Boy Scouts now welcome gay youth

Ann Heche did the same thing with Ellen Degeneres, then decided she was straight. I think with some people, trauma or physchological issues play a big part in someone's experimentation with sexual preference but the majority of gays are born that way. Your female friend was terribly hurt by this wanting to be loved and love in return, she decided to be with a woman..who would not treat her as he did? Just my opinion.

You don't decide to be straight. Compulsion to the opposite sex is a human evolutionary trait. Dominant I might add. It is written in our genes, regardless of what we think we are or aren't. If gays are "born that way" why did Anne Heche choose to be straight? Sometimes I see such a choice as a scapegoat. Were you pretending to be gay? Were you straight all along? So if logic serves, a straight person can choose to be gay. A gay person can't choose to be straight, since their evolution would seem to suggest that they have all the building blocks there to be straight. Science is starting to bear that out. It is a choice driven by fear of rejection, not by something you were born with. It all boils down to the fact that we are all born straight.

Yes, outrageous to you perhaps, but I see it as the truth. People love to use science to support their warped ideals, when in reality, science, like the machine you are sitting in front of doesn't lie, unless you tell it to.
Actually it's just the opposite. The American Psychological Assoc. has disagreed with you since the 1970s.

Science has disagreed with you since last year. And yes, technically they are "born with it" but it is also something that can be corrected, just like a cleft palate, or spina bifida.

New Insight into the (Epi)Genetic Roots of Homosexuality |
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btw...just in case anyone wonders...I am straight. I am what my gay friends call a Fag Hag.:lol:

I sincerely apologize....I'm 68 years old and the vernacular escapes me....."Fag Hag"??

I am 61. I first heard the phrase on the tv show Will & Grace. Grace was straight but her best friend and roomie was gay...named Will. He called her a Fag Hag because they were BEST of friends.
I have always been sort of a magnet with gay males. Or they to me, or vice versa. I just love gay guys.
Currently I do not have a gay couple living here but I have had 4 sets during the years in this house. One of them was from Iraq or Iran..I don't remember which. Hismother sent him to the states because he was lashed and had scars all over his arms and back..and she was afraid he would be killed. His partner is American. I had a room advertised and the american one called and timidly asked if I allowed couples...of the same sex. I said simply "I am grace..looking for Will and Jack". They moved in right away. Gosh, I loved those two. They moved to LA though. The other had aids. He is now deceased. I kept his dog, promising to take care of her forever. Her name is Gracie. The name I use here.

So in short...I love being around gays even though I am straight. Sorry for droning on.
You don't decide to be straight. Compulsion to the opposite sex is a human evolutionary trait. Dominant I might add. It is written in our genes, regardless of what we think we are or aren't. If gays are "born that way" why did Anne Heche choose to be straight? Sometimes I see such a choice as a scapegoat. Were you pretending to be gay? Were you straight all along? So if logic serves, a straight person can choose to be gay. A gay person can't choose to be straight, since their evolution would seem to suggest that they have all the building blocks there to be straight. Science is starting to bear that out. It is a choice driven by fear of rejection, not by something you were born with. It all boils down to the fact that we are all born straight.

Yes, outrageous to you perhaps, but I see it as the truth. People love to use science to support their warped ideals, when in reality, science, like the machine you are sitting in front of doesn't lie, unless you tell it to.
Actually it's just the opposite. The American Psychological Assoc. has disagreed with you since the 1970s.

Science has disagreed with you since last year. And yes, technically they are "born with it" but it is also something that can be corrected, just like a cleft palate, or spina bifida.

New Insight into the (Epi)Genetic Roots of Homosexuality |

Epigenetics: How our experiences affect our offspring - The Week
So, a person is born gay, whether from genes or something that happened in utero.
btw...just in case anyone wonders...I am straight. I am what my gay friends call a Fag Hag.:lol:

I sincerely apologize....I'm 68 years old and the vernacular escapes me....."Fag Hag"??

I am 61. I first heard the phrase on the tv show Will & Grace. Grace was straight but her best friend and roomie was gay...named Will. He called her a Fag Hag because they were BEST of friends.
I have always been sort of a magnet with gay males. Or they to me, or vice versa. I just love gay guys.
Currently I do not have a gay couple living here but I have had 4 sets during the years in this house. One of them was from Iraq or Iran..I don't remember which. Hismother sent him to the states because he was lashed and had scars all over his arms and back..and she was afraid he would be killed. His partner is American. I had a room advertised and the american one called and timidly asked if I allowed couples...of the same sex. I said simply "I am grace..looking for Will and Jack". They moved in right away. Gosh, I loved those two. They moved to LA though. The other had aids. He is now deceased. I kept his dog, promising to take care of her forever. Her name is Gracie. The name I use here.

So in short...I love being around gays even though I am straight. Sorry for droning on.

No worries!
The scouts are a private organization and can do as they wish. Will we see merit badges for opera appreciation, interior decorating or Judy Garland trivia?

Just wondering.
Well, they chose to allow gay kids. And one doesn't have to be gay to enjoy interior decorating (although most gays ROCK with that skill), or appreciate opera. Don't know about Judy Garland.
Well, they chose to allow gay kids. And one doesn't have to be gay to enjoy interior decorating (although most gays ROCK with that skill), or appreciate opera. Don't know about Judy Garland.

Nah, but it helps. Maybe wedding planning or cake decorating? Men's choruses?

