Boy king USURPS Constitution, bypasses congress- ratifies Climate Change Treaty with China

Too bad GOP politicians are such pussies and have not taken any of the opportunities to Impeach him Barry has repeatedly given them by violating both Constitition and Law...

Can't Impeach 'the 1st black President', though.
Obama had no authority to make his deal with Iran, but he did anyway. Then he took it straight to the UN for ratification, bypassing Congress again, which was done as an intentional slight and snubbing his nose at the Constitution.
Climate Change "treaties" are meaningless anyway.

Not the point.. Treaties MUST be ratified by 2/3rd's of the Senate-
you forget that liberals consider the Constitution invalid, in their eyes it has been revoked.

No, I didn't forget that.. just making certain everyone understands that the boy king USURPED the US Constitution AGAIN.
Bullshit! For the US to ratify that UN CONVENTION, the US President had SIGN THE CONVENTION and deliver the Instrument of Ratification to the UN! That is within the Presidents authority as Chief Executive under the Constitution and as the chief Executive exercising his lawful authority under UN agreement. To lawfully acknowledge the AUTHORITY OF THE CONVENTION and bind the US to it, the Senate would have to follow Article II, § II, Clause 2 and ratify the CONVENTION by at least a 2/3rds majority AFTER the UN received the Instrument of Ratification!

When Obama signed the CONVENTION, he did not crate an Executive Order as you claimed in your post #8. He was following the Constitution as POTUS and our agreement to the UN protocols. You are fundamentally, and thoroughly in error asserting Obama usurped the Constitution!

In your post #19 you make the claim that you're a "Constitutionalist". You're going to have to do some work there! And don't try to out curse or insult me...I was Navy trained!

WTF speak proper english you fucking dingbat.. Navy trained?? As in Old Navy the Dept Store?? WTF are you even spewing about?! WHAT UN CONVENTION?! Are you fucking daft?
Climate Change "treaties" are meaningless anyway.

Not the point.. Treaties MUST be ratified by 2/3rd's of the Senate-
you forget that liberals consider the Constitution invalid, in their eyes it has been revoked.

No, I didn't forget that.. just making certain everyone understands that the boy king USURPED the US Constitution AGAIN.
Bullshit! For the US to ratify that UN CONVENTION, the US President had SIGN THE CONVENTION and deliver the Instrument of Ratification to the UN! That is within the Presidents authority as Chief Executive under the Constitution and as the chief Executive exercising his lawful authority under UN agreement. To lawfully acknowledge the AUTHORITY OF THE CONVENTION and bind the US to it, the Senate would have to follow Article II, § II, Clause 2 and ratify the CONVENTION by at least a 2/3rds majority AFTER the UN received the Instrument of Ratification!

When Obama signed the CONVENTION, he did not crate an Executive Order as you claimed in your post #8. He was following the Constitution as POTUS and our agreement to the UN protocols. You are fundamentally, and thoroughly in error asserting Obama usurped the Constitution!

In your post #19 you make the claim that you're a "Constitutionalist". You're going to have to do some work there! And don't try to out curse or insult me...I was Navy trained!

WTF speak proper english you fucking dingbat.. Navy trained?? As in Old Navy the Dept Store?? WTF are you even spewing about?! WHAT UN CONVENTION?! Are you fucking daft?
Your ignorance of the Convention on Climate Control, about which was the basis of this thread YOU FUCKING STARTED you dumb ass bitch, is beyond comprehension or comparison! It was their respective Instruments of Ratification of the UN Convention on Climate Control that the US and China submitted to the UN and their separate ratifications of the Convention that took place, and that your WT "source" tried to disguise as something it wasn't!

There was no Executive Order signed as you claimed in your post #8! Contrary to your boast in your post #19 about being a Constitutionalist, you are ignorant of even the more pedestrian passages of the Constitution concerning the duties of the POTUS regarding treaties with other Nations! You're bloody fucking uninformed, you shit for brains!

When you started this thread using the Washington Times as a source without questioning the authenticity of the article and failing to validate the horseshit they tried to pass off as "news", you displayed your partisanship, your laziness and your gullibility being drawn into parroting blatant propaganda you bloody, bloody fool! Keep drinking the piss you seem to enjoy so much, you dumb ass bitch!
Not the point.. Treaties MUST be ratified by 2/3rd's of the Senate-
you forget that liberals consider the Constitution invalid, in their eyes it has been revoked.

