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Boy Scouts kick out church group

Boy Scouts Kick Out Entire Church For Refusing To Discriminate Against Gay Scoutmaster | ThinkProgress

From the comments -

“We don’t believe the topic of sexual orientation has a role in scouting and it is not discussed unless it is deliberately injected into scouting.”.

If it has no role in scouting, then it shouldn't be a tool used to determine the eligibility of being a Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster.

Geoffrey may be a fine upstanding young man - HOWEVER - The Boy Scouts have a long history of Pedophiles infiltrating their ranks , and multiple cases of their members being molested by Gay Scoutmasters and adult members, that goes back decades. The organization is about the Boys - Not about the rights of Gay Adults to get near the kids- Gay Men, for anyone other than Gay propagandists, who are at all knowledgeable on the topic are the most prolific molesters of Children Humanity has ever bred and I for one commend the Boy Scouts Organization for taking an admirable stand to stop the encroachment.

most pedophiles are heterosexual.

and i'd think there are far more instances of young men being molested by priests.

so what "long history of abuse" are you talking about since homosexuality does not equal pedophilia....

You are sadly mistaken. Male on Male or Female on Female is Homosexual , same sex sodomy is homosexual. Gay is homosexual - No matter how to want to twist and pervert reality , and play little games of semantics - sex between two persons of the same gender is HOMOSEXUAL .

1,247 files on pedophiles that the Boy Scouts kept 'in the closet' until they were released under a Oregon circuit judges orders. The incidents covered only the period between 1965 and 1985 and underlines the Boy Scouts long and tedious struggle to keep pedophiles and perverts out of its ranks. Prior to 1994 , there were 2,000 US cases of abuse within the Boy Scouts of America , there are no current statistics readily available.

The Boy Scouts now require any suspected cases of child molestation to be reported immediately to law enforcement , they conduct criminal background checks, and prohibit one-on-one contact between an adult and Scout. The Boy Scouts created a sex abuse education and prevention program in 80s called the Youth Protection program in which Volunteers and leaders are trained to spot the signs of abuse.

In a meritorious effort to protect the innocence of its young members the Boy Scouts have banned homosexuals and pedophiles from its ranks. Recently, after years of intense political pressure they agreed to allow homosexual members , but remain steadfast in their refusal to allow gay/pedophile adults to their ranks. They appear to be the polar opposite of the Girl Scouts, which actively endorses homosexuality, and clandestinely promotes it.

War against the Boy Scouts.

and i'd think there are far more instances of young men being molested by priests.
Yes Jillian, you are 100% correct, there are more instances of Boys being molested by priests primarily because the Church never instituted the rigid controlsagainst homosexuals that the Boy Scouts have.
Geoffrey may be a fine upstanding young man - HOWEVER - The Boy Scouts have a long history of Pedophiles infiltrating their ranks , and multiple cases of their members being molested by Gay Scoutmasters and adult members, that goes back decades. The organization is about the Boys - Not about the rights of Gay Adults to get near the kids- Gay Men, for anyone other than Gay propagandists, who are at all knowledgeable on the topic are the most prolific molesters of Children Humanity has ever bred and I for one commend the Boy Scouts Organization for taking an admirable stand to stop the encroachment.

most pedophiles are heterosexual.

and i'd think there are far more instances of young men being molested by priests.

so what "long history of abuse" are you talking about since homosexuality does not equal pedophilia....

Most scouts are teenagers. There wouldn't be pedophilia involved unless it was in cubscouts.

Tenderfoot scouts can be 10 - 11 years old Eagle Scouts I believe up to 19 .

If you want to get involved in semantics the correct term for an adult attracted to young teens is Ephebophilia

Hebephilia applies to Adults attracted to pubescent individuals 11–14 years old.

