Boy Scouts now welcome gay youth

Chick fil A? WTF does that have to do with the topic?

The BSA should not be supported by my tax dollars if they are going to discriminate. A private organization that is not supported by my tax dollars is perfectly free to discriminate.
When the haters are confronted with the truth, that heteros are more likely to prey on children, they act like spoiled little girls.
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Homo men top the list as worst pedophiles on earth, almost ten times more likely to molest a little boy than anyone else.

False statement. Check the source, and you will see the falseness of it.
Recently the BSA had to turn over hundreds of files on molestation in the BSA by scouts and scout leaders. Lets just make all of them public.

Lawyers are trying, the BSA is fighting.

Being openly gay is not the same thing as hiding it.

And do ursine mammals also evacuate in sylvan environments? Seriously, did you read what you typed? Being openly gay isn't the same thing as "hiding it" (i.e. not being openly gay). No shit?

You have no point to make. This will do to the boy scouts what admitting lesbians did to the girl scouts.

Which was what? Give us the year that the Girl Scouts stopped discriminating against their members and what it did to them as a result.
When the haters are confronted with the truth, that heteros are more likely to prey on children, they act like spoiled little girls.

STFU with your projection about people hating. You need to come out of the closet and admit to what everyone knows, you are a democrat liberal operative masquerading as a Republican. It will be healthy for you and the board.
When the haters are confronted with the truth, that heteros are more likely to prey on children, they act like spoiled little girls.

STFU with your projection about people hating. You need to come out of the closet and admit to what everyone knows, you are a democrat liberal operative masquerading as a Republican. It will be healthy for you and the board.

You are a hater, freewill. You are not mainstream Republican, only a RINO, and the mainstream GOP, of which I am a member, are minimalizing the reactionary influence in the party. We welcome the marginalization by SCOTUS of Prop 8 and DOMA next month.
Cite the source for ". . . because they are told if they complain it is them that will be court martialed?" I truly doubt you will find any reputable source for such a silly statement.
Recently the BSA had to turn over hundreds of files on molestation in the BSA by scouts and scout leaders. Lets just make all of them public.

Lawyers are trying, the BSA is fighting.

Being openly gay is not the same thing as hiding it.

And do ursine mammals also evacuate in sylvan environments? Seriously, did you read what you typed? Being openly gay isn't the same thing as "hiding it" (i.e. not being openly gay). No shit?

You have no point to make. This will do to the boy scouts what admitting lesbians did to the girl scouts.

Which was what? Give us the year that the Girl Scouts stopped discriminating against their members and what it did to them as a result.

The policy was changed in 2009. In 2011 they changed to admit transgendered members.

They have had not only a decline in membership, but a decline in cookie sales resulting in financial difficulties.

With membership falling by 250,000 in just five years, the Scouts have done a lot of soul searching. The group hired a management consultant and marketing team and laid out a "core business strategy" to make its programs "more purposeful," as one executive put it. Although November is cookie month — your doorbell may be ringing — the Scouts don't want to be known for cookies and camping anymore. Instead, executives use phrases like "outcomes-based," "pathways," "gap teams," "fading brand image" and "market share" to describe the new approach. (See pictures of pioneering women in space.) (See pictures of pioneering women in sports.)

Part of that approach involves reducing the number of local Girl Scout councils from 312 to 109 through mergers.

Read more: More Than Just Cookies: Rethinking the Girl Scouts - TIME

I was a girl scout for a brief time. Over the years I supported the GS by buying cookies evey year. When their policy changed, I stopped, but when offered cookies outside the grocery store where they set up the table, I now decline and tell them why. Not the little girls, but there is always an adult to supervise and I make sure they know that it is because of the change in policy.
Cite the source for ". . . because they are told if they complain it is them that will be court martialed?" I truly doubt you will find any reputable source for such a silly statement.

If you knew how to read, you would see that it is a question and not a statement.
Recently the BSA had to turn over hundreds of files on molestation in the BSA by scouts and scout leaders. Lets just make all of them public.

Lawyers are trying, the BSA is fighting.

And do ursine mammals also evacuate in sylvan environments? Seriously, did you read what you typed? Being openly gay isn't the same thing as "hiding it" (i.e. not being openly gay). No shit?

You have no point to make. This will do to the boy scouts what admitting lesbians did to the girl scouts.

Which was what? Give us the year that the Girl Scouts stopped discriminating against their members and what it did to them as a result.

The policy was changed in 2009. In 2011 they changed to admit transgendered members.

Link to specific policy change.

