Boy Scouts now welcome gay youth

This is insane to me. How can a person be gay unless they've hit sexual maturity?

It is extremely common for a gay person to be aware of his sexual orientation well before age 18.

What’s ‘insane’ is disallowing adult homosexuals to participate.

What's insane is forcing certain organizations, namely privately owned and operated ones to accept them regardless of their beliefs as a whole. So much for free speech, religion and enterprise, right?
A few dumb questions. How did you know what gender you liked until you hit sexual maturity? How does one know they are gay? Does it suddenly pop into their head at puberty? Or is it because of coercion from the outside world? It's illogical to think homosexuality is a hereditary thing.
Are you heterosexual because of outside coercion?

Uh, no. I am heterosexual because that is what I as a human am programmed to be. There is no gene that causes homosexuality. That is what nature... what God has created me to be.

I had a female friend who was married to a man, living a straight and for a while happy relationship. The man cheats on her and she is treated awfully. She suddenly says out of the blue "I'm a lesbian" after the whole ordeal. So, is that a gene? Or was that the trauma of a failed marriage speaking? Is that a choice, or a matter of heredity?

I am a follower of science, and I can find little to explain how people are "born gay." If anything, homosexuality is related to hormones, not genes. Hormones can be changed.


Homosexuals are just as human as anyone else, however ‘programmed.’

It’s ignorant bigotry to attempt to portray homosexuality as some sort of ‘aberration’ or ‘perversion.’
Do you believe people are born gay or straight, or that their sexuality is in limbo up until a certain age?

I believe there are probably genetic markers that make one more likely to be gay, but I think that in this instance nurture overrules nature. I also think that sexuality is in limbo until after sexual maturity.
It is extremely common for a gay person to be aware of his sexual orientation well before age 18.

What’s ‘insane’ is disallowing adult homosexuals to participate.

Just as sexual maturity happens well before 18. We're not talking age of consent here, we're talking biology.
A few dumb questions. How did you know what gender you liked until you hit sexual maturity? How does one know they are gay? Does it suddenly pop into their head at puberty? Or is it because of coercion from the outside world? It's illogical to think homosexuality is a hereditary thing.
Are you heterosexual because of outside coercion?

Uh, no. I am heterosexual because that is what I as a human am programmed to be. There is no gene that causes homosexuality. That is what nature... what God has created me to be.

I had a female friend who was married to a man, living a straight and for a while happy relationship. The man cheats on her and she is treated awfully. She suddenly says out of the blue "I'm a lesbian" after the whole ordeal. So, is that a gene? Or was that the trauma of a failed marriage speaking? Is that a choice, or a matter of heredity?

I am a follower of science, and I can find little to explain how people are "born gay." If anything, homosexuality is related to hormones, not genes. Hormones can be changed.

Ann Heche did the same thing with Ellen Degeneres, then decided she was straight. I think with some people, trauma or physchological issues play a big part in someone's experimentation with sexual preference but the majority of gays are born that way. Your female friend was terribly hurt by this wanting to be loved and love in return, she decided to be with a woman..who would not treat her as he did? Just my opinion.
Are you heterosexual because of outside coercion?

Uh, no. I am heterosexual because that is what I as a human am programmed to be. There is no gene that causes homosexuality. That is what nature... what God has created me to be.

I had a female friend who was married to a man, living a straight and for a while happy relationship. The man cheats on her and she is treated awfully. She suddenly says out of the blue "I'm a lesbian" after the whole ordeal. So, is that a gene? Or was that the trauma of a failed marriage speaking? Is that a choice, or a matter of heredity?

I am a follower of science, and I can find little to explain how people are "born gay." If anything, homosexuality is related to hormones, not genes. Hormones can be changed.


Homosexuals are just as human as anyone else, however ‘programmed.’

It’s ignorant bigotry to attempt to portray homosexuality as some sort of ‘aberration’ or ‘perversion.’

Your lack of an argument notwithstanding, I'll go on to say that I never regarded homosexual people as anything other than human. What I failed to mention is that God loves them all; you, me, homo, hetero, black, white... what have you. Aberrations in biology are not uncommon. When 10 percent of a species displays a trait that the other 90 percent does not, it is referred to as an aberration.

But all you can do is call me ignorant and bigoted, all because I stood up for my beliefs and used reasonable scientific hypothecation. Anyhow, if you want to get to the nitty gritty, homosexuality is (in theory) a hormonal aberration in the womb caused by certain "epigenetic" marks when instead of being erased after activation during development, they are are passed on. This aberration causes an undersensitivity to the hormones that compels us towards the opposite sex. Testosterone, Progesterone and etc.

No, I am not hateful, I am not evil or intolerant. I am what I am. If you can't tolerate it, you cannot preach to me of tolerating and accepting others. Gay or otherwise.
If the Scouts (their Board, Staff, Major Donors, etc.) felt so strongly about banning Gays, then they just caved in to a Trend and abandoned whatever Moral High Ground that might arguably be attributable to them for sticking by their guns... disappointing, if true.
I never regarded homosexual people as anything other than human. What I failed to mention is that God loves them all; you, me, homo, hetero, black, white... what have you.

You are a tolerant and accepting person. If I had more rep, I'd hand ya some but I think I hit my quota.
How many of the supporters of this new policy have ever actually been a Scout or a Scouter?

How many of you have actually been on the camping trips?

How many of you actually take your time to dedicate to working with a Troop or a Pack?

