Boy Howdy!

I like my psychology on a third-grade reading level.

It's comforting to know my psychologist is dumber than I am.
So you have nothing to add- okee dokee- even 3rd grade level reading says "reading"- right?!
Reading is attribute not many on political message boards have- congratulations!
Good to know we have a few who are deep thinkers posting.
I like my psychology on a third-grade reading level.

It's comforting to know my psychologist is dumber than I am.

Aren't they all? One asked me once what do you feel like doing? I told her going home and cleaning my guns.
Thinking, Shallow And Deep

Superficial, shallow thinking produces a superficial life.
Most times I feel like that Pocket App is trying to influence my life, and I ignore it.

Other times, it feeds something useful, but I never want it to actually know I am using it(meta data tracking,) so I always use a search engine on the article and read the primary source, added to that, I want to know who is writing it, and their possible agenda, what are they about man?

This one was pretty good.

But. . . there are some with an establishment and future agenda to them.

Cognitive psychologist, Albert Bandura, argues “People are highly driven to do things that build self-worth; you can’t transgress and think of yourself as bad. So people transform harmful practices into worthy ones, coming up with social justification, distancing themselves with euphemisms and numbers, ignoring the long-term consequences of their actions.”

Al has it right, and the war on intellectualism continues ....~S~
Some women can be so shallow.
I mean, everything seemed to be going great during our first dinner date until I told her what kind of car I lived in. ... :cool:
I stopped in a pub to have a beer and a hot dog one day when I was doing some painting on my home...I had about 20 different colors on my clothes due to my wonderful but very picky former spouse....:102:

The new bartender was a very cute gal in her third year of college....She asked me if I was a painter....and I said no....I color Easter eggs for a living.....she walked away and came back and said ...wait a minuet....Easter is over......:auiqs.jpg:

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