Boy Scouts now welcome gay youth

I respect your opinion but I do not agree with it. Too much about homosexuality is still unknown and science is still exploring it. But I can't see gays choosing to be gay. Why would they want that torment from society? And what about children born with both sets of sexual organs? Easier to remove the penis...but the BRAIN says they are attracted to FEMALES although now they also have a vagina that was either repaired or made after the penis was removed. And vice versa. But most doctors take the easier route..which is cutting it off.

It is wise to be accepting of an opinion and tolerate disagreement. Thank you.

As to the bolded phrase: Why does a petulant child seek attention? People sometimes go to great lengths to gain attention, even if it draws intense scorn from others. Why does a person fake having cancer or AIDS? They will do it regardless of the pain and suffering they endure, so long as they gain that attention.

Interesting. You think a dude wants attention......needs it so badly that he'll put another dude's cock in his mouth or up his ass?

Like faking AIDS or cancer?

You are truly brilliant! If I ever said or suggested that you are anything less than supremely intelligent, I offer my sincere apology here. You have proven me wrong with this one.

Stfu LL, I really whipped you this morning, and all you have to offer is this. A truly pathetic and wholly unintelligent response to a well reasoned post that even someone on your side (Gracie) was able to grasp. And she's in her 60's. I truly pity someone who cannot respond to a well reasoned post with one of their own. Stop trolling.
So, a person is born gay, whether from genes or something that happened in utero.

But the claim that it is genetic is false on it's face. That basically destroyed the key premise of homosexuals everywhere. You are born with a correctable condition. I label it a such because the factors that play in its rise are conducive to it being one. And thus, conditions can be cured.

Correctable? How?

Were you not reading any of my posts? Did you not see the links? Or were you just planning to troll? Go back and read, cretin.
I don't have the slightest idea. However, one could logically assume that since the name of the organization "North American Man Boy Love Association would attract it's fair share of gay men, wouldn't you agree? Or are all the members straight freaks??

I'd venture a guess that 100% of NAMBLA's members are gay males. I'd also assume that 100% of the KKK's members are white males. Guess that makes white males likely KKK members. :cuckoo:

Yeah, you're right. All the KKK Members (all 20 of them) are, indeed white. All members of the Black Panthers (all 28 of them) are black.

You can deflect all you want. I have NO CLUE how many of those freaks are gay or straight. Since it is a "closed - PRIVATE organization" - no one but them actually knows; which is my point entirely.

Use your head for something other than a hat rack, will you?
You seem to know how many are in the KKK. You seem to know how many are in the Black Panthers. Pray continue. How many are in NAMBLA?
Why would you discuss NAMBLA here? Those fuckers have nothing to do with the topic at hand. Are every one of you as dumb as a rock?

Leave him alone...

He is playing "slippery slope"


Yeah you're right. Dumb me. I'll bet you $1,000 that within the year, Gay Scout Masters are admitted. So, Wise to take that wager??

Even if they did, and I doubt it will be a year, that's still not the slippery slope you believe it is.

It's a dumb policy that kicks an organizations members out when they turn 18.
But the claim that it is genetic is false on it's face. That basically destroyed the key premise of homosexuals everywhere. You are born with a correctable condition. I label it a such because the factors that play in its rise are conducive to it being one. And thus, conditions can be cured.

Correctable? How?

Were you not reading any of my posts? Did you not see the links? Or were you just planning to troll? Go back and read, cretin.

Your links do not say sexual orientation is "correctable". It isn't.
Everything has to be focused on sex perversion now. Boy scouts, marriage, school, college, everything has to revolve around perversion.

They spoil everything, and normal people just let them do it.
Everything has to be focused on sex perversion now. Boy scouts, marriage, school, college, everything has to revolve around perversion.

They spoil everything, and normal people just let them do it.

No, everything has to be focused on SEX. And it shouldn't be.

What is perversion, anyway? Oh, we all can name quite a few things we think are perverted but is it anyone's business what is between two consentual adults? No. Heterosexual couples might do some mighty strange things in their bedroom that if anyone knew, would be considered perverted. But most couples don't go around discussing what they do, do they? Gay's normally do not discuss what they do, either. It's private. They may claim they are heteros or homosexuals, but they don't EXPLAIN what they do in their own privacy.

