Boy king USURPS Constitution, bypasses congress- ratifies Climate Change Treaty with China

Obama, Chinese president ratify climate-change agreement

Deliberately sidestepping Congress, President Obama formally entered the U.S. into an international climate-change agreement Saturday with China and dozens of other nations to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

Because being BIATCH slapped TWICE already by the United States Supreme Court wasn't enough for this mother fucker.. You can use your girly pen to sign shit, shove it up your own ass in perpetual glee... it won't matter.. Again, you will be slapped back in to place.. Fascists like you should be buried in a wall of glass... take your fucked up lemmings with you..

well who does he think he is kidding

the treaty is non binding

no congress approval

It doesn't require Congressional approval. The OP, as always, doesn't know what she's talking about.
that depends, Is this considered a formal treaty? If it is then congress needs to approve it, if not they don't.
However, if not a formal treaty then there is nothing binding either party to following it.
EPA will force us to follow it
EPA is on the way out as a useless entity.
I don't think it can enforce much of anything anymore.
Obama, Chinese president ratify climate-change agreement

Deliberately sidestepping Congress, President Obama formally entered the U.S. into an international climate-change agreement Saturday with China and dozens of other nations to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

Because being BIATCH slapped TWICE already by the United States Supreme Court wasn't enough for this mother fucker.. You can use your girly pen to sign shit, shove it up your own ass in perpetual glee... it won't matter.. Again, you will be slapped back in to place.. Fascists like you should be buried in a wall of glass... take your fucked up lemmings with you..

well who does he think he is kidding

the treaty is non binding

no congress approval

It doesn't require Congressional approval. The OP, as always, doesn't know what she's talking about.
that depends, Is this considered a formal treaty? If it is then congress needs to approve it, if not they don't.
However, if not a formal treaty then there is nothing binding either party to following it.
EPA will force us to follow it
That's where Congress can step in.
Obama, Chinese president ratify climate-change agreement

Deliberately sidestepping Congress, President Obama formally entered the U.S. into an international climate-change agreement Saturday with China and dozens of other nations to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

Because being BIATCH slapped TWICE already by the United States Supreme Court wasn't enough for this mother fucker.. You can use your girly pen to sign shit, shove it up your own ass in perpetual glee... it won't matter.. Again, you will be slapped back in to place.. Fascists like you should be buried in a wall of glass... take your fucked up lemmings with you..

well who does he think he is kidding

the treaty is non binding

no congress approval

It doesn't require Congressional approval. The OP, as always, doesn't know what she's talking about.
that depends, Is this considered a formal treaty? If it is then congress needs to approve it, if not they don't.
However, if not a formal treaty then there is nothing binding either party to following it.
EPA will force us to follow it
EPA is on the way out as a useless entity.
I don't think it can enforce much of anything anymore.
In your dreams and especially not if dems win
Obama, Chinese president ratify climate-change agreement

Deliberately sidestepping Congress, President Obama formally entered the U.S. into an international climate-change agreement Saturday with China and dozens of other nations to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

Because being BIATCH slapped TWICE already by the United States Supreme Court wasn't enough for this mother fucker.. You can use your girly pen to sign shit, shove it up your own ass in perpetual glee... it won't matter.. Again, you will be slapped back in to place.. Fascists like you should be buried in a wall of glass... take your fucked up lemmings with you..

well who does he think he is kidding

the treaty is non binding

no congress approval

It doesn't require Congressional approval. The OP, as always, doesn't know what she's talking about.
that depends, Is this considered a formal treaty? If it is then congress needs to approve it, if not they don't.
However, if not a formal treaty then there is nothing binding either party to following it.
EPA will force us to follow it
That's where Congress can step in.
Shut up.....veto and congress runs away...this is patently illegal
Obama, Chinese president ratify climate-change agreement

Deliberately sidestepping Congress, President Obama formally entered the U.S. into an international climate-change agreement Saturday with China and dozens of other nations to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

Because being BIATCH slapped TWICE already by the United States Supreme Court wasn't enough for this mother fucker.. You can use your girly pen to sign shit, shove it up your own ass in perpetual glee... it won't matter.. Again, you will be slapped back in to place.. Fascists like you should be buried in a wall of glass... take your fucked up lemmings with you..

well who does he think he is kidding

the treaty is non binding

no congress approval

It doesn't require Congressional approval. The OP, as always, doesn't know what she's talking about.
that depends, Is this considered a formal treaty? If it is then congress needs to approve it, if not they don't.
However, if not a formal treaty then there is nothing binding either party to following it.
EPA will force us to follow it
EPA is on the way out as a useless entity.
I don't think it can enforce much of anything anymore.
Great, I can use old oil from the oil change of the truck to pour directly onto the ground for weed control, or just burn it for the smoke affect...
[QUOTE="Fenton Lum, post: 15200303, member: 5747']

Oh, well, if you're a constitutionalist then nevermind. Who's howling again?

