Boy Scouts now welcome gay youth

Look you all wanted the right
to get married you all wanted the right to be treated equal you got that you get to walk in a park and kiss and hold hands in public although i do not approve of the gay or lesbian lifestyle
i am a christian man i will not quote biblical scripture couse we all here have heard it this is the bottom line as a parent and as a christian man teaching my son a godly lifestyle and how to be a man in life this ban was to allow gay youth and teens into the scouts it has passed therefore i will now be pulling my son out of cubscouts and yes it is because they are letting gays in my son is eight years old i will not be allowing a person who is openly living a lifestyle contrary to what i believe be influencing my childs developement by allowing this lifestyle to be any kind of influence in his life now after he has learned how to be a man and he reaches an age that is appropriate for him to decide his sexual prefrence and seek it out thats the end but by god i will not allow a gay teenager or gay 10 year old be teaching or influencing his mind this is what is wrong with society today we just go with the flow ohh your gay its okay
ohh your lesbian it is okay ohh you were born like that that makes all the more ok god has stated this is a immoral lifestyle and it is not to be tolerated god help this world when you come to judge us for our sins please be a forgiving heavenly father
Do the girl scouts accept lesbians? If they do they will be more masculine that boy scouts now.

Rest assured. Those Brownies aren't going to hurt you.

They wont be teach sewing and cooking any more that's for sure, brownies will now learn about small engine repair, pickup trucks, comfortable footwear. strap ons and the sex change surgery. :clap2:

...and cats. Don't forget about the cats.
Look you all wanted the right
to get married you all wanted the right to be treated equal you got that you get to walk in a park and kiss and hold hands in public although i do not approve of the gay or lesbian lifestyle
i am a christian man i will not quote biblical scripture couse we all here have heard it this is the bottom line as a parent and as a christian man teaching my son a godly lifestyle and how to be a man in life this ban was to allow gay youth and teens into the scouts it has passed therefore i will now be pulling my son out of cubscouts and yes it is because they are letting gays in my son is eight years old i will not be allowing a person who is openly living a lifestyle contrary to what i believe be influencing my childs developement by allowing this lifestyle to be any kind of influence in his life now after he has learned how to be a man and he reaches an age that is appropriate for him to decide his sexual prefrence and seek it out thats the end but by god i will not allow a gay teenager or gay 10 year old be teaching or influencing his mind this is what is wrong with society today we just go with the flow ohh your gay its okay
ohh your lesbian it is okay ohh you were born like that that makes all the more ok god has stated this is a immoral lifestyle and it is not to be tolerated god help this world when you come to judge us for our sins please be a forgiving heavenly father

1. OK, good for you.

2. I hope you don't let your son each shrimp.

3. "." (Periods) A great invention.

Isn't it wonderful how atheist nutbags assign Old Testament laws to Christians based on their deep spiritual understanding of things biblical?

It's almost miraculous.
OK, so here is my question. Since when did the scouts become about sex? Do they discuss sexual preference in the scouts? Do they discuss sexual activities? does sexual orientation make any difference in your ability to be a scout and do scout things?

So why does it have to be brought up that I'm gay and i want to be admitted as a gay scout? Now it is being brought to the level of an agenda item, and that what makes it wrong.
The BSA has been around for 103 years, like all other old and honorable institutions it is something that has to go.

The US Military is even older and they survived allowing gays. I imagine the same with BSA

The military survived so far. The Girl Scouts survived, they just aren't the same organization they were. They survived, but survival is described as an organization bearing the same name is in existence. The bulk of the damage done largely comes with attrition. Like it did with the Girl Scouts. There was an immediate reduction among the GSA by 20% when they allowed openly homosexual lesbians to join. They never recovered from that. Attrition has reduced GSA participation so much that the organization hangs by a tenuous thread. The BSA will follow that same path. The military's experience so far has been a rise in assaults. They haven't yet absorbed the effect of attrition. How many won't re-enlist, or won't join.

The pity of it is, none of these little exercises in inclusion is supposed to make these organizations stronger or more effective, but are just feel good rules changes.
The BSA has been around for 103 years, like all other old and honorable institutions it is something that has to go.