Regardless of what category of Pervert, the most commonly used word is Pedophile and regardless of what category they fit into - A pervert is still a pervert - Chester s still a molestor- and a pedophile is still a person prone to chld molestation Ephebophiles and Hebephiles are still by the common definition Pedophiles
Geoffrey may be a fine upstanding young man - HOWEVER - The Boy Scouts have a long history of Pedophiles infiltrating their ranks , and multiple cases of their members being molested by Gay Scoutmasters and adult members, that goes back decades. The organization is about the Boys - Not about the rights of Gay Adults to get near the kids- Gay Men, for anyone other than Gay propagandists, who are at all knowledgeable on the topic are the most prolific molesters of Children Humanity has ever bred and I for one commend the Boy Scouts Organization for taking an admirable stand to stop the encroachment.

most pedophiles are heterosexual.

and i'd think there are far more instances of young men being molested by priests.

so what "long history of abuse" are you talking about since homosexuality does not equal pedophilia....

Just a few thoughts on this post:

The vast majority of human beings are heterosexual. A tiny minority of human beings are homosexuals, which takes you to your second point. Those boys molested, were molested by the tiny minority.

That should cause you pause, but it won't. Will it?

The fact of the matter is Pops , he/she/it can't pause and think, it's a Liberal, a useful idiot incapable of Independent free thought. When dealing with those "things" we call Liberals you have talk At Them - not to them.
What a stupid thread.

I am willing to bet, whom ever posted it, was never even in the BSA. Further more, I am willing to bet, those who think extending scouting rights to gays, have also never participated in the BSA.

When my son first showed an interest in cub scouts, I told him to put it from his mind. Those organizations are paramilitary organizations. Anyone who has studied paramilitary organizations knows that the unofficial camaraderie in these organizations is built by making fun of and hazing it's weakest members. In effect, it compares them disdainfully to "girls" "faggots" and "queers," in the most disparagingly harsh terms while the boys/young men are in the hardest and roughest play/training.

I've been there, I've done it. It's no place for a girly man or a faggot. There is quite a legitimate reason they don't want queers, limp wristed lame boys or trannies. They will never make it, and they would be mercilessly picked on. Boy Scouts are military light. Gays might wish to hide themselves or deal with this ordeal in the real military because they are emotionally mature adults and the rewards in the real military are greater, but a good majority of gay or trans young boys would probably commit suicide before making through in the BSA. These adults that discover they are gay only after they are through with scouting and then decide they want to go back should let sleeping dogs lay. They wouldn't be doing any boy any favors.

Folks commenting on discrimination in the BSA clearly have never been there and don't know what they are talking about.

If you don't want your kid to grow up to be a bigot? Don't ever let them join the BSA. Why the gay community would want to have anything to do with the BSA is beyond me. It's completely beyond me. Maybe they have a terrible case of Stockholm Syndrome?
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What a stupid thread.

I am willing to bet, whom ever posted it, was never even in the BSA. Further more, I am willing to bet, those who think extending scouting rights to gays, have also never participated in the BSA.

When my son first showed an interest in cub scouts, I told him to put it from his mind. Those organizations are paramilitary organizations. Anyone who has studied paramilitary organizations knows that the unofficial camaraderie in these organizations is built by making fun of and hazing it's weakest members. In effect, it compares them disdainfully to "girls" "faggots" and "queers," in the most disparagingly harsh terms while the boys/young men are in the hardest and roughest play/training.

I've been there, I've done it. It's no place for a girly man or a faggot. There is quite a legitimate reason they don't want queers, limp wristed lame boys or trannies. They will never make it, and they would be mercilessly picked on. Boy Scouts are military light. Gays might wish to hide themselves or deal with this ordeal in the real military because they are emotionally mature adults and the rewards in the real military are greater, but a good majority of gay or trans young boys would probably commit suicide before making through in the BSA. These adults the discover they are gay only after they are through with scouting and then decide they want to go back should let sleeping dogs lay. They wouldn't be doing any boy any favors.

Folks commenting on discrimination in the BSA clearly have never been there and don't know what they are talking about.

If you don't want your kid to grow up to be a bigot? Don't ever let them join the BSA. Why the gay community would want to have anything to do with the BSA is beyond me. It's completely beyond me. Maybe they have a terrible case of Stockholm Syndrome?

