Boy Scouts now welcome gay youth

How many of the supporters of this new policy have ever actually been a Scout or a Scouter?

How many of you have actually been on the camping trips?

How many of you actually take your time to dedicate to working with a Troop or a Pack?

How many of you know anything at all about Boy Scouting beside what you have heard in the media?

I was a Boy Scout. Won the Pinewood Derby.

I have been on the camping trips.

I know that two of my students have mothers who are heavily involved in the organization. One of them is lesbian. They volunteer a ton of time.
I respect your opinion but I do not agree with it. Too much about homosexuality is still unknown and science is still exploring it. But I can't see gays choosing to be gay. Why would they want that torment from society? And what about children born with both sets of sexual organs? Easier to remove the penis...but the BRAIN says they are attracted to FEMALES although now they also have a vagina that was either repaired or made after the penis was removed. And vice versa. But most doctors take the easier route..which is cutting it off.

It is wise to be accepting of an opinion and tolerate disagreement. Thank you.

As to the bolded phrase: Why does a petulant child seek attention? People sometimes go to great lengths to gain attention, even if it draws intense scorn from others. Why does a person fake having cancer or AIDS? They will do it regardless of the pain and suffering they endure, so long as they gain that attention.

Interesting. You think a dude wants attention......needs it so badly that he'll put another dude's cock in his mouth or up his ass?

Like faking AIDS or cancer?

You are truly brilliant! If I ever said or suggested that you are anything less than supremely intelligent, I offer my sincere apology here. You have proven me wrong with this one.
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How many of the supporters of this new policy have ever actually been a Scout or a Scouter?

How many of you have actually been on the camping trips?

How many of you actually take your time to dedicate to working with a Troop or a Pack?

How many of you know anything at all about Boy Scouting beside what you have heard in the media?

I was involved with a Boy Scout Troop (and Cub Scouts) for 14 years. My son is an Eagle Scout. I went on many camping trips. I was on the Troop Committee.

I saw an organization that was dedicated to helping boys regardless of their life situation. We took in boys from troubled homes, we took boys who were socially awkward, boys who had emotional problems, boys who were known troublemakers

The overwhelming goal was that we thought the scouting experience could help these boys and give them skills and experiences that would help them their whole life

To exclude a boy who realizes that he is homosexual and is coming to terms with his sexuality is just plain wrong and is contrary to the ideals of scouting
I guess we can't have a "private" organization- club in this country anymore..

You will be hounded and bullied if you do
I guess we can't have a "private" organization- club in this country anymore..

You will be hounded and bullied if you do

As a private organization, the Boy Scouts decided to allow gays. Girl Scouts had already made that decision

It is the right thing to do
I guess we can't have a "private" organization- club in this country anymore..

You will be hounded and bullied if you do

As a private organization, the Boy Scouts decided to allow gays. Girl Scouts had already made that decision

It is the right thing to do

like I said, they will be hounded and BULLIED..
but you have no problem with that
Sexual orientation should have nothing to do with what the Scouts are about. Do straight scouts talk about what they do in the bedroom? No. So why would gay scouts talk about it?

They do?

Gracie talks about an interesting contradiction with the Boy Scouts

Yes, heterosexual Boy Scouts would brag about their sexual exploits. For some reason, scouts could never figure out that the thin walls of a tent were not an effective sound barrier.

I never saw a boy kicked out of Scouting for admitting to not being a virgin. Yet, the BSA would kick out gay boys for not being "morally straight"
I guess we can't have a "private" organization- club in this country anymore..

You will be hounded and bullied if you do

As a private organization, the Boy Scouts decided to allow gays. Girl Scouts had already made that decision

It is the right thing to do

like I said, they will be hounded and BULLIED..
but you have no problem with that

Maybe by the likes of YOU they will, but not by most.

And, IMO, this is all about the Eagle Scouts and the bad PR in the last few years about Eagle Scouts getting kicked out ONLY because of being gay.
I guess we can't have a "private" organization- club in this country anymore..

You will be hounded and bullied if you do

As a private organization, the Boy Scouts decided to allow gays. Girl Scouts had already made that decision

It is the right thing to do

like I said, they will be hounded and BULLIED..
but you have no problem with that

No, I don't have a problem with using public opinion to sway a private organization's backwards views. Isn't that what we're supposed to do?

How were the BSA "bullied" into accepting gay members into their ranks?
As a private organization, the Boy Scouts decided to allow gays. Girl Scouts had already made that decision

It is the right thing to do

like I said, they will be hounded and BULLIED..
but you have no problem with that

Maybe by the likes of YOU they will, but not by most.

And, IMO, this is all about the Eagle Scouts and the bad PR in the last few years about Eagle Scouts getting kicked out ONLY because of being gay.

NO, by the likes of you on left
you all should be proud of your reputation, bullies...You could of started your own scouts club but that would of been TOO MUCH I guess
Membership will now dwindle down to nothing and that will be the end of the Boy Scouts.
When I was involved in scouting we would get some boys who were somewhat effeminate. Their parents would send them to scouting in a hope that they would "man-up"
Many would eventually drop out, but some made good scouts and were great kids
What was supposed to happen to these boys when they eventually acknowledge that they are gay?
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A few dumb questions. How did you know what gender you liked until you hit sexual maturity? How does one know they are gay? Does it suddenly pop into their head at puberty? Or is it because of coercion from the outside world? It's illogical to think homosexuality is a hereditary thing.

I was looking up women's skirts when I was 2-3 years old. I pretty much knew.

That's nonsense. A lie. I had no clue as to what sexuality was at that age. You like any child that age, were simply being mischievous, just as I liked to play inside the circular clothes racks in the women's department. I had no idea.

Nice try though.

It is not a lie, it is the absolute truth. I can remember crawling around on the floor looking up women's skirts.

Or was that college?
like I said, they will be hounded and BULLIED..
but you have no problem with that

Maybe by the likes of YOU they will, but not by most.

And, IMO, this is all about the Eagle Scouts and the bad PR in the last few years about Eagle Scouts getting kicked out ONLY because of being gay.

NO, by the likes of you on left
you all should be proud of your reputation, bullies...You could of started your own scouts club but that would of been TOO MUCH I guess

How do you figure that you own the Boy Scouts?
I guess we can't have a "private" organization- club in this country anymore..

You will be hounded and bullied if you do

As a private organization, the Boy Scouts decided to allow gays. Girl Scouts had already made that decision

It is the right thing to do

When Girl Scouts made that decision membership immediately dropped by 20% and they never recovered. In an effort to attract new members, the Girl Scouts did away with merit badges and it didn't help.

As a private organization the BSA had an absolute right to vote to allow in gays. It will just do to the BSA what allowing lesbians into the GSA did.

No matter how tolerant, no matter how sensitive an individual might be, when it comes to their own children it's a different story.
It's gonna be a hoot when a bunch of gay kids are called Webelos. I hope they know that it's an actual rank and not an insult to their life style.
and just like the new military, those kweer kids will be trying to hump a straight kid in his tent.

this along with all liberal social experiments will soon become a total disaster :clap2:

why do you liarberals want this country to become totally depraved perverted nation ?????????????????

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