No, I didn't forget that.. just making certain everyone understands that the boy king USURPED the US Constitution AGAIN.
Bullshit! For the US to ratify that UN CONVENTION, the US President had SIGN THE CONVENTION and deliver the Instrument of Ratification to the UN! That is within the Presidents authority as Chief Executive under the Constitution and as the chief Executive exercising his lawful authority under UN agreement. To lawfully acknowledge the AUTHORITY OF THE CONVENTION and bind the US to it, the Senate would have to follow Article II, § II, Clause 2 and ratify the CONVENTION by at least a 2/3rds majority AFTER the UN received the Instrument of Ratification!

When Obama signed the CONVENTION, he did not crate an Executive Order as you claimed in your post #8. He was following the Constitution as POTUS and our agreement to the UN protocols. You are fundamentally, and thoroughly in error asserting Obama usurped the Constitution!

In your post #19 you make the claim that you're a "Constitutionalist". You're going to have to do some work there! And don't try to out curse or insult me...I was Navy trained!

WTF speak proper english you fucking dingbat.. Navy trained?? As in Old Navy the Dept Store?? WTF are you even spewing about?! WHAT UN CONVENTION?! Are you fucking daft?
Your ignorance of the Convention on Climate Control, about which was the basis of this thread YOU FUCKING STARTED you dumb ass bitch, is beyond comprehension or comparison! It was their respective Instruments of Ratification of the UN Convention on Climate Control that the US and China submitted to the UN and their separate ratifications of the Convention that took place, and that your WT "source" tried to disguise as something it wasn't!

There was no Executive Order signed as you claimed in your post #8! Contrary to your boast in your post #19 about being a Constitutionalist, you are ignorant of even the most pedestrian passages of the Constitution concerning the duties of the POTUS regarding treaties with other Nations! You're bloody fucking uninformed, you shit for brains!

When you started this thread using the Washington Times as a source without questioning the authenticity of the article and failing to validate the horseshit they tried to pass off as "news", you displayed your partisanship, your laziness and your gullibility being drawn into parroting blatant propaganda you bloody, bloody fool! Keep drinking the piss you seem to enjoy so much, you dumb ass bitch!
Im just guessing here, and please, feel free to correct me if Im wrong, but
Im not feeling the love between you and LadyGunSlinger, Like I said, I could be wrong.
I suppose it is also possible that you are in the 3rd grade typing on your Playschool computer and are just flirting with her because you want her to notice you.
Obama, Chinese president ratify climate-change agreement
Deliberately sidestepping Congress, President Obama formally entered the U.S. into an international climate-change agreement Saturday with China and dozens of other nations to limit greenhouse gas emissions.
Completely unconstitutional, of course. The President doesn't have that power. Only the Senate can ratify a treaty.

Obama can "ratify" or "formally enter" or anything else like that, all he wants. It's just hot air, and is not legally binding on the nation. We're no more obligated to follow this "Climate change agreement" now, than we were last week or last year.

Keep dreaming, Mr. Obama.
China knows this even if the American press wants to pretend there is some force or effect to whatever obama smokes.
Bullshit! For the US to ratify that UN CONVENTION, the US President had SIGN THE CONVENTION and deliver the Instrument of Ratification to the UN! That is within the Presidents authority as Chief Executive under the Constitution
Were you about to point out where in the Constitution it says the President can do this?

Can't find it in my copy.... :dunno:
Obama, Chinese president ratify climate-change agreement

Deliberately sidestepping Congress, President Obama formally entered the U.S. into an international climate-change agreement Saturday with China and dozens of other nations to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

Because being BIATCH slapped TWICE already by the United States Supreme Court wasn't enough for this mother fucker.. You can use your girly pen to sign shit, shove it up your own ass in perpetual glee... it won't matter.. Again, you will be slapped back in to place.. Fascists like you should be buried in a wall of glass... take your fucked up lemmings with you..

That agreement is not worth the paper it was pissed on.
Remember, this is post-constitutional America.

It will be post-constiututional after the election and President Trump has the phone and has the pen. Let's also hope (but not too strongly) that he shows some restraint.

