so the child will know one. Gay marriage? Never. Ever.

That's the "forced lifestyle" that never gets discussed but it's the woolly mammoth in the living room.

Children are not a party to a marriage contract in any state. Repeating this bullshit everyday doesn't make it so.
So, OOM, if a gay couple adopts a child and the child says "I want to be like you" and the gay couple says "we love you too, but you are not old enough yet to make such a decision, honey. You must grow more. Learn more. Live more. Then when you are 18 years old, you are free to do as you wish and we will still love you anyway" would see that as a bad thing?
I don't think that happens, and if it does it's probably a rarity. I mean, that would be better than forcing their lifestyle onto the child obviously....but I think it's best to avoid the situation altogether and only adopt children to married straight couples.
That's what catholic orphanages believe. That court challenge will be soon as well. Did you think about the impact of a gay marriage on a child from a legal perspective? Gay marriage strips any children involved, for life, as a matter of a binding contractual term, of either a mother or father. They'll never know one. At least with single parents, the hope is they'll marry so the child will know one. Gay marriage? Never. Ever.

That's the "forced lifestyle" that never gets discussed but it's the woolly mammoth in the living room.
Agreed. And hey...I don't care what these haters say, your threads on this subject are dynamite, ma'am! Keep up the good work.

Thanks. I guess Gracie wanted to re-animate this thread because of her extreme interest in the drugging of children and child abuse. Good on her too!
So, OOM, if a gay couple adopts a child and the child says "I want to be like you" and the gay couple says "we love you too, but you are not old enough yet to make such a decision, honey. You must grow more. Learn more. Live more. Then when you are 18 years old, you are free to do as you wish and we will still love you anyway" would see that as a bad thing?
I don't think that happens, and if it does it's probably a rarity. I mean, that would be better than forcing their lifestyle onto the child obviously....but I think it's best to avoid the situation altogether and only adopt children to married straight couples.
That's what catholic orphanages believe. That court challenge will be soon as well. Did you think about the impact of a gay marriage on a child from a legal perspective? Gay marriage strips any children involved, for life, as a matter of a binding contractual term, of either a mother or father. They'll never know one. At least with single parents, the hope is they'll marry so the child will know one. Gay marriage? Never. Ever.

That's the "forced lifestyle" that never gets discussed but it's the woolly mammoth in the living room.
Agreed. And hey...I don't care what these haters say, your threads on this subject are dynamite, ma'am! Keep up the good work.

Thanks. I guess Gracie wanted to re-animate this thread because of her extreme interest in the drugging of children and child abuse. Good on her too!
I agree. This information needs to get out there.
So, OOM, if a gay couple adopts a child and the child says "I want to be like you" and the gay couple says "we love you too, but you are not old enough yet to make such a decision, honey. You must grow more. Learn more. Live more. Then when you are 18 years old, you are free to do as you wish and we will still love you anyway" would see that as a bad thing?
I don't think that happens, and if it does it's probably a rarity. I mean, that would be better than forcing their lifestyle onto the child obviously....but I think it's best to avoid the situation altogether and only adopt children to married straight couples.
That's what catholic orphanages believe. That court challenge will be soon as well. Did you think about the impact of a gay marriage on a child from a legal perspective? Gay marriage strips any children involved, for life, as a matter of a binding contractual term, of either a mother or father. They'll never know one. At least with single parents, the hope is they'll marry so the child will know one. Gay marriage? Never. Ever.

That's the "forced lifestyle" that never gets discussed but it's the woolly mammoth in the living room.

Children are not a party to a marriage contract in any state. Repeating this bullshit everyday doesn't make it so.
There's no good reason to deprive a child of either a mother or father. Doesn't matter what you think the law says. We can change that.
So, OOM, if a gay couple adopts a child and the child says "I want to be like you" and the gay couple says "we love you too, but you are not old enough yet to make such a decision, honey. You must grow more. Learn more. Live more. Then when you are 18 years old, you are free to do as you wish and we will still love you anyway" would see that as a bad thing?
I don't think that happens, and if it does it's probably a rarity. I mean, that would be better than forcing their lifestyle onto the child obviously....but I think it's best to avoid the situation altogether and only adopt children to married straight couples.
That's what catholic orphanages believe. That court challenge will be soon as well. Did you think about the impact of a gay marriage on a child from a legal perspective? Gay marriage strips any children involved, for life, as a matter of a binding contractual term, of either a mother or father. They'll never know one. At least with single parents, the hope is they'll marry so the child will know one. Gay marriage? Never. Ever.