The possibilities are endless.
First male gay friend I ever had was an awesome fashion designer. He was also a cross dresser. OMG...the outfits, dresses, hats he made sitting at his sewing machine were enough to make me drool. Just beautiful. When he wasn't making his own gowns and coulture stuff, he was raiding my closet. Only thing that wouldn't fit him were my shoes. I wear a 7.5....he wore 11.
I respect your opinion but I do not agree with it. Too much about homosexuality is still unknown and science is still exploring it. But I can't see gays choosing to be gay. Why would they want that torment from society? And what about children born with both sets of sexual organs? Easier to remove the penis...but the BRAIN says they are attracted to FEMALES although now they also have a vagina that was either repaired or made after the penis was removed. And vice versa. But most doctors take the easier route..which is cutting it off.

It is wise to be accepting of an opinion and tolerate disagreement. Thank you.

As to the bolded phrase: Why does a petulant child seek attention? People sometimes go to great lengths to gain attention, even if it draws intense scorn from others. Why does a person fake having cancer or AIDS? They will do it regardless of the pain and suffering they endure, so long as they gain that attention.
Actually it's just the opposite. The American Psychological Assoc. has disagreed with you since the 1970s.

Science has disagreed with you since last year. And yes, technically they are "born with it" but it is also something that can be corrected, just like a cleft palate, or spina bifida.

New Insight into the (Epi)Genetic Roots of Homosexuality |

Epigenetics: How our experiences affect our offspring - The Week
So, a person is born gay, whether from genes or something that happened in utero.

But the claim that it is genetic is false on it's face. That basically destroyed the key premise of homosexuals everywhere. You are born with a correctable condition. I label it a such because the factors that play in its rise are conducive to it being one. And thus, conditions can be cured.
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This is insane to me. How can a person be gay unless they've hit sexual maturity?

Dumb question. Were you straight before you hit sexual maturity?

A few dumb questions. How did you know what gender you liked until you hit sexual maturity? How does one know they are gay? Does it suddenly pop into their head at puberty? Or is it because of coercion from the outside world? It's illogical to think homosexuality is a hereditary thing.

I was looking up women's skirts when I was 2-3 years old. I pretty much knew.
Well, that will probably spell the end of the Boy Scouts.

Actually, I could see that happening.

Allowing gays to openly serve in the military was a big step - in one direction or another - but the military has the advantage of being able to force service-folk to accept the decision for the duration of their enlistment or commission.

Allowing gays to openly join a voluntary youth fraternal organization that has formerly been vehemently opposed to homosexuality, while lacking the enforcement club that the military enjoys, may very well trigger an exodus from the Scouts from which they may not recover.

It's the difference between having involuntary association with Gays shoved in your face with you being unable to reverse the effect, versus it being entirely voluntary, and having the choice to throw up one's hands in disgust and walk out the door, never to return.

After this, it should prove interesting to keep watch on membership levels within various branches of Scouting, to see whether this decision proves to be a deal-breaker with their members and their parents.

I wonder which way it will go? I haven't a clue, but i'll confess to some curiousity in the matter.
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Dumb question. Were you straight before you hit sexual maturity?

A few dumb questions. How did you know what gender you liked until you hit sexual maturity? How does one know they are gay? Does it suddenly pop into their head at puberty? Or is it because of coercion from the outside world? It's illogical to think homosexuality is a hereditary thing.

I was looking up women's skirts when I was 2-3 years old. I pretty much knew.

That's nonsense. A lie. I had no clue as to what sexuality was at that age. You like any child that age, were simply being mischievous, just as I liked to play inside the circular clothes racks in the women's department. I had no idea.

Nice try though.
Great move by the scouts

Some sponsoring organizations will pull out but in the long run the Scouts will be stronger and they will emerge as a 21st century organization open to all youths
btw...just in case anyone wonders...I am straight. I am what my gay friends call a Fag Hag.:lol:

I sincerely apologize....I'm 68 years old and the vernacular escapes me....."Fag Hag"??

I am 61. I first heard the phrase on the tv show Will & Grace. Grace was straight but her best friend and roomie was gay...named Will. He called her a Fag Hag because they were BEST of friends.
I have always been sort of a magnet with gay males. Or they to me, or vice versa. I just love gay guys.
Currently I do not have a gay couple living here but I have had 4 sets during the years in this house. One of them was from Iraq or Iran..I don't remember which. Hismother sent him to the states because he was lashed and had scars all over his arms and back..and she was afraid he would be killed. His partner is American. I had a room advertised and the american one called and timidly asked if I allowed couples...of the same sex. I said simply "I am grace..looking for Will and Jack". They moved in right away. Gosh, I loved those two. They moved to LA though. The other had aids. He is now deceased. I kept his dog, promising to take care of her forever. Her name is Gracie. The name I use here.

So in short...I love being around gays even though I am straight. Sorry for droning on.

When I lived in Provincetown and most of my friends and coworkers were gay, I noticed much to my joy that "fag hags" tended to be great looking heterosexual women (much more attractive than the normal population of women) who enjoyed being with gays because gay men understood what they were going though as beautiful women far better than we straight men ever could.

Let's just say that it was a terrific fate to find oneself a reasonable attractive hetero-man living in a most gay community which harbored beautiful hetero-women whose close friends and confidants were mostly gay males.

Science has disagreed with you since last year. And yes, technically they are "born with it" but it is also something that can be corrected, just like a cleft palate, or spina bifida.

New Insight into the (Epi)Genetic Roots of Homosexuality |

Epigenetics: How our experiences affect our offspring - The Week
So, a person is born gay, whether from genes or something that happened in utero.

But the claim that it is genetic is false on it's face. That basically destroyed the key premise of homosexuals everywhere. You are born with a correctable condition. I label it a such because the factors that play in its rise are conducive to it being one. And thus, conditions can be cured.

Correctable? How?
The Scouts never had a set rule against homosexuals. What they had was a vague definition of "morally straight" that said homosexuality was not moral

Yet, scouts were not thrown out for stealing. They were not thrown out for lying. They were excluded for their sexuality....or even worse.....being open about your sexual orientation

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