Boy Scouts now welcome gay youth

It's gonna be a hoot when a bunch of gay kids are called Webelos. I hope they know that it's an actual rank and not an insult to their life style.

Not many 9-10 year olds are that in touch with their sexuality
The BSA has been around for 103 years, like all other old and honorable institutions it is something that has to go.
Maybe by the likes of YOU they will, but not by most.

And, IMO, this is all about the Eagle Scouts and the bad PR in the last few years about Eagle Scouts getting kicked out ONLY because of being gay.

NO, by the likes of you on left
you all should be proud of your reputation, bullies...You could of started your own scouts club but that would of been TOO MUCH I guess

How do you figure that you own the Boy Scouts?

It's amusing to watch Stephanie get all in a lather about what a Private organization decided to do.
It's gonna be a hoot when a bunch of gay kids are called Webelos. I hope they know that it's an actual rank and not an insult to their life style.

Not many 9-10 year olds are that in touch with their sexuality

Then what is the point of the whole discussion? When in the hell does the subject of being OPENINGLY gay come up? This is all an incredible amount of BS fostered on our children. Do openingly gay children have a scarlet G on their forehead so we can know whom they are? No this is all pure BS. Really I don't know what this means, if the Scout Master catches a kid giving another kid a bj he can't say anything because the boys are just being openingly gay?
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Seems like a good step to me. <My comment.

Boy Scouts now welcome gay youth - Houston Chronicle

The Boy Scouts of America welcomed openly gay boys to membership on Thursday, winning praise from supporters of the policy revision, consent from the Houston-area council that voted last month to oppose the change as well as disdain from conservative and religious groups whose leaders warned that the decision could cause the century-old organization's downfall.

A ban on gay adult leaders, delayed in February and removed from consideration last month, remains in place.

Pin the tail on the donkey will no longer be allowed.
I guess we can't have a "private" organization- club in this country anymore..

You will be hounded and bullied if you do

As a private organization, the Boy Scouts decided to allow gays. Girl Scouts had already made that decision

It is the right thing to do

When Girl Scouts made that decision membership immediately dropped by 20% and they never recovered. In an effort to attract new members, the Girl Scouts did away with merit badges and it didn't help.

As a private organization the BSA had an absolute right to vote to allow in gays. It will just do to the BSA what allowing lesbians into the GSA did.

No matter how tolerant, no matter how sensitive an individual might be, when it comes to their own children it's a different story.

Who lost out in that case?

The Girls who lost an opportunity to participate in scouting or the organization?
It's gonna be a hoot when a bunch of gay kids are called Webelos. I hope they know that it's an actual rank and not an insult to their life style.

Not many 9-10 year olds are that in touch with their sexuality

Then what is the point of the whole discussion? When in the hell does the subject of being OPENINGLY gay come up? This is all an incredible about of BS fostered on our children. Do openingly gay children have a scarlet G on their forehead so we can know whom they are? No this is all pure BS. Really I don't know what this means, if the Scout Master catches a kid giving another kid a bj he can't say anything because the boys are just being openingly gay?

He needs to react the same way as if he found him having sex with a girl in his tent. Doesn't belong in scouting in either case
boy scout motto "Be Prepared" will now be "Watch your ass"
The BSA has been around for 103 years, like all other old and honorable institutions it is something that has to go.

The US Military is even older and they survived allowing gays. I imagine the same with BSA
Not many 9-10 year olds are that in touch with their sexuality

Then what is the point of the whole discussion? When in the hell does the subject of being OPENINGLY gay come up? This is all an incredible about of BS fostered on our children. Do openingly gay children have a scarlet G on their forehead so we can know whom they are? No this is all pure BS. Really I don't know what this means, if the Scout Master catches a kid giving another kid a bj he can't say anything because the boys are just being openingly gay?

He needs to react the same way as if he found him having sex with a girl in his tent. Doesn't belong in scouting in either case

The point is, what does the term Openingly gay mean to children? It is ridicules it is a sham.

On edit: I think I figured out what it means. If the boy has two parents of the same gender.
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Do the girl scouts accept lesbians? If they do they will be more masculine that boy scouts now.
It's gonna be a hoot when a bunch of gay kids are called Webelos. I hope they know that it's an actual rank and not an insult to their life style.

Not many 9-10 year olds are that in touch with their sexuality

Then why make a big deal about them accepting fags

I don't think it is a big deal. Much like the military, there have always been homosexuals in the scouts. They operated under their own DADTrules. Most of scouting has little to do with your sexuality

The difference is that boys who have been involved in scouting their whole lives will no longer be kicked out for being truthful about their sexuality
Do the girl scouts accept lesbians? If they do they will be more masculine that boy scouts now.

Rest assured. Those Brownies aren't going to hurt you.

They wont be teach sewing and cooking any more that's for sure, brownies will now learn about small engine repair, pickup trucks, comfortable footwear. strap ons and the sex change surgery. :clap2:
Do the girl scouts accept lesbians? If they do they will be more masculine that boy scouts now.

Rest assured. Those Brownies aren't going to hurt you.

They wont be teach sewing and cooking any more that's for sure, brownies will now learn about small engine repair, pickup trucks, comfortable footwear. strap ons and the sex change surgery. :clap2:

Bootlickers one of those penile-centric people who think the world revolves around the male penis. :lol: :lol: Women everywhere chuckle over that.
Not many 9-10 year olds are that in touch with their sexuality

Then why make a big deal about them accepting fags

I don't think it is a big deal. Much like the military, there have always been homosexuals in the scouts. They operated under their own DADTrules. Most of scouting has little to do with your sexuality

The difference is that boys who have been involved in scouting their whole lives will no longer be kicked out for being truthful about their sexuality

LMAO----now it's "no big deal"

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