That's the "forced lifestyle" that never gets discussed but it's the woolly mammoth in the living room.

Children are not a party to a marriage contract in any state. Repeating this bullshit everyday doesn't make it so.
There's no good reason to deprive a child of either a mother or father. Doesn't matter what you think the law says. We can change that.

It isn't what I think the law says. Children are not a party to a marriage in any state in this nation. You're going to have ban divorce and single-parenthood since those also deprive a child of a mother and father. Good luck, you'll need it.
So, OOM, if a gay couple adopts a child and the child says "I want to be like you" and the gay couple says "we love you too, but you are not old enough yet to make such a decision, honey. You must grow more. Learn more. Live more. Then when you are 18 years old, you are free to do as you wish and we will still love you anyway" would see that as a bad thing?
I don't think that happens, and if it does it's probably a rarity. I mean, that would be better than forcing their lifestyle onto the child obviously....but I think it's best to avoid the situation altogether and only adopt children to married straight couples.
That's what catholic orphanages believe. That court challenge will be soon as well. Did you think about the impact of a gay marriage on a child from a legal perspective? Gay marriage strips any children involved, for life, as a matter of a binding contractual term, of either a mother or father. They'll never know one. At least with single parents, the hope is they'll marry so the child will know one. Gay marriage? Never. Ever.

That's the "forced lifestyle" that never gets discussed but it's the woolly mammoth in the living room.

Children are not a party to a marriage contract in any state. Repeating this bullshit everyday doesn't make it so.
There's no good reason to deprive a child of either a mother or father. Doesn't matter what you think the law says. We can change that.

It isn't what I think the law says. Children are not a party to a marriage in any state in this nation. You're going to have ban divorce and single-parenthood since those also deprive a child of a mother and father. Good luck, you'll need it.
No we wouldn't have to.
A child that is fatherless may have siblings that are older..or uncles...or a grandfather...even a favorite teacher. Same with girl children. Aunts, sisters, best friends mom, fav teacher, etc.
They are not deprived in the sense it disrupts their lives THAT much to where they are mentally screwed up enough to mess with their bodies before they are even 18 years old. That is my stance and what I have a problem with. Let them be children. Let them explore and investigate and experiment and just be kids! It's the HELPING them reach a conclusion to what they THINK they are or want to become that gripes my ass. That is not guiding or parenting. That is leading them for a warped agenda of the one holding the leash.
So, OOM, if a gay couple adopts a child and the child says "I want to be like you" and the gay couple says "we love you too, but you are not old enough yet to make such a decision, honey. You must grow more. Learn more. Live more. Then when you are 18 years old, you are free to do as you wish and we will still love you anyway" would see that as a bad thing?
I don't think that happens, and if it does it's probably a rarity. I mean, that would be better than forcing their lifestyle onto the child obviously....but I think it's best to avoid the situation altogether and only adopt children to married straight couples.
That's what catholic orphanages believe. That court challenge will be soon as well. Did you think about the impact of a gay marriage on a child from a legal perspective? Gay marriage strips any children involved, for life, as a matter of a binding contractual term, of either a mother or father. They'll never know one. At least with single parents, the hope is they'll marry so the child will know one. Gay marriage? Never. Ever.

That's the "forced lifestyle" that never gets discussed but it's the woolly mammoth in the living room.

Children are not a party to a marriage contract in any state. Repeating this bullshit everyday doesn't make it so.
There's no good reason to deprive a child of either a mother or father. Doesn't matter what you think the law says. We can change that.

It isn't what I think the law says. Children are not a party to a marriage in any state in this nation. You're going to have ban divorce and single-parenthood since those also deprive a child of a mother and father. Good luck, you'll need it.
No we wouldn't have to.

Why not? I thought there wasn't any good reason to deprive a child of either a mother or father. Did you have a change of heart in the last sixty seconds? lol
Personally, MDK is the perfect example of a great dad..and his husband a great dad too. Now..if we could only clone them for all future children that need love and guidance and sanity instead of nutbars getting their mitts on innocents.
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