Boy Scouts now welcome gay youth

Do a little reading, nutters. Gay men are no more likely to be pedophiles than are straight men. To claim otherwise is a stupid argument kept alive by stupid people.

Yes. If you think a gay man is more likely to sexually assault a child ( boy or girl ) than a straight are fucking stupid.

Sorry, nice rant alonegiggler, but yes, homos are far more likely to be pedophiles than straights. Once you're acting out sick, perverted sex, to make the jump to molesting children is no big deal.

You're the one that better wise up, shit for brains, and quit lying.

Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse

Report: Pedophilia more common among homos

Scream it at the top of your lungs, dummy. You are a stupid fuck. You believe shit that is not true.
Correctable? How?

Were you not reading any of my posts? Did you not see the links? Or were you just planning to troll? Go back and read, cretin.

Your links do not say sexual orientation is "correctable". It isn't.

But my experience in studying medicine says it can. People are treated for hormonal issues all the time. You can change the the very gender of a person by altering their hormones. So in doing that, you can cure homosexuality.

Your point?
Were you not reading any of my posts? Did you not see the links? Or were you just planning to troll? Go back and read, cretin.

Your links do not say sexual orientation is "correctable". It isn't.

But my experience in studying medicine says it can. People are treated for hormonal issues all the time. You can change the the very gender of a person by altering their hormones. So in doing that, you can cure homosexuality.

Your point?


Nope. There is no correcting ones natural sexual orientation. You are wrong.
Can't face the truth can you?

The next time a 16 year old gay kid initiates a 12 year old you will all be screaming they were in love and Romeo and Juliet laws apply.
Can't face the truth can you?

The next time a 16 year old gay kid initiates a 12 year old you will all be screaming they were in love and Romeo and Juliet laws apply.

While you are accusing Boy Scouts of rape

Do you have any evidence of a gay Boy Scout raping a younger scout ?

Other than your own hate inspired fantasies?
I'm pretty sure his point was that bringing up NAMBLA has nothing to do with gay Scouts or Scout Masters. Or are you implying that gay Scout Masters are more than likely members of NAMBLA?

I don't have the slightest idea. However, one could logically assume that since the name of the organization "North American Man Boy Love Association would attract it's fair share of gay men, wouldn't you agree? Or are all the members straight freaks??

Do you have any proof that NAMBLA exists outside of a website?

How many members do they have? Who is their President? When was their last meeting?

Outside of rightwing fear mongering, NAMBLA barely exists

Of course......anything to bolster your childish parasitical liberal argument.

NAMBLA homepage

FBI Seizes NAMBLA List During Search | The Smoking Gun

NAMBLA - RationalWiki

Seven NAMBLA Members Busted in Sex Sting | Fox News

NAMBLA - Evil-Unveiled

North American Man/Boy Love Association - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now YOU do YOUR homework.
Do a little reading, nutters. Gay men are no more likely to be pedophiles than are straight men. To claim otherwise is a stupid argument kept alive by stupid people.

Yes. If you think a gay man is more likely to sexually assault a child ( boy or girl ) than a straight are fucking stupid.

Sorry, nice rant alonegiggler, but yes, homos are far more likely to be pedophiles than straights. Once you're acting out sick, perverted sex, to make the jump to molesting children is no big deal.

You're the one that better wise up, shit for brains, and quit lying.

Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse

Report: Pedophilia more common among homos

Scream it at the top of your lungs, dummy. You are a stupid fuck. You believe shit that is not true.
You're very accomplished at denial, and lying. Sure is moronic to be denying facts in such a public manner though, shows everyone just what kind of an idiot and liar you are, and starkly exposes your denial. Guess you have to live with it, shit for brains, but the rest of us don't, and won't.

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Seems like a good step to me. <My comment.

Boy Scouts now welcome gay youth - Houston Chronicle

The Boy Scouts of America welcomed openly gay boys to membership on Thursday, winning praise from supporters of the policy revision, consent from the Houston-area council that voted last month to oppose the change as well as disdain from conservative and religious groups whose leaders warned that the decision could cause the century-old organization's downfall.

A ban on gay adult leaders, delayed in February and removed from consideration last month, remains in place.

I don't have the slightest idea. However, one could logically assume that since the name of the organization "North American Man Boy Love Association would attract it's fair share of gay men, wouldn't you agree? Or are all the members straight freaks??

Do you have any proof that NAMBLA exists outside of a website?

How many members do they have? Who is their President? When was their last meeting?

Outside of rightwing fear mongering, NAMBLA barely exists

Of course......anything to bolster your childish parasitical liberal argument.

NAMBLA homepage

FBI Seizes NAMBLA List During Search | The Smoking Gun

NAMBLA - RationalWiki

Seven NAMBLA Members Busted in Sex Sting | Fox News

NAMBLA - Evil-Unveiled

North American Man/Boy Love Association - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now YOU do YOUR homework.


From your own link

. While NAMBLA is a real group, it has become the brunt of jokes, as well as a target frequently named in the context of moral panics over a purported child sexual abuse epidemic. This is so much so that most NAMBLA sightings these days may be parodists, and NAMBLA's membership, to the extent they still have one, is probably similar to the Communist Party USA's membership in the 1950s: mostly police infiltrators.
Can't face the truth can you?

The next time a 16 year old gay kid initiates a 12 year old you will all be screaming they were in love and Romeo and Juliet laws apply.

While you are accusing Boy Scouts of rape

Do you have any evidence of a gay Boy Scout raping a younger scout ?

Other than your own hate inspired fantasies?

Give them a chance they've only been allowed to be openly gay for one day.
Can't face the truth can you?

The next time a 16 year old gay kid initiates a 12 year old you will all be screaming they were in love and Romeo and Juliet laws apply.

While you are accusing Boy Scouts of rape

Do you have any evidence of a gay Boy Scout raping a younger scout ?

Other than your own hate inspired fantasies?

Give them a chance they've only been allowed to be openly gay for one day.

There have always been homosexual scouts

Provide a single example of one scout raping another scout outside of your own sick fantasies
Can't face the truth can you?

The next time a 16 year old gay kid initiates a 12 year old you will all be screaming they were in love and Romeo and Juliet laws apply.

Heterosexuals are far more likely to molest children than are homosexuals. Simple fact.

Another sick fact: Katz's sexual fantasies.
While you are accusing Boy Scouts of rape

Do you have any evidence of a gay Boy Scout raping a younger scout ?

Other than your own hate inspired fantasies?

Give them a chance they've only been allowed to be openly gay for one day.

There have always been homosexual scouts

Provide a single example of one scout raping another scout outside of your own sick fantasies

Recently the BSA had to turn over hundreds of files on molestation in the BSA by scouts and scout leaders. Lets just make all of them public.

Being openly gay is not the same thing as hiding it.

You have no point to make. This will do to the boy scouts what admitting lesbians did to the girl scouts.
Which is nothing, Katz. Sexual offenders are more likely to be hetero than homo.

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