It shouldn't have any bearing whatsoever on a kid wanting to be in the scouts, or an adult that wants to be a troop leader. LEAVE SEX OUT OF IT. That's all I'm saying.
The "right thing to do"?

Please understand here, this is not an attack, just merely trying to understand the logic that goes into the thought that it's the "right thing to do"....

So, using that logic, I'm sure that the next step is to encourage openly gay men to become Scout Masters, right? I mean, after all, can't discriminate now, can we?

And when we do, do we "fire" them for outward shows of affection toward other men? How do we explain that "Mr Johnson and Mr Smith are "sharing" a tent"?

And what about members of NAMBLA? Shouldn't they be allowed to become Scout Masters, as well?

I don't know how this will be perceived by the "straight" members of Scouting. It's far too early to tell. However, I wonder if the BSA isn't cutting off "it's right foot to accommodate the left foot"??

Why is it the right thing to do?

Because the boys have done nothing wrong

Well, again, using that logic, Girls have done "nothing wrong" but they can't join the BSA....

Girls can join as Venture Scouts.
Were you not reading any of my posts? Did you not see the links? Or were you just planning to troll? Go back and read, cretin.

Your links do not say sexual orientation is "correctable". It isn't.
Maybe not on your planet, but yes, here on earth it is, as many can attest to. There is always hope for anyone with a mental illness.
WATCH: Ben Affleck and SNL Crew Go to Ex-Gay Camp |
Yeah you're right. Dumb me. I'll bet you $1,000 that within the year, Gay Scout Masters are admitted. So, Wise to take that wager??

I'm pretty sure his point was that bringing up NAMBLA has nothing to do with gay Scouts or Scout Masters. Or are you implying that gay Scout Masters are more than likely members of NAMBLA?

I don't have the slightest idea. However, one could logically assume that since the name of the organization "North American Man Boy Love Association would attract it's fair share of gay men, wouldn't you agree? Or are all the members straight freaks??

Do you have any proof that NAMBLA exists outside of a website?

How many members do they have? Who is their President? When was their last meeting?

Outside of rightwing fear mongering, NAMBLA barely exists
Girls can join as Venture Scouts.

Well, darn! Why not as REAL scouts? It's discrimination!! If homosexual males can be scouts and scoutmasters, why not girls and women???

Really, why not? It IS discrimination.

I think it's all pretty disgusting, everything has to be about perverted sex, or as Gracie says correctly, focused on sex to the exclusion of pretty much everything else.
Isn't there a Girl Scouts? I was a Brownie but never caught interest enough to join the GS.
Do a little reading, nutters. Gay men are no more likely to be pedophiles than are straight men. To claim otherwise is a stupid argument kept alive by stupid people.

Yes. If you think a gay man is more likely to sexually assault a child ( boy or girl ) than a straight are fucking stupid.
Do a little reading, nutters. Gay men are no more likely to be pedophiles than are straight men. To claim otherwise is a stupid argument kept alive by stupid people.

Yes. If you think a gay man is more likely to sexually assault a child ( boy or girl ) than a straight are fucking stupid.

Sorry, nice rant alonegiggler, but yes, homos are far more likely to be pedophiles than straights. Once you're acting out sick, perverted sex, to make the jump to molesting children is no big deal.

You're the one that better wise up, shit for brains, and quit lying.

Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse

Report: Pedophilia more common among homos
Do a little reading, nutters. Gay men are no more likely to be pedophiles than are straight men. To claim otherwise is a stupid argument kept alive by stupid people.

Yes. If you think a gay man is more likely to sexually assault a child ( boy or girl ) than a straight are fucking stupid.

Sorry, nice rant alonegiggler, but yes, homos are far more likely to be pedophiles than straights. Once you're acting out sick, perverted sex, to make the jump to molesting children is no big deal.

You're the one that better wise up, shit for brains, and quit lying.

Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse

Report: Pedophilia more common among homos
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