How many of you know anything at all about Boy Scouting beside what you have heard in the media?
Are you heterosexual because of outside coercion?

Uh, no. I am heterosexual because that is what I as a human am programmed to be. There is no gene that causes homosexuality. That is what nature... what God has created me to be.

I had a female friend who was married to a man, living a straight and for a while happy relationship. The man cheats on her and she is treated awfully. She suddenly says out of the blue "I'm a lesbian" after the whole ordeal. So, is that a gene? Or was that the trauma of a failed marriage speaking? Is that a choice, or a matter of heredity?

I am a follower of science, and I can find little to explain how people are "born gay." If anything, homosexuality is related to hormones, not genes. Hormones can be changed.

Ann Heche did the same thing with Ellen Degeneres, then decided she was straight. I think with some people, trauma or physchological issues play a big part in someone's experimentation with sexual preference but the majority of gays are born that way. Your female friend was terribly hurt by this wanting to be loved and love in return, she decided to be with a woman..who would not treat her as he did? Just my opinion.

You don't decide to be straight. Compulsion to the opposite sex is a human evolutionary trait. Dominant I might add. It is written in our genes, regardless of what we think we are or aren't. If gays are "born that way" why did Anne Heche choose to be straight? Sometimes I see such a choice as a scapegoat. Were you pretending to be gay? Were you straight all along? So if logic serves, a straight person can choose to be gay. A gay person can't choose to be straight, since their evolution would seem to suggest that they have all the building blocks there to be straight. Science is starting to bear that out. It is a choice driven by fear of rejection, not by something you were born with. It all boils down to the fact that we are all born straight.

Yes, outrageous to you perhaps, but I see it as the truth. People love to use science to support their warped ideals, when in reality, science (like the machine you are sitting in front of) doesn't lie, unless you tell it to.
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Those of you who are heterosexual and find homosexuals "deviant" or "warped" or "not right in the head".....when did YOU decide to be a heterosexual, if I may ask?

Gee....When did I decide to be a "heterosexual"??? Let's see...Luella Johnson. Watson Elementary School, Donaldson Air Force Base, Greenville, SC. Both of us - 3rd Grade. Most beautiful young black girl I had ever laid eyes on!! I swore that I would marry her...

Never did, of course, but I have loved women ever since. I DID have occasion once at Bolling AFB in DC to ask a young lady out and she told me in no uncertain terms that she was a "lesbian"......My response? Cool! So am I!!!

Didn't work worth a damn......
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I respect your opinion but I do not agree with it. Too much about homosexuality is still unknown and science is still exploring it. But I can't see gays choosing to be gay. Why would they want that torment from society? And what about children born with both sets of sexual organs? Easier to remove the penis...but the BRAIN says they are attracted to FEMALES although now they also have a vagina that was either repaired or made after the penis was removed. And vice versa. But most doctors take the easier route..which is cutting it off.
Uh, no. I am heterosexual because that is what I as a human am programmed to be. There is no gene that causes homosexuality. That is what nature... what God has created me to be.

I had a female friend who was married to a man, living a straight and for a while happy relationship. The man cheats on her and she is treated awfully. She suddenly says out of the blue "I'm a lesbian" after the whole ordeal. So, is that a gene? Or was that the trauma of a failed marriage speaking? Is that a choice, or a matter of heredity?

I am a follower of science, and I can find little to explain how people are "born gay." If anything, homosexuality is related to hormones, not genes. Hormones can be changed.

Ann Heche did the same thing with Ellen Degeneres, then decided she was straight. I think with some people, trauma or physchological issues play a big part in someone's experimentation with sexual preference but the majority of gays are born that way. Your female friend was terribly hurt by this wanting to be loved and love in return, she decided to be with a woman..who would not treat her as he did? Just my opinion.

You don't decide to be straight. Compulsion to the opposite sex is a human evolutionary trait. Dominant I might add. It is written in our genes, regardless of what we think we are or aren't. If gays are "born that way" why did Anne Heche choose to be straight? Sometimes I see such a choice as a scapegoat. Were you pretending to be gay? Were you straight all along? So if logic serves, a straight person can choose to be gay. A gay person can't choose to be straight, since their evolution would seem to suggest that they have all the building blocks there to be straight. Science is starting to bear that out. It is a choice driven by fear of rejection, not by something you were born with. It all boils down to the fact that we are all born straight.

Yes, outrageous to you perhaps, but I see it as the truth. People love to use science to support their warped ideals, when in reality, science, like the machine you are sitting in front of doesn't lie, unless you tell it to.
Actually it's just the opposite. The American Psychological Assoc. has disagreed with you since the 1970s.
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lol, Randall. That was entertaining enough to read for a rep but I gave too many out so I have to wait.
btw...just in case anyone wonders...I am straight. I am what my gay friends call a Fag Hag.:lol:
If Homosexuality is a genetic issue as many claim, then I would say it should be classified as a genetic birth defect as much as a cleft palate or dwarfism is.
Fortunately whatever ‘makes’ one gay or straight is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

We live in a truly great Nation accordingly.

A red herring. A privately owned/run organization has rights. Who are you to tell them they must surrender them for the "betterment" of our society? Tell me, does the Constitution only apply only to one side instead of the other? Does the law only work for one side over the other?

The law is immune to sentimentality. The Constitution was never meant to deprive people of their rights, not even in the effort of attaining them for a certain group amongst the many.
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