With membership falling by 250,000 in just five years,

More Than Just Cookies: Rethinking the Girl Scouts - TIME

Wait a minute...I'm not the best in math, but didn't the article you quoted just say their decline in membership started five years ago? 13 minus 5 is?

The Girl Scouts is not alone among social groups with its declining membership trend. The Boy Scouts, which has lost members since its peak in the 1980s, has worked to balance traditional camping and knot-tying with robotics and other 21st-century pursuits. Adult organizations such as Rotary clubs and Elks lodges also have lost members.

Blogs In, Badges Out as Girl Scouts Modernize

So are the declining membership of the Elks also because they allow "they gheys" to play in their reindeer games?

I was a girl scout for a brief time. Over the years I supported the GS by buying cookies evey year. When their policy changed, I stopped, but when offered cookies outside the grocery store where they set up the table, I now decline and tell them why. Not the little girls, but there is always an adult to supervise and I make sure they know that it is because of the change in policy.

Really? You tell them you won't buy cookies from little girls because you're a hateful bigot? That's very self aware.
Cite the source for ". . . because they are told if they complain it is them that will be court martialed?" I truly doubt you will find any reputable source for such a silly statement.

If you knew how to read, you would see that it is a question and not a statement.

It was an implication by you that requires support.

Hint: there is none. No one is threatened as an institutional policy for reporting sexual assault

Yes, Katz, your statement is silly and irrelevant.
Why the ban on gay leaders? Afraid a gay adult troop leader may "turn" a kid into a gay kid or something? Or molest a kid?
Chances are higher a straight perv will molest a scout more than a gay guy would.

I just looked at their "creed". They forgot to add "we will not tolerate intolerance".

how would a straight perv molest a kid? Men molesting boys are by definition gay....or did I miss the liberal rebranding of the word.
Why the ban on gay leaders? Afraid a gay adult troop leader may "turn" a kid into a gay kid or something? Or molest a kid?
Chances are higher a straight perv will molest a scout more than a gay guy would.

I just looked at their "creed". They forgot to add "we will not tolerate intolerance".

how would a straight perv molest a kid? Men molesting boys are by definition gay....or did I miss the liberal rebranding of the word.

What you missed are the facts.

According to Dr. Fred Berlin, a Johns Hopkins University professor who founded the National Institute for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Trauma in Baltimore, Md., pedophilia is a distinct sexual orientation marked by persistent, sometimes exclusive, attraction to prepubescent children.
Time Magazine: Pedophilia

We do not find a connection between homosexual identity and the increased likelihood of subsequent abuse from the data that we have right now ... It's important to separate the sexual identity and the behavior. Someone can commit sexual acts that might be of a homosexual nature but not have a homosexual identity.

National Catholic Reporter: Praise for report on gay priests and sex abuse
Why the ban on gay leaders? Afraid a gay adult troop leader may "turn" a kid into a gay kid or something? Or molest a kid?
Chances are higher a straight perv will molest a scout more than a gay guy would.

I just looked at their "creed". They forgot to add "we will not tolerate intolerance".

how would a straight perv molest a kid? Men molesting boys are by definition gay....or did I miss the liberal rebranding of the word.

Both heterosexuals and homosexuals act as pedophiles.

Please look up all three definitions, repeat them often, then stop your ignorant irrelevant reactionary remarks.
Heterosexual child molesters look for places where male pervs can have access to little girls. Homosexual child molesters look for places where male pervs can have access to little boys.

The Boy Scouts have long been targets of homosexual pervs. Sometimes they got in, were found out and thrown out. Thousands of them.

In Scouting reports, a pattern of molestation - Los Angeles Times

The thousands of men expelled from the Boy Scouts of America on suspicion of molesting children came from all walks of life — teachers and plumbers, doctors and bus drivers, politicians and policemen. They ranged in age from teens to senior citizens and came from troops in every state.

As the Scouts long have said, the files suggest no single profile of a predator. But a close look at nearly 1,900 confidential files opened between 1970 and 1991 revealed a pattern: Many suspected molesters engaged in what psychologists today call "grooming behavior," a gradual seduction in which predators lavish children with attention, favors and gifts.

All these men did not molest boys. They were thrown out on SUSPICION of molesting boys or not even going that far but exhibiting grooming behavior.
Katz, predators are human adults, homosexuals and heterosexuals.

We can keep watch over our children vigilantly.

We will not allow the far right social traditionalists to groom our children in the ways of hatred.
The difference is, homosexuals have a tendency to excuse and understand homosexuals preying on children. Look at the support from gays that predator Kaitlyn Hunt is getting!

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