You sir are talking through your ass - and have obviously never been involved in Boy Scouts, you haven't got the foggiest notion of what you're saying. The scouts do not teach militarism -they do encourage comraderie and a code of ethics and conduct that boys are expected to abide by .

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty,
brave, clean, and reverent. I belonged to 2 Troops as a Boy and one as an Adult and in all cases that code of conduct was enforced. It's known as the Scout Law

Scout Oath -

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law; [See the Above]
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

If you have an issue with that, then perhaps you should go back to interning for the Taliban
What a stupid thread.

I am willing to bet, whom ever posted it, was never even in the BSA. Further more, I am willing to bet, those who think extending scouting rights to gays, have also never participated in the BSA.

When my son first showed an interest in cub scouts, I told him to put it from his mind. Those organizations are paramilitary organizations. Anyone who has studied paramilitary organizations knows that the unofficial camaraderie in these organizations is built by making fun of and hazing it's weakest members. In effect, it compares them disdainfully to "girls" "faggots" and "queers," in the most disparagingly harsh terms while the boys/young men are in the hardest and roughest play/training.

I've been there, I've done it. It's no place for a girly man or a faggot. There is quite a legitimate reason they don't want queers, limp wristed lame boys or trannies. They will never make it, and they would be mercilessly picked on. Boy Scouts are military light. Gays might wish to hide themselves or deal with this ordeal in the real military because they are emotionally mature adults and the rewards in the real military are greater, but a good majority of gay or trans young boys would probably commit suicide before making through in the BSA. These adults the discover they are gay only after they are through with scouting and then decide they want to go back should let sleeping dogs lay. They wouldn't be doing any boy any favors.

Folks commenting on discrimination in the BSA clearly have never been there and don't know what they are talking about.

If you don't want your kid to grow up to be a bigot? Don't ever let them join the BSA. Why the gay community would want to have anything to do with the BSA is beyond me. It's completely beyond me. Maybe they have a terrible case of Stockholm Syndrome?

You sir are talking through your ass - and have obviously never been involved in Boy Scouts, you haven't got the foggiest notion of what you're saying. The scouts do not teach militarism -they do encourage comraderie and a code of ethics and conduct that boys are expected to abide by .

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty,
brave, clean, and reverent. I belonged to 2 Troops as a Boy and one as an Adult and in all cases that code of conduct was enforced. It's known as the Scout Law

Scout Oath -

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law; [See the Above]
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

If you have an issue with that, then perhaps you should go back to interning for the Taliban

What you just posted was militarism! Silly man.

Likewise, I am not just talking about the "official" activities. I am talking about what went on during "playtime." Or what happened at the jamborees and camp.

If you don't know the history of Scouting, why it teaches what it does, I'll not argue with you. They don't focus on under water basket weaving and quilting sir. Key into what those badges are, then maybe pick up an S.A.S. elite survival training manual. The scouting book is just a dumbed down kids version.
Geoffrey may be a fine upstanding young man - HOWEVER - The Boy Scouts have a long history of Pedophiles infiltrating their ranks , and multiple cases of their members being molested by Gay Scoutmasters and adult members, that goes back decades. The organization is about the Boys - Not about the rights of Gay Adults to get near the kids- Gay Men, for anyone other than Gay propagandists, who are at all knowledgeable on the topic are the most prolific molesters of Children Humanity has ever bred and I for one commend the Boy Scouts Organization for taking an admirable stand to stop the encroachment.

most pedophiles are heterosexual.

and i'd think there are far more instances of young men being molested by priests.

so what "long history of abuse" are you talking about since homosexuality does not equal pedophilia....

You are sadly mistaken. Male on Male or Female on Female is Homosexual , same sex sodomy is homosexual. Gay is homosexual - No matter how to want to twist and pervert reality , and play little games of semantics - sex between two persons of the same gender is HOMOSEXUAL .

1,247 files on pedophiles that the Boy Scouts kept 'in the closet' until they were released under a Oregon circuit judges orders. The incidents covered only the period between 1965 and 1985 and underlines the Boy Scouts long and tedious struggle to keep pedophiles and perverts out of its ranks. Prior to 1994 , there were 2,000 US cases of abuse within the Boy Scouts of America , there are no current statistics readily available.

