Boy Scouts to remove word boy from name

Omg the conservative tears :rolleyes:

Offended? Then don’t send your kids to have fun in the scouts.
yea, well when something happens the liberals hate, we see a shitton of their/your tears now don't we?

offended by people praying? then don't get around those people.
offended by people speaking their minds when you don't agree, live with it.
Every single boy will be accused of improperly touching or rape. Good work libtards.
Boy Scouts to Remove Word ‘Boy’ from Name
The Boy Scouts of America announced Wednesday its plan to remove the word “Boy” from its iconic program.

According Chief Scout Executive Mike Surbaugh, a new campaign entitled “Scout Me In” aims to push for more inclusiveness in the organization’s ranks.


Mental illness is spreading like a cancer, and those with a mind left need to stand up and fight to keep this Country from falling on all the levels it's falling to.
Who do we blame for this? Obama or H. Clinton?
Omg the conservative tears :rolleyes:

Offended? Then don’t send your kids to have fun in the scouts.
You don't have to vote for Trump yet you've been crying like a girl scout for how long now?
A cries like a girl joke? How old are you?
says the person enjoying their "conservative tears" comment in a 3rd grade manner.
You’re playing the offended victim over girls being allowed to play with boys. What grade-range does that make you? Kindergarten?

It's OK, Boys can still play with boys, and girls can still play with girls, as long as the thought of such doesn't trigger you.

Don't think I like this. Girls, too, need a space where they can compete without the boys continually "winning."
NO, new name is Scouts, BSA

(IMO, they could have left the A off)
That moment when your grandson brings home his new scout pin for needlepoint.

Hey, as long as the cookies don't go away..........

If you're looking for adventure of a new and different kind
And you come across a Girl Scout who is similarly inclined
Don't be nervous don't be flustered don't be scared...
Be prepared

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