The US Military is even older and they survived allowing gays. I imagine the same with BSA

The military survived so far. The Girl Scouts survived, they just aren't the same organization they were. They survived, but survival is described as an organization bearing the same name is in existence. The bulk of the damage done largely comes with attrition. Like it did with the Girl Scouts. There was an immediate reduction among the GSA by 20% when they allowed openly homosexual lesbians to join. They never recovered from that. Attrition has reduced GSA participation so much that the organization hangs by a tenuous thread. The BSA will follow that same path. The military's experience so far has been a rise in assaults. They haven't yet absorbed the effect of attrition. How many won't re-enlist, or won't join.

The pity of it is, none of these little exercises in inclusion is supposed to make these organizations stronger or more effective, but are just feel good rules changes.

Sometimes in life you do things just because they are the right thing to do

Kicking boys out of scouts because they are honest and admit they are gay is not the right thing to do
The BSA has been around for 103 years, like all other old and honorable institutions it is something that has to go.

The US Military is even older and they survived allowing gays. I imagine the same with BSA

The military survived so far. The Girl Scouts survived, they just aren't the same organization they were. They survived, but survival is described as an organization bearing the same name is in existence. The bulk of the damage done largely comes with attrition. Like it did with the Girl Scouts. There was an immediate reduction among the GSA by 20% when they allowed openly homosexual lesbians to join. They never recovered from that. Attrition has reduced GSA participation so much that the organization hangs by a tenuous thread. The BSA will follow that same path. The military's experience so far has been a rise in assaults. They haven't yet absorbed the effect of attrition. How many won't re-enlist, or won't join.

The pity of it is, none of these little exercises in inclusion is supposed to make these organizations stronger or more effective, but are just feel good rules changes.

in fact the purpose of these exercises is to destroy organizations and institutions.
Sometimes in life you do things just because they are the right thing to do

Kicking boys out of scouts because they are honest and admit they are gay is not the right thing to do

That's your opinion. As a private organization, they are free to keep whoever they wish or any reason. Plenty of businesses discriminate based on sex and/or gender. Perfectly legally too. Is it wrong, probably. Is it their right as a property owner, sure is.
The US Military is even older and they survived allowing gays. I imagine the same with BSA

The military survived so far. The Girl Scouts survived, they just aren't the same organization they were. They survived, but survival is described as an organization bearing the same name is in existence. The bulk of the damage done largely comes with attrition. Like it did with the Girl Scouts. There was an immediate reduction among the GSA by 20% when they allowed openly homosexual lesbians to join. They never recovered from that. Attrition has reduced GSA participation so much that the organization hangs by a tenuous thread. The BSA will follow that same path. The military's experience so far has been a rise in assaults. They haven't yet absorbed the effect of attrition. How many won't re-enlist, or won't join.

The pity of it is, none of these little exercises in inclusion is supposed to make these organizations stronger or more effective, but are just feel good rules changes.

Sometimes in life you do things just because they are the right thing to do

Kicking boys out of scouts because they are honest and admit they are gay is not the right thing to do

Have you informed the liberal forums that kicking people out because of their beliefs is wrong?
OK, so here is my question. Since when did the scouts become about sex? Do they discuss sexual preference in the scouts? Do they discuss sexual activities? does sexual orientation make any difference in your ability to be a scout and do scout things?

So why does it have to be brought up that I'm gay and i want to be admitted as a gay scout? Now it is being brought to the level of an agenda item, and that what makes it wrong.

You are absolutley right, it doesn't have anything to do scout activities.

I think the difference is that if you are a teenage scout and say that you took your girlfriend to the movies on a date, no problem. On the other hand if you said you took your boyfriend to the movies on a date - you'd get kicked out. (Depending on if the individual Scout Master decided to push it.)

The rule change doesn't mean that straight or gay scouts are going to be sitting around the fire discussion sexual activities, it means that the same restrictions will be applied to both groups.

If you are a scout sitting around the campfire discussion boinking your girlfriend or boyfriend, that really isn't the place for it.

The BSA has been around for 103 years, like all other old and honorable institutions it is something that has to go.

The US Military is even older and they survived allowing gays. I imagine the same with BSA

The military survived so far. The Girl Scouts survived, they just aren't the same organization they were. They survived, but survival is described as an organization bearing the same name is in existence. The bulk of the damage done largely comes with attrition. Like it did with the Girl Scouts. There was an immediate reduction among the GSA by 20% when they allowed openly homosexual lesbians to join. They never recovered from that. Attrition has reduced GSA participation so much that the organization hangs by a tenuous thread. The BSA will follow that same path. The military's experience so far has been a rise in assaults. They haven't yet absorbed the effect of attrition. How many won't re-enlist, or won't join.