The Boy Scouts now require any suspected cases of child molestation to be reported immediately to law enforcement , they conduct criminal background checks, and prohibit one-on-one contact between an adult and Scout. The Boy Scouts created a sex abuse education and prevention program in 80s called the Youth Protection program in which Volunteers and leaders are trained to spot the signs of abuse.

In a meritorious effort to protect the innocence of its young members the Boy Scouts have banned homosexuals and pedophiles from its ranks. Recently, after years of intense political pressure they agreed to allow homosexual members , but remain steadfast in their refusal to allow gay/pedophile adults to their ranks. They appear to be the polar opposite of the Girl Scouts, which actively endorses homosexuality, and clandestinely promotes it.

War against the Boy Scouts.

and i'd think there are far more instances of young men being molested by priests.
Yes Jillian, you are 100% correct, there are more instances of Boys being molested by priests primarily because the Church never instituted the rigid controlsagainst homosexuals that the Boy Scouts have.
Pedophilia is about power. Straight men will commit acts against boys. This issue is far more complicated than what you think.
As for priests not having rigid controls against sex with children, what do you call everlasting torment as punishment? The church has always had very strict policies about this, handed down by their highest authority!
most pedophiles are heterosexual.

and i'd think there are far more instances of young men being molested by priests.

so what "long history of abuse" are you talking about since homosexuality does not equal pedophilia....

Most scouts are teenagers. There wouldn't be pedophilia involved unless it was in cubscouts.

Tenderfoot scouts can be 10 - 11 years old Eagle Scouts I believe up to 19 .

If you want to get involved in semantics the correct term for an adult attracted to young teens is Ephebophilia

Hebephilia applies to Adults attracted to pubescent individuals 11–14 years old.

Regardless of what category of Pervert, the most commonly used word is Pedophile and regardless of what category they fit into - A pervert is still a pervert - Chester s still a molestor- and a pedophile is still a person prone to chld molestation Ephebophiles and Hebephiles are still by the common definition Pedophiles
None of which has anything to do with homosexuality, nor do the statistics show that they are more prone to it.
Most scouts are teenagers. There wouldn't be pedophilia involved unless it was in cubscouts.

Tenderfoot scouts can be 10 - 11 years old Eagle Scouts I believe up to 19 .

If you want to get involved in semantics the correct term for an adult attracted to young teens is Ephebophilia

Hebephilia applies to Adults attracted to pubescent individuals 11–14 years old.

Regardless of what category of Pervert, the most commonly used word is Pedophile and regardless of what category they fit into - A pervert is still a pervert - Chester s still a molestor- and a pedophile is still a person prone to chld molestation Ephebophiles and Hebephiles are still by the common definition Pedophiles
None of which has anything to do with homosexuality, nor do the statistics show that they are more prone to it.

It has everything to do with it - And the statistics of which you are either ignorant of , or wish others to be ignorant of most certainly do indicate that homosexuals are much more prone to Child Molestation. So far as the Power Trip nonsense - it's entirely theoretical. WTFU from your Liberal Induced stupor my friend - "go into the light "

Homosexuals comprise less than 5% of the Population, yet are responsible for 33 to 35% of cases of Child molestation. Good Night
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Tenderfoot scouts can be 10 - 11 years old Eagle Scouts I believe up to 19 .

If you want to get involved in semantics the correct term for an adult attracted to young teens is Ephebophilia

Hebephilia applies to Adults attracted to pubescent individuals 11–14 years old.

Regardless of what category of Pervert, the most commonly used word is Pedophile and regardless of what category they fit into - A pervert is still a pervert - Chester s still a molestor- and a pedophile is still a person prone to chld molestation Ephebophiles and Hebephiles are still by the common definition Pedophiles
None of which has anything to do with homosexuality, nor do the statistics show that they are more prone to it.