We have a constitution, deal with it.[/QUOTE]

I'm referring to how some con artists leverage both the constitution and the bible hon.
[QUOTE="Fenton Lum, post: 15200303, member: 5747']

Oh, well, if you're a constitutionalist then nevermind. Who's howling again?

We have a constitution, deal with it.

I'm referring to how some con artists leverage both the constitution and the bible hon.[/QUOTE]

Fortunately for you we have free speech, so no jail for you sweetie.

That last part is funny as Hell if you know me.
Obama, Chinese president ratify climate-change agreement

Deliberately sidestepping Congress, President Obama formally entered the U.S. into an international climate-change agreement Saturday with China and dozens of other nations to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

Because being BIATCH slapped TWICE already by the United States Supreme Court wasn't enough for this mother fucker.. You can use your girly pen to sign shit, shove it up your own ass in perpetual glee... it won't matter.. Again, you will be slapped back in to place.. Fascists like you should be buried in a wall of glass... take your fucked up lemmings with you..

Sorry darlin a signature by any US rep even the dear leader doesn't equal ratification. That's up to the Senate and I don't think that's gonna happen.
Climate Change "treaties" are meaningless anyway.

Not the point.. Treaties MUST be ratified by 2/3rd's of the Senate-
you forget that liberals consider the Constitution invalid, in their eyes it has been revoked.

No, I didn't forget that.. just making certain everyone understands that the boy king USURPED the US Constitution AGAIN.

See? Even after you prove these nuts wrong, they just carry on, unconsciously, as if nothing happened.
Obama, Chinese president ratify climate-change agreement

Deliberately sidestepping Congress, President Obama formally entered the U.S. into an international climate-change agreement Saturday with China and dozens of other nations to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

Because being BIATCH slapped TWICE already by the United States Supreme Court wasn't enough for this mother fucker.. You can use your girly pen to sign shit, shove it up your own ass in perpetual glee... it won't matter.. Again, you will be slapped back in to place.. Fascists like you should be buried in a wall of glass... take your fucked up lemmings with you..

i am going to fly blind into this without reading the link.

IF, the negotiation for the treaty were over then it is Obama's job to sign the treaty. Just as GWB sr signed NAFTA prior to Congress ratifying in to law and then Clinton signed it into law. Treaties are fast tracked so it is just an up or down voted for Congress, which sucks.

Just with NAFTA, Democrat president with Republican congress, passes, just like NAFTA with pressure from the president on his own party. Republican president with democrat congress or the democrats having more than a 2/3s majority, never passes. The key is, the treaty never is signed with a Republican president. It will take a democrat president just as did NAFTA.
This thread has gone completely off the rails. Get back on topic or leave the thread
Obama, Chinese president ratify climate-change agreement

Deliberately sidestepping Congress, President Obama formally entered the U.S. into an international climate-change agreement Saturday with China and dozens of other nations to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

Because being BIATCH slapped TWICE already by the United States Supreme Court wasn't enough for this mother fucker.. You can use your girly pen to sign shit, shove it up your own ass in perpetual glee... it won't matter.. Again, you will be slapped back in to place.. Fascists like you should be buried in a wall of glass... take your fucked up lemmings with you..

well who does he think he is kidding

the treaty is non binding

no congress approval

It doesn't require Congressional approval. The OP, as always, doesn't know what she's talking about.

then it is not a treaty dipshit
Boy king USURPS Constitution, bypasses congress- ratifies Climate Change Treaty with China

Man, it sure would be a shame if something like this took him off his throne right about now:

Transgender School Issue: Penn. Girl Has Case For Sexual Harassment Against Obama Admin.

I guess he and about 5 Justices on the US Supreme Court didn't get that memo on that limitations of powers thing. And he says he was a "Constitutional law expert". I'm amazed he passed any Bar exam.
Climate Change "treaties" are meaningless anyway.

Not the point.. Treaties MUST be ratified by 2/3rd's of the Senate-
you forget that liberals consider the Constitution invalid, in their eyes it has been revoked.

No, I didn't forget that.. just making certain everyone understands that the boy king USURPED the US Constitution AGAIN.
Bullshit! For the US to ratify that UN CONVENTION, the US President had SIGN THE CONVENTION and deliver the Instrument of Ratification to the UN! That is within the Presidents authority as Chief Executive under the Constitution and as the chief Executive exercising his lawful authority under UN agreement. To lawfully acknowledge the AUTHORITY OF THE CONVENTION and bind the US to it, the Senate would have to follow Article II, § II, Clause 2 and ratify the CONVENTION by at least a 2/3rds majority AFTER the UN received the Instrument of Ratification!

When Obama signed the CONVENTION, he did not crate an Executive Order as you claimed in your post #8. He was following the Constitution as POTUS and our agreement to the UN protocols. You are fundamentally, and thoroughly in error asserting Obama usurped the Constitution!

In your post #19 you make the claim that you're a "Constitutionalist". You're going to have to do some work there! And don't try to out curse or insult me...I was Navy trained!

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