Boy Scouts now welcome gay youth

I guess we can't have a "private" organization- club in this country anymore..

You will be hounded and bullied if you do

As a private organization, the Boy Scouts decided to allow gays. Girl Scouts had already made that decision

It is the right thing to do

The "right thing to do"?

Please understand here, this is not an attack, just merely trying to understand the logic that goes into the thought that it's the "right thing to do"....

So, using that logic, I'm sure that the next step is to encourage openly gay men to become Scout Masters, right? I mean, after all, can't discriminate now, can we?

And when we do, do we "fire" them for outward shows of affection toward other men? How do we explain that "Mr Johnson and Mr Smith are "sharing" a tent"?

And what about members of NAMBLA? Shouldn't they be allowed to become Scout Masters, as well?

I don't know how this will be perceived by the "straight" members of Scouting. It's far too early to tell. However, I wonder if the BSA isn't cutting off "it's right foot to accommodate the left foot"??

Why is it the right thing to do?

Because the boys have done nothing wrong
I guess we can't have a "private" organization- club in this country anymore..

You will be hounded and bullied if you do

As a private organization, the Boy Scouts decided to allow gays. Girl Scouts had already made that decision

It is the right thing to do

The "right thing to do"?

Please understand here, this is not an attack, just merely trying to understand the logic that goes into the thought that it's the "right thing to do"....

So, using that logic, I'm sure that the next step is to encourage openly gay men to become Scout Masters, right? I mean, after all, can't discriminate now, can we?

And when we do, do we "fire" them for outward shows of affection toward other men? How do we explain that "Mr Johnson and Mr Smith are "sharing" a tent"?

And what about members of NAMBLA? Shouldn't they be allowed to become Scout Masters, as well?

I don't know how this will be perceived by the "straight" members of Scouting. It's far too early to tell. However, I wonder if the BSA isn't cutting off "it's right foot to accommodate the left foot"??

Why would you discuss NAMBLA here? Those fuckers have nothing to do with the topic at hand. Are every one of you as dumb as a rock?
Sometimes in life you do things just because they are the right thing to do

Kicking boys out of scouts because they are honest and admit they are gay is not the right thing to do

Have you informed the liberal forums that kicking people out because of their beliefs is wrong?

Liberal forums are not the only ones kicking people out because of their beliefs, you know.

however they are and they are therefore wrong---or is this another double standard?
As a private organization, the Boy Scouts decided to allow gays. Girl Scouts had already made that decision

It is the right thing to do

The "right thing to do"?

Please understand here, this is not an attack, just merely trying to understand the logic that goes into the thought that it's the "right thing to do"....

So, using that logic, I'm sure that the next step is to encourage openly gay men to become Scout Masters, right? I mean, after all, can't discriminate now, can we?

And when we do, do we "fire" them for outward shows of affection toward other men? How do we explain that "Mr Johnson and Mr Smith are "sharing" a tent"?

And what about members of NAMBLA? Shouldn't they be allowed to become Scout Masters, as well?

I don't know how this will be perceived by the "straight" members of Scouting. It's far too early to tell. However, I wonder if the BSA isn't cutting off "it's right foot to accommodate the left foot"??

Why would you discuss NAMBLA here? Those fuckers have nothing to do with the topic at hand. Are every one of you as dumb as a rock?

Leave him alone...

He is playing "slippery slope"

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The slippery slope is that the BSA will become a defunct organization like all the others. It will either become all gay or become nothing at all. There aren't enough gays to make a strong Boy Scouts. They can only destroy what other boys have. Letting gays in is only a small part of what gay advocates have in store for the BSA. The organization will have to become more gay friendly. Evern possible rule, position and requirement will be scrutinized and changed.
The slippery slope is that the BSA will become a defunct organization like all the others. It will either become all gay or become nothing at all. There aren't enough gays to make a strong Boy Scouts. They can only destroy what other boys have. Letting gays in is only a small part of what gay advocates have in store for the BSA. The organization will have to become more gay friendly. Evern possible rule, position and requirement will be scrutinized and changed.

It won't be the gays fault if you fill the pool so they can't swim.
As a private organization, the Boy Scouts decided to allow gays. Girl Scouts had already made that decision

It is the right thing to do

The "right thing to do"?

Please understand here, this is not an attack, just merely trying to understand the logic that goes into the thought that it's the "right thing to do"....

So, using that logic, I'm sure that the next step is to encourage openly gay men to become Scout Masters, right? I mean, after all, can't discriminate now, can we?

And when we do, do we "fire" them for outward shows of affection toward other men? How do we explain that "Mr Johnson and Mr Smith are "sharing" a tent"?

And what about members of NAMBLA? Shouldn't they be allowed to become Scout Masters, as well?