It has everything to do with it - And the statistics of which you are either ignorant of , or wish others to be ignorant of most certainly do indicate that homosexuals are much more prone to Child Molestation. So far as the Power Trip nonsense - it's entirely theoretical. WTFU from your Liberal Induced stupor my friend - "go into the light "

Homosexuals comprise less than 5% of the Population, yet are responsible for 33 to 35% of cases of Child molestation. Good Night

The empirical research does not show that gay or bisexual men are any more likely than heterosexual men to molest children. This is not to argue that homosexual and bisexual men never molest children. But there is no scientific basis for asserting that they are more likely than heterosexual men to do so. And, as explained above, many child molesters cannot be characterized as having an adult sexual orientation at all; they are fixated on children.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

Boy Scouts Kick Out Entire Church For Refusing To Discriminate Against Gay Scoutmaster | ThinkProgress

The Boy Scouts of America has revoked the charter for one troop because its sponsoring church refused to discriminate. The troop has stood by its openly gay Scoutmaster in the face of the national organization’s attempt to remove him for being an “avowed homosexual.”

Last year, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) lifted its ban on openly gay youth — but reaffirmed its ban on openly LGBT adults serving as volunteers or professionals in the organization.

Geoff McGrath, an openly gay 49-year-old Eagle Scout, started a Boy Scout troop a few months later, in the Rainier Beach section of Seattle, Washington. The chartering organization, an LGBT-inclusive United Methodist Church, reportedly encouraged McGrath to take the volunteer position, well aware of his record pro-equality activism.

After NBC News contacted the local Boy Scout council about McGrath, it and the national organization moved to reject him. Sharon Moulds, council executive for the Chief Seattle Council, told the network, “It was then that we became aware of his intentions to make a public statement about his orientation and use our program as a means to further a personal agenda.” In a blog post defending last year’s policy change regarding gay youth, she wrote, “This has been a distraction for a long time. It is now time to get back to delivering the programs that our youth have been promised.” But instead, the council alerted the national office, which in turn announced that McGrath would be removed.

With his troop’s support, McGrath refused to step down: “I have not tendered my resignation. Until I am relieved of my duty properly, I stand in my post.” Rainier Beach United Methodist Church Reverend Monica Corsaro told a local TV station that the church is standing by its Scoutmaster. “It’s very disappointing that a policy that is so blatantly discriminatory is being acted out, and so I think it makes us stand more firm and be more clear that Geoffrey is our Scoutmaster and Geoffrey will remain our Scoutmaster… In my humble opinion, I don’t feel like I’ve been communicated to by the Boy Scouts of America, Geoffrey also received an email which I was copied on but I have received no direct communication from the Boy Scouts of America.”
From the comments -

“We don’t believe the topic of sexual orientation has a role in scouting and it is not discussed unless it is deliberately injected into scouting.”.

If it has no role in scouting, then it shouldn't be a tool used to determine the eligibility of being a Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster.

If you had a brain you might understand that there is a difference between not talking about something and talking about it.
Boy Scouts Kick Out Entire Church For Refusing To Discriminate Against Gay Scoutmaster | ThinkProgress

The Boy Scouts of America has revoked the charter for one troop because its sponsoring church refused to discriminate. The troop has stood by its openly gay Scoutmaster in the face of the national organization’s attempt to remove him for being an “avowed homosexual.”

Last year, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) lifted its ban on openly gay youth — but reaffirmed its ban on openly LGBT adults serving as volunteers or professionals in the organization.

Geoff McGrath, an openly gay 49-year-old Eagle Scout, started a Boy Scout troop a few months later, in the Rainier Beach section of Seattle, Washington. The chartering organization, an LGBT-inclusive United Methodist Church, reportedly encouraged McGrath to take the volunteer position, well aware of his record pro-equality activism.

After NBC News contacted the local Boy Scout council about McGrath, it and the national organization moved to reject him. Sharon Moulds, council executive for the Chief Seattle Council, told the network, “It was then that we became aware of his intentions to make a public statement about his orientation and use our program as a means to further a personal agenda.” In a blog post defending last year’s policy change regarding gay youth, she wrote, “This has been a distraction for a long time. It is now time to get back to delivering the programs that our youth have been promised.” But instead, the council alerted the national office, which in turn announced that McGrath would be removed.