What goes around comes around and that can be a bitch!
Bullshit! For the US to ratify that UN CONVENTION, the US President had SIGN THE CONVENTION and deliver the Instrument of Ratification to the UN! That is within the Presidents authority as Chief Executive under the Constitution
Were you about to point out where in the Constitution it says the President can do this?

Can't find it in my copy.... :dunno:
Here shit for brains! Look up this passage in you copy of the Constitution in Article II:

"He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties..."

You and LGS are on par with one another as far as boasting knowledge of our founding Document and being very ignorant of its contents you dumb fuck!!
Obama, Chinese president ratify climate-change agreement

Deliberately sidestepping Congress, President Obama formally entered the U.S. into an international climate-change agreement Saturday with China and dozens of other nations to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

Because being BIATCH slapped TWICE already by the United States Supreme Court wasn't enough for this mother fucker.. You can use your girly pen to sign shit, shove it up your own ass in perpetual glee... it won't matter.. Again, you will be slapped back in to place.. Fascists like you should be buried in a wall of glass... take your fucked up lemmings with you..

first of all, he's a man. i know that is difficult for bigoted white trash podscum to call a black man.

as for being, as you so classlessly put it "biatch slapped" (no surprises as to the classless lowlife you are)., he's been upheld a lot more often than not. the fact that your rightwingnut loons haven't confirmed a new nominee to the court is your problem. they're already saying they're going to cave on that as soon as they're a lame duck senate.

you're dismissed now....feel free to spew some guttural garbage and be off
Obama, Chinese president ratify climate-change agreement

Deliberately sidestepping Congress, President Obama formally entered the U.S. into an international climate-change agreement Saturday with China and dozens of other nations to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

Because being BIATCH slapped TWICE already by the United States Supreme Court wasn't enough for this mother fucker.. You can use your girly pen to sign shit, shove it up your own ass in perpetual glee... it won't matter.. Again, you will be slapped back in to place.. Fascists like you should be buried in a wall of glass... take your fucked up lemmings with you..

first of all, he's a man. i know that is difficult for bigoted white trash podscum to call a black man.

as for being, as you so classlessly put it "biatch slapped" (no surprises as to the classless lowlife you are)., he's been upheld a lot more often than not. the fact that your rightwingnut loons haven't confirmed a new nominee to the court is your problem. they're already saying they're going to cave on that as soon as they're a lame duck senate.

you're dismissed now....feel free to spew some guttural garbage and be off
Ahhhh....the race lose....
Bullshit! For the US to ratify that UN CONVENTION, the US President had SIGN THE CONVENTION and deliver the Instrument of Ratification to the UN! That is within the Presidents authority as Chief Executive under the Constitution
Were you about to point out where in the Constitution it says the President can do this?

Can't find it in my copy.... :dunno:
Here shit for brains! Look up this passage in you copy of the Constitution in Article II:

"He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties..."

You and LGS are on par with one another as far as boasting knowledge of our founding Document and being very ignorant of its contents you dumb fuck!!
Without Senate approval the treaty has no effect.
I can't wait to hear liberals Mooo, scream, meltdown, pee pee themselves the moment Donald Trump uses a pen and begins to pass laws on his own..

That's the only reason I like trump. If he wins there will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth. It will be awesome to see. I'm really hoping trump was not telling lies about having Hillary prosecuted for her shit and Obama having his fucked up two terms labeled as the worst 8 years in history. Whoever wins, can't wait to see the Jeffersons fly away.
Bullshit! For the US to ratify that UN CONVENTION, the US President had SIGN THE CONVENTION and deliver the Instrument of Ratification to the UN! That is within the Presidents authority as Chief Executive under the Constitution
Were you about to point out where in the Constitution it says the President can do this?

Can't find it in my copy.... :dunno:
Here shit for brains! Look up this passage in you copy of the Constitution in Article II:

"He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties..."

You and LGS are on par with one another as far as boasting knowledge of our founding Document and being very ignorant of its contents you dumb fuck!!
Without Senate approval the treaty has no effect.
No shit! "He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties...! Obviously you had some difficulty understanding my post to another you piggy backed, which contained that very passage from Article II, § 2, Cls.2 of the Constitution.
"he's a man....."

Whatever in hell that is you're smokin' you're under Socialist Girl Sprout policy required to share.

Think of it as the redistribution you lefties so love.

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