I don't know how this will be perceived by the "straight" members of Scouting. It's far too early to tell. However, I wonder if the BSA isn't cutting off "it's right foot to accommodate the left foot"??

Why would you discuss NAMBLA here? Those fuckers have nothing to do with the topic at hand. Are every one of you as dumb as a rock?

It's amazing how many RWrs pop up with NAMBLA all the time. It's like them have them on mental speed dial or something.
The slippery slope is that the BSA will become a defunct organization like all the others. It will either become all gay or become nothing at all. There aren't enough gays to make a strong Boy Scouts. They can only destroy what other boys have. Letting gays in is only a small part of what gay advocates have in store for the BSA. The organization will have to become more gay friendly. Evern possible rule, position and requirement will be scrutinized and changed.

As a private organization, the Boy Scouts decided to allow gays. Girl Scouts had already made that decision

It is the right thing to do

The "right thing to do"?

Please understand here, this is not an attack, just merely trying to understand the logic that goes into the thought that it's the "right thing to do"....

So, using that logic, I'm sure that the next step is to encourage openly gay men to become Scout Masters, right? I mean, after all, can't discriminate now, can we?

And when we do, do we "fire" them for outward shows of affection toward other men? How do we explain that "Mr Johnson and Mr Smith are "sharing" a tent"?

And what about members of NAMBLA? Shouldn't they be allowed to become Scout Masters, as well?

I don't know how this will be perceived by the "straight" members of Scouting. It's far too early to tell. However, I wonder if the BSA isn't cutting off "it's right foot to accommodate the left foot"??

Why is it the right thing to do?

Because the boys have done nothing wrong

Well, again, using that logic, Girls have done "nothing wrong" but they can't join the BSA....
The "right thing to do"?

Please understand here, this is not an attack, just merely trying to understand the logic that goes into the thought that it's the "right thing to do"....

So, using that logic, I'm sure that the next step is to encourage openly gay men to become Scout Masters, right? I mean, after all, can't discriminate now, can we?

And when we do, do we "fire" them for outward shows of affection toward other men? How do we explain that "Mr Johnson and Mr Smith are "sharing" a tent"?

And what about members of NAMBLA? Shouldn't they be allowed to become Scout Masters, as well?

I don't know how this will be perceived by the "straight" members of Scouting. It's far too early to tell. However, I wonder if the BSA isn't cutting off "it's right foot to accommodate the left foot"??

Why would you discuss NAMBLA here? Those fuckers have nothing to do with the topic at hand. Are every one of you as dumb as a rock?

It's amazing how many RWrs pop up with NAMBLA all the time. It's like them have them on mental speed dial or something.

First time I've ever done it. Stop deflecting and answer the question.
The "right thing to do"?

Please understand here, this is not an attack, just merely trying to understand the logic that goes into the thought that it's the "right thing to do"....

So, using that logic, I'm sure that the next step is to encourage openly gay men to become Scout Masters, right? I mean, after all, can't discriminate now, can we?

And when we do, do we "fire" them for outward shows of affection toward other men? How do we explain that "Mr Johnson and Mr Smith are "sharing" a tent"?

And what about members of NAMBLA? Shouldn't they be allowed to become Scout Masters, as well?

I don't know how this will be perceived by the "straight" members of Scouting. It's far too early to tell. However, I wonder if the BSA isn't cutting off "it's right foot to accommodate the left foot"??

Why would you discuss NAMBLA here? Those fuckers have nothing to do with the topic at hand. Are every one of you as dumb as a rock?

Leave him alone...

He is playing "slippery slope"


Yeah you're right. Dumb me. I'll bet you $1,000 that within the year, Gay Scout Masters are admitted. So, Wise to take that wager??
So, using that logic, I'm sure that the next step is to encourage openly gay men to become Scout Masters, right? I mean, after all, can't discriminate now, can we?

Nobody is encouraging gays to join the Scouts, and nobody has to encourage gay men to become Scout Masters. They are already there. The only difference is that they can be honest about their sexuality.
How many of the supporters of this new policy have ever actually been a Scout or a Scouter?

How many of you have actually been on the camping trips?

How many of you actually take your time to dedicate to working with a Troop or a Pack?

How many of you know anything at all about Boy Scouting beside what you have heard in the media?

OK, I'll give a little background first. My father was a council president and Silver Beaver back in the 50's. My older brother is an Eagle Scout. I have been a Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Explorer, and adult Scouter pretty much from age seven. I am a Vigil Honor member of the OA, former Explorer post president, NOAC ICE staff for a decade, Wood Badge Beaver, and friend of Bill Hillcourt. My two sons are both Eagle Scouts, Vigil members of the OA, and NOAC ICE staff. The older has a Founders Award.