The pity of it is, none of these little exercises in inclusion is supposed to make these organizations stronger or more effective, but are just feel good rules changes.

You are going to have to prove that, you know.
OK, so here is my question. Since when did the scouts become about sex? Do they discuss sexual preference in the scouts? Do they discuss sexual activities? does sexual orientation make any difference in your ability to be a scout and do scout things?

So why does it have to be brought up that I'm gay and i want to be admitted as a gay scout? Now it is being brought to the level of an agenda item, and that what makes it wrong.

Actually, your sexuality has very little to do with your experience as a scout

The difference is that a Boy Scout can announce to the troop that he is dating a certain girl. If a gay scout were to do the same on who he was dating he would have been kicked out

A herosexual scout can tell everyone he had sex with a certain girl. Losing your virginity was never grounds for getting kicked out of scouts. Yet a homosexual was expelled on the grounds he is not "morally straight" whether he had had sex or not. The scouts were very selective on what they considered to be moral or not
The military survived so far. The Girl Scouts survived, they just aren't the same organization they were. They survived, but survival is described as an organization bearing the same name is in existence. The bulk of the damage done largely comes with attrition. Like it did with the Girl Scouts. There was an immediate reduction among the GSA by 20% when they allowed openly homosexual lesbians to join. They never recovered from that. Attrition has reduced GSA participation so much that the organization hangs by a tenuous thread. The BSA will follow that same path. The military's experience so far has been a rise in assaults. They haven't yet absorbed the effect of attrition. How many won't re-enlist, or won't join.

The pity of it is, none of these little exercises in inclusion is supposed to make these organizations stronger or more effective, but are just feel good rules changes.

Sometimes in life you do things just because they are the right thing to do

Kicking boys out of scouts because they are honest and admit they are gay is not the right thing to do

Have you informed the liberal forums that kicking people out because of their beliefs is wrong?

Liberal forums are not the only ones kicking people out because of their beliefs, you know.
Sometimes in life you do things just because they are the right thing to do

Kicking boys out of scouts because they are honest and admit they are gay is not the right thing to do

That's your opinion. As a private organization, they are free to keep whoever they wish or any reason. Plenty of businesses discriminate based on sex and/or gender. Perfectly legally too. Is it wrong, probably. Is it their right as a property owner, sure is.

Very true. The Supreme Court even affirmed it

And as a private group, the Boy Scouts decided to allow gays

Long overdue
The US Military is even older and they survived allowing gays. I imagine the same with BSA

The military survived so far. The Girl Scouts survived, they just aren't the same organization they were. They survived, but survival is described as an organization bearing the same name is in existence. The bulk of the damage done largely comes with attrition. Like it did with the Girl Scouts. There was an immediate reduction among the GSA by 20% when they allowed openly homosexual lesbians to join. They never recovered from that. Attrition has reduced GSA participation so much that the organization hangs by a tenuous thread. The BSA will follow that same path. The military's experience so far has been a rise in assaults. They haven't yet absorbed the effect of attrition. How many won't re-enlist, or won't join.

The pity of it is, none of these little exercises in inclusion is supposed to make these organizations stronger or more effective, but are just feel good rules changes.

You are going to have to prove that, you know.

Homosexual opposed to heterosexual lesbians.
I guess we can't have a "private" organization- club in this country anymore..

You will be hounded and bullied if you do

As a private organization, the Boy Scouts decided to allow gays. Girl Scouts had already made that decision

It is the right thing to do

The "right thing to do"?

Please understand here, this is not an attack, just merely trying to understand the logic that goes into the thought that it's the "right thing to do"....

So, using that logic, I'm sure that the next step is to encourage openly gay men to become Scout Masters, right? I mean, after all, can't discriminate now, can we?

And when we do, do we "fire" them for outward shows of affection toward other men? How do we explain that "Mr Johnson and Mr Smith are "sharing" a tent"?

And what about members of NAMBLA? Shouldn't they be allowed to become Scout Masters, as well?

I don't know how this will be perceived by the "straight" members of Scouting. It's far too early to tell. However, I wonder if the BSA isn't cutting off "it's right foot to accommodate the left foot"??

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