With his troop’s support, McGrath refused to step down: “I have not tendered my resignation. Until I am relieved of my duty properly, I stand in my post.” Rainier Beach United Methodist Church Reverend Monica Corsaro told a local TV station that the church is standing by its Scoutmaster. “It’s very disappointing that a policy that is so blatantly discriminatory is being acted out, and so I think it makes us stand more firm and be more clear that Geoffrey is our Scoutmaster and Geoffrey will remain our Scoutmaster… In my humble opinion, I don’t feel like I’ve been communicated to by the Boy Scouts of America, Geoffrey also received an email which I was copied on but I have received no direct communication from the Boy Scouts of America.”
From the comments -

“We don’t believe the topic of sexual orientation has a role in scouting and it is not discussed unless it is deliberately injected into scouting.”.

If it has no role in scouting, then it shouldn't be a tool used to determine the eligibility of being a Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster.

If you had a brain you might understand that there is a difference between not talking about something and talking about it.

So it should never come up in the interview, right?
Discrimination is not a family value and you can't bs your way through that. There is no justification for your hatred.

There is no hatred involved. How is protecting youth and promoting values hating anyone? And why is it so unreasonable to expect those teaching the youth to live the values they promote?

To discriminate is to recognize differences. You might think that thinking is bad, but most people don't.

See? There it is again.
the treatment of a person or particular group of people differently, in a way that is worse than the way people are usually treated:
discrimination noun (WORSE TREATMENT) - definition in the American English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionaries Online

And how is your attitude not discrimination?
... catholic priests ...

But, BSA is a private organization and they have the right to discriminate.

Really? So do I.

Discrimination is not a family value and you can't bs your way through that. There is no justification for your hatred.
I agree with both these statements but for some, "family values" do include discrimination. And, they do have that right.

That doesn't mean we should not continue to fight against discrimination though.

Yes, you have the right to discriminate against Christians. If you didn't, you wouldn't have anything to say.
See? There it is again.
the treatment of a person or particular group of people differently, in a way that is worse than the way people are usually treated:
discrimination noun (WORSE TREATMENT) - definition in the American English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionaries Online

How is anyone treated worse by having standards for scout masters?

If one of the standards is a scoutmaster can't simply be a member of a particular group of people that doesn't impact his qualifications as a leader, they are being treated worse than someone who doesn't belong to that group.
If one of the standards was right-handedness, would left-handers be being treated worse?

Does that mean you oppose affirmative action because it treats one group worse than another? Or does it actually mean that you are scumbag hypocrite?
How is anyone treated worse by having standards for scout masters?

If one of the standards is a scoutmaster can't simply be a member of a particular group of people that doesn't impact his qualifications as a leader, they are being treated worse than someone who doesn't belong to that group.
If one of the standards was right-handedness, would left-handers be being treated worse?

Does that mean you oppose affirmative action because it treats one group worse than another? Or does it actually mean that you are scumbag hypocrite?

I can feel your Christian love just awashin' me clean!
Not a big fan of it.
Yep, just the gay agenda trying to molest another institution and force their values on impressionable young people. Gays won't be happy until they are able to hold indoctrination classes into the gay lifestyle. If you wanna be gay, be gay, no one really cares...just quit trying to interrupt traditional family values.

Like extra marital affairs, divorce, domestic violence, etc?
Yep, just the gay agenda trying to molest another institution and force their values on impressionable young people. Gays won't be happy until they are able to hold indoctrination classes into the gay lifestyle. If you wanna be gay, be gay, no one really cares...just quit trying to interrupt traditional family values.

Like extra marital affairs, divorce, domestic violence, etc?
ABSOLUTELY!. The hell with the person who cheats on his/ her spouse. The hell with the person that puts sex above family. The hell with any man that hits a woman. The hell to the alcoholic/ drug addict that destroys his/ her family. The hell with those who don't take marriage seriously and consider it to be a long term relationship and nothing more. The hell with those couples who don't get counseling BEFORE marriage.

Gays aren't the only ones who molest institutions. I fully agree.

What else?
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