I spent three years as a Webelos Den Leader, five years as a Cubmaster, four years as an assistant Cubmaster, twenty two years as an Assistant Scoutmaster, eight years as district chairman for merit badge programs, a dozen years on the District training committee, and sixteen years as an assistant lodge advisor. During thirty years or so of that period I camped as an adult leader at summer camp, on high adventure trips, and monthly campouts.

I know several of the delegates to the May meeting, including one gay delegate. IMHO the new policy is an error in judgment, in that it will satisfy no one and will do harm by not taking the original path proposed. The status quo ante was essentially "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". Except for a few isolated zealots, everyone was content to leave the choice of adult leader standards to the sponsoring institution which meant that some religiously sponsored troops could exclude gay leaders or have them serve quietly at the SO's choice. Except for Eagle Boards of Review (which unlike lower ranks is a national office function), each troop and its SO were free to deal with youth members as it thought appropriate. The long-standing BSA policy of youth protection was supported regardless of gender orientation or gender.

By "regularizing" the youth policy and restating the adult member policy, BSA has destroyed the informal accomodation on this issue and the commitment to the role of the sponsoring institution in defining BSA's interpretation of the Scout Oath and Law.

My preference? First confirm both the new policy regarding youth members and the long-standing policy of discouraging sexual activity by youth members and at scout functions and events. Second, announce that as expressions of sexuality properly belong as part of a religious tradition, scouting should be neutral as to the content, just as scouting does not attempt to define God. The setting of religious or moral standards for adult volunteers is a job for the sponsoring institution (as long as national policies on youth safety and similar standards are observed).

Would everyone be happy? No. Would some people leave? Yes. We are past the point when any change could hold everyone in place. Would Scouting in America be viable in the future? I believe it would. I would not be too upset if Scouting in America bifurcated into a two organizations, although that would be messy and would not be in the best interests of the youth. But Scouting will undoubtedly survive.

Yeah you're right. Dumb me. I'll bet you $1,000 that within the year, Gay Scout Masters are admitted. So, Wise to take that wager??

I'm pretty sure his point was that bringing up NAMBLA has nothing to do with gay Scouts or Scout Masters. Or are you implying that gay Scout Masters are more than likely members of NAMBLA?
Yeah you're right. Dumb me. I'll bet you $1,000 that within the year, Gay Scout Masters are admitted. So, Wise to take that wager??

I'm pretty sure his point was that bringing up NAMBLA has nothing to do with gay Scouts or Scout Masters. Or are you implying that gay Scout Masters are more than likely members of NAMBLA?

I don't have the slightest idea. However, one could logically assume that since the name of the organization "North American Man Boy Love Association would attract it's fair share of gay men, wouldn't you agree? Or are all the members straight freaks??
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And if you seriously want to stop gays from joining the Scouts, push the Scouts to change their uniforms. Seriously, who the hell still wears a handkerchief?
Yeah you're right. Dumb me. I'll bet you $1,000 that within the year, Gay Scout Masters are admitted. So, Wise to take that wager??

I'm pretty sure his point was that bringing up NAMBLA has nothing to do with gay Scouts or Scout Masters. Or are you implying that gay Scout Masters are more than likely members of NAMBLA?

I don't have the slightest idea. However, one could logically assume that since the name of the organization "North American Man Boy Love Association would attract it's fair share of gay men, wouldn't you agree? Or are all the members straight freaks??

I'd venture a guess that 100% of NAMBLA's members are gay males. I'd also assume that 100% of the KKK's members are white males. Guess that makes white males likely KKK members. :cuckoo:
I'm pretty sure his point was that bringing up NAMBLA has nothing to do with gay Scouts or Scout Masters. Or are you implying that gay Scout Masters are more than likely members of NAMBLA?

I don't have the slightest idea. However, one could logically assume that since the name of the organization "North American Man Boy Love Association would attract it's fair share of gay men, wouldn't you agree? Or are all the members straight freaks??

I'd venture a guess that 100% of NAMBLA's members are gay males. I'd also assume that 100% of the KKK's members are white males. Guess that makes white males likely KKK members. :cuckoo:

Yeah, you're right. All the KKK Members (all 20 of them) are, indeed white. All members of the Black Panthers (all 28 of them) are black.

You can deflect all you want. I have NO CLUE how many of those freaks are gay or straight. Since it is a "closed - PRIVATE organization" - no one but them actually knows; which is my point entirely.

Use your head for something other than a hat rack, will you?
I was looking up women's skirts when I was 2-3 years old. I pretty much knew.

That's nonsense. A lie. I had no clue as to what sexuality was at that age. You like any child that age, were simply being mischievous, just as I liked to play inside the circular clothes racks in the women's department. I had no idea.

Nice try though.

It is not a lie, it is the absolute truth. I can remember crawling around on the floor looking up women's skirts.

Or was that college?

To assume you had a a libido at 3 years old is a rather far fetched claim. Though, I wouldn't put it past a 3 year old